Source code for linearmodels.panel.utility

from __future__ import annotations

from linearmodels.compat.pandas import ANNUAL_FREQ

from collections import defaultdict
from typing import NamedTuple, TypeVar, cast

import numpy as np
import numpy.random
import pandas
from pandas import DataFrame, concat, date_range
import scipy.sparse as sp

from linearmodels.shared.utility import panel_to_frame

    from linearmodels.panel._utility import _drop_singletons

    HAS_CYTHON = True
except ImportError:
    HAS_CYTHON = False

class AbsorbingEffectError(Exception):

absorbing_error_msg = """
The model cannot be estimated. The included effects have fully absorbed
one or more of the variables. This occurs when one or more of the dependent
variable is perfectly explained using the effects included in the model.

The following variables or variable combinations have been fully absorbed
or have become perfectly collinear after effects are removed:


Set drop_absorbed=True to automatically drop absorbed variables.

class AbsorbingEffectWarning(Warning):

absorbing_warn_msg = """
Variables have been fully absorbed and have removed from the regression:


SparseArray = TypeVar("SparseArray", sp.csc_matrix, sp.csr_matrix, sp.coo_matrix)
SparseOrDense = TypeVar(

def preconditioner(
    d: SparseOrDense, *, copy: bool = False
) -> tuple[SparseOrDense,]:
    d : array_like
        Array to precondition
    copy : bool
        Flag indicating whether the operation should be in-place, if possible.
        If True, when a new array will always be returned.

    d : array_like
        Array with same type as input array. If copy is False, and d is
        an ndarray or a csc_matrix, then the operation is inplace
    cond : ndarray
        Array of conditioning numbers defined as the square root of the column
        2-norms (nvar,)
    # Dense path
    if not sp.issparse(d):
        klass = None if type(d) is np.ndarray else d.__class__
        d_id = id(d)
        d = np.asarray(d)
        if id(d) == d_id or copy:
            d = d.copy()
        cond = cast(, np.sqrt((d**2).sum(0)))
        d /= cond
        if klass is not None:
            d = d.view(klass)
        return d, cond

    klass = None
    if not isinstance(d, sp.csc_matrix):
        klass = d.__class__
        d = sp.csc_matrix(d)
    elif copy:
        d = d.copy()

    cond = cast(, np.sqrt(d.multiply(d).sum(0)).A1)
    locs = np.zeros_like(d.indices)
    locs[d.indptr[1:-1]] = 1
    locs = np.cumsum(locs) /= np.take(cond, locs)
    if klass is not None:
        d = klass(d)

    return d, cond

def dummy_matrix(
    output_format: str = "csc",
    drop: str = "first",
    drop_all: bool = False,
    precondition: bool = True,
) -> tuple[
    | sp.csr_matrix
    | sp.coo_matrix
    cats: {DataFrame, ndarray}
        Array containing the category codes of pandas categoricals
        (nobs, ncats)
    output_format: {"csc", "csr", "coo", "array"}
        Output format. Default is csc (csc_matrix). Supported output
        formats are:

        * "csc" - sparse matrix in compressed column form
        * "csr" - sparse matrix in compressed row form
        * "coo" - sparse matrix in coordinate form
        * "array" - dense numpy ndarray

    drop: {"first", "last"}
        Exclude either the first or last category. This only applies when
        cats contains more than one column, unless `drop_all` is True.
    drop_all : bool
        Flag indicating whether all sets of dummies should exclude one category
    precondition : bool
        Flag indicating whether the columns of the dummy matrix should be
        preconditioned to have unit 2-norm.

    dummies : array_like
        Array, either sparse or dense, of size nobs x ncats containing the
        dummy variable values
    cond : ndarray
        Conditioning number of each column
    if isinstance(cats, DataFrame):
        codes = np.column_stack([np.asarray(cats[c] for c in cats])
        codes = np.asarray(cats)

    data: dict[str, list[np.ndarray]] = defaultdict(list)
    total_dummies = 0
    nobs, ncats = codes.shape
    for i in range(ncats):
        rows = np.arange(nobs)
        ucats, inverse = np.unique(codes[:, i], return_inverse=True)
        ncategories = len(ucats)
        bits = min(
            i for i in (8, 16, 32, 64) if i - 1 > np.log2(ncategories + total_dummies)
        replacements = np.arange(ncategories, dtype=f"int{bits:d}")
        cols = replacements[inverse]
        if i == 0 and not drop_all:
            retain = np.arange(nobs)
        elif drop == "first":
            # remove first
            retain = cols != 0
        else:  # drop == "last"
            # remove last
            retain = cols != (ncategories - 1)
        rows = rows[retain]
        col_adj = -1 if (drop == "first" and i > 0) else 0
        cols = cols[retain] + total_dummies + col_adj
        values = np.ones(rows.shape)
        total_dummies += ncategories - (i > 0)

    if output_format in ("csc", "array"):
        fmt = sp.csc_matrix
    elif output_format == "csr":
        fmt = sp.csr_matrix
    elif output_format == "coo":
        fmt = sp.coo_matrix
        raise ValueError(f"Unknown format: {output_format}")
    out = fmt(
            (np.concatenate(data["rows"]), np.concatenate(data["cols"])),
    if output_format == "array":
        out = out.toarray()

    if precondition:
        out, cond = preconditioner(out, copy=False)
        cond = np.ones(out.shape[1])

    return out, cond

def _remove_node(
    node: int,
) -> tuple[int, int]:
    node : int
        ID of the node to remove
    meta : ndarray
        Array with rows containing node, count, and address where
        address is used to find the first occurrence in orig_desk
    orig_dest : ndarray
        Array with rows containing origin and destination nodes

    next_node : int
        ID of the next node in the branch
    next_count : int
        Count of the next node in the branch

    Node has 1 link, so:
        1. Remove the forward link
        2. Remove the backward link
        3. Decrement node's count
        4. Decrement next_node's count
    # 3. Decrement
    meta[node, 1] -= 1
    # 1. Remove forewrd link
    next_offset = meta[node, 2]
    orig, next_node = orig_dest[next_offset]
    while next_node == -1:
        # Increment since this could have been previously deleted
        next_offset += 1
        next_orig, next_node = orig_dest[next_offset]
        assert orig == next_orig
    # 4. Remove next_node's link
    orig_dest[next_offset, 1] = -1

    # 2. Remove the backward link
    # Set reverse to -1
    reverse_offset = meta[next_node, 2]
    reverse_node = orig_dest[reverse_offset, 1]
    while reverse_node != orig:
        reverse_offset += 1
        reverse_node = orig_dest[reverse_offset, 1]
    orig_dest[reverse_offset, 1] = -1

    # Step forward
    meta[next_node, 1] -= 1
    next_count = meta[next_node, 1]
    return next_node, next_count

def _py_drop_singletons(
) -> None:
    Loop through the nodes and recursively drop singleton chains

    meta : ndarray
        Array with rows containing node, count, and address where
        address is used to find the first occurrence in orig_desk
    orig_dest : ndarray
        Array with rows containing origin and destination nodes
    for i in range(meta.shape[0]):
        if meta[i, 1] == 1:
            next_node = i
            next_count = 1
            while next_count == 1:
                # Follow singleton chains
                next_node, next_count = _remove_node(next_node, meta, orig_dest)

if not HAS_CYTHON:
    _drop_singletons = _py_drop_singletons  # noqa: F811

def in_2core_graph(
) ->
    cats: {DataFrame, ndarray}
        Array containing the category codes of pandas categoricals
        (nobs, ncats)

    retain : ndarray
        Boolean array that marks non-singleton entries as True
    if isinstance(cats, DataFrame):
        cats = np.column_stack([np.asarray(cats[c] for c in cats])
    if cats.shape[1] == 1:
        # Fast, simple path
        ucats, counts = np.unique(cats, return_counts=True)
        retain = ucats[counts > 1]
        return np.isin(cats, retain).ravel()

    nobs, ncats = cats.shape
    zero_cats_lst = []
    # Switch to 0 based indexing
    for col in range(ncats):
        u, inv = np.unique(cats[:, col], return_inverse=True)
    zero_cats = np.column_stack(zero_cats_lst)
    # 2 tables
    # a.
    #    origin_id, dest_id
    max_cat = zero_cats.max(0)
    shift = np.r_[0, max_cat[:-1] + 1]
    zero_cats += shift
    orig_dest_lst = []
    inverter = np.empty_like(zero_cats[:, 0])
    for i in range(ncats):
        col_order = list(range(ncats))
        col_order = [i] + col_order
        temp = zero_cats[:, col_order]
        idx = np.argsort(temp[:, 0])
        if i == 0:
            inverter[idx] = np.arange(nobs)
    orig_dest = np.concatenate(orig_dest_lst, 0)
    # b.
    #    node_id, count, offset
    node_id, count = np.unique(orig_dest[:, 0], return_counts=True)
    offset = np.r_[0, np.where(np.diff(orig_dest[:, 0]) != 0)[0] + 1]

    def min_dtype(*args: -> str:
        bits = np.amax([np.log2(max(float(arg.max()), 1.0)) for arg in args])
        return f"int{min(j for j in (8, 16, 32, 64) if bits < (j - 1))}"

    dtype = min_dtype(offset, node_id, count, orig_dest)
    meta = np.column_stack(
        [node_id.astype(dtype), count.astype(dtype), offset.astype(dtype)]
    orig_dest = orig_dest.astype(dtype)

    singletons = np.any(meta[:, 1] == 1)
    while singletons:
        _drop_singletons(meta, orig_dest)
        singletons = np.any(meta[:, 1] == 1)

    sorted_cats = orig_dest[:nobs]
    unsorted_cats = sorted_cats[inverter]
    retain = unsorted_cats[:, 1] > 0
    return retain

def in_2core_graph_slow(
) ->
    cats: {DataFrame, ndarray}
        Array containing the category codes of pandas categoricals
        (nobs, ncats)

    retain : ndarray
        Boolean array that marks non-singleton entries as True

    This is a reference implementation that can be very slow to remove
    all singleton nodes in some graphs.
    if isinstance(cats, DataFrame):
        cats = np.column_stack([np.asarray(cats[c] for c in cats])
    if cats.shape[1] == 1:
        return in_2core_graph(cats)
    nobs, ncats = cats.shape
    retain_idx = np.arange(cats.shape[0])
    num_singleton = 1
    while num_singleton > 0 and cats.shape[0] > 0:
        singleton = np.zeros(cats.shape[0], dtype=bool)
        for i in range(ncats):
            ucats, counts = np.unique(cats[:, i], return_counts=True)
            singleton |= np.isin(cats[:, i], ucats[counts == 1])
        num_singleton = int(singleton.sum())
        if num_singleton:
            cats = cats[~singleton]
            retain_idx = retain_idx[~singleton]
    retain = np.zeros(nobs, dtype=bool)
    retain[retain_idx] = True
    return retain

def check_absorbed(
    variables: list[str] | tuple[str, ...],
    x_orig: | None = None,
) -> None:
    Check a regressor matrix for variables absorbed

    x : ndarray
        Regressor matrix to check
    variables : list[str]
        List of variable names
    x_orig : ndarray
        Original data. If provided uses a norm check to ascertain if all
        variables have been absorbed.
    if x.size == 0:

    rank = np.linalg.matrix_rank(x)
    if rank < x.shape[1]:
        xpx = x.T @ x
        vals, vecs = np.linalg.eigh(xpx)
        nabsorbed = x.shape[1] - rank
        tol = np.sort(vals)[nabsorbed - 1]
        absorbed = vals <= tol
        absorbed_vecs = vecs[:, absorbed]
        rows = []
        for i in range(nabsorbed):
            abs_vec = np.abs(absorbed_vecs[:, i])
            tol = abs_vec.max() * np.finfo(np.float64).eps * abs_vec.shape[0]
            vars_idx = np.where(np.abs(absorbed_vecs[:, i]) > tol)[0]
            rows.append(" " * 10 + ", ".join(str(variables[vi]) for vi in vars_idx))
        absorbed_variables = "\n".join(rows)
        msg = absorbing_error_msg.format(absorbed_variables=absorbed_variables)
        raise AbsorbingEffectError(msg)
    if x_orig is None:

    new_norm = np.linalg.norm(x, axis=0)
    orig_norm = np.linalg.norm(x_orig, axis=0)
    if np.all(((new_norm / orig_norm) ** 2) < np.finfo(float).eps):
        raise AbsorbingEffectError(
            "All exog variables have been absorbed. The model cannot be estimated."

def not_absorbed(
    has_constant: bool = False,
    loc: int | None = None,
) -> list[int]:
    Construct a list of the indices of regressors that are not absorbed

    x : ndarray
        Regressor matrix to check
    has_constant : bool
        Flag indicating that x has a constant column
    loc : int
        The location of the constant column

    retain : list[int]
        List of columns to retain
    if np.linalg.matrix_rank(x) == x.shape[1]:
        return list(range(x.shape[1]))
    if has_constant:
        assert isinstance(loc, int)
        check = [i for i in range(x.shape[1]) if i != loc]
        const = x[:, [loc]]
        sub = x[:, check]
        x = sub - const @ np.linalg.lstsq(const, sub, rcond=None)[0]
    xpx = x.T @ x
    vals, _ = np.linalg.eigh(xpx)
    if vals.max() == 0.0:
        if has_constant:
            assert isinstance(loc, int)
            return [loc]
        return []

    tol = vals.max() * x.shape[1] * np.finfo(np.float64).eps
    absorbed = vals < tol
    nabsorbed = absorbed.sum()
    _, r = np.linalg.qr(x)
    threshold = np.sort(np.abs(np.diag(r)))[nabsorbed]
    drop = np.where(np.abs(np.diag(r)) < threshold)[0]
    retain: set[int] = set(range(x.shape[1])).difference(drop)
    if has_constant:
        assert isinstance(loc, int)
        retain = {idx + (idx >= loc) for idx in retain}
    return sorted(retain)

[docs] class PanelModelData(NamedTuple): """ Typed namedtuple to hold simulated panel data Parameters ---------- data : DataFrame DataFrame containing the panel model's data weights : DataFrame DataFrame containing the panel model's weights other_effects : DataFrame DataFrame containing the panel model's effects, excluding time and entity effects. clusters : DataFrame DataFrame containing cluster ids. """ data: pandas.DataFrame weights: pandas.DataFrame other_effects: pandas.DataFrame clusters: pandas.DataFrame
[docs] def generate_panel_data( nentity: int = 971, ntime: int = 7, nexog: int = 5, const: bool = False, missing: float = 0, other_effects: int = 2, ncats: int | list[int] = 4, rng: numpy.random.RandomState | None = None, ) -> PanelModelData: """ Simulate panel data for testing Parameters ---------- nentity : int The number of entities in the panel. ntime : int The number of time periods in the panel. nexog : int The number of explanatory variables in the dataset. const : bool Flag indicating that the model should include a constant. missing : float The percentage of values that are missing. Should be between 0 and 100. other_effects : int The number of other effects generated. ncats : Union[int, Sequence[int]] The number of categories to use in other_effects and variance clusters. If list-like, then it must have as many elements as other_effects. rng : RandomState A NumPy RandomState instance. If not provided, one is initialized using a fixed seed. Returns ------- PanelModelData A namedtuple derived class containing 4 DataFrames: * `data` - A simulated data with variables y and x# for # in 0,...,4. If const is True, then also contains a column named const. * `weights` - Simulated non-negative weights. * `other_effects` - Simulated effects. * `clusters` - Simulated data to use in clustered covariance estimation. """ if rng is None: rng = np.random.RandomState( [ 0xA14E2429, 0x448D2E51, 0x91B558E7, 0x6A3F5CD2, 0x22B43ABB, 0xE746C92D, 0xCE691A7D, 0x66746EE7, ] ) n, t, k = nentity, ntime, nexog k += int(const) x = rng.standard_normal((k, t, n)) beta = np.arange(1, k + 1)[:, None, None] / k y: = ( (x * beta).sum(0) + rng.standard_normal((t, n)) + 2 * rng.standard_normal((1, n)) ) w = rng.chisquare(5, (t, n)) / 5 c: | None = None cats = [f"cat.{i}" for i in range(other_effects)] if other_effects: if not isinstance(ncats, list): ncats = [ncats] * other_effects _c = [] for i in range(other_effects): nc = ncats[i] _c.append(rng.randint(0, nc, (1, t, n))) c = np.concatenate(_c, 0) vcats = [f"varcat.{i}" for i in range(2)] vc2 = np.ones((2, t, 1)) @ rng.randint(0, n // 2, (2, 1, n)) vc1 = vc2[[0]] if const: x[0] = 1.0 if missing > 0: locs = rng.choice(n * t, int(n * t * missing)) y.flat[locs] = np.nan locs = rng.choice(n * t * k, int(n * t * k * missing)) x.flat[locs] = np.nan entities = [f"firm{i}" for i in range(n)] time = [dt for dt in date_range("1-1-1900", periods=t, freq=ANNUAL_FREQ)] var_names = [f"x{i}" for i in range(k)] if const: var_names[1:] = var_names[:-1] var_names[0] = "const" # y = DataFrame(y, index=time, columns=entities) y_df = panel_to_frame( y[None], items=["y"], major_axis=time, minor_axis=entities, swap=True ) index = y_df.index w_df = panel_to_frame( w[None], items=["w"], major_axis=time, minor_axis=entities, swap=True ) w_df = w_df.reindex(index) x_df = panel_to_frame( x, items=var_names, major_axis=time, minor_axis=entities, swap=True ) x_df = x_df.reindex(index) c_df = panel_to_frame( c, items=cats, major_axis=time, minor_axis=entities, swap=True ) other_eff = c_df.reindex(index) vc1_df = panel_to_frame( vc1, items=vcats[:1], major_axis=time, minor_axis=entities, swap=True ) vc1_df = vc1_df.reindex(index) vc2_df = panel_to_frame( vc2, items=vcats, major_axis=time, minor_axis=entities, swap=True ) vc2_df = vc2_df.reindex(index) clusters = concat([vc1_df, vc2_df], sort=False) data = concat([y_df, x_df], axis=1, sort=False) return PanelModelData(data, w_df, other_eff, clusters)