Comparison with pandas PanelOLS and FamaMacBeth

pandas deprecated PanelOLS (pandas.stats.plm.PanelOLS) and FamaMacBeth (pandas.stats.plm.FamaMacBeth) in 0.18 and dropped it in 0.20. linearmodels.panel.model.PanelOLS and linearmodels.panel.model.FamaMacBeth provide a similar set of functionality with a few notable differences:

  1. When using a MultiIndex DataFrame, this package expects the MultiIndex to be of the form entity-time. pandas used time-entity. It is simple to transform one to the other using the one-liner.

data = data.reset_index().set_index(['entity','time'])
  1. Effects are implemented in linearmodels using differencing and so even very large models (100000 entities +) can be quickly estimated. The version in pandas used LSDV which is not feasible in large models and can be slow in moderately large model.

  2. Effects are not explicitly estimated nor are they reported in model summaries. Effects are usually not consistent (e.g., entity effects in a large-N panel) and so it does not usually make sense to report them with parameter estimates. Effects that can be consistent estimated can be included as dummies (e.g. time effects in a model with fixed T but large-N).

  3. R-squared definitions differ. The default R-squared in linearmodels reports the fit after included effects are removed. PanelOLS also provides a set of R-squared measures that measure the fit of the model parameters using alternative models. These are only meaningful for models that only include entity effects. An R-squared measure that is defined similarly to the R-squared in pandas is available in the rsquared_inclusive property.

  4. Models are first specified then explicitly fit using the fit() method. Fit options, such as the choice of covariance estimator, are provided when fitting the model.

  5. The intercept must be explicitly included if desired. If a model with effects is estimated without an intercept, then all effects are included. If a model is estimated with an intercept, the estimated model is demeaned to using the restriction that the sum of the effects is 0 so that the intercept is meaningful.

  6. Other statistics, such as F-stats, differ since inconsistent effects are not included in the test statistic.

Here the difference is presented using the canonical Grunfeld data on investment.

import numpy as np
from statsmodels.datasets import grunfeld
data = grunfeld.load_pandas().data
data.year = data.year.astype(np.int64)
from linearmodels import PanelOLS
etdata = data.set_index(['firm','year'])
                          PanelOLS Estimation Summary
Dep. Variable:                 invest   R-squared:                        0.7667
Estimator:                   PanelOLS   R-squared (Between):              0.8223
No. Observations:                 220   R-squared (Within):               0.7667
Date:                Mon, Apr 17 2017   R-squared (Overall):              0.8132
Time:                        12:21:30   Log-likelihood                   -1167.4
Cov. Estimator:            Unadjusted
                                        F-statistic:                      340.08
Entities:                          11   P-value                           0.0000
Avg Obs:                       20.000   Distribution:                   F(2,207)
Min Obs:                       20.000
Max Obs:                       20.000   F-statistic (robust):             340.08
                                        P-value                           0.0000
Time periods:                      20   Distribution:                   F(2,207)
Avg Obs:                       11.000
Min Obs:                       11.000
Max Obs:                       11.000

                             Parameter Estimates
            Parameter  Std. Err.     T-stat    P-value    Lower CI    Upper CI
value          0.1101     0.0113     9.7461     0.0000      0.0879      0.1324
capital        0.3100     0.0165     18.744     0.0000      0.2774      0.3426

F-test for Poolability: 50.838
P-value: 0.0000
Distribution: F(11,207)

Included effects: Entity
PanelEffectsResults, id: 0x2aeec70b7f0

The call to the deprecated pandas PanelOLS is similar. Note the use of the time-entity data format.

tedata = data.set_index(['year','firm'])
from pandas.stats import plm

The output format is quite different.

-------------------------Summary of Regression Analysis-------------------------

Formula: Y ~ <value> + <capital> + <FE_b'Atlantic Refining'> + <FE_b'Chrysler'>
             + <FE_b'Diamond Match'> + <FE_b'General Electric'>
             + <FE_b'General Motors'> + <FE_b'Goodyear'> + <FE_b'IBM'> + <FE_b'US Steel'>
             + <FE_b'Union Oil'> + <FE_b'Westinghouse'> + <intercept>

Number of Observations:         220
Number of Degrees of Freedom:   13

R-squared:         0.9461
Adj R-squared:     0.9429

Rmse:             50.2995

F-stat (12, 207):   302.6388, p-value:     0.0000

Degrees of Freedom: model 12, resid 207

-----------------------Summary of Estimated Coefficients------------------------
      Variable       Coef    Std Err     t-stat    p-value    CI 2.5%   CI 97.5%
         value     0.1101     0.0113       9.75     0.0000     0.0880     0.1323
       capital     0.3100     0.0165      18.74     0.0000     0.2776     0.3425
FE_b'Atlantic Refining'   -94.0243    17.1637      -5.48     0.0000  -127.6652   -60.3834
FE_b'Chrysler'    -7.2309    17.3382      -0.42     0.6771   -41.2138    26.7520
FE_b'Diamond Match'    14.0102    15.9436       0.88     0.3806   -17.2393    45.2596
FE_b'General Electric'  -214.9912    25.4613      -8.44     0.0000  -264.8953  -165.0871
FE_b'General Motors'   -49.7209    48.2801      -1.03     0.3043  -144.3498    44.9080
FE_b'Goodyear'   -66.6363    16.3788      -4.07     0.0001   -98.7389   -34.5338
     FE_b'IBM'    -2.5820    16.3792      -0.16     0.8749   -34.6852    29.5212
FE_b'US Steel'   122.4829    25.9595       4.72     0.0000    71.6023   173.3636
FE_b'Union Oil'   -45.9660    16.3575      -2.81     0.0054   -78.0267   -13.9054
FE_b'Westinghouse'   -36.9683    17.3092      -2.14     0.0339   -70.8942    -3.0424
     intercept   -20.5782    11.2978      -1.82     0.0700   -42.7219     1.5655
---------------------------------End of Summary---------------------------------