class PanelData | ndarray | DataArray | DataFrame | Series, var_name: str =
, convert_dummies: bool =True
, drop_first: bool =True
, copy: bool =True
)[source]¶ Abstraction to handle alternative formats for panel data
- Parameters:¶
- x: PanelData | ndarray | DataArray | DataFrame | Series¶
Input data
- var_name: str =
¶ Variable name to use when naming variables in NumPy arrays or xarray DataArrays
- convert_dummies: bool =
¶ Flat indicating whether pandas categoricals or string input data should be converted to dummy variables
- drop_first: bool =
¶ Flag indicating to drop first dummy category when converting
- copy: bool =
¶ Flag indicating whether to copy the input. Only has an effect when x is a DataFrame
Data can be either 2- or 3-dimensional. The three key dimensions are
nvar - number of variables
nobs - number of time periods
nentity - number of entities
All 3-d inputs should be in the form (nvar, nobs, nentity). With one exception, 2-d inputs are treated as (nobs, nentity) so that the input can be treated as-if being (1, nobs, nentity).
If the 2-d input is a pandas DataFrame with a 2-level MultiIndex then the input is treated differently. Index level 0 is assumed ot be entity. Index level 1 is time. The columns are the variables. MultiIndex Series are also accepted and treated as single column MultiIndex DataFrames.
- Raises:¶
TypeError – If the input type is not supported
ValueError – If the input has the wrong number of dimensions or a MultiIndex DataFrame does not have 2 levels
()Return a deep copy
([group])Count number of observations by entity or time
()Demeans data by either entity or time group
(locs)Drop observations from the panel.
([group, drop_first])Generate entity or time dummies
Compute first differences of variables
(groups[, weights])Multi-way demeaning using only groupby
([group, weights])Compute data mean by either entity or time group
pandas DataFrame view of data
List of entity index names
Get array containing entity group membership information
Return the index of the multi-index dataframe view
Locations with missing observations
Number of dimensions of panel view of data
Number of entities
Number of time observations
Number of variables
pandas Panel view of data
Shape of panel view of data
List of time index names
Get array containing time membership information
NumPy ndarray view of dataframe
NumPy ndarray view of panel
List of variable names