Covariance estimators for linear factor models
from __future__ import annotations
import numpy
from numpy import empty
from numpy.linalg import inv
from linearmodels.iv.covariance import (
import linearmodels.typing.data
class _HACMixin:
def __init__(self, kernel: str, bandwidth: float | None) -> None:
self._kernel: str | None = None
self._bandwidth: float | None = None # pragma: no cover
self._moments: numpy.ndarray = empty((0,)) # pragma: no cover
def kernel(self) -> str:
"""Kernel used in estimation"""
assert self._kernel is not None
return self._kernel
def bandwidth(self) -> float:
"""Bandwidth used in estimation"""
if self._bandwidth is None:
assert self._moments is not None
moments = self._moments
m = moments / moments.std(0)[None, :]
m = m.sum(1)
bw = kernel_optimal_bandwidth(m, kernel=self.kernel)
self._bandwidth = bw
return self._bandwidth
def _check_kernel(self, kernel: str) -> None:
if not isinstance(kernel, str):
raise TypeError("kernel must be the name of a kernel")
self._kernel = kernel.lower()
if self._kernel not in KERNEL_LOOKUP:
raise ValueError("Unknown kernel")
def _check_bandwidth(self, bandwidth: float | None) -> None:
self._bandwidth = bandwidth
if bandwidth is not None:
assert bandwidth is not None
bandwidth = float(bandwidth)
except (TypeError, ValueError):
raise TypeError("bandwidth must be either None or a float")
if bandwidth < 0:
raise ValueError("bandwidth must be non-negative.")
def _kernel_cov(
self, z: linearmodels.typing.data.Float64Array
) -> linearmodels.typing.data.Float64Array:
nobs = z.shape[0]
bw = self.bandwidth
kernel = self._kernel
assert kernel is not None
kernel_estimator = KERNEL_LOOKUP[kernel]
weights = kernel_estimator(bw, nobs - 1)
out = cov_kernel(z, weights)
return (out + out.T) / 2
class HeteroskedasticCovariance:
Heteroskedasticity robust covariance estimator
xe : ndarray
Scores/moment conditions
jacobian : ndarray
Jacobian. One and only one of jacobian and inv_jacobian must
be provided
inv_jacobian : {ndarray, None}
Inverse jacobian. One and only one of jacobian and inv_jacobian must
be provided. Default is None.
center : bool
Flag indicating to center the scores when computing the covariance. Default
is true.
debiased : bool
Flag indicating to use a debiased estimator. Default is False.
df : int
Degree of freedom value ot use if debiasing. Default is 0.
def __init__(
xe: linearmodels.typing.data.Float64Array,
jacobian: numpy.ndarray | None = None,
inv_jacobian: numpy.ndarray | None = None,
center: bool = True,
debiased: bool = False,
df: int = 0,
) -> None:
self._moments = self._xe = xe
self._jac = jacobian
self._inv_jac = inv_jacobian
self._center = center
if (jacobian is not None) == (inv_jacobian is not None):
raise ValueError(
"One and only one of jacobian or inv_jacobian must be provided."
self._debiased = debiased
self._df = df
if jacobian is not None:
self._square = jacobian.shape[0] == jacobian.shape[1]
assert inv_jacobian is not None
self._square = inv_jacobian.shape[0] == inv_jacobian.shape[1]
def __str__(self) -> str:
return self.__class__.__name__
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return self.__str__() + f", id: {hex(id(self))}"
def config(self) -> dict[str, str | float]:
return {"type": self.__class__.__name__}
def s(self) -> linearmodels.typing.data.Float64Array:
Score/moment condition covariance
Covariance of the scores or moment conditions
xe = self._xe
nobs = xe.shape[0]
if self._center:
xe = xe - xe.mean(0)[None, :]
out = xe.T @ xe / nobs
return (out + out.T) / 2
def jacobian(self) -> linearmodels.typing.data.Float64Array:
"""The Jacobian"""
if self._jac is None:
assert self._inv_jac is not None
self._jac = inv(self._inv_jac)
assert self._jac is not None
return self._jac
def inv_jacobian(self) -> linearmodels.typing.data.Float64Array:
"""Inverse Jacobian"""
if self._inv_jac is None:
assert self._jac is not None
self._inv_jac = inv(self._jac)
assert self._inv_jac is not None
return self._inv_jac
def square(self) -> bool:
"""Flag indicating if jacobian is square"""
return self._square
def cov(self) -> linearmodels.typing.data.Float64Array:
Compute parameter covariance
Parameter covariance
s = self.s
nobs = self._xe.shape[0]
scale = 1 / (nobs - int(self._debiased) * self._df)
if self.square:
ji = self.inv_jacobian
out = ji @ s @ ji.T
j = self.jacobian
out = inv(j.T @ inv(s) @ j)
out = (scale / 2) * (out + out.T)
return out
class KernelCovariance(HeteroskedasticCovariance, _HACMixin):
Heteroskedasticity-autocorrelation (HAC) robust covariance estimator
xe : ndarray
The scores (moment) conditions.
jacobian : ndarray
Jacobian. One and only one of jacobian and inv_jacobian must
be provided.
inv_jacobian : ndarray
Inverse jacobian. One and only one of jacobian and inv_jacobian must
be provided.
kernel : str
Kernel name. See notes for available kernels. The default is "bartlett".
bandwidth : int
Non-negative integer bandwidth. If None, the optimal bandwidth is
center : bool
Flag indicating to center the scores when computing the covariance.
debiased : bool
Flag indicating to use a debiased estimator.
df : int
Degree of freedom value ot use if debiasing.
See Also
def __init__(
xe: linearmodels.typing.data.Float64Array,
jacobian: numpy.ndarray | None = None,
inv_jacobian: numpy.ndarray | None = None,
kernel: str | None = None,
bandwidth: float | None = None,
center: bool = True,
debiased: bool = False,
df: int = 0,
) -> None:
kernel = "bartlett" if kernel is None else kernel
_HACMixin.__init__(self, kernel, bandwidth)
def __str__(self) -> str:
descr = f", Kernel: {self._kernel}, Bandwidth: {self.bandwidth}"
return self.__class__.__name__ + descr
def config(self) -> dict[str, str | float]:
out = super().config
out["kernel"] = self.kernel
out["bandwidth"] = self.bandwidth
return out
def s(self) -> linearmodels.typing.data.Float64Array:
Score/moment condition covariance
Covariance of the scores or moment conditions
xe = self._xe
out = self._kernel_cov(xe)
return (out + out.T) / 2
class HeteroskedasticWeight:
GMM weighing matrix estimation
moments : ndarray
Moment conditions (nobs by nmoments)
center : bool
Flag indicating to center the moments when computing the weights
def __init__(
self, moments: linearmodels.typing.data.Float64Array, center: bool = True
) -> None:
self._moments = moments
self._center = center
def w(
self, moments: linearmodels.typing.data.Float64Array
) -> linearmodels.typing.data.Float64Array:
Score/moment condition weighting matrix
moments : ndarray
Moment conditions (nobs by nmoments)
Weighting matrix computed from moment conditions
if self._center:
moments = moments - moments.mean(0)[None, :]
nobs = moments.shape[0]
out = moments.T @ moments / nobs
return inv((out + out.T) / 2.0)
class KernelWeight(HeteroskedasticWeight, _HACMixin):
HAC GMM weighing matrix estimation
moments : ndarray
Moment conditions (nobs by nmoments)
center : bool
Flag indicating to center the moments when computing the weights
kernel : str
Kernel name. See notes for available kernels. If None, the kernel
is set to "bartlett".
bandwidth : int.
Non-negative integer bandwidth. If None, the optimal bandwidth is
def __init__(
moments: linearmodels.typing.data.Float64Array,
center: bool = True,
kernel: str | None = None,
bandwidth: float | None = None,
kernel = "bartlett" if kernel is None else kernel
_HACMixin.__init__(self, kernel, bandwidth)
super().__init__(moments, center=center)
def w(
self, moments: linearmodels.typing.data.Float64Array
) -> linearmodels.typing.data.Float64Array:
Score/moment condition weighting matrix
moments : ndarray
Moment conditions (nobs by nmoments)
Weighting matrix computed from moment conditions
if self._center:
moments = moments - moments.mean(0)[None, :]
out = self._kernel_cov(moments)
return inv(out)