Source code for linearmodels.shared.hypotheses

from __future__ import annotations

from linearmodels.compat.formulaic import monkey_patch_materializers

from import Mapping

from formulaic.utils.constraints import LinearConstraints
import numpy as np
from pandas import Series
from scipy.stats import chi2, f

from linearmodels.typing import ArrayLike

# Monkey patch parsers if needed, remove once formulaic updated

[docs] class WaldTestStatistic: """ Test statistic holder for Wald-type tests Parameters ---------- stat : float The test statistic null : str A statement of the test's null hypothesis df : int Degree of freedom. df_denom : int Numerator degree of freedom. If provided, uses an F(df, df_denom) distribution. name : str Name of test See Also -------- InvalidTestStatistic """ def __init__( self, stat: float, null: str, df: int, df_denom: int | None = None, name: str | None = None, ) -> None: self._stat = stat self._null = null self.df = df self.df_denom = df_denom self._name = name if df_denom is None: self.dist = chi2(df) self.dist_name = f"chi2({df})" else: self.dist = f(df, df_denom) self.dist_name = f"F({df},{df_denom})" @property def stat(self) -> float: """Test statistic""" return self._stat @property def pval(self) -> float: """P-value of test statistic""" return 1 - self.dist.cdf(self.stat) @property def critical_values(self) -> dict[str, float] | None: """Critical values test for common test sizes""" return dict(zip(["10%", "5%", "1%"], self.dist.ppf([0.9, 0.95, 0.99]))) @property def null(self) -> str: """Null hypothesis""" return self._null def __str__(self) -> str: name = "" if self._name is not None: name = self._name + "\n" msg = ( "{name}H0: {null}\nStatistic: {stat:0.4f}\n" "P-value: {pval:0.4f}\nDistributed: {dist}" ) return msg.format( name=name, null=self.null, stat=self.stat, pval=self.pval, dist=self.dist_name, ) def __repr__(self) -> str: return ( self.__str__() + "\n" + self.__class__.__name__ + f", id: {hex(id(self))}" )
class InvalidTestWarning(UserWarning): pass
[docs] class InvalidTestStatistic(WaldTestStatistic): """ Class returned if a requested test is not valid for a model Parameters ---------- reason : str Explanation why test is invalid name : str Name of test See Also -------- WaldTestStatistic """ def __init__(self, reason: str, *, name: str | None = None) -> None: self._reason = reason super().__init__(np.nan, "", df=1, df_denom=1, name=name) self.dist_name = "None" @property def pval(self) -> float: """Always returns np.nan""" return np.nan @property def critical_values(self) -> None: """Always returns None""" return None def __str__(self) -> str: msg = "Invalid test statistic\n{reason}\n{name}" name = "" if self._name is None else self._name assert name is not None return msg.format(name=name, reason=self._reason)
class InapplicableTestStatistic(WaldTestStatistic): """ Class returned if a requested test is not applicable for a specification Parameters ---------- reason : str Explanation why test is invalid name : str Name of test See Also -------- WaldTestStatistic """ def __init__(self, *, reason: str | None = None, name: str | None = None): self._reason = reason if reason is None: self._reason = "Test is not applicable to model specification" super().__init__(np.nan, "", df=1, df_denom=1, name=name) self.dist_name = "None" @property def pval(self) -> float: """Always returns np.nan""" return np.nan @property def critical_values(self) -> None: """Always returns None""" return None def __str__(self) -> str: msg = "Irrelevant test statistic\n{reason}\n{name}" name = "" if self._name is None else self._name return msg.format(name=name, reason=self._reason) _constraint_error = """ The constraint does not appear to have the required syntax. Constraints should have the syntax FORMULA = VALUE where FORMULA is a valid formulaic formula, e.g., x1 or x1+x2+x3, and VALUE should be a single value convertible to a float. The constraint seen is {cons}. """ def _parse_single(constraint: str) -> tuple[str, float]: if "=" not in constraint: raise ValueError(_constraint_error.format(cons=constraint)) parts = constraint.split("=") try: value = float(parts[-1]) except Exception: raise TypeError(_constraint_error.format(cons=constraint)) expr = "=".join(parts[:-1]) return expr, value def _reparse_constraint_formula( formula: str | list[str] | dict[str, float] ) -> str | dict[str, float]: # TODO: Test against variable names constaining , or = if isinstance(formula, Mapping): return dict(formula) if isinstance(formula, str): if formula.count("=") == 1: return formula if "," not in formula: parts = formula.split("=") tail = parts[-1] formula = [f"{part} = {tail}" for part in parts[:-1]] else: formula = list(formula.split(",")) return dict([_parse_single(cons) for cons in formula]) def quadratic_form_test( params: ArrayLike, cov: ArrayLike, restriction: ArrayLike | None = None, value: ArrayLike | None = None, formula: str | list[str] | dict[str, float] | None = None, ) -> WaldTestStatistic: if formula is not None and restriction is not None: raise ValueError("restriction and formula cannot be used simultaneously.") if formula is not None: assert isinstance(params, Series) param_names = [str(p) for p in params.index] rewritten_constraints = _reparse_constraint_formula(formula) lc = LinearConstraints.from_spec(rewritten_constraints, param_names) restriction, value = lc.constraint_matrix, lc.constraint_values restriction = np.asarray(restriction) if value is None: value = np.zeros(restriction.shape[0]) value = np.asarray(value).ravel()[:, None] diff = restriction @ np.asarray(params)[:, None] - value rcov = restriction @ cov @ restriction.T stat = float(np.squeeze(diff.T @ np.linalg.inv(rcov) @ diff)) df = restriction.shape[0] null = "Linear equality constraint is valid" name = "Linear Equality Hypothesis Test" return WaldTestStatistic(stat, null, df, name=name)