Evolution of randomgen

Changes in 1.23

Generator and RandomState were removed in 1.23.0.

Use numpy.random.Generator if possible, or numpy.random.RandomState if you face legacy constraints.

Changes in 1.19

Generator and RandomState have been officially deprecated, and will warn with a FutureWarning about their removal. They will also receive virtually no maintenance. It is now time to move to NumPy’s numpy.random.Generator which has features not in Generator and is maintained more actively.

A few distributions that are not present in Generator have been moved to ExtendedGenerator:

There are no plans to remove any of the bit generators, e.g., AESCounter, ThreeFry, or PCG64.

Changes between 1.16 and 1.18

There are many changes between v1.16.x and v1.18.x. These reflect API decision taken in conjunction with NumPy in preparation of the core of randomgen being used as the preferred random number generator in NumPy. These all issue DeprecationWarning except for BitGenerator.generator which raises NotImplementedError. The C-API has also changed to reflect the preferred naming the underlying Pseudo-RNGs, which are now known as bit generators (or BitGenerator).

The main changes are

  • Rename RandomGenerator to Generator.

  • Rename randint to integers.

  • Rename random_integers to integers.

  • Rename random_sample to random.

  • Change jump which operated in-place to jumped which returns a new BitGenerator.

  • Rename Basic RNG to bit generator, which impacts the API in multiple places where names like brng and basic_rng have been replaced by bitgen or bit_generator.

  • Support for SeedSequence (also support NumPy SeedSequence instances)

  • Removed support for Python 2.7