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Lesson 17

Conditional Statements

  • if-elif-else blocks

Problem: Print value if negative

Draw a standard normal value using np.random.standard_normal and print the value if it is negative.

Note: Rerun the cell a few time to see different output.

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Problem: Print different messages based on value

Draw a standard normal value and print "Positive" if it is positive and "Negative" if not.

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Draw a standard t random variable with 2 degrees of freedom using np.random.standard_t(2) and print "Negative Outlier" if less than -2, "Positive Outlier" if larger than 2, and "Inlier" if between -2 and 2.

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Exercise: Classify two points

Generate two standard normal values x and y using two calls to rs.standard_normal(). Use an if-elif-else clause to print the quadrant they are in. The four quadrants are upper right, upper left, lower left and lower right.

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Exercise: Generate a contaminated normal

Generate a uniform using u = rs.sample(). Using this value and an if-else clause, generate a contaminated normal which is a draw from a $N(0,1)$ ($N(\mu,sigma^2)$) if $u<0.95$ or a draw from a $N(0,10)$ otherwise. Use rs.normal to generate the normal variable.

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