Absorbing Regression¶
An absorbing regression is a model of the form
where interest is on \(\beta\) and not \(\gamma\). \(z_i\) may be high-dimensional, and may grow with the sample size (i.e., a matrix of fixed effects).
This notebook shows how this type of model can be fit in a simulate data set that mirrors some used in practice. There are three effects, one for the state of the worker (small), one one for the workers firm (large)
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
rs = np.random.RandomState(0)
nobs = 1_000_000
state_id = rs.randint(50, size=nobs)
state_effects = rs.standard_normal(state_id.max() + 1)
state_effects = state_effects[state_id]
# 5 workers/firm, on average
firm_id = rs.randint(nobs // 5, size=nobs)
firm_effects = rs.standard_normal(firm_id.max() + 1)
firm_effects = firm_effects[firm_id]
cats = pd.DataFrame(
{"state": pd.Categorical(state_id), "firm": pd.Categorical(firm_id)}
eps = rs.standard_normal(nobs)
x = rs.standard_normal((nobs, 2))
x = np.column_stack([np.ones(nobs), x])
y = x.sum(1) + firm_effects + state_effects + eps
Including a constant¶
The estimator can estimate an intercept even when all dummies are included. This is does using a mathematical trick and the intercept is not usually meaningful. This is done as-if the the dummies are orthogonalized to a constant.
from linearmodels.iv.absorbing import AbsorbingLS
mod = AbsorbingLS(y, x, absorb=cats)
Absorbing LS Estimation Summary
Dep. Variable: dependent R-squared: 0.8377
Estimator: Absorbing LS Adj. R-squared: 0.7975
No. Observations: 1000000 F-statistic: 1.962e+06
Date: Fri, Jul 19 2024 P-value (F-stat): 0.0000
Time: 17:54:32 Distribution: chi2(2)
Cov. Estimator: robust R-squared (No Effects): 0.6664
Variables Absorbed: 1.987e+05
Parameter Estimates
Parameter Std. Err. T-stat P-value Lower CI Upper CI
exog.0 0.9477 0.0009 1057.8 0.0000 0.9460 0.9495
exog.1 0.9994 0.0010 990.89 0.0000 0.9974 1.0014
exog.2 1.0008 0.0010 989.09 0.0000 0.9989 1.0028
Excluding the constant¶
If the constant is dropped the other coefficient are identical since the dummies span the constant.
from linearmodels.iv.absorbing import AbsorbingLS
mod = AbsorbingLS(y, x[:, 1:], absorb=cats)
Absorbing LS Estimation Summary
Dep. Variable: dependent R-squared: 0.8377
Estimator: Absorbing LS Adj. R-squared: 0.7975
No. Observations: 1000000 F-statistic: 1.962e+06
Date: Fri, Jul 19 2024 P-value (F-stat): 0.0000
Time: 17:54:42 Distribution: chi2(2)
Cov. Estimator: robust R-squared (No Effects): 0.6664
Variables Absorbed: 1.987e+05
Parameter Estimates
Parameter Std. Err. T-stat P-value Lower CI Upper CI
exog.0 0.9994 0.0010 990.89 0.0000 0.9974 1.0014
exog.1 1.0008 0.0010 989.09 0.0000 0.9989 1.0028
Optimization Options¶
The residuals from the absorbed variables are either estimated using HDFE or LSMR< depending on the variables included in the regression. HDFE is used when:
the model is unweighted; and
the absorbed regressors are all categorical (i.e., fixed effects).
If these conditions are not satisfied, then LSMR is used. LSMR can be used by setting method="lsmr"
even when the conditions for HDFE are satisfied.
import datetime as dt
from linearmodels.iv.absorbing import AbsorbingLS
mod = AbsorbingLS(y, x[:, 1:], absorb=cats)
start = dt.datetime.now()
res = mod.fit(use_cache=False, method="lsmr")
print(f"LSMR Second: {(dt.datetime.now() - start).total_seconds()}")
start = dt.datetime.now()
res = mod.fit()
print(f"HDFE Second: {(dt.datetime.now() - start).total_seconds()}")
LSMR Second: 5.474945
HDFE Second: 1.427995
LSMR is iterative and does not have a closed form. The tolerance can be set using absorb_options
which is a dictionary. See scipy.sparse.linalg.lsmr for details on the options.
mod = AbsorbingLS(y, x[:, 1:], absorb=cats)
res = mod.fit(method="lsmr", absorb_options={"show": True})
LSMR Least-squares solution of Ax = b
The matrix A has 1000000 rows and 198676 columns
damp = 0.00000000000000e+00
atol = 1.00e-08 conlim = 1.00e+08
btol = 1.00e-08 maxiter = 198676
itn x(1) norm r norm Ar compatible LS norm A cond A
0 0.00000e+00 2.417e+03 2.126e+03 1.0e+00 3.6e-04
1 1.83446e+02 1.677e+03 6.377e+02 6.9e-01 3.1e-01 1.2e+00 1.0e+00
2 2.09819e+02 1.563e+03 1.668e+02 6.5e-01 6.2e-02 1.7e+00 1.2e+00
3 2.17247e+02 1.553e+03 6.446e+01 6.4e-01 2.1e-02 2.0e+00 1.3e+00
4 2.30067e+02 1.551e+03 6.539e-01 6.4e-01 1.9e-04 2.2e+00 1.5e+00
5 2.30071e+02 1.551e+03 2.662e-01 6.4e-01 7.0e-05 2.4e+00 1.5e+00
6 2.29984e+02 1.551e+03 4.542e-03 6.4e-01 1.1e-06 2.6e+00 1.6e+00
7 2.29984e+02 1.551e+03 3.999e-03 6.4e-01 9.6e-07 2.7e+00 2.5e+00
8 2.29985e+02 1.551e+03 3.882e-03 6.4e-01 8.7e-07 2.9e+00 6.5e+00
9 2.29985e+02 1.551e+03 3.882e-03 6.4e-01 8.3e-07 3.0e+00 5.1e+02
10 2.29990e+02 1.551e+03 3.882e-03 6.4e-01 7.8e-07 3.2e+00 5.5e+02
13 3.86056e+02 1.551e+03 4.003e-05 6.4e-01 7.2e-09 3.6e+00 8.7e+01
LSMR finished
The least-squares solution is good enough, given atol
istop = 2 normr = 1.6e+03
normA = 3.6e+00 normAr = 4.0e-05
itn = 13 condA = 8.7e+01
normx = 2.3e+03
13 3.86056e+02 1.551e+03 4.003e-05
6.4e-01 7.2e-09 3.6e+00 8.7e+01
LSMR Least-squares solution of Ax = b
The matrix A has 1000000 rows and 198676 columns
damp = 0.00000000000000e+00
atol = 1.00e-08 conlim = 1.00e+08
btol = 1.00e-08 maxiter = 198676
itn x(1) norm r norm Ar compatible LS norm A cond A
0 0.00000e+00 1.001e+03 4.470e+02 1.0e+00 4.5e-04
1 6.08847e-02 8.953e+02 4.167e+00 8.9e-01 4.7e-03 1.0e+00 1.0e+00
2 2.15243e-01 8.953e+02 1.484e+00 8.9e-01 1.1e-03 1.5e+00 1.1e+00
3 2.41447e-01 8.953e+02 6.412e-01 8.9e-01 4.0e-04 1.8e+00 1.4e+00
4 2.88004e-01 8.953e+02 6.266e-03 8.9e-01 3.1e-06 2.2e+00 1.3e+00
5 2.87319e-01 8.953e+02 2.921e-03 8.9e-01 1.4e-06 2.4e+00 1.4e+00
6 2.87000e-01 8.953e+02 9.868e-04 8.9e-01 4.2e-07 2.6e+00 1.4e+00
7 2.87108e-01 8.953e+02 9.866e-04 8.9e-01 4.2e-07 2.6e+00 6.2e+01
8 2.87255e-01 8.953e+02 9.866e-04 8.9e-01 3.9e-07 2.9e+00 1.3e+02
9 3.62098e-01 8.953e+02 9.857e-04 8.9e-01 3.7e-07 3.0e+00 7.2e+02
10 9.04265e-01 8.953e+02 9.789e-04 8.9e-01 3.4e-07 3.2e+00 3.1e+01
12 3.99381e+01 8.953e+02 2.309e-05 8.9e-01 7.4e-09 3.5e+00 3.1e+01
LSMR finished
The least-squares solution is good enough, given atol
istop = 2 normr = 9.0e+02
normA = 3.5e+00 normAr = 2.3e-05
itn = 12 condA = 3.1e+01
normx = 6.0e+02
12 3.99381e+01 8.953e+02 2.309e-05
8.9e-01 7.4e-09 3.5e+00 3.1e+01
LSMR Least-squares solution of Ax = b
The matrix A has 1000000 rows and 198676 columns
damp = 0.00000000000000e+00
atol = 1.00e-08 conlim = 1.00e+08
btol = 1.00e-08 maxiter = 198676
itn x(1) norm r norm Ar compatible LS norm A cond A
0 0.00000e+00 1.000e+03 4.472e+02 1.0e+00 4.5e-04
1 -9.29233e-01 8.946e+02 4.623e+00 8.9e-01 5.2e-03 1.0e+00 1.0e+00
2 -7.45416e-01 8.946e+02 1.328e+00 8.9e-01 9.9e-04 1.5e+00 1.1e+00
3 -8.34706e-01 8.946e+02 1.107e-01 8.9e-01 7.1e-05 1.7e+00 1.5e+00
4 -8.41880e-01 8.946e+02 7.140e-03 8.9e-01 3.6e-06 2.2e+00 1.8e+00
5 -8.42126e-01 8.946e+02 4.176e-03 8.9e-01 2.0e-06 2.4e+00 1.8e+00
6 -8.41939e-01 8.946e+02 3.077e-03 8.9e-01 1.3e-06 2.6e+00 2.4e+00
7 -8.41643e-01 8.946e+02 3.077e-03 8.9e-01 1.3e-06 2.6e+00 1.9e+02
8 -8.40968e-01 8.946e+02 3.077e-03 8.9e-01 1.2e-06 2.9e+00 4.2e+02
9 5.02689e-01 8.946e+02 3.060e-03 8.9e-01 1.1e-06 3.0e+00 7.6e+02
10 1.66462e+01 8.946e+02 2.851e-03 8.9e-01 9.9e-07 3.2e+00 7.9e+01
12 1.22889e+02 8.946e+02 2.454e-05 8.9e-01 7.8e-09 3.5e+00 7.9e+01
LSMR finished
The least-squares solution is good enough, given atol
istop = 2 normr = 8.9e+02
normA = 3.5e+00 normAr = 2.5e-05
itn = 12 condA = 7.9e+01
normx = 1.3e+03
12 1.22889e+02 8.946e+02 2.454e-05
8.9e-01 7.8e-09 3.5e+00 7.9e+01