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Lesson 9

Common DataFrame methods

This lesson introduces the common DataFrame methods that we will repeatedly use in the course.

This first cell load data for use in this lesson.

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# Setup: Load prices
import pandas as pd
prices = pd.read_hdf("data/dataframes.h5", "prices")
sep_04 = pd.read_hdf("data/dataframes.h5", "sep_04")
goog = pd.read_hdf("data/dataframes.h5", "goog")
returns = prices.pct_change().dropna()
spy_returns = returns.SPY
aapl_returns = returns.AAPL
goog_returns = returns.GOOG

Problem: Constructing portfolio returns

Compute the return of a portfolio with weight $\frac{1}{3}$ in each security using multiplication (*) and .sum().

Note: You need to use the axis keyword for the sum.

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Problem: Compute the Mean and Standard Deviation

Using the function mean, compute the mean of the three returns series one at a time. For example

goog_mean = goog_returns.mean()

Next, compute the mean of the matrix of returns using

retmean = returns.mean()

What is the relationship between these two? Repeat this exercise for the standard deviation (std()).

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Problem: Compute Correlation

Compute the correlation of the matrix of returns (corr()).

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Problem: Summing all elements

Compute the sum of the columns of returns using .sum(). How is this related to the mean computed in the previous step?

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Problem: Maximum and Minimum Values

Compute the minimum and maximum values of the columns of returns using the min() and max() commands.

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Problem: Rounding Up, Down and to the Closest Integer

Rounding up is handled by ceil, rounding down is handled by floor and rounding to the closest integer is handled by round. Try all of these commands on 100 times returns. For example,

rounded = (100*returns).round()

Use ceil and floor to round up and down, respectively.

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Exercise: Compute Quantiles

Compute the 5%, 25%, 50%, 75% and 95% quantiles of momentum using the quantile method.

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# Setup: Load data
import pandas as pd
momentum = pd.read_csv("data/momentum.csv", index_col="date", parse_dates=True)
mom_10 = momentum.mom_10
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Exercise: Sorting

Use sort_values to sort momentum by the column mom_10. Verify that the sort was successful by looking at the minimum of a diff.

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Exercise: Sort Descending

Use sort_values to sort momentum by by the column mom_10 using a descending sort (see the help for sort_values). Verify the sort worked by looking at the maximum of a diff.

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Exercise: Get Number of Elements

Use the shape property to get the number of observations in momentum. Use it again to get the number of columns.

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Exercise: Use shift to Compute Returns

Compute the percentage change using only shift, division (/) and subtraction (-) on the Series mom_10. Verify that your result matches what pct_change produces.

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