.. _panel-implementation-choices: Implementation Choices ---------------------- While the implementation of the panel estimators is similar to Stata, there are some differenced worth noting. Clustered Covariance with Fixed Effects ======================================= When using clustered standard errors and entity effects, it is not necessary to adjust for estimated effects. ``PanelOLS`` attempts to detect when this is the case and automatically adjust the degree of freedom. This can be overridden using by setting the fit option ``auto_df=False`` and then changing the value of ``count_effects``. :math:`R^2` definitions ======================= The :math:`R^2` definitions are all designed so that the reported value will match the original model using the estimated parameters. This differs from other packages, such as Stata, which use a correlation based measure which ignores the estimated intercept (if included) and allows for affine adjustments to estimated parameters. The main reported :math:`R^2` (``rsquared`` in returned results) is always the :math:`R^2` from the actual model fit, after adjusting the data for: * weights (all estimators) * effects (:class:`~linearmodels.panel.model.PanelOLS`) * re-centering (:class:`~linearmodels.panel.model.RandomEffects`) * within entity aggregation (:class:`~linearmodels.panel.model.BetweenOLS`) * differencing (:class:`~linearmodels.panel.model.FirstDifferenceOLS`)