.. _new-or-different: What's New or Different ----------------------- Differences from NumPy (1.17+) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * :class:`~randomgen.wrapper.UserBitGenerator` allows bit generators to be written in Python (slow, suitable for experiments and testing) or numba (fast, similar speed to compiled C). See `the demonstration notebook`_ for examples. * :class:`~randomgen.pcg64.PCG64` supports additional variants of PCG64, including the PCG4 2.0 variant (`"cm-dxsm"`). * :class:`~randomgen.sfc.SFC64` supports optional Weyl sequence increments other than 1 which is the fixed increment in :class:`numpy.random.SFC64`. * :func:`~randomgen.entropy.random_entropy` provides access to the system source of randomness that is used in cryptographic applications (e.g., ``/dev/urandom`` on Unix). * Support broadcasting when producing multivariate Gaussian values (:meth:`~randomgen.generator.ExtendedGenerator.multivariate_normal`) * Simulate from the complex normal distribution (:meth:`~randomgen.generator.ExtendedGenerator.complex_normal`) * Direct access to unsigned integers is provided by (:meth:`~randomgen.generator.ExtendedGenerator.uintegers`) * A wider range of bit generators: * Chaotic mappings * :class:`~randomgen.jsf.JSF` (32 and 64-bit variants) * :class:`~randomgen.sfc.SFC64` * Cryptographic Cipher-based: * :class:`~randomgen.aes.AESCounter` * :class:`~randomgen.chacha.ChaCha` * :class:`~randomgen.hc128.HC128` * :class:`~randomgen.philox.Philox` (limited version in NumPy) * :class:`~randomgen.speck128.SPECK128` * :class:`~randomgen.threefry.ThreeFry` * Hardware-based: * :class:`~randomgen.rdrand.RDRAND` * Mersenne Twisters * :class:`~randomgen.dsfmt.DSFMT` * :class:`~randomgen.mt64.MT64` * :class:`~randomgen.mt19937.MT19937` (in NumPy) * :class:`~randomgen.sfmt.SFMT` * Permuted Congruential Generators * :class:`~randomgen.pcg32.PCG32` * :class:`~randomgen.pcg64.PCG64` (limited version in NumPy) * :class:`~randomgen.pcg64.LCG128Mix` (limited version in NumPy) * Shift/rotate based: * :class:`~randomgen.lxm.LXM` * :class:`~randomgen.xoroshiro128.Xoroshiro128` * :class:`~randomgen.xorshift1024.Xorshift1024` * :class:`~randomgen.xoshiro256.Xoshiro256` * :class:`~randomgen.xoshiro512.Xoshiro512` .. container:: admonition danger .. raw:: html


``Generator`` is **deprecated**. You should be using :class:`numpy.random.Generator`. * randomgen's ``Generator`` continues to expose legacy methods ``random_sample``, ``randint``, ``random_integers``, ``rand``, ``randn``, and ``tomaxint``. **Note**: These should not be used, and their modern replacements are preferred: * ``random_sample``, ``rand` → ``random`` * ``random_integers``, ``randint`` → ``integers`` * ``randn`` → ``standard_normal`` * ``tomaxint`` → ``integers`` with ``dtype`` set to ``int`` * randomgen's bit generators remain seedable and the convenience function ``seed` is exposed as part of``Generator``. Additionally, the convenience property ``state`` is available to get or set the state of the underlying bit generator. * :func:`numpy.random.Generator.multivariate_hypergeometric` was added after ``Generator`` was merged into NumPy and will not be ported over. * :func:`numpy.random.Generator.shuffle` and :func:`numpy.random.Generator.permutation` support ``axis`` keyword to operator along an axis other than 0. * ``integers`` supports the keyword argument ``use_masked`` to switch between masked generation of bounded integers and Lemire's superior method. Differences from NumPy before 1.17 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * The normal, exponential and gamma generators use 256-step Ziggurat methods which are 2-10 times faster than NumPy's default implementation in ``standard_normal``, ``standard_exponential`` or ``standard_gamma``. * The Box-Muller used to produce NumPy's normals is no longer available. * All bit generators functions to produce doubles, uint64s and uint32s via CTypes (:meth:`~randomgen.xoroshiro128.Xoroshiro128.ctypes`) and CFFI (:meth:`~randomgen.xoroshiro128.Xoroshiro128.cffi`). This allows the bit generators to be used in numba or in other low-level applications * The bit generators can be used in downstream projects via Cython. * Optional ``dtype`` argument that accepts ``np.float32`` or ``np.float64`` to produce either single or double prevision uniform random variables for select core distributions * Uniforms (``random`` and ``rand``) * Normals (``standard_normal`` and ``randn``) * Standard Gammas (``standard_gamma``) * Standard Exponentials (``standard_exponential``) * Optional ``out`` argument that allows existing arrays to be filled for select core distributions * Uniforms (``random``) * Normals (``standard_normal``) * Standard Gammas (``standard_gamma``) * Standard Exponentials (``standard_exponential``) This allows multithreading to fill large arrays in chunks using suitable PRNGs in parallel. * ``integers`` supports broadcasting inputs. * ``integers`` supports drawing from open (default, ``[low, high)``) or closed (``[low, high]``) intervals using the keyword argument ``endpoint``. Closed intervals are simpler to use when the distribution may include the maximum value of a given integer type. * The closed interval is particularly helpful when using arrays since it avoids object-dtype arrays when sampling from the full range. * Support for Lemire’s method of generating uniform integers on an arbitrary interval by setting ``use_masked=True`` in (``integers``). * ``multinomial`` supports multidimensional values of ``n`` * ``choice`` is much faster when sampling small amounts from large arrays * ``choice`` supports the ``axis`` keyword to work with multidimensional arrays. * For changes since the previous release, see the :ref:`change-log` .. _the demonstration notebook: custom-bit-generators.ipynb