Source code for arch.unitroot._phillips_ouliaris

from typing import Optional

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from scipy import stats
from statsmodels.iolib.summary import Summary
from statsmodels.iolib.table import SimpleTable
from statsmodels.regression.linear_model import RegressionResults

import arch.covariance.kernel as lrcov
from arch.typing import ArrayLike1D, ArrayLike2D
from arch.unitroot._shared import (
from arch.unitroot.critical_values.phillips_ouliaris import (
from arch.unitroot.unitroot import TREND_DESCRIPTION
from arch.utility.array import ensure2d
from import str_format
from arch.utility.timeseries import add_trend

class CriticalValueWarning(RuntimeWarning):

def _po_ptests(
    z: pd.DataFrame,
    xsection: RegressionResults,
    test_type: str,
    trend: str,
    kernel: str,
    bandwidth: Optional[int],
    force_int: bool,
) -> "PhillipsOuliarisTestResults":
    nobs = z.shape[0]
    z_lead = z.iloc[1:]
    z_lag = add_trend(z.iloc[:-1], trend=trend)
    phi = np.linalg.lstsq(z_lag, z_lead, rcond=None)[0]
    xi = z_lead - np.asarray(z_lag @ phi)

    ker_est = KERNEL_ESTIMATORS[kernel]
    cov_est = ker_est(xi, bandwidth=bandwidth, center=False, force_int=force_int)
    cov = cov_est.cov
    # Rescale to match definition in PO
    omega = (nobs - 1) / nobs * np.asarray(cov.long_run)

    u = np.asarray(xsection.resid)
    if test_type == "pu":
        denom = u.T @ u / nobs
        omega21 = omega[0, 1:]
        omega22 = omega[1:, 1:]
        omega22_inv = np.linalg.inv(omega22)
        omega112 = omega[0, 0] - np.squeeze(omega21.T @ omega22_inv @ omega21)
        test_stat = nobs * float(np.squeeze(omega112 / denom))
        # returning p_z
        _z = np.asarray(z)
        if trend != "n":
            tr = add_trend(nobs=_z.shape[0], trend=trend)
            _z = _z - tr @ np.linalg.lstsq(tr, _z, rcond=None)[0]
            _z = _z - _z[:1]  # Ensure first observation is 0
        m_zz = _z.T @ _z / nobs
        test_stat = nobs * float(np.squeeze((omega @ np.linalg.inv(m_zz)).trace()))
    cv = phillips_ouliaris_cv(test_type, trend, z.shape[1], z.shape[0])
    pval = phillips_ouliaris_pval(test_stat, test_type, trend, z.shape[1])
    return PhillipsOuliarisTestResults(

def _po_ztests(
    yx: pd.DataFrame,
    xsection: RegressionResults,
    test_type: str,
    trend: str,
    kernel: str,
    bandwidth: Optional[int],
    force_int: bool,
) -> "PhillipsOuliarisTestResults":
    # Za and Zt tests
    u = np.asarray(xsection.resid)[:, None]
    nobs = u.shape[0]
    # Rescale to match definition in PO
    k_scale = (nobs - 1) / nobs
    alpha = np.linalg.lstsq(u[:-1], u[1:, 0], rcond=None)[0]
    k = u[1:] - alpha * u[:-1]
    u2 = np.squeeze(u[:-1].T @ u[:-1])
    kern_est = KERNEL_ESTIMATORS[kernel]
    cov_est = kern_est(k, bandwidth=bandwidth, center=False, force_int=force_int)
    cov = cov_est.cov
    one_sided_strict = k_scale * cov.one_sided_strict

    z = float(np.squeeze((alpha - 1) - nobs * one_sided_strict / u2))
    if test_type == "za":
        test_stat = nobs * z
        long_run = k_scale * np.squeeze(cov.long_run)
        avar = long_run / u2
        se = np.sqrt(avar)
        test_stat = z / se
    cv = phillips_ouliaris_cv(test_type, trend, yx.shape[1], yx.shape[0])
    pval = phillips_ouliaris_pval(test_stat, test_type, trend, yx.shape[1])
    x = xsection.model.exog
    return PhillipsOuliarisTestResults(
        order=x.shape[1] + 1,

[docs]def phillips_ouliaris( y: ArrayLike1D, x: ArrayLike2D, trend: str = "c", *, test_type: str = "Zt", kernel: str = "bartlett", bandwidth: Optional[int] = None, force_int: bool = False, ) -> "PhillipsOuliarisTestResults": r""" Test for cointegration within a set of time series. Parameters ---------- y : array_like The left-hand-side variable in the cointegrating regression. x : array_like The right-hand-side variables in the cointegrating regression. trend : {"n","c","ct","ctt"}, default "c" Trend to include in the cointegrating regression. Trends are: * "n": No deterministic terms * "c": Constant * "ct": Constant and linear trend * "ctt": Constant, linear and quadratic trends test_type : {"Za", "Zt", "Pu", "Pz"}, default "Zt" The test statistic to compute. Supported options are: * "Za": The Zα test based on the the debiased AR(1) coefficient. * "Zt": The Zt test based on the t-statistic from an AR(1). * "Pu": The Pᵤ variance-ratio test. * "Pz": The Pz test of the trace of the product of an estimate of the long-run residual variance and the inner-product of the data. See the notes for details on the test. kernel : str, default "bartlett" The string name of any of any known kernel-based long-run covariance estimators. Common choices are "bartlett" for the Bartlett kernel (Newey-West), "parzen" for the Parzen kernel and "quadratic-spectral" for the Quadratic Spectral kernel. bandwidth : int, default None The bandwidth to use. If not provided, the optimal bandwidth is estimated from the data. Setting the bandwidth to 0 and using "unadjusted" produces the classic OLS covariance estimator. Setting the bandwidth to 0 and using "robust" produces White's covariance estimator. force_int : bool, default False Whether the force the estimated optimal bandwidth to be an integer. Returns ------- PhillipsOuliarisTestResults Results of the Phillips-Ouliaris test. See Also -------- arch.unitroot.ADF Augmented Dickey-Fuller testing. arch.unitroot.PhillipsPerron Phillips & Perron's unit root test. arch.unitroot.cointegration.engle_granger Engle & Granger's cointegration test. Notes ----- .. warning:: The critical value simulation is on-going and so the critical values may change slightly as more simulations are completed. These are still based on far more simulations (minimum 2,000,000) than were possible in 1990 (5000) that are reported in [1]_. Supports 4 distinct tests. Define the cross-sectional regression .. math:: y_t = x_t \beta + d_t \gamma + u_t where :math:`d_t` are any included deterministic terms. Let :math:`\hat{u}_t = y_t - x_t \hat{\beta} + d_t \hat{\gamma}`. The Zα and Zt statistics are defined as .. math:: \hat{Z}_\alpha & = T \times z \\ \hat{Z}_t & = \frac{\hat{\sigma}_u}{\hat{\omega}^2} \times \sqrt{T} z \\ z & = (\hat{\alpha} - 1) - \hat{\omega}^2_1 / \hat{\sigma}^2_u where :math:`\hat{\sigma}^2_u=T^{-1}\sum_{t=2}^T \hat{u}_t^2`, :math:`\hat{\omega}^2_1` is an estimate of the one-sided strict autocovariance, and :math:`\hat{\omega}^2` is an estimate of the long-run variance of the process. The :math:`\hat{P}_u` variance-ratio statistic is defined as .. math:: \hat{P}_u = \frac{\hat{\omega}_{11\cdot2}}{\tilde{\sigma}^2_u} where :math:`\tilde{\sigma}^2_u=T^{-1}\sum_{t=1}^T \hat{u}_t^2` and .. math:: \hat{\omega}_{11\cdot 2} = \hat{\omega}_{11} - \hat{\omega}'_{21} \hat{\Omega}_{22}^{-1} \hat{\omega}_{21} and .. math:: \hat{\Omega}=\left[\begin{array}{cc} \hat{\omega}_{11} & \hat{\omega}'_{21}\\ \hat{\omega}_{21} & \hat{\Omega}_{22} \end{array}\right] is an estimate of the long-run covariance of :math:`\xi_t`, the residuals from an VAR(1) on :math:`z_t=[y_t,z_t]` that includes and trends included in the test. .. math:: z_t = \Phi z_{t-1} + \xi_\tau The final test statistic is defined .. math:: \hat{P}_z = T \times \mathrm{tr}(\hat{\Omega} M_{zz}^{-1}) where :math:`M_{zz} = \sum_{t=1}^T \tilde{z}'_t \tilde{z}_t`, :math:`\tilde{z}_t` is the vector of data :math:`z_t=[y_t,x_t]` detrended using any trend terms included in the test, :math:`\tilde{z}_t = z_t - d_t \hat{\kappa}` and :math:`\hat{\Omega}` is defined above. The specification of the :math:`\hat{P}_z` test statistic when trend is "n" differs from the expression in [1]_. We recenter :math:`z_t` by subtracting the first observation, so that :math:`\tilde{z}_t = z_t - z_1`. This is needed to ensure that the initial value does not affect the distribution under the null. When the trend is anything other than "n", this set is not needed and the test statistics is identical whether the first observation is subtracted or not. References ---------- .. [1] Phillips, P. C., & Ouliaris, S. (1990). Asymptotic properties of residual based tests for cointegration. Econometrica: Journal of the Econometric Society, 165-193. """ test_type = test_type.lower() if test_type not in ("za", "zt", "pu", "pz"): raise ValueError( f"Unknown test_type: {test_type}. Only Za, Zt, Pu and Pz are supported." ) kernel = kernel.lower().replace("-", "").replace("_", "") if kernel not in KERNEL_ESTIMATORS: raise ValueError(KERNEL_ERR) y = ensure2d(y, "y") x = ensure2d(x, "x") xsection = _cross_section(y, x, trend) data = x_df = data.orig_exog.iloc[:, : x.shape[1]] z = pd.concat([data.orig_endog, x_df], axis=1) if test_type in ("pu", "pz"): return _po_ptests(z, xsection, test_type, trend, kernel, bandwidth, force_int) return _po_ztests(z, xsection, test_type, trend, kernel, bandwidth, force_int)
[docs]class PhillipsOuliarisTestResults(ResidualCointegrationTestResult): def __init__( self, stat: float, pvalue: float, crit_vals: pd.Series, null: str = "No Cointegration", alternative: str = "Cointegration", trend: str = "c", order: int = 2, xsection: Optional[RegressionResults] = None, test_type: str = "Za", kernel_est: Optional[lrcov.CovarianceEstimator] = None, rho: float = 0.0, ) -> None: super().__init__( stat, pvalue, crit_vals, null, alternative, trend, order, xsection=xsection ) = f"Phillips-Ouliaris {test_type} Cointegration Test" self._test_type = test_type assert kernel_est is not None self._kernel_est = kernel_est self._rho = rho self._additional_info.update( { "Kernel": self.kernel, "Bandwidth": str_format(kernel_est.bandwidth), "Trend": self.trend, "Distribution Order": self.distribution_order, } ) @property def kernel(self) -> str: """Name of the long-run covariance estimator""" return self._kernel_est.__class__.__name__ @property def bandwidth(self) -> float: """Bandwidth used by the long-run covariance estimator""" return self._kernel_est.bandwidth
[docs] def summary(self) -> Summary: """Summary of test, containing statistic, p-value and critical values""" if self.bandwidth == int(self.bandwidth): bw = str(int(self.bandwidth)) else: bw = f"{self.bandwidth:0.3f}" table_data = [ ("Test Statistic", f"{self.stat:0.3f}"), ("P-value", f"{self.pvalue:0.3f}"), ("Kernel", f"{self.kernel}"), ("Bandwidth", bw), ] title = table = SimpleTable( table_data, stubs=None, title=title, colwidths=18, datatypes=[0, 1], data_aligns=("l", "r"), ) smry = Summary() smry.tables.append(table) cv_string = "Critical Values: " for val in self.critical_values.keys(): p = str(int(val)) + "%" cv_string += f"{self.critical_values[val]:0.2f}" cv_string += " (" + p + ")" cv_string += ", " # Remove trailing ,<space> cv_string = cv_string[:-2] extra_text = [ "Trend: " + TREND_DESCRIPTION[self._trend], cv_string, "Null Hypothesis: " + self.null_hypothesis, "Alternative Hypothesis: " + self.alternative_hypothesis, "Distribution Order: " + str(self.distribution_order), ] smry.add_extra_txt(extra_text) return smry
def phillips_ouliaris_cv(test_type: str, trend: str, num: int, nobs: int) -> pd.Series: """ Critical Values for Phillips-Ouliaris tests Parameters ---------- test_type : {"Za", "Zt", "Pu", "Pz"} The test type trend : {"n", "c", "ct", "ctt"} The trend included in the model num : int Number of assumed stochastic trends in the model under the null. Must be between 2 and 13. nobs : int The number of observations in the time series. Returns ------- Series The critical values for 1, 5 and 10% """ test_types = ("Za", "Zt", "Pu", "Pz") test_type = test_type.capitalize() if test_type not in test_types: raise ValueError(f"test_type must be one of: {', '.join(test_types)}") trends = ("n", "c", "ct", "ctt") if trend not in trends: valid = ",".join(trends) raise ValueError(f"trend must by one of: {valid}") if not 2 <= num <= 13: raise ValueError( "The number of stochastic trends must be between 2 and " "12 (inclusive)" ) key = (test_type, trend, num) tbl = CV_PARAMETERS[key] min_size = CV_TAU_MIN[key] if nobs < min_size: import warnings warnings.warn( "The sample size is smaller than the smallest sample size used " "to construct the critical value tables. Interpret test " "results with caution.", CriticalValueWarning, ) crit_vals = {} for size in (10, 5, 1): params = tbl[size] x = 1.0 / (nobs ** np.arange(4.0)) crit_vals[size] = x @ params return pd.Series(crit_vals) def phillips_ouliaris_pval(stat: float, test_type: str, trend: str, num: int) -> float: """ Asymptotic P-values for Phillips-Ouliaris t-tests Parameters ---------- stat : float The test statistic test_type : {"Za", "Zt", "Pu", "Pz"} The test type trend : {"n", "c", "ct", "ctt"} The trend included in the model num : int Number of assumed stochastic trends in the model under the null. Must be between 2 and 13. Returns ------- float The asymptotic p-value """ test_types = ("Za", "Zt", "Pu", "Pz") test_type = test_type.capitalize() if test_type not in test_types: raise ValueError(f"test_type must be one of: {', '.join(test_types)}") trends = ("n", "c", "ct", "ctt") if trend not in trends: valid = ",".join(trends) raise ValueError(f"trend must by one of: {valid}") if not 2 <= num <= 13: raise ValueError( "The number of stochastic trends must be between 2 and " "12 (inclusive)" ) key = (test_type, trend, num) if test_type in ("Pu", "Pz"): # These are upper tail, so we multiply by -1 to make lower tail stat = -1 * stat tau_max = PVAL_TAU_MAX[key] tau_min = PVAL_TAU_MIN[key] tau_star = PVAL_TAU_STAR[key] if stat > tau_max: return 1.0 elif stat < tau_min: return 0.0 if stat > tau_star: params = np.array(PVAL_LARGE_P[key]) else: params = np.array(PVAL_SMALL_P[key]) order = params.shape[0] x = stat ** np.arange(order) return stats.norm().cdf(params @ x)