Source code for linearmodels.system.results

from __future__ import annotations

from linearmodels.compat.statsmodels import Summary

import datetime as dt
from functools import cached_property
from typing import Any, Union

import numpy as np
import pandas
from pandas import DataFrame, Series, concat
from scipy import stats
from statsmodels.iolib.summary import SimpleTable, fmt_2cols

import linearmodels
from linearmodels.shared.base import _SummaryStr
from linearmodels.shared.hypotheses import InvalidTestStatistic, WaldTestStatistic
from import _str, format_wide, param_table, pval_format
from linearmodels.shared.utility import AttrDict

__all__ = ["Equation", "SystemResults", "SystemEquationResult", "GMMSystemResults"]

Equation = Union[

class _CommonResults(_SummaryStr):
    def __init__(self, results: AttrDict) -> None:
        self._method = results.method
        self._params = results.params
        self._cov = results.cov
        self._param_names = results.param_names
        self._debiased = results.debiased
        self._r2 = results.r2
        self._resid = results.resid
        self._wresid = results.wresid
        self._fitted = results.fitted
        self._nobs = results.nobs
        self._df_model = results.df_model
        self._df_resid = self._nobs - self._df_model
        self._index = results.index
        self._iter = results.iter
        self._cov_type = results.cov_type
        self._tss = results.total_ss
        self._rss = results.resid_ss
        self._datetime =
        self._cov_estimator = results.cov_estimator
        self._cov_config = results.cov_config
        self._original_index = results.original_index

    def method(self) -> str:
        """Estimation method"""
        return self._method

    def cov(self) -> DataFrame:
        """Estimated covariance of parameters"""
        return DataFrame(self._cov, index=self._param_names, columns=self._param_names)

    def cov_estimator(self) -> str:
        """Type of covariance estimator used to compute covariance"""
        return self._cov_type

    def cov_config(self) -> dict[str, bool]:
        """Configuration of covariance estimator used to compute covariance"""
        return self._cov_config

    def iterations(self) -> int:
        """Number of iterations of the GLS executed"""
        return self._iter

    def debiased(self) -> bool:
        """Flag indicating whether covariance uses a small-sample adjustment"""
        return self._debiased

    def params(self) -> Series:
        """Estimated parameters"""
        return Series(self._params.squeeze(), index=self._param_names, name="params")

    def std_errors(self) -> Series:
        """Estimated parameter standard errors"""
        std_errors = np.sqrt(np.diag(self.cov))
        return Series(std_errors, index=self._param_names, name="stderr")

    def tstats(self) -> Series:
        """Parameter t-statistics"""
        return Series(self.params / self.std_errors, name="tstat")

    def pvalues(self) -> Series:
        Parameter p-vals. Uses t(df_resid) if ``debiased`` is True, else normal
        if self.debiased:
            pvals = 2 * (1 - stats.t.cdf(np.abs(self.tstats), self._df_resid))
            pvals = 2 * (1 - stats.norm.cdf(np.abs(self.tstats)))

        return Series(pvals, index=self._param_names, name="pvalue")

    def rsquared(self) -> float:
        Coefficient of determination (R2)

            The coefficient of determinations.

        The overall R2 is similar to Judge's system R2 since no weighting is
        used. These two only differ if one or more equations do not include
        constants. It is defined as

        .. math::

           1 - \frac{\sum_i \sum_j \hat{\epsilon}_{ij}^2}
               {\sum_i \sum_j \hat{\eta}_{ij}^2}

        where :math:`\eta` is the residual from a regression on only a
        constant. Note that if a constant is not present in an equation
        then the term in the denominator is **not** demeaned so that
        return self._r2

    def total_ss(self) -> float:
        """Total sum of squares"""
        return self._tss

    def model_ss(self) -> float:
        """Residual sum of squares"""
        return self._tss - self._rss

    def resid_ss(self) -> float:
        """Residual sum of squares"""
        return self._rss

    def nobs(self) -> int:
        """Number of observations"""
        return self._nobs

    def df_resid(self) -> int:
        """Residual degree of freedom"""
        return self._df_resid

    def df_model(self) -> int:
        """Model degree of freedom"""
        return self._df_model

    def conf_int(self, level: float = 0.95) -> DataFrame:
        Confidence interval construction

        level : float
            Confidence level for interval

            Confidence interval of the form [lower, upper] for each parameters

        Uses a t(df_resid) if ``debiased`` is True, else normal.
        ci_quantiles = [(1 - level) / 2, 1 - (1 - level) / 2]
        if self._debiased:
            q = stats.t.ppf(ci_quantiles, self.df_resid)
            q = stats.norm.ppf(ci_quantiles)
        q = q[None, :]
        params = np.asarray(self.params)[:, None]
        ci = params + np.asarray(self.std_errors)[:, None] * q
        return DataFrame(ci, index=self._param_names, columns=["lower", "upper"])

[docs] class SystemResults(_CommonResults): """ Results from Seemingly Unrelated Regression Estimators Parameters ---------- results : AttrDict Dictionary of model estimation results """ def __init__(self, results: AttrDict) -> None: super().__init__(results) self._individual = AttrDict() for key in results.individual: self._individual[key] = SystemEquationResult(results.individual[key]) self._system_r2 = results.system_r2 self._sigma = results.sigma self._model = results.model self._constraints = results.constraints self._num_constraints = "None" if results.constraints is not None: self._num_constraints = str(results.constraints.r.shape[0]) self._weight_estimtor = results.get("weight_estimator", None) @property def model(self) -> linearmodels.system.model.IV3SLS: """Model used in estimation""" return self._model @property def equations(self) -> AttrDict: """Individual equation results""" return self._individual @property def equation_labels(self) -> list[str]: """Individual equation labels""" return list(self._individual.keys()) @property def resids(self) -> DataFrame: """Estimated residuals""" return DataFrame(self._resid, index=self._index, columns=self.equation_labels) @property def fitted_values(self) -> DataFrame: """Fitted values""" return DataFrame(self._fitted, index=self._index, columns=self.equation_labels) def _out_of_sample( self, equations: dict[str, dict[str,]] | None, data: pandas.DataFrame | None, missing: bool, dataframe: bool, ) -> dict[str, Series] | DataFrame: if equations is not None and data is not None: raise ValueError( "Predictions can only be constructed using one " "of eqns or data, but not both." ) pred: DataFrame = self.model.predict( self.params, equations=equations, data=data, eval_env=3 ) if dataframe: if missing: pred = pred.dropna(how="all", axis=1) return pred pred_dict = {str(col): pred[col] for col in pred} if missing: for col, val in pred_dict.items(): pred_dict[col] = val.dropna() return pred_dict
[docs] def predict( self, equations: ( dict[str, dict[str,]] | None ) = None, *, data: pandas.DataFrame | None = None, fitted: bool = True, idiosyncratic: bool = False, missing: bool = False, dataframe: bool = False, ) -> pandas.DataFrame | dict: """ In- and out-of-sample predictions Parameters ---------- equations : dict Dictionary-like structure containing exogenous and endogenous variables. Each key is an equations label and must match the labels used to fit the model. Each value must be either a tuple of the form (exog, endog) or a dictionary with keys "exog" and "endog". If predictions are not required for one of more of the model equations, these keys can be omitted. data : DataFrame DataFrame to use for out-of-sample predictions when model was constructed using a formula. fitted : bool Flag indicating whether to include the fitted values idiosyncratic : bool Flag indicating whether to include the estimated idiosyncratic shock missing : bool Flag indicating to adjust for dropped observations. if True, the values returns will have the same size as the original input data before filtering missing values dataframe : bool Flag indicating to return output as a dataframe. If False, a dictionary is returned using the equation labels as keys. Returns ------- predictions : {DataFrame, dict} DataFrame or dictionary containing selected outputs Notes ----- If `equations` and `data` are both `None`, in-sample predictions (fitted values) will be returned. If `data` is not none, then `equations` must be none. Predictions from models constructed using formulas can be computed using either `equations`, which will treat these are arrays of values corresponding to the formula-process data, or using `data` which will be processed using the formula used to construct the values corresponding to the original model specification. When using `exog` and `endog`, the regressor array for a particular equation is assembled as `[equations[eqn]["exog"], equations[eqn]["endog"]]` where `eqn` is an equation label. These must correspond to the columns in the estimated model. """ if equations is not None or data is not None: return self._out_of_sample(equations, data, missing, dataframe) if not (fitted or idiosyncratic): raise ValueError("At least one output must be selected") out: dict[str, DataFrame] | DataFrame if dataframe: if fitted and not idiosyncratic: out = self.fitted_values elif idiosyncratic and not fitted: out = self.resids else: out = { "fitted_values": self.fitted_values, "idiosyncratic": self.resids, } else: out = {} for key in self.equation_labels: vals = [] if fitted: vals.append(self.fitted_values[[key]]) if idiosyncratic: vals.append(self.resids[[key]]) out[key] = concat(vals, axis=1) if missing: if isinstance(out, DataFrame): out = out.reindex(self._original_index) else: for key in out: out[key] = out[key].reindex(self._original_index) return out
@property def wresids(self) -> DataFrame: """Weighted estimated residuals""" return DataFrame(self._wresid, index=self._index, columns=self.equation_labels) @property def sigma(self) -> DataFrame: """Estimated residual covariance""" return self._sigma @property def system_rsquared(self) -> Series: r""" Alternative measure of system fit Returns ------- Series The measures of overall system fit. Notes ----- McElroy's R2 is defined as .. math:: 1 - \frac{SSR_{\Omega}}{TSS_{\Omega}} where .. math:: SSR_{\Omega} = \hat{\epsilon}^\prime\hat{\Omega}^{-1}\hat{\epsilon} and .. math:: TSS_{\Omega} = \hat{\eta}^\prime\hat{\Omega}^{-1}\hat{\eta} where :math:`\eta` is the residual from a regression on only a constant. Judge's system R2 is defined as .. math:: 1 - \frac{\sum_i \sum_j \hat{\epsilon}_ij^2}{\sum_i \sum_j \hat{\eta}_ij^2} where :math:`\eta` is the residual from a regression on only a constant. Berndt's system R2 is defined as .. math:: 1 - \frac{|\hat{\Sigma}_\epsilon|}{|\hat{\Sigma}_\eta|} where :math:`\hat{\Sigma}_\epsilon` and :math:`\hat{\Sigma}_\eta` are the estimated covariances :math:`\epsilon` and :math:`\eta`, respectively. Dhrymes's system R2 is defined as a weighted average of the R2 of each equation .. math:: \sum__i w_i R^2_i where the weight is .. math:: w_i = \frac{\hat{\Sigma}_{\eta}^{[ii]}}{\tr{\hat{\Sigma}_{\eta}}} the ratio of the variance the dependent in an equation to the total variance of all dependent variables. """ return self._system_r2 @property def summary(self) -> Summary: """ Model estimation summary. Returns ------- Summary Summary table of model estimation results Notes ----- Supports export to csv, html and latex using the methods ``summary.as_csv()``, ``summary.as_html()`` and ``summary.as_latex()``. """ title = "System " + self._method + " Estimation Summary" top_left = [ ("Estimator:", self._method), ("No. Equations.:", str(len(self.equation_labels))), ("No. Observations:", str(self.resids.shape[0])), ("Date:", self._datetime.strftime("%a, %b %d %Y")), ("Time:", self._datetime.strftime("%H:%M:%S")), ("", ""), ("", ""), ] top_right = [ ("Overall R-squared:", _str(self.rsquared)), ("McElroy's R-squared:", _str(self.system_rsquared.mcelroy)), ("Judge's (OLS) R-squared:", _str(self.system_rsquared.judge)), ("Berndt's R-squared:", _str(self.system_rsquared.berndt)), ("Dhrymes's R-squared:", _str(self.system_rsquared.dhrymes)), ("Cov. Estimator:", self._cov_type), ("Num. Constraints: ", self._num_constraints), ] stubs = [] vals = [] for stub, val in top_left: stubs.append(stub) vals.append([val]) table = SimpleTable(vals, txt_fmt=fmt_2cols, title=title, stubs=stubs) # create summary table instance smry = Summary() # Top Table # Parameter table fmt = fmt_2cols fmt["data_fmts"][1] = "%10s" top_right = [("%-21s" % (" " + k), v) for k, v in top_right] stubs = [] vals = [] for stub, val in top_right: stubs.append(stub) vals.append([val]) table.extend_right(SimpleTable(vals, stubs=stubs)) smry.tables.append(table) for i, eqlabel in enumerate(self.equation_labels): last_row = i == (len(self.equation_labels) - 1) results = self.equations[eqlabel] dep_name = results.dependent title = f"Equation: {eqlabel}, Dependent Variable: {dep_name}" pad_bottom = results.instruments is not None and not last_row smry.tables.append(param_table(results, title, pad_bottom=pad_bottom)) if results.instruments: formatted = format_wide(results.instruments, 80) if not last_row: formatted.append([" "]) smry.tables.append(SimpleTable(formatted, headers=["Instruments"])) extra_text = ["Covariance Estimator:"] for line in str(self._cov_estimator).split("\n"): extra_text.append(line) if self._weight_estimtor: extra_text.append("Weight Estimator:") for line in str(self._weight_estimtor).split("\n"): extra_text.append(line) smry.add_extra_txt(extra_text) return smry
[docs] def breusch_pagan(self) -> WaldTestStatistic | InvalidTestStatistic: r""" Breusch-Pagan LM test for no cross-correlation Returns ------- WaldTestStatistic Test statistic for null all correlations are zero. Notes ----- The null hypothesis is that the shock correlations are all 0, and so there are no gains to using GLS estimation in the system estimator. When the null is rejected, there should be efficiency gains to using GLS as long the regressors are not common to all models. The Breusch-Pagan test statistic is defined as .. math:: LM = n \sum_{i=1}^k \sum_{j=i+1}^k \hat{\rho}_{ij}^2 where :math:`\hat{\rho}_{ij}` is the sample residual correlation between series i and j. n is the sample size. It has an asymptotic :math:`\chi^2_{k(k-1)/2}` distribution. See [1]_ for details. References ---------- .. [1] Greene, William H. Econometric analysis. Pearson Education, 2003. """ name = "Breusch-Pagan LM Test" resids = self.resids if resids.shape[1] == 1: return InvalidTestStatistic( "Cannot test correlation when the system contains a single " "dependent variable.", name=name, ) r = np.corrcoef(resids.T) k = r.shape[0] distinct_corr = np.tril(r, -1) stat = self.resids.shape[0] * (distinct_corr**2).sum() return WaldTestStatistic( stat, "Residuals are uncorrelated", k * (k - 1) // 2, name=name, )
[docs] def likelihood_ratio(self) -> WaldTestStatistic | InvalidTestStatistic: r""" Likelihood ratio test of no cross-correlation Returns ------- WaldTestStatistic Test statistic that the covariance is diagonal. Notes ----- The null hypothesis is that the shock covariance matrix is diagonal, and so all correlations are 0. In this case, there are no gains to using GLS estimation in the system estimator. When the null is rejected, there should be efficiency gains to using GLS as long the regressors are not common to all models. The LR test statistic is defined as .. math:: LR=n\left[\sum_{i=1}^{k}\log\hat{\sigma}_i^2 -\log\left|\hat{\Sigma}\right|\right] where :math:`\hat{\sigma}_i^2` is the sample residual variance for series i and :math:`\hat{\Sigma}` is the residual covariance. n is the sample size. It has an asymptotic :math:`\chi^2_{k(k-1)/2}` distribution. The asymptotic distribution of the likelihood ratio test requires homoskedasticity. See [1]_ for details. References ---------- .. [1] Greene, William H. Econometric analysis. Pearson Education, 2003. """ name = "Likelihood Ratio Test for Diagonal Covariance" resids = np.asarray(self.resids) if resids.shape[1] == 1: return InvalidTestStatistic( "Cannot test covariance structure when the system contains a single " "dependent variable.", name=name, ) sigma = resids.T @ resids / resids.shape[0] nobs, k = resids.shape _, logdet = np.linalg.slogdet(sigma) stat = nobs * (np.log(np.diag(sigma)).sum() - logdet) return WaldTestStatistic( stat, "Covariance is diagonal", k * (k - 1) // 2, name=name, )
class SystemEquationResult(_CommonResults): """ Results from a single equation of a Seemingly Unrelated Regression Parameters ---------- results : AttrDict Dictionary of model estimation results """ def __init__(self, results: AttrDict) -> None: super().__init__(results) self._eq_label = results.eq_label self._dependent = results.dependent self._f_statistic = results.f_stat self._r2a = results.r2a self._instruments = results.instruments self._endog = results.endog self._weight_estimator = results.get("weight_estimator", None) @property def equation_label(self) -> str: """Equation label""" return self._eq_label @property def dependent(self) -> dict[str, DataFrame]: """Name of dependent variable""" return self._dependent @property def instruments(self) -> dict[str, DataFrame | None]: """Instruments used in estimation. None if all variables assumed exogenous.""" return self._instruments @property def summary(self) -> Summary: """ Model estimation summary. Returns ------- Summary Summary table of model estimation results Notes ----- Supports export to csv, html and latex using the methods ``summary.as_csv()``, ``summary.as_html()`` and ``summary.as_latex()``. """ title = self._method + " Estimation Summary" top_left = [ ("Eq. Label:", self.equation_label), ("Dep. Variable:", self.dependent), ("Estimator:", self._method), ("No. Observations:", self.nobs), ("Date:", self._datetime.strftime("%a, %b %d %Y")), ("Time:", self._datetime.strftime("%H:%M:%S")), ("", ""), ] top_right = [ ("R-squared:", _str(self.rsquared)), ("Adj. R-squared:", _str(self.rsquared_adj)), ("Cov. Estimator:", self._cov_type), ("F-statistic:", _str(self.f_statistic.stat)), ("P-value (F-stat)", pval_format(self.f_statistic.pval)), ("Distribution:", str(self.f_statistic.dist_name)), ("", ""), ] stubs = [] vals = [] for stub, val in top_left: stubs.append(stub) vals.append([val]) table = SimpleTable(vals, txt_fmt=fmt_2cols, title=title, stubs=stubs) # create summary table instance smry = Summary() # Top Table # Parameter table fmt = fmt_2cols fmt["data_fmts"][1] = "%10s" top_right = [("%-21s" % (" " + k), v) for k, v in top_right] stubs = [] vals = [] for stub, val in top_right: stubs.append(stub) vals.append([val]) table.extend_right(SimpleTable(vals, stubs=stubs)) smry.tables.append(table) smry.tables.append(param_table(self, "Parameter Estimates", pad_bottom=True)) extra_text = [] instruments = self._instruments if instruments: endog = self._endog extra_text = [ "Endogenous: " + ", ".join(endog), "Instruments: " + ", ".join(instruments), ] extra_text.append("Covariance Estimator:") for line in str(self._cov_estimator).split("\n"): extra_text.append(line) if self._weight_estimator: extra_text.append("Weight Estimator:") for line in str(self._weight_estimator).split("\n"): extra_text.append(line) smry.add_extra_txt(extra_text) return smry @property def f_statistic(self) -> WaldTestStatistic: """ Model F-statistic Returns ------- WaldTestStatistic Test statistic for null all coefficients excluding constant terms are zero. Notes ----- Despite name, always implemented using a quadratic-form test based on estimated parameter covariance. Default is to use a chi2 distribution to compute p-values. If ``debiased`` is True, divides statistic by number of parameters tested and uses an F-distribution. This version of the F-statistic directly uses the model covariance estimator and so is robust against the same specification issues. """ return self._f_statistic @property def resids(self) -> Series: """Estimated residuals""" return Series(self._resid.squeeze(), index=self._index, name="resid") @property def wresids(self) -> Series: """Weighted estimated residuals""" return Series(self._wresid.squeeze(), index=self._index, name="wresid") @property def fitted_values(self) -> Series: """Fitted values""" return Series(self._fitted.squeeze(), index=self._index, name="fitted_values") @property def rsquared_adj(self) -> float: """Sample-size adjusted coefficient of determination (R**2)""" return self._r2a
[docs] class GMMSystemResults(SystemResults): """ Results from GMM System Estimators Parameters ---------- results : AttrDict Dictionary of model estimation results """ def __init__(self, results: AttrDict) -> None: super().__init__(results) self._wmat = results.wmat self._weight_type = results.weight_type self._weight_config = results.weight_config self._j_stat = results.j_stat @property def w(self) -> """GMM weight matrix used in estimation""" return self._wmat @property def weight_type(self) -> str: """Type of weighting used in GMM estimation""" return self._weight_type @property def weight_config(self) -> dict[str, Any]: """Weight configuration options used in GMM estimation""" return self._weight_config @property def j_stat(self) -> WaldTestStatistic: r""" J-test of overidentifying restrictions Returns ------- WaldTestStatistic J statistic test of overidentifying restrictions Notes ----- The J statistic tests whether the moment conditions are sufficiently close to zero to indicate that the model is not overidentified. The statistic is defined as .. math :: n \bar{g}'W^{-1}\bar{g} \sim \chi^2_q where :math:`\bar{g}` is the average of the moment conditional and :math:`W` is a consistent estimator of the variance of :math:`\sqrt{n}\bar{g}`. The degree of freedom is :math:`q = n_{instr} - n_{endog}`. """ return self._j_stat