Source code for linearmodels.system.model

Estimators for systems of equations

Greene, William H. "Econometric analysis 4th edition." International edition,
    New Jersey: Prentice Hall (2000).
StataCorp. 2013. Stata 13 Base Reference Manual. College Station, TX: Stata
Henningsen, A., & Hamann, J. (2007). systemfit: A Package for Estimating
    Systems of Simultaneous Equations in R. Journal of Statistical Software,
    23(4), 1 - 40. doi:

from __future__ import annotations

from linearmodels.compat.formulaic import monkey_patch_materializers

from import Mapping, Sequence
from functools import reduce
import textwrap
from typing import Any, Literal, cast
import warnings

from formulaic.utils.context import capture_context
import numpy as np
from numpy.linalg import inv, lstsq, matrix_rank, solve
import pandas
from pandas import DataFrame, Index, Series, concat

from linearmodels.iv._utility import IVFormulaParser
from import IVData
from linearmodels.shared.exceptions import missing_warning
from linearmodels.shared.hypotheses import InvalidTestStatistic, WaldTestStatistic
from linearmodels.shared.linalg import has_constant
from linearmodels.shared.utility import AttrDict
from linearmodels.system._utility import (
from linearmodels.system.covariance import (
from linearmodels.system.gmm import (
from linearmodels.system.results import GMMSystemResults, SystemResults

__all__ = ["SUR", "IV3SLS", "IVSystemGMM", "LinearConstraint"]

# Monkey patch parsers if needed, remove once formulaic updated

Contents of each equation must be either a dictionary with keys "dependent"
and "exog" or a 2-element tuple of he form (dependent, exog).
equations[{key}] was {type}

    "unadjusted": "unadjusted",
    "homoskedastic": "unadjusted",
    "robust": "robust",
    "heteroskedastic": "robust",
    "kernel": "kernel",
    "hac": "kernel",
    "clustered": "clustered",

    "unadjusted": HomoskedasticCovariance,
    "robust": HeteroskedasticCovariance,
    "kernel": KernelCovariance,
    "clustered": ClusteredCovariance,

    "unadjusted": HomoskedasticWeightMatrix,
    "robust": HeteroskedasticWeightMatrix,
    "kernel": KernelWeightMatrix,

    "unadjusted": GMMHomoskedasticCovariance,
    "robust": GMMHeteroskedasticCovariance,
    "kernel": GMMKernelCovariance,

def _missing_weights(
    weights: Mapping[str, | None]
) -> None:
    """Raise warning if missing weighs found"""
    missing = [key for key in weights if weights[key] is None]
    if missing:
        msg = "Weights not found for equation labels:\n{}".format(", ".join(missing))
        warnings.warn(msg, UserWarning)

def _parameters_from_xprod(
    constraints: LinearConstraint | None = None,
) ->
    Estimate regression parameters from cross produces

    xpx : ndarray
        Cross product measuring variation in x (nvar by nvar)
    xpy : ndarray
        Cross produce measuring covariation between x and y (nvar by 1)
    constraints : LinearConstraint
        Constraints to use in estimation

    params : ndarray
        Estimated parameters (nvar by 1)

    xpx and xpy can be any form similar to the two inputs into the usual
    parameter estimator for a linear regression. In particular, many
    estimators can be written as

    .. math::

        (x^\prime w x)^{-1}(x^\prime w y)

    for some weight matrix :math:`w`.
    if constraints is not None:
        cons = constraints
        xpy = cons.t.T @ xpy - cons.t.T @ xpx @ cons.a.T
        xpx = cons.t.T @ xpx @ cons.t
        params_c = solve(xpx, xpy)
        params = cons.t @ params_c + cons.a.T
        params = solve(xpx, xpy)
    return params

class SystemFormulaParser:
    def __init__(
        formula: Mapping[str, str] | str,
        data: pandas.DataFrame,
        weights: Mapping[str,] | None = None,
        eval_env: int = 2,
        context: Mapping[str, Any] | None = None,
    ) -> None:
        if not isinstance(formula, (Mapping, str)):
            raise TypeError("formula must be a string or dictionary-like")
        self._formula: Mapping[str, str] | str = formula
        self._data = data
        self._weights = weights
        self._parsers: dict[str, IVFormulaParser] = {}
        self._weight_dict: dict[str, Series | None] = {}
        self._eval_env = eval_env
        self._clean_formula: dict[str, str] = {}
        if context is None:
            self._context = capture_context(eval_env)
            self._context = context

    def _prevent_autoconst(formula: str) -> str:
        if not (" 0+" in formula or " 0 +" in formula):
            formula = "~ 0 +".join(formula.split("~"))
        return formula

    def _convert_to_series(
        value:, name: str
    ) -> Series:
        shape = value.shape
        if len(shape) > 2 or (len(shape) == 2 and min(shape) != 1):
            raise ValueError(f"{name} must be squeezable to 1D.")
        if len(shape) == 1:
            value_series = Series(value)
        else:  # len(shape) == 2 and min(shape) == 1:
            if isinstance(value, DataFrame):
                value_series = value.iloc[:, 0]
                value_series = Series(np.squeeze(value))

        return value_series

    def _parse(self) -> None:
        formula = self._formula
        data = self._data
        weights = self._weights
        parsers = self._parsers
        weight_dict = self._weight_dict
        cln_formula = self._clean_formula

        if isinstance(formula, Mapping):
            for formula_key in formula:
                f = formula[formula_key]
                f = self._prevent_autoconst(f)
                parsers[formula_key] = IVFormulaParser(f, data, context=self._context)

                if weights is not None:
                    if formula_key in weights:
                        value = weights[formula_key]
                        weight_dict[formula_key] = self._convert_to_series(
                            value, "weights"
                        weight_dict[formula_key] = None
                cln_formula[formula_key] = f
            formula = formula.replace("\n", " ").strip()
            parts = formula.split("}")
            for part in parts:
                key = base_key = None
                part = part.strip()
                if part == "":
                part = part.replace("{", "")
                if ":" in part.split("~")[0]:
                    base_key, part = part.split(":")
                    key = base_key = base_key.strip()
                    part = part.strip()
                f = self._prevent_autoconst(part)
                if base_key is None:
                    base_key = key = f.split("~")[0].strip()
                count = 0
                while key in parsers:
                    key = base_key + f".{count}"
                    count += 1
                assert isinstance(key, str)
                parsers[key] = IVFormulaParser(f, data, context=self._context)
                cln_formula[key] = f
                if weights is not None:
                    if key in weights:
                        value = weights[key]
                        weight_dict[key] = self._convert_to_series(value, "weights")
                        weight_dict[key] = None
        self._weight_dict = weight_dict

    def _get_variable(self, variable: str) -> dict[str, DataFrame | None]:
        return {key: getattr(self._parsers[key], variable) for key in self._parsers}

    def formula(self) -> dict[str, str]:
        """Cleaned version of formula"""
        return self._clean_formula

    def eval_env(self) -> int:
        """Set or get the eval env depth"""
        return self._eval_env

    def eval_env(self, value: int) -> None:
        self._eval_env = value
        self._context = capture_context(self._eval_env)
        # Update parsers for new level
        parsers = self._parsers
        new_parsers = {}
        for key in parsers:
            parser = parsers[key]
            new_parsers[key] = IVFormulaParser(
                parser._formula, parser._data, context=self._context
        self._parsers = new_parsers

    def equation_labels(self) -> list[str]:
        return list(self._parsers.keys())

    def data(self) -> dict[str, dict[str, | None]]:
        out: dict[str, dict[str, | None]] = {}
        dep = self.dependent
        for key in dep:
            out[key] = {"dependent": dep[key]}
        exog = self.exog
        for key in exog:
            out[key]["exog"] = exog[key]
        endog = self.endog
        for key in endog:
            out[key]["endog"] = endog[key]
        instr = self.instruments
        for key in instr:
            out[key]["instruments"] = instr[key]
        for key in self._weight_dict:
            if self._weight_dict[key] is not None:
                out[key]["weights"] = self._weight_dict[key]
        return out

    def dependent(self) -> dict[str, DataFrame | None]:
        return self._get_variable("dependent")

    def exog(self) -> dict[str, DataFrame | None]:
        return self._get_variable("exog")

    def endog(self) -> dict[str, DataFrame | None]:
        return self._get_variable("endog")

    def instruments(self) -> dict[str, DataFrame | None]:
        return self._get_variable("instruments")

class _SystemModelBase:
    Base class for system estimators

    equations : dict
        Dictionary-like structure containing dependent, exogenous, endogenous
        and instrumental variables.  Each key is an equations label and must
        be a string. Each value must be either a tuple of the form (dependent,
        exog, endog, instrument[, weights]) or a dictionary with keys "dependent",
        and at least one of "exog" or "endog" and "instruments".  When using a
        tuple, values must be provided for all 4 variables, although either
        empty arrays or `None` can be passed if a category of variable is not
        included in a model. The dictionary may contain optional keys for
        "exog", "endog", "instruments", and "weights". "exog" can be omitted
        if all variables in an equation are endogenous. Alternatively, "exog"
        can contain either an empty array or `None` to indicate that an
        equation contains no exogenous regressors. Similarly "endog" and
        "instruments" can either be omitted or may contain an empty array (or
        `None`) if all variables in an equation are exogenous.
    sigma : array_like
        Prespecified residual covariance to use in GLS estimation. If not
        provided, FGLS is implemented based on an estimate of sigma.

    def __init__(
        equations: Mapping[
            Mapping[str, | None]
            | Sequence[ | None],
        sigma: | None = None,
    ) -> None:
        if not isinstance(equations, Mapping):
            raise TypeError("equations must be a dictionary-like")
        for key in equations:
            if not isinstance(key, str):
                raise ValueError("Equation labels (keys) must be strings")

        self._equations = equations
        self._sigma = None
        if sigma is not None:
            self._sigma = np.asarray(sigma)
            k = len(self._equations)
            if self._sigma.shape != (k, k):
                raise ValueError(
                    "sigma must be a square matrix with dimensions "
                    "equal to the number of equations"
        self._param_names: list[str] = []
        self._eq_labels: list[str] = []
        self._dependent: list[IVData] = []
        self._exog: list[IVData] = []
        self._instr: list[IVData] = []
        self._endog: list[IVData] = []

        self._y: list[] = []
        self._x: list[] = []
        self._wy: list[] = []
        self._wx: list[] = []
        self._w: list[] = []
        self._z: list[] = []
        self._wz: list[] = []

        self._weights: list[IVData] = []
        self._formula: str | dict[str, str] | None = None
        self._constraints: LinearConstraint | None = None
        self._constant_loc: list[int] = []
        self._has_constant: Series = Series(dtype=bool)
        self._common_exog = False
        self._original_index: Index | None = None
        self._model_name = "Three Stage Least Squares (3SLS)"


    def formula(self) -> str | dict[str, str] | None:
        """Set or get the formula used to construct the model"""
        return self._formula

    def formula(self, value: str | dict[str, str] | None) -> None:
        self._formula = value

    def _validate_data(self) -> None:
        ids = []
        for i, key in enumerate(self._equations):
            eq_data = self._equations[key]
            dep_name = "dependent_" + str(i)
            exog_name = "exog_" + str(i)
            endog_name = "endog_" + str(i)
            instr_name = "instr_" + str(i)
            if isinstance(eq_data, (tuple, list)):
                dep = IVData(eq_data[0], var_name=dep_name)
                current_id: tuple[int, ...] = (id(eq_data[1]),)
                    IVData(eq_data[1], var_name=exog_name, nobs=dep.shape[0])
                endog = IVData(eq_data[2], var_name=endog_name, nobs=dep.shape[0])
                if endog.shape[1] > 0:
                    current_id += (id(eq_data[2]),)

                    IVData(eq_data[3], var_name=instr_name, nobs=dep.shape[0])
                if len(eq_data) == 5:
                    dep_shape = self._dependent[-1].shape

            elif isinstance(eq_data, (dict, Mapping)):
                dep = IVData(eq_data["dependent"], var_name=dep_name)

                exog = eq_data.get("exog", None)
                self._exog.append(IVData(exog, var_name=exog_name, nobs=dep.shape[0]))
                current_id = (id(exog),)

                endog_values = eq_data.get("endog", None)
                endog = IVData(endog_values, var_name=endog_name, nobs=dep.shape[0])
                if "endog" in eq_data:
                    current_id += (id(eq_data["endog"]),)

                instr_values = eq_data.get("instruments", None)
                instr = IVData(instr_values, var_name=instr_name, nobs=dep.shape[0])

                if "weights" in eq_data:
                msg = UNKNOWN_EQ_TYPE.format(key=key, type=type(vars))
                raise TypeError(msg)
        self._has_instruments = False
        for instr in self._instr:
            self._has_instruments = self._has_instruments or (instr.shape[1] > 1)

        for i, comps in enumerate(
            zip(self._dependent, self._exog, self._endog, self._instr, self._weights)
            shapes = [a.shape[0] for a in comps]
            if min(shapes) != max(shapes):
                raise ValueError(
                    "Dependent, exogenous, endogenous and "
                    "instruments, and weights, if provided, do "
                    "not have the same number of observations in "

        self._common_exog = len(set(ids)) == 1
        if self._common_exog:
            # Common exog requires weights are also equal
            w0 = self._weights[0].ndarray
            for w in self._weights:
                self._common_exog = self._common_exog and bool(np.all(w.ndarray == w0))
        constant = []
        constant_loc = []

        exog_ivd: IVData
        for dep, exog_ivd, endog, instr, w, label in zip(
            y = cast(
            x = np.concatenate([exog_ivd.ndarray, endog.ndarray], 1, dtype=float)
            z = np.concatenate([exog_ivd.ndarray, instr.ndarray], 1, dtype=float)
            w_arr = cast(
            w_arr = w_arr / np.nanmean(w_arr)
            w_sqrt = np.sqrt(w_arr)
            self._wy.append(y * w_sqrt)
            self._wx.append(x * w_sqrt)
            self._wz.append(z * w_sqrt)
            cols = list(exog_ivd.cols) + list(endog.cols)
            self._param_names.extend([label + "_" + col for col in cols])
            if y.shape[0] <= x.shape[1]:
                raise ValueError(
                    "Fewer observations than variables in "
                    "equation {eq}".format(eq=label)
            if matrix_rank(x) < x.shape[1]:
                raise ValueError(
                    "Equation {eq} regressor array is not full " "rank".format(eq=label)
            if x.shape[1] > z.shape[1]:
                raise ValueError(
                    "Equation {eq} has fewer instruments than "
                    "endogenous variables.".format(eq=label)
            if z.shape[1] > z.shape[0]:
                raise ValueError(
                    "Fewer observations than instruments in "
                    "equation {eq}".format(eq=label)
            if matrix_rank(z) < z.shape[1]:
                raise ValueError(
                    "Equation {eq} instrument array is full " "rank".format(eq=label)

        for rhs in self._x:
            const, const_loc = has_constant(rhs)
        self._has_constant = Series(
            constant, index=[d.cols[0] for d in self._dependent]
        self._constant_loc = constant_loc

    def _drop_missing(self) -> None:
        k = len(self._dependent)
        nobs = self._dependent[0].shape[0]
        self._original_index = Index(self._dependent[0].rows)
        missing = np.zeros(nobs, dtype=bool)

        values = [self._dependent, self._exog, self._endog, self._instr, self._weights]
        for i in range(k):
            for value in values:
                nulls = value[i].isnull
                if nulls.any():
                    missing |= np.asarray(nulls)

        missing_warning(missing, stacklevel=4)
        if np.any(missing):
            for i in range(k):

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        return self.__str__() + f"\nid: {hex(id(self))}"

    def __str__(self) -> str:
        out = self._model_name + ", "
        out += f"{len(self._y)} Equations:\n"
        eqns = ", ".join(self._equations.keys())
        out += "\n".join(textwrap.wrap(eqns, 70))
        if self._common_exog:
            out += "\nCommon Exogenous Variables"
        return out

    def predict(
        equations: (
            Mapping[str, Mapping[str,]] | None
        ) = None,
        data: pandas.DataFrame | None = None,
        eval_env: int = 1,
    ) -> DataFrame:
        Predict values for additional data

        params : array_like
            Model parameters (nvar by 1)
        equations : dict
            Dictionary-like structure containing exogenous and endogenous
            variables.  Each key is an equations label and must
            match the labels used to fir the model. Each value must be a
            dictionary with keys "exog" and "endog". If predictions are not
            required for one of more of the model equations, these keys can
            be omitted.
        data : DataFrame
            Values to use when making predictions from a model constructed
            from a formula
        eval_env : int
            Depth to  use when evaluating formulas.

        predictions : DataFrame
            Fitted values from supplied data and parameters

        If `data` is not none, then `equations` must be none.
        Predictions from models constructed using formulas can
        be computed using either `equations`, which will treat these are
        arrays of values corresponding to the formula-process data, or using
        `data` which will be processed using the formula used to construct the
        values corresponding to the original model specification.

        When using `exog` and `endog`, the regressor array for a particular
        equation is assembled as
        `[equations[eqn]["exog"], equations[eqn]["endog"]]` where `eqn` is
        an equation label. These must correspond to the columns in the
        estimated model.

        if data is not None:
            assert self.formula is not None
            parser = SystemFormulaParser(
                self.formula, data=data, context=capture_context(eval_env)
            equations_d =
            if equations is None:
                raise ValueError("One of equations or data must be provided.")
            assert equations is not None
            equations_d = {k: dict(v) for k, v in equations.items()}
        params = np.atleast_2d(np.asarray(params))
        if params.shape[0] == 1:
            params = params.T
        nx = int(sum(_x.shape[1] for _x in self._x))
        if params.shape[0] != nx:
            raise ValueError(
                f"Parameters must have {nx} elements; found {params.shape[0]}."
        loc = 0
        out = dict()
        for i, label in enumerate(self._eq_labels):
            kx = self._x[i].shape[1]
            if label in equations_d:
                b = params[loc : loc + kx]
                eqn = equations_d[label]
                exog = eqn.get("exog", None)
                endog = eqn.get("endog", None)
                if exog is None and endog is None:
                    loc += kx

                if exog is not None:
                    exog_endog = IVData(exog).pandas
                    if endog is not None:
                        endog_ivd = IVData(endog)
                        exog_endog = concat([exog_endog, endog_ivd.pandas], axis=1)
                    exog_endog = IVData(endog).pandas

                fitted = np.asarray(exog_endog) @ b
                fitted_df = DataFrame(fitted, index=exog_endog.index, columns=[label])
                out[label] = fitted_df
            loc += kx
        out_df = reduce(
            lambda left, right: left.merge(
                right, how="outer", left_index=True, right_index=True
            [out[key] for key in out],
        return out_df

    def _multivariate_ls_fit(
    ) -> tuple[,,
        wy, wx, wxhat = self._wy, self._wx, self._wxhat
        k = len(wxhat)

        xpx = blocked_inner_prod(wxhat, np.eye(len(wxhat)))
        _xpy = []
        for i in range(k):
            _xpy.append(wxhat[i].T @ wy[i])
        xpy = np.vstack(_xpy)
        beta = _parameters_from_xprod(xpx, xpy, constraints=self.constraints)

        loc = 0
        eps = []
        for i in range(k):
            nb = wx[i].shape[1]
            b = beta[loc : loc + nb]
            eps.append(wy[i] - wx[i] @ b)
            loc += nb
        eps_arr = np.hstack(eps)

        return beta, eps_arr

    def _construct_xhat(self) -> None:
        k = len(self._x)
        self._xhat = []
        self._wxhat = []
        for i in range(k):
            x, z = self._x[i], self._z[i]
            if z.shape == x.shape and np.all(z == x):
                # OLS, no instruments
                delta = lstsq(z, x, rcond=None)[0]
                xhat = z @ delta
                w = self._w[i]
                self._wxhat.append(xhat * np.sqrt(w))

    def _gls_estimate(
        nobs: int,
        total_cols: int,
        ci: Sequence[int],
        full_cov: bool,
        debiased: bool,
    ) -> tuple[,,,,
        """Core estimation routine for iterative GLS"""
        wy, wx, wxhat = self._wy, self._wx, self._wxhat

        if self._sigma is None:
            sigma = eps.T @ eps / nobs
            sigma *= self._sigma_scale(debiased)
            sigma = self._sigma
        est_sigma = sigma

        if not full_cov:
            sigma = np.diag(np.diag(sigma))
        sigma_inv = inv(sigma)

        k = len(wy)

        xpx = blocked_inner_prod(wxhat, sigma_inv)
        xpy = np.zeros((total_cols, 1))
        for i in range(k):
            sy = np.zeros((nobs, 1))
            for j in range(k):
                sy += sigma_inv[i, j] * wy[j]
            xpy[ci[i] : ci[i + 1]] = wxhat[i].T @ sy

        beta = _parameters_from_xprod(xpx, xpy, constraints=self.constraints)

        loc = 0
        for j in range(k):
            _wx = wx[j]
            _wy = wy[j]
            kx = _wx.shape[1]
            eps[:, [j]] = _wy - _wx @ beta[loc : loc + kx]
            loc += kx

        return beta, eps, sigma, est_sigma

    def _multivariate_ls_finalize(
        cov_type: str,
        **cov_config: bool,
    ) -> SystemResults:
        k = len(self._wx)

        # Covariance estimation
        cov_estimator = COV_EST[cov_type]
        cov_est = cov_estimator(
        cov = cov_est.cov

        individual = AttrDict()
        debiased = cov_config.get("debiased", False)
        for i in range(k):
            wy = wye = self._wy[i]
            w = self._w[i]
            cons = bool(self.has_constant.iloc[i])
            if cons:
                wc = np.ones_like(wy) * np.sqrt(w)
                wye = wy - wc @ lstsq(wc, wy, rcond=None)[0]
            total_ss = float(np.squeeze(wye.T @ wye))
            stats = self._common_indiv_results(
            key = self._eq_labels[i]
            individual[key] = stats

        nobs = eps.size
        results = self._common_results(
            beta, cov, "OLS", 0, nobs, cov_type, sigma, individual, debiased
        results["wresid"] = results.resid
        results["cov_estimator"] = cov_est
        results["cov_config"] = cov_est.cov_config
        individual = results["individual"]
        r2s = [individual[eq].r2 for eq in individual]
        results["system_r2"] = self._system_r2(eps, sigma, "ols", False, debiased, r2s)

        return SystemResults(results)

    def has_constant(self) -> Series:
        """Vector indicating which equations contain constants"""
        return self._has_constant

    def _f_stat(
        self, stats: AttrDict, debiased: bool
    ) -> WaldTestStatistic | InvalidTestStatistic:
        cov = stats.cov
        k = cov.shape[0]
        sel = list(range(k))
        if stats.has_constant:
        cov = cov[sel][:, sel]
        params = stats.params[sel]
        df = params.shape[0]
        nobs = stats.nobs
        null = "All parameters ex. constant are zero"
        name = "Equation F-statistic"
            stat = float(np.squeeze(params.T @ inv(cov) @ params))

        except np.linalg.LinAlgError:
            return InvalidTestStatistic(
                "Covariance is singular, possibly due " "to constraints.", name=name

        if debiased:
            total_reg = np.sum([s.shape[1] for s in self._wx])
            df_denom = len(self._wx) * nobs - total_reg
            wald = WaldTestStatistic(stat / df, null, df, df_denom=df_denom, name=name)
            return WaldTestStatistic(stat, null=null, df=df, name=name)

        return wald

    def _common_indiv_results(
        index: int,
        method: str,
        cov_type: str,
        cov_est: (
            | HeteroskedasticCovariance
            | KernelCovariance
            | ClusteredCovariance
            | GMMHeteroskedasticCovariance
            | GMMHomoskedasticCovariance
        iter_count: int,
        debiased: bool,
        constant: bool,
        total_ss: float,
        weight_est: None | (
            HomoskedasticWeightMatrix | HeteroskedasticWeightMatrix | KernelWeightMatrix
        ) = None,
    ) -> AttrDict:
        loc = 0
        for i in range(index):
            loc += self._wx[i].shape[1]
        i = index
        stats = AttrDict()
        # Static properties
        stats["eq_label"] = self._eq_labels[i]
        stats["dependent"] = self._dependent[i].cols[0]
        stats["instruments"] = (
            self._instr[i].cols if self._instr[i].shape[1] > 0 else None
        stats["endog"] = self._endog[i].cols if self._endog[i].shape[1] > 0 else None
        stats["method"] = method
        stats["cov_type"] = cov_type
        stats["cov_estimator"] = cov_est
        stats["cov_config"] = cov_est.cov_config
        stats["weight_estimator"] = weight_est
        stats["index"] = self._dependent[i].rows
        stats["original_index"] = self._original_index
        stats["iter"] = iter_count
        stats["debiased"] = debiased
        stats["has_constant"] = constant
        assert self._constant_loc is not None
        stats["constant_loc"] = self._constant_loc[i]

        # Parameters, errors and measures of fit
        wxi = self._wx[i]
        nobs, df = wxi.shape
        b = beta[loc : loc + df]
        e = wresid[:, [i]]
        nobs = e.shape[0]
        df_c = nobs - int(constant)
        df_r = nobs - df

        stats["params"] = b
        stats["cov"] = cov[loc : loc + df, loc : loc + df]
        stats["wresid"] = e
        stats["nobs"] = nobs
        stats["df_model"] = df
        stats["resid"] = resid[:, [i]]
        stats["fitted"] = self._x[i] @ b
        stats["resid_ss"] = float(np.squeeze(resid[:, [i]].T @ resid[:, [i]]))
        stats["total_ss"] = total_ss
        stats["r2"] = 1.0 - stats.resid_ss / stats.total_ss
        stats["r2a"] = 1.0 - (stats.resid_ss / df_r) / (stats.total_ss / df_c)

        names = self._param_names[loc : loc + df]
        offset = len(stats.eq_label) + 1
        stats["param_names"] = [n[offset:] for n in names]

        # F-statistic
        stats["f_stat"] = self._f_stat(stats, debiased)

        return stats

    def _common_results(
        method: str,
        iter_count: int,
        nobs: int,
        cov_type: str,
        individual: AttrDict,
        debiased: bool,
    ) -> AttrDict:
        results = AttrDict()
        results["method"] = method
        results["iter"] = iter_count
        results["nobs"] = nobs
        results["cov_type"] = cov_type
        results["index"] = self._dependent[0].rows
        results["original_index"] = self._original_index
        names = list(individual.keys())
        results["sigma"] = DataFrame(sigma, columns=names, index=names)
        results["individual"] = individual
        results["params"] = beta
        results["df_model"] = beta.shape[0]
        results["param_names"] = self._param_names
        results["cov"] = cov
        results["debiased"] = debiased

        total_ss = resid_ss = 0.0
        residuals = []
        for key in individual:
            total_ss += individual[key].total_ss
            resid_ss += individual[key].resid_ss
        resid = np.hstack(residuals)

        results["resid_ss"] = resid_ss
        results["total_ss"] = total_ss
        results["r2"] = 1.0 - results.resid_ss / results.total_ss
        results["resid"] = resid
        results["constraints"] = self._constraints
        results["model"] = self

        x = self._x
        k = len(x)
        loc = 0
        fitted_vals = []
        for i in range(k):
            nb = x[i].shape[1]
            b = beta[loc : loc + nb]
            fitted_vals.append(x[i] @ b)
            loc += nb
        fitted = np.hstack(fitted_vals)

        results["fitted"] = fitted

        return results

    def _system_r2(
        method: str,
        full_cov: bool,
        debiased: bool,
        r2s: Sequence[float],
    ) -> Series:
        sigma_resid = sigma

        # System regression on a constant using weights if provided
        wy, w = self._wy, self._w
        wi = [
            cast(, np.sqrt(weights))
            for weights in w
        if method == "ols":
            est_sigma = np.eye(len(wy))
        else:  # gls
            est_sigma = sigma
            if not full_cov:
                est_sigma = np.diag(np.diag(est_sigma))
        est_sigma_inv = inv(est_sigma)
        nobs = wy[0].shape[0]
        k = len(wy)
        xpx = blocked_inner_prod(wi, est_sigma_inv)
        xpy = np.zeros((k, 1))
        for i in range(k):
            sy = np.zeros((nobs, 1))
            for j in range(k):
                sy += est_sigma_inv[i, j] * wy[j]
            xpy[i : (i + 1)] = wi[i].T @ sy

        mu = _parameters_from_xprod(xpx, xpy)
        eps_const = np.hstack([self._y[j] - mu[j] for j in range(k)])
        # Judge
        judge = 1 - (eps**2).sum() / (eps_const**2).sum()
        # Dhrymes
        tot_eps_const_sq = (eps_const**2).sum(0)
        r2s_arr = np.asarray(r2s)
        dhrymes = (r2s_arr * tot_eps_const_sq).sum() / tot_eps_const_sq.sum()

        # Berndt
        sigma_y = (eps_const.T @ eps_const / nobs) * self._sigma_scale(debiased)
        berndt = np.nan
        # Avoid division by 0
        if np.linalg.det(sigma_y) > 0:
            berndt = 1 - np.linalg.det(sigma_resid) / np.linalg.det(sigma_y)

        mcelroy = np.nan
        # Check that the matrix is invertible
        if np.linalg.matrix_rank(sigma) == sigma.shape[0]:
            # McElroy
            sigma_m12 = inv_matrix_sqrt(sigma)
            std_eps = eps @ sigma_m12
            numerator = (std_eps**2).sum()
            std_eps_const = eps_const @ sigma_m12
            denom = (std_eps_const**2).sum()
            mcelroy = 1.0 - numerator / denom
        r2 = dict(mcelroy=mcelroy, berndt=berndt, judge=judge, dhrymes=dhrymes)
        return Series(r2)

    def _gls_finalize(
        full_cov: bool,
        cov_type: str,
        iter_count: int,
        **cov_config: bool,
    ) -> SystemResults:
        """Collect results to return after GLS estimation"""
        k = len(self._wy)

        # Covariance estimation
        cov_estimator = COV_EST[cov_type]
        gls_eps = np.reshape(gls_eps, (k, gls_eps.shape[0] // k)).T
        eps = np.reshape(eps, (k, eps.shape[0] // k)).T
        cov_est = cov_estimator(
        cov = cov_est.cov

        # Repackage results for individual equations
        individual = AttrDict()
        debiased = cov_config.get("debiased", False)
        method = "Iterative GLS" if iter_count > 1 else "GLS"
        for i in range(k):
            cons = bool(self.has_constant.iloc[i])

            if cons:
                c = np.sqrt(self._w[i])
                ye = self._wy[i] - c @ lstsq(c, self._wy[i], rcond=None)[0]
                ye = self._wy[i]
            total_ss = float(np.squeeze(ye.T @ ye))
            stats = self._common_indiv_results(
            key = self._eq_labels[i]
            individual[key] = stats

        # Populate results dictionary
        nobs = eps.size
        results = self._common_results(

        # wresid is different between GLS and OLS
        wresiduals = []
        for individual_key in individual:
        wresid = np.hstack(wresiduals)
        results["wresid"] = wresid
        results["cov_estimator"] = cov_est
        results["cov_config"] = cov_est.cov_config
        individual = results["individual"]
        r2s = [individual[eq].r2 for eq in individual]
        results["system_r2"] = self._system_r2(
            eps, sigma, "gls", full_cov, debiased, r2s

        return SystemResults(results)

    def _sigma_scale(
        self, debiased: bool
    ) -> float |
        if not debiased:
            return 1.0
        nobs = float(self._wx[0].shape[0])
        scales = np.array([nobs - x.shape[1] for x in self._wx], dtype=np.float64)
        scales = cast(, np.sqrt(nobs / scales))
        return scales[:, None] @ scales[None, :]

    def constraints(self) -> LinearConstraint | None:
        Model constraints

        cons : {LinearConstraint, None}
            Constraint object
        return self._constraints

    def add_constraints(
        self, r: pandas.DataFrame, q: pandas.Series | None = None
    ) -> None:
        Add parameter constraints to a model.

        r : DataFrame
            Constraint matrix. nconstraints by nparameters
        q : Series
            Constraint values (nconstraints).  If not set, set to 0

        Constraints are of the form

        .. math ::

            r \beta = q

        The property `param_names` can be used to determine the order of
        self._constraints = LinearConstraint(
            r, q=q, num_params=len(self._param_names), require_pandas=True

    def reset_constraints(self) -> None:
        """Remove all model constraints"""
        self._constraints = None

    def param_names(self) -> list[str]:
        Model parameter names

        names : list[str]
            Normalized, unique model parameter names
        return self._param_names

class _LSSystemModelBase(_SystemModelBase):
    """Base class for least-squares-based system estimators"""

    def fit(
        method: Literal["ols", "gls", None] = None,
        full_cov: bool = True,
        iterate: bool = False,
        iter_limit: int = 100,
        tol: float = 1e-6,
        cov_type: str = "robust",
        **cov_config: bool,
    ) -> SystemResults:
        Estimate model parameters

        method : {None, "gls", "ols"}
            Estimation method.  Default auto selects based on regressors,
            using OLS only if all regressors are identical. The other two
            arguments force the use of GLS or OLS.
        full_cov : bool
            Flag indicating whether to utilize information in correlations
            when estimating the model with GLS
        iterate : bool
            Flag indicating to iterate GLS until convergence of iter limit
            iterations have been completed
        iter_limit : int
            Maximum number of iterations for iterative GLS
        tol : float
            Tolerance to use when checking for convergence in iterative GLS
        cov_type : str
            Name of covariance estimator. Valid options are

            * "unadjusted", "homoskedastic" - Classic covariance estimator
            * "robust", "heteroskedastic" - Heteroskedasticity robust
              covariance estimator
            * "kernel" - Allows for heteroskedasticity and autocorrelation
            * "clustered" - Allows for 1 and 2-way clustering of errors

            Additional parameters to pass to covariance estimator. All
            estimators support debiased which employs a small-sample adjustment

        results : SystemResults
            Estimation results

        See Also
        if method is None:
            method = (
                "ols" if (self._common_exog and self._constraints is None) else "gls"
            if method.lower() not in ("ols", "gls"):
                raise ValueError(
                    f"method must be 'ols' or 'gls' when not None. Got {method}."
            method = cast(Literal["ols", "gls"], method.lower())

        cov_type = cov_type.lower()
        if cov_type not in COV_TYPES:
            raise ValueError(f"Unknown cov_type: {cov_type}")
        cov_type = COV_TYPES[cov_type]
        k = len(self._dependent)
        col_sizes = [0] + [v.shape[1] for v in self._x]
        col_idx = [int(i) for i in np.cumsum(col_sizes)]
        total_cols = col_idx[-1]
        beta, eps = self._multivariate_ls_fit()
        nobs = eps.shape[0]
        debiased = cov_config.get("debiased", False)
        full_sigma = sigma = (eps.T @ eps / nobs) * self._sigma_scale(debiased)

        if method == "ols":
            return self._multivariate_ls_finalize(
                beta, eps, sigma, cov_type, **cov_config

        beta_hist = [beta]
        nobs = eps.shape[0]
        iter_count = 0
        delta = np.inf
        while (
            (iter_count < iter_limit and iterate) or iter_count == 0
        ) and delta >= tol:
            beta, eps, sigma, est_sigma = self._gls_estimate(
                eps, nobs, total_cols, col_idx, full_cov, debiased
            diff = beta_hist[-1] - beta_hist[-2]
            delta = float(np.sqrt(np.mean(diff**2)))
            iter_count += 1

        sigma_m12 = inv_matrix_sqrt(sigma)
        wy = blocked_column_product(self._wy, sigma_m12)
        wx = blocked_diag_product(self._wx, sigma_m12)
        gls_eps = wy - wx @ beta

        y = blocked_column_product(self._y, np.eye(k))
        x = blocked_diag_product(self._x, np.eye(k))
        eps = y - x @ beta

        return self._gls_finalize(

[docs] class IV3SLS(_LSSystemModelBase): r""" Three-stage Least Squares (3SLS) Estimator Parameters ---------- equations : dict Dictionary-like structure containing dependent, exogenous, endogenous and instrumental variables. Each key is an equations label and must be a string. Each value must be either a tuple of the form (dependent, exog, endog, instrument[, weights]) or a dictionary with keys "dependent", and at least one of "exog" or "endog" and "instruments". When using a tuple, values must be provided for all 4 variables, although either empty arrays or `None` can be passed if a category of variable is not included in a model. The dictionary may contain optional keys for "exog", "endog", "instruments", and "weights". "exog" can be omitted if all variables in an equation are endogenous. Alternatively, "exog" can contain either an empty array or `None` to indicate that an equation contains no exogenous regressors. Similarly "endog" and "instruments" can either be omitted or may contain an empty array (or `None`) if all variables in an equation are exogenous. sigma : array_like Prespecified residual covariance to use in GLS estimation. If not provided, FGLS is implemented based on an estimate of sigma. Notes ----- Estimates a set of regressions which are seemingly unrelated in the sense that separate estimation would lead to consistent parameter estimates. Each equation is of the form .. math:: y_{i,k} = x_{i,k}\beta_i + \epsilon_{i,k} where k denotes the equation and i denoted the observation index. By stacking vertically arrays of dependent and placing the exogenous variables into a block diagonal array, the entire system can be compactly expressed as .. math:: Y = X\beta + \epsilon where .. math:: Y = \left[\begin{array}{x}Y_1 \\ Y_2 \\ \vdots \\ Y_K\end{array}\right] and .. math:: X = \left[\begin{array}{cccc} X_1 & 0 & \ldots & 0 \\ 0 & X_2 & \dots & 0 \\ \vdots & \vdots & \ddots & \vdots \\ 0 & 0 & \dots & X_K \end{array}\right] The system instrumental variable (IV) estimator is .. math:: \hat{\beta}_{IV} & = (X'Z(Z'Z)^{-1}Z'X)^{-1}X'Z(Z'Z)^{-1}Z'Y \\ & = (\hat{X}'\hat{X})^{-1}\hat{X}'Y where :math:`\hat{X} = Z(Z'Z)^{-1}Z'X` and. When certain conditions are satisfied, a GLS estimator of the form .. math:: \hat{\beta}_{3SLS} = (\hat{X}'\Omega^{-1}\hat{X})^{-1}\hat{X}'\Omega^{-1}Y can improve accuracy of coefficient estimates where .. math:: \Omega = \Sigma \otimes I_N where :math:`\Sigma` is the covariance matrix of the residuals. """ def __init__( self, equations: Mapping[ str, Mapping[str, | None] | Sequence[ | None], ], *, sigma: | None = None, ) -> None: super().__init__(equations, sigma=sigma)
[docs] @classmethod def multivariate_iv( cls, dependent:, exog: | None = None, endog: | None = None, instruments: | None = None, ) -> IV3SLS: """ Interface for specification of multivariate IV models Parameters ---------- dependent : array_like nobs by ndep array of dependent variables exog : array_like nobs by nexog array of exogenous regressors common to all models endog : array_like nobs by nendog array of endogenous regressors common to all models instruments : array_like nobs by ninstr array of instruments to use in all equations Returns ------- model : IV3SLS Model instance Notes ----- At least one of exog or endog must be provided. Utility function to simplify the construction of multivariate IV models which all use the same regressors and instruments. Constructs the dictionary of equations from the variables using the common exogenous, endogenous and instrumental variables. """ equations = {} dependent_ivd = IVData(dependent, var_name="dependent") if exog is None and endog is None: raise ValueError("At least one of exog or endog must be provided") exog_ivd = IVData(exog, var_name="exog") endog_ivd = IVData(endog, var_name="endog", nobs=dependent.shape[0]) instr_ivd = IVData(instruments, var_name="instruments", nobs=dependent.shape[0]) for col in dependent_ivd.pandas: equations[str(col)] = { # TODO: Bug in pandas-stubs # "dependent": dependent_ivd.pandas[[col]], "exog": exog_ivd.pandas, "endog": endog_ivd.pandas, "instruments": instr_ivd.pandas, } return cls(equations)
[docs] @classmethod def from_formula( cls, formula: str | dict[str, str], data: pandas.DataFrame, *, sigma: | None = None, weights: Mapping[str,] | None = None, ) -> IV3SLS: """ Specify a 3SLS using the formula interface Parameters ---------- formula : {str, dict-like} Either a string or a dictionary of strings where each value in the dictionary represents a single equation. See Notes for a description of the accepted syntax data : DataFrame Frame containing named variables sigma : array_like Prespecified residual covariance to use in GLS estimation. If not provided, FGLS is implemented based on an estimate of sigma. weights : dict-like Dictionary like object (e.g. a DataFrame) containing variable weights. Each entry must have the same number of observations as data. If an equation label is not a key weights, the weights will be set to unity Returns ------- model : IV3SLS Model instance Notes ----- Models can be specified in one of two ways. The first uses curly braces to encapsulate equations. The second uses a dictionary where each key is an equation name. Examples -------- The simplest format uses standard formulas for each equation in a dictionary. Best practice is to use an Ordered Dictionary >>> import pandas as pd >>> import numpy as np >>> cols = ["y1", "x1_1", "x1_2", "z1", "y2", "x2_1", "x2_2", "z2"] >>> data = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(500, 8), columns=cols) >>> from linearmodels.system import IV3SLS >>> formula = {"eq1": "y1 ~ 1 + x1_1 + [x1_2 ~ z1]", ... "eq2": "y2 ~ 1 + x2_1 + [x2_2 ~ z2]"} >>> mod = IV3SLS.from_formula(formula, data) The second format uses curly braces {} to surround distinct equations >>> formula = "{y1 ~ 1 + x1_1 + [x1_2 ~ z1]} {y2 ~ 1 + x2_1 + [x2_2 ~ z2]}" >>> mod = IV3SLS.from_formula(formula, data) It is also possible to include equation labels when using curly braces >>> formula = "{eq1: y1 ~ x1_1 + [x1_2 ~ z1]} {eq2: y2 ~ 1 + [x2_2 ~ z2]}" >>> mod = IV3SLS.from_formula(formula, data) """ context = capture_context(1) parser = SystemFormulaParser(formula, data, weights, context=context) eqns = mod = cls(eqns, sigma=sigma) mod.formula = formula return mod
[docs] class SUR(_LSSystemModelBase): r""" Seemingly unrelated regression estimation (SUR/SURE) Parameters ---------- equations : dict Dictionary-like structure containing dependent and exogenous variable values. Each key is an equations label and must be a string. Each value must be either a tuple of the form (dependent, exog, [weights]) or a dictionary with keys "dependent" and "exog" and the optional key "weights". sigma : array_like Prespecified residual covariance to use in GLS estimation. If not provided, FGLS is implemented based on an estimate of sigma. Notes ----- Estimates a set of regressions which are seemingly unrelated in the sense that separate estimation would lead to consistent parameter estimates. Each equation is of the form .. math:: y_{i,k} = x_{i,k}\beta_i + \epsilon_{i,k} where k denotes the equation and i denoted the observation index. By stacking vertically arrays of dependent and placing the exogenous variables into a block diagonal array, the entire system can be compactly expressed as .. math:: Y = X\beta + \epsilon where .. math:: Y = \left[\begin{array}{x}Y_1 \\ Y_2 \\ \vdots \\ Y_K\end{array}\right] and .. math:: X = \left[\begin{array}{cccc} X_1 & 0 & \ldots & 0 \\ 0 & X_2 & \dots & 0 \\ \vdots & \vdots & \ddots & \vdots \\ 0 & 0 & \dots & X_K \end{array}\right] The system OLS estimator is .. math:: \hat{\beta}_{OLS} = (X'X)^{-1}X'Y When certain conditions are satisfied, a GLS estimator of the form .. math:: \hat{\beta}_{GLS} = (X'\Omega^{-1}X)^{-1}X'\Omega^{-1}Y can improve accuracy of coefficient estimates where .. math:: \Omega = \Sigma \otimes I_N where :math:`\Sigma` is the covariance matrix of the residuals. SUR is a special case of 3SLS where there are no endogenous regressors and no instruments. """ def __init__( self, equations: Mapping[ str, Mapping[str, | None] | Sequence[ | None], ], *, sigma: | None = None, ) -> None: if not isinstance(equations, Mapping): raise TypeError("equations must be a dictionary-like") for key in equations: if not isinstance(key, str): raise ValueError("Equation labels (keys) must be strings") reformatted = {} for key in equations: eqn = equations[key] if isinstance(eqn, tuple): if len(eqn) == 3: w = eqn[-1] eqn = eqn[:2] eqn = eqn + (None, None) + (w,) else: eqn = eqn + (None, None) reformatted[key] = eqn super().__init__(reformatted, sigma=sigma) self._model_name = "Seemingly Unrelated Regression (SUR)"
[docs] @classmethod def multivariate_ls( cls, dependent:, exog:, ) -> SUR: """ Interface for specification of multivariate regression models Parameters ---------- dependent : array_like nobs by ndep array of dependent variables exog : array_like nobs by nvar array of exogenous regressors common to all models Returns ------- model : SUR Model instance Notes ----- Utility function to simplify the construction of multivariate regression models which all use the same regressors. Constructs the dictionary of equations from the variables using the common exogenous variable. Examples -------- A simple CAP-M can be estimated as a multivariate regression >>> from linearmodels.datasets import french >>> from linearmodels.system import SUR >>> data = french.load() >>> portfolios = data[["S1V1","S1V5","S5V1","S5V5"]] >>> factors = data[["MktRF"]].copy() >>> factors["alpha"] = 1 >>> mod = SUR.multivariate_ls(portfolios, factors) """ equations = {} dependent_ivd = IVData(dependent, var_name="dependent") exog_ivd = IVData(exog, var_name="exog") for col in dependent_ivd.pandas: # TODO: Bug in pandas-stubs # equations[str(col)] = (dependent_ivd.pandas[[col]], exog_ivd.pandas) return cls(equations)
[docs] @classmethod def from_formula( cls, formula: str | dict[str, str], data: pandas.DataFrame, *, sigma: | None = None, weights: Mapping[str,] | None = None, ) -> SUR: """ Specify a SUR using the formula interface Parameters ---------- formula : {str, dict[str, str]} Either a string or a dictionary of strings where each value in the dictionary represents a single equation. See Notes for a description of the accepted syntax data : DataFrame Frame containing named variables sigma : array_like Prespecified residual covariance to use in GLS estimation. If not provided, FGLS is implemented based on an estimate of sigma. weights : dict[str, array_like] Dictionary like object (e.g. a DataFrame) containing variable weights. Each entry must have the same number of observations as data. If an equation label is not a key weights, the weights will be set to unity Returns ------- model : SUR Model instance Notes ----- Models can be specified in one of two ways. The first uses curly braces to encapsulate equations. The second uses a dictionary where each key is an equation name. Examples -------- The simplest format uses standard formulas for each equation in a dictionary. Best practice is to use an Ordered Dictionary >>> import pandas as pd >>> import numpy as np >>> data = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(500, 4), ... columns=["y1", "x1_1", "y2", "x2_1"]) >>> from linearmodels.system import SUR >>> formula = {"eq1": "y1 ~ 1 + x1_1", "eq2": "y2 ~ 1 + x2_1"} >>> mod = SUR.from_formula(formula, data) The second format uses curly braces {} to surround distinct equations >>> formula = "{y1 ~ 1 + x1_1} {y2 ~ 1 + x2_1}" >>> mod = SUR.from_formula(formula, data) It is also possible to include equation labels when using curly braces >>> formula = "{eq1: y1 ~ 1 + x1_1} {eq2: y2 ~ 1 + x2_1}" >>> mod = SUR.from_formula(formula, data) """ context = capture_context(1) parser = SystemFormulaParser(formula, data, weights, context=context) eqns = mod = cls(eqns, sigma=sigma) mod.formula = formula return mod
[docs] class IVSystemGMM(_SystemModelBase): r""" System Generalized Method of Moments (GMM) estimation of linear IV models Parameters ---------- equations : dict Dictionary-like structure containing dependent, exogenous, endogenous and instrumental variables. Each key is an equations label and must be a string. Each value must be either a tuple of the form (dependent, exog, endog, instrument[, weights]) or a dictionary with keys "dependent", "exog". The dictionary may contain optional keys for "endog", "instruments", and "weights". Endogenous and/or Instrument can be empty if all variables in an equation are exogenous. sigma : array_like Prespecified residual covariance to use in GLS estimation. If not provided, FGLS is implemented based on an estimate of sigma. Only used if weight_type is "unadjusted" weight_type : str Name of moment condition weight function to use in the GMM estimation **weight_config Additional keyword arguments to pass to the moment condition weight function Notes ----- Estimates a linear model using GMM. Each equation is of the form .. math:: y_{i,k} = x_{i,k}\beta_i + \epsilon_{i,k} where k denotes the equation and i denoted the observation index. By stacking vertically arrays of dependent and placing the exogenous variables into a block diagonal array, the entire system can be compactly expressed as .. math:: Y = X\beta + \epsilon where .. math:: Y = \left[\begin{array}{x}Y_1 \\ Y_2 \\ \vdots \\ Y_K\end{array}\right] and .. math:: X = \left[\begin{array}{cccc} X_1 & 0 & \ldots & 0 \\ 0 & X_2 & \dots & 0 \\ \vdots & \vdots & \ddots & \vdots \\ 0 & 0 & \dots & X_K \end{array}\right] The system GMM estimator uses the moment condition .. math:: z_{ij}(y_{ij} - x_{ij}\beta_j) = 0 where j indexes the equation. The estimator for the coefficients is given by .. math:: \hat{\beta}_{GMM} & = (X'ZW^{-1}Z'X)^{-1}X'ZW^{-1}Z'Y \\ where :math:`W` is a positive definite weighting matrix. """ def __init__( self, equations: Mapping[ str, Mapping[str, | None] | Sequence[ | None], ], *, sigma: | None = None, weight_type: str = "robust", **weight_config: bool | str | float, ) -> None: super().__init__(equations, sigma=sigma) self._weight_type = weight_type self._weight_config = weight_config if weight_type not in COV_TYPES: raise ValueError("Unknown estimator for weight_type") if weight_type not in ("unadjusted", "homoskedastic") and sigma is not None: warnings.warn( "sigma has been provided but the estimated weight " "matrix not unadjusted (homoskedastic). sigma will " "be ignored.", UserWarning, ) weight_type = COV_TYPES[weight_type] self._weight_est = GMM_W_EST[weight_type](**weight_config)
[docs] def fit( self, *, iter_limit: int = 2, tol: float = 1e-6, initial_weight: | None = None, cov_type: str = "robust", **cov_config: bool | float, ) -> GMMSystemResults: """ Estimate model parameters Parameters ---------- iter_limit : int Maximum number of iterations for iterative GLS tol : float Tolerance to use when checking for convergence in iterative GLS initial_weight : ndarray Initial weighting matrix to use in the first step. If not specified, uses the average outer-product of the set containing the exogenous variables and instruments. cov_type : str Name of covariance estimator. Valid options are * "unadjusted", "homoskedastic" - Classic covariance estimator * "robust", "heteroskedastic" - Heteroskedasticity robust covariance estimator **cov_config Additional parameters to pass to covariance estimator. All estimators support debiased which employs a small-sample adjustment Returns ------- GMMSystemResults Estimation results """ if cov_type not in COV_TYPES: raise ValueError(f"Unknown cov_type: {cov_type}") # Parameter estimation wx, wy, wz = self._wx, self._wy, self._wz k = len(wx) nobs = wx[0].shape[0] k_total = sum(map(lambda a: a.shape[1], wz)) if initial_weight is None: w = blocked_inner_prod(wz, np.eye(k_total)) / nobs else: w = initial_weight assert w is not None beta_last = beta = self._blocked_gmm( wx, wy, wz, w=cast(, w), constraints=self.constraints, ) _eps = [] loc = 0 for i in range(k): nb = wx[i].shape[1] b = beta[loc : loc + nb] _eps.append(wy[i] - wx[i] @ b) loc += nb eps = np.hstack(_eps) sigma = self._weight_est.sigma(eps, wx) if self._sigma is None else self._sigma vinv = None iters = 1 norm = 10 * tol + 1 while iters < iter_limit and norm > tol: sigma = ( self._weight_est.sigma(eps, wx) if self._sigma is None else self._sigma ) w = self._weight_est.weight_matrix(wx, wz, eps, sigma=sigma) beta = self._blocked_gmm( wx, wy, wz, w=cast(, w), constraints=self.constraints, ) delta = beta_last - beta if vinv is None: winv = np.linalg.inv(w) xpz = blocked_cross_prod(wx, wz, np.eye(k)) xpz = cast(, xpz / nobs) v = (xpz @ winv @ xpz.T) / nobs vinv = inv(v) norm = float(np.squeeze(delta.T @ vinv @ delta)) beta_last = beta _eps = [] loc = 0 for i in range(k): nb = wx[i].shape[1] b = beta[loc : loc + nb] _eps.append(wy[i] - wx[i] @ b) loc += nb eps = np.hstack(_eps) iters += 1 cov_type = COV_TYPES[cov_type] cov_est = GMM_COV_EST[cov_type] cov = cov_est( wx, wz, eps, w, sigma=sigma, constraints=self._constraints, **cov_config ) weps = eps _eps = [] loc = 0 x, y = self._x, self._y for i in range(k): nb = x[i].shape[1] b = beta[loc : loc + nb] _eps.append(y[i] - x[i] @ b) loc += nb eps = np.hstack(_eps) iters += 1 return self._finalize_results( beta, cov.cov, weps, eps, cast(np.ndarray, w), sigma, iters - 1, cov_type, cov_config, cov, )
@staticmethod def _blocked_gmm( x:, y:, z:, *, w:, constraints: LinearConstraint | None = None, ) -> k = len(x) xpz = blocked_cross_prod(x, z, np.eye(k)) wi = np.linalg.inv(w) xpz_wi_zpx = xpz @ wi @ xpz.T zpy_arrs = [] for i in range(k): zpy_arrs.append(z[i].T @ y[i]) zpy = np.vstack(zpy_arrs) xpz_wi_zpy = xpz @ wi @ zpy params = _parameters_from_xprod(xpz_wi_zpx, xpz_wi_zpy, constraints=constraints) return params def _finalize_results( self, beta:, cov:, weps:, eps:, wmat:, sigma:, iter_count: int, cov_type: str, cov_config: dict[str, bool | float], cov_est: GMMHeteroskedasticCovariance | GMMHomoskedasticCovariance, ) -> GMMSystemResults: """Collect results to return after GLS estimation""" k = len(self._wy) # Repackage results for individual equations individual = AttrDict() debiased = bool(cov_config.get("debiased", False)) method = f"{iter_count}-Step System GMM" if iter_count > 2: method = "Iterative System GMM" for i in range(k): cons = bool(self.has_constant.iloc[i]) if cons: c = np.sqrt(self._w[i]) ye = self._wy[i] - c @ lstsq(c, self._wy[i], rcond=None)[0] else: ye = self._wy[i] total_ss = float(np.squeeze(ye.T @ ye)) stats = self._common_indiv_results( i, beta, cov, weps, eps, method, cov_type, cov_est, iter_count, debiased, cons, total_ss, weight_est=self._weight_est, ) key = self._eq_labels[i] individual[key] = stats # Populate results dictionary nobs = eps.size results = self._common_results( beta, cov, method, iter_count, nobs, cov_type, sigma, individual, debiased ) # wresid is different between GLS and OLS wresiduals = [] for individual_key in individual: wresiduals.append(individual[individual_key].wresid) wresid = np.hstack(wresiduals) results["wresid"] = wresid results["wmat"] = wmat results["weight_type"] = self._weight_type results["weight_config"] = self._weight_est.config results["cov_estimator"] = cov_est results["cov_config"] = cov_est.cov_config results["weight_estimator"] = self._weight_est results["j_stat"] = self._j_statistic(beta, wmat) r2s = [individual[eq].r2 for eq in individual] results["system_r2"] = self._system_r2(eps, sigma, "gls", False, debiased, r2s) return GMMSystemResults(results)
[docs] @classmethod def from_formula( cls, formula: str | dict[str, str], data: pandas.DataFrame, *, weights: dict[str,] | None = None, weight_type: str = "robust", **weight_config: bool | str | float, ) -> IVSystemGMM: """ Specify a 3SLS using the formula interface Parameters ---------- formula : {str, dict-like} Either a string or a dictionary of strings where each value in the dictionary represents a single equation. See Notes for a description of the accepted syntax data : DataFrame Frame containing named variables weights : dict-like Dictionary like object (e.g. a DataFrame) containing variable weights. Each entry must have the same number of observations as data. If an equation label is not a key weights, the weights will be set to unity weight_type : str Name of moment condition weight function to use in the GMM estimation. Valid options are: * "unadjusted", "homoskedastic" - Assume moments are homoskedastic * "robust", "heteroskedastic" - Allow for heteroskedasticity **weight_config Additional keyword arguments to pass to the moment condition weight function Returns ------- model : IVSystemGMM Model instance Notes ----- Models can be specified in one of two ways. The first uses curly braces to encapsulate equations. The second uses a dictionary where each key is an equation name. Examples -------- The simplest format uses standard formulas for each equation in a dictionary. Best practice is to use an Ordered Dictionary >>> import pandas as pd >>> import numpy as np >>> cols = ["y1", "x1_1", "x1_2", "z1", "y2", "x2_1", "x2_2", "z2"] >>> data = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(500, 8), columns=cols) >>> from linearmodels.system import IVSystemGMM >>> formula = {"eq1": "y1 ~ 1 + x1_1 + [x1_2 ~ z1]", ... "eq2": "y2 ~ 1 + x2_1 + [x2_2 ~ z2]"} >>> mod = IVSystemGMM.from_formula(formula, data) The second format uses curly braces {} to surround distinct equations >>> formula = "{y1 ~ 1 + x1_1 + [x1_2 ~ z1]} {y2 ~ 1 + x2_1 + [x2_2 ~ z2]}" >>> mod = IVSystemGMM.from_formula(formula, data) It is also possible to include equation labels when using curly braces >>> formula = "{eq1: y1 ~ x1_1 + [x1_2 ~ z1]} {eq2: y2 ~ 1 + [x2_2 ~ z2]}" >>> mod = IVSystemGMM.from_formula(formula, data) """ context = capture_context(1) parser = SystemFormulaParser(formula, data, weights, context=context) eqns = mod = cls(eqns, sigma=None, weight_type=weight_type, **weight_config) mod.formula = formula return mod
def _j_statistic( self, params:, weight_mat:, ) -> WaldTestStatistic: """ J stat and test Parameters ---------- params : ndarray Estimated model parameters weight_mat : ndarray Weighting matrix used in estimation of the parameters Returns ------- stat : WaldTestStatistic Test statistic Notes ----- Assumes that the efficient weighting matrix has been used. Using other weighting matrices will not produce the correct test. """ y, x, z = self._wy, self._wx, self._wz k = len(x) ze_lst = [] idx = 0 for i in range(k): kx = x[i].shape[1] beta = params[idx : idx + kx] eps = y[i] - x[i] @ beta ze_lst.append(z[i] * eps) idx += kx ze = np.concatenate(ze_lst, 1) g_bar = ze.mean(0) nobs = x[0].shape[0] stat = float(nobs * g_bar.T @ np.linalg.inv(weight_mat) @ g_bar.T) null = "Expected moment conditions are equal to 0" ninstr = sum(map(lambda a: a.shape[1], z)) nvar = sum(map(lambda a: a.shape[1], x)) ncons = 0 if self.constraints is None else self.constraints.r.shape[0] return WaldTestStatistic(stat, null, ninstr - (nvar - ncons))