.. _volatility-processes: Volatility Processes ==================== A volatility process is added to a mean model to capture time-varying volatility. .. module:: arch.univariate :noindex: .. currentmodule:: arch.univariate .. autosummary:: :toctree: generated/ ConstantVariance GARCH FIGARCH EGARCH HARCH MIDASHyperbolic ARCH APARCH Parameterless Variance Processes -------------------------------- Some volatility processes use fixed parameters and so have no parameters that are estimable. .. autosummary:: :toctree: generated/ EWMAVariance RiskMetrics2006 FixedVariance ------------- The ``FixedVariance`` class is a special-purpose volatility process that allows the so-called zig-zag algorithm to be used. See the example for usage. .. autosummary:: :toctree: generated/ FixedVariance Writing New Volatility Processes -------------------------------- All volatility processes must inherit from :class:`~arch.univariate.volatility.VolatilityProcess` and provide all public methods. .. currentmodule:: arch.univariate.volatility .. autosummary:: :toctree: generated/ VolatilityProcess They may optionally expose a :class:`~arch.univariate.recursions_python.VolatilityUpdater` class that can be used in :class:`~arch.univariate.ARCHInMean` estimation. .. currentmodule:: arch.univariate.recursions_python .. autosummary:: :toctree: generated/ VolatilityUpdater