Source code for arch.bootstrap.multiple_comparison

from typing import Dict, Hashable, List, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, Union

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from arch.bootstrap.base import (
from arch.typing import ArrayLike, NDArray
from arch.utility.array import DocStringInheritor, ensure2d

__all__ = ["StepM", "SPA", "RealityCheck", "MCS"]

def _info_to_str(
    model: str, info: Dict[str, str], is_repr: bool = False, is_html: bool = False
) -> str:
    if is_html:
        model = "<strong>" + model + "</strong>"
    _str = model + "("
    for k, v in info.items():
        if k.lower() != "id" or is_repr:
            if is_html:
                k = "<strong>" + k + "</strong>"
            _str += k + ": " + v + ", "
    return _str[:-2] + ")"

class MultipleComparison(object):
    Abstract class for inheritance

    def __init__(self) -> None:
        self._model = ""
        self._info: Dict[str, str] = {}
        self.bootstrap = CircularBlockBootstrap(10, np.ones(100))

    def __str__(self) -> str:
        return _info_to_str(self._model, self._info, False)

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        return _info_to_str(self._model, self._info, True)

    def _repr_html_(self) -> str:
        return _info_to_str(self._model, self._info, True, True)

    def reset(self) -> None:
        Reset the bootstrap to it's initial state.

    def seed(self, value: Union[int, List[int], NDArray]) -> None:
        Seed the bootstrap's random number generator

        value : {int, List[int], ndarray[int]}
            Integer to use as the seed

[docs]class MCS(MultipleComparison): """ Model Confidence Set (MCS) of Hansen, Lunde and Nason. Parameters ---------- losses : {ndarray, DataFrame} T by k array containing losses from a set of models size : float, optional Value in (0,1) to use as the test size when implementing the mcs. Default value is 0.05. block_size : int, optional Length of window to use in the bootstrap. If not provided, sqrt(T) is used. In general, this should be provided and chosen to be appropriate for the data. method : {'max', 'R'}, optional MCS test and elimination implementation method, either 'max' or 'R'. Default is 'R'. reps : int, optional Number of bootstrap replications to uses. Default is 1000. bootstrap : str, optional Bootstrap to use. Options are 'stationary' or 'sb': Stationary bootstrap (Default) 'circular' or 'cbb': Circular block bootstrap 'moving block' or 'mbb': Moving block bootstrap Notes ----- See [1]_ for details. References ---------- .. [1] Hansen, P. R., Lunde, A., & Nason, J. M. (2011). The model confidence set. Econometrica, 79(2), 453-497. """ def __init__( self, losses: ArrayLike, size: float, reps: int = 1000, block_size: Optional[int] = None, method: str = "R", bootstrap: str = "stationary", ) -> None: super().__init__() self.losses = ensure2d(losses, "losses") self._losses_arr = np.asarray(self.losses) if self._losses_arr.shape[1] < 2: raise ValueError("losses must have at least two columns") self.size = size self.reps = reps if block_size is None: self.block_size = int(np.sqrt(losses.shape[0])) else: self.block_size = block_size self.t, self.k = losses.shape self.method = method # Bootstrap indices since the same bootstrap should be used in the # repeated steps indices = np.arange(self.t) bootstrap = bootstrap.lower().replace(" ", "_") if bootstrap in ("circular", "cbb"): bootstrap_inst = CircularBlockBootstrap(self.block_size, indices) elif bootstrap in ("stationary", "sb"): bootstrap_inst = StationaryBootstrap(self.block_size, indices) elif bootstrap in ("moving_block", "mbb"): bootstrap_inst = MovingBlockBootstrap(self.block_size, indices) else: raise ValueError("Unknown bootstrap:" + bootstrap) self.bootstrap = bootstrap_inst self._bootstrap_indices: List[NDArray] = [] # For testing self._model = "MCS" self._info = dict( [ ("size", "{0:0.2f}".format(self.size)), ("bootstrap", str(bootstrap_inst)), ("ID", hex(id(self))), ] ) self._results_computed = False def _has_been_computed(self) -> None: if not self._results_computed: raise RuntimeError("Must call compute before accessing results") def _format_pvalues(self, eliminated: Sequence[Tuple[int, float]]) -> pd.DataFrame: columns = ["Model index", "Pvalue"] mcs = pd.DataFrame(eliminated, columns=columns) max_pval = mcs.iloc[0, 1] for i in range(1, mcs.shape[0]): max_pval = np.max([max_pval, mcs.iloc[i, 1]]) mcs.iloc[i, 1] = max_pval model_index = mcs.pop("Model index") if isinstance(self.losses, pd.DataFrame): # Workaround for old pandas/numpy combination # Preferred expression : # model_index = pd.Series(self.losses.columns[model_index]) model_index = self.losses.iloc[:, model_index.values].columns model_index = pd.Series(model_index) = "Model name" mcs.index = model_index return mcs
[docs] def compute(self) -> None: """ Compute the set of models in the confidence set. """ if self.method.lower() == "r": self._compute_r() else: self._compute_max() self._results_computed = True
def _compute_r(self) -> None: """ Computes the model confidence set using the R method """ # R method # 1. Compute pairwise difference (k,k) losses = self._losses_arr mean_losses = losses.mean(0)[:, None] loss_diffs = mean_losses - mean_losses.T # Compute pairwise variance using bootstrap (k,k) # In each bootstrap, save the average difference of each pair (b,k,k) bootstrapped_mean_losses = np.zeros((self.reps, self.k, self.k)) bs = self.bootstrap for j, data in enumerate(bs.bootstrap(self.reps)): bs_index = data[0][0] # Only element in pos data self._bootstrap_indices.append(bs_index) # For testing mean_losses_star = losses[bs_index].mean(0)[:, None] bootstrapped_mean_losses[j] = mean_losses_star - mean_losses_star.T # Recenter bootstrapped_mean_losses -= loss_diffs variances = (bootstrapped_mean_losses ** 2).mean(0) variances += np.eye(self.k) # Prevent division by 0 self._variances = variances # Standardize everything std_loss_diffs = loss_diffs / np.sqrt(variances) std_bs_mean_losses = bootstrapped_mean_losses / np.sqrt(variances) # 3. Using the models still in the set, compute the max (b,1) # Initialize the set included = np.ones(self.k, dtype=np.bool) # Loop until there is only 1 model left eliminated = [] while included.sum() > 1: indices = np.argwhere(included) included_loss_diffs = std_loss_diffs[indices, indices.T] test_stat = np.max(included_loss_diffs) included_bs_losses = std_bs_mean_losses[:, indices, indices.T] simulated_test_stat = np.max(np.max(included_bs_losses, 2), 1) pval = (test_stat < simulated_test_stat).mean() loc = np.argwhere(included_loss_diffs == test_stat) # Loc has indices i,j, -- i is the elimination # Diffs are L(i) - L(j), so large value in [i,j] indicates # i is worse than j # Elimination is for i = loc.squeeze()[0] eliminated.append((indices.flat[i], pval)) included[indices.flat[i]] = False # Add pval of 1 for model remaining indices = np.argwhere(included).flatten() for ind in indices: eliminated.append((ind, 1.0)) self._pvalues = self._format_pvalues(eliminated) def _compute_max(self) -> None: """ Computes the model confidence set using the R method """ # max method losses = self._losses_arr # 1. compute loss "errors" loss_errors = losses - losses.mean(0) # Generate bootstrap samples bs_avg_loss_errors = np.zeros((self.reps, self.k)) for i, data in enumerate(self.bootstrap.bootstrap(self.reps)): bs_index = data[0][0] self._bootstrap_indices.append(bs_index) # For testing bs_errors = loss_errors[bs_index] avg_bs_errors = bs_errors.mean(0) avg_bs_errors -= avg_bs_errors.mean() bs_avg_loss_errors[i] = avg_bs_errors # Initialize the set included = np.ones(self.k, dtype=np.bool) # Loop until there is only 1 model left eliminated = [] while included.sum() > 1: indices = np.argwhere(included) incl_losses = losses[:, included] incl_bs_avg_loss_err = bs_avg_loss_errors[:, included] incl_bs_grand_loss = incl_bs_avg_loss_err.mean(1) # Reshape for broadcast incl_bs_avg_loss_err -= incl_bs_grand_loss[:, None] std_devs = np.sqrt((incl_bs_avg_loss_err ** 2).mean(0)) simulated_test_stat = incl_bs_avg_loss_err / std_devs simulated_test_stat = np.max(simulated_test_stat, 1) loss_diffs = incl_losses.mean(0) loss_diffs -= loss_diffs.mean() std_loss_diffs = loss_diffs / std_devs test_stat = np.max(std_loss_diffs) pval = (test_stat < simulated_test_stat).mean() locs = np.argwhere(std_loss_diffs == test_stat) eliminated.append((indices.flat[locs.squeeze()], pval)) included[indices.flat[locs]] = False indices = np.argwhere(included).flatten() for ind in indices: eliminated.append((ind, 1.0)) self._pvalues = self._format_pvalues(eliminated) @property def included(self) -> List[Hashable]: """ List of model indices that are included in the MCS Returns ------- included : list List of column indices or names of the included models """ self._has_been_computed() included = self._pvalues.Pvalue > self.size included = list(self._pvalues.index[included]) included.sort() return included @property def excluded(self) -> List[Hashable]: """ List of model indices that are excluded from the MCS Returns ------- excluded : list List of column indices or names of the excluded models """ self._has_been_computed() excluded = self._pvalues.Pvalue <= self.size excluded = list(self._pvalues.index[excluded]) excluded.sort() return excluded @property def pvalues(self) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Model p-values for inclusion in the MCS Returns ------- pvalues : DataFrame DataFrame where the index is the model index (column or name) containing the smallest size where the model is in the MCS. """ self._has_been_computed() return self._pvalues
[docs]class StepM(MultipleComparison): """ StepM multiple comparison procedure of Romano and Wolf. Parameters ---------- benchmark : {ndarray, Series} T element array of benchmark model *losses* models : {ndarray, DataFrame} T by k element array of alternative model *losses* size : float, optional Value in (0,1) to use as the test size when implementing the comparison. Default value is 0.05. block_size : int, optional Length of window to use in the bootstrap. If not provided, sqrt(T) is used. In general, this should be provided and chosen to be appropriate for the data. reps : int, optional Number of bootstrap replications to uses. Default is 1000. bootstrap : str, optional Bootstrap to use. Options are 'stationary' or 'sb': Stationary bootstrap (Default) 'circular' or 'cbb': Circular block bootstrap 'moving block' or 'mbb': Moving block bootstrap studentize : bool, optional Flag indicating to studentize loss differentials. Default is True nested : bool, optional Flag indicating to use a nested bootstrap to compute variances for studentization. Default is False. Note that this can be slow since the procedure requires k extra bootstraps. References ---------- Romano, J. P., & Wolf, M. (2005). "Stepwise multiple testing as formalized data snooping." Econometrica, 73(4), 1237-1282. Notes ----- The size controls the Family Wise Error Rate (FWER) since this is a multiple comparison procedure. Uses SPA and the consistent selection procedure. See [1]_ for detail. See Also -------- SPA References ---------- .. [1] Romano, J. P., & Wolf, M. (2005). Stepwise multiple testing as formalized data snooping. Econometrica, 73(4), 1237-1282. """ def __init__( self, benchmark: ArrayLike, models: ArrayLike, size: float = 0.05, block_size: Optional[int] = None, reps: int = 1000, bootstrap: str = "stationary", studentize: bool = True, nested: bool = False, ) -> None: super(StepM, self).__init__() self.benchmark = ensure2d(benchmark, "benchmark") self.models = ensure2d(models, "models") = SPA( benchmark, models, block_size=block_size, reps=reps, bootstrap=bootstrap, studentize=studentize, nested=nested, ) self.block_size = self.t, self.k = self.models.shape self.reps = reps self.size = size self._superior_models: Optional[List[Hashable]] = None self.bootstrap = self._model = "StepM" if method = "bootstrap" if else "asymptotic" else: method = "none" self._info = dict( [ ("FWER (size)", "{:0.2f}".format(self.size)), ("studentization", method), ("bootstrap", str(, ("ID", hex(id(self))), ] )
[docs] def compute(self) -> None: """ Compute the set of superior models. """ # 1. Run SPA # 2. If any models superior, store indices, remove and re-run SPA better_models = list( all_better_models = better_models # 3. Stop if nothing superior while better_models and (len(better_models) < self.k): # A. Use Selector to remove better models selector = np.ones(self.k, dtype=np.bool) if isinstance(self.models, pd.DataFrame): # Columns selector[self.models.columns.isin(all_better_models)] = False else: selector[np.array(list(all_better_models))] = False # B. Rerun better_models = list( all_better_models.extend(better_models) # Reset SPA selector = np.ones(self.k, dtype=np.bool) all_better_models = list(all_better_models) all_better_models.sort() self._superior_models = all_better_models
@property def superior_models(self) -> List[Hashable]: """ List of the indices or column names of the superior models Returns ------- list List of superior models. Contains column indices if models is an array or contains column names if models is a DataFrame. """ if self._superior_models is None: msg = "compute must be called before accessing superior_models" raise RuntimeError(msg) return self._superior_models
[docs]class SPA(MultipleComparison, metaclass=DocStringInheritor): """ Test of Superior Predictive Ability (SPA) of White and Hansen. The SPA is also known as the Reality Check or Bootstrap Data Snooper. Parameters ---------- benchmark : {ndarray, Series} T element array of benchmark model *losses* models : {ndarray, DataFrame} T by k element array of alternative model *losses* block_size : int, optional Length of window to use in the bootstrap. If not provided, sqrt(T) is used. In general, this should be provided and chosen to be appropriate for the data. reps : int, optional Number of bootstrap replications to uses. Default is 1000. bootstrap : str, optional Bootstrap to use. Options are 'stationary' or 'sb': Stationary bootstrap (Default) 'circular' or 'cbb': Circular block bootstrap 'moving block' or 'mbb': Moving block bootstrap studentize : bool Flag indicating to studentize loss differentials. Default is True nested=False Flag indicating to use a nested bootstrap to compute variances for studentization. Default is False. Note that this can be slow since the procedure requires k extra bootstraps. References ---------- White, H. (2000). "A reality check for data snooping." Econometrica 68, no. 5, 1097-1126. Hansen, P. R. (2005). "A test for superior predictive ability." Journal of Business & Economic Statistics, 23(4) Notes ----- The three p-value correspond to different re-centering decisions. - Upper : Never recenter to all models are relevant to distribution - Consistent : Only recenter if closer than a log(log(t)) bound - Lower : Never recenter a model if worse than benchmark See [1]_ and [2]_ for details. See Also -------- StepM References ---------- .. [1] Hansen, P. R. (2005). A test for superior predictive ability. Journal of Business & Economic Statistics, 23(4), 365-380. .. [2] White, H. (2000). A reality check for data snooping. Econometrica, 68(5), 1097-1126. """ def __init__( self, benchmark: ArrayLike, models: ArrayLike, block_size: Optional[int] = None, reps: int = 1000, bootstrap: str = "stationary", studentize: bool = True, nested: bool = False, ) -> None: super().__init__() self.benchmark = ensure2d(benchmark, "benchmark") self.models = ensure2d(models, "models") self.reps = reps if block_size is None: self.block_size = int(np.sqrt(benchmark.shape[0])) else: self.block_size = block_size self.studentize = studentize self.nested = nested self._loss_diff = np.asarray(self.benchmark) - np.asarray(self.models) self._loss_diff_var = None self.t, self.k = self._loss_diff.shape bootstrap = bootstrap.lower().replace(" ", "_") if bootstrap in ("circular", "cbb"): bootstrap_inst = CircularBlockBootstrap(self.block_size, self._loss_diff) elif bootstrap in ("stationary", "sb"): bootstrap_inst = StationaryBootstrap(self.block_size, self._loss_diff) elif bootstrap in ("moving_block", "mbb"): bootstrap_inst = MovingBlockBootstrap(self.block_size, self._loss_diff) else: raise ValueError("Unknown bootstrap:" + bootstrap) self.bootstrap = bootstrap_inst self._pvalues: Dict[str, float] = {} self._simulated_vals: Optional[NDArray] = None self._selector = np.ones(self.k, dtype=np.bool) self._model = "SPA" if self.studentize: method = "bootstrap" if self.nested else "asymptotic" else: method = "none" self._info = dict( [ ("studentization", method), ("bootstrap", str(self.bootstrap)), ("ID", hex(id(self))), ] )
[docs] def reset(self) -> None: """ Reset the bootstrap to its initial state. """ super(SPA, self).reset() self._pvalues = {}
[docs] def subset(self, selector: NDArray) -> None: """ Sets a list of active models to run the SPA on. Primarily for internal use. Parameters ---------- selector : ndarray Boolean array indicating which columns to use when computing the p-values. This is primarily for use by StepM. """ self._selector = selector
[docs] def compute(self) -> None: """ Compute the bootstrap pvalue. Notes ----- Must be called before accessing the pvalue. """ # Plan # 1. Compute variances if self._simulated_vals is None: self._simulate_values() simulated_vals = self._simulated_vals # Use subset if needed assert simulated_vals is not None simulated_vals = simulated_vals[self._selector, :, :] max_simulated_vals = np.max(simulated_vals, 0) loss_diff = self._loss_diff[:, self._selector] max_loss_diff = np.max(loss_diff.mean(axis=0)) pvalues = (max_simulated_vals > max_loss_diff).mean(axis=0) self._pvalues = dict( [("lower", pvalues[0]), ("consistent", pvalues[1]), ("upper", pvalues[2])] )
def _simulate_values(self) -> None: self._compute_variance() # 2. Compute invalid columns using criteria for consistent self._valid_columns = self._check_column_validity() # 3. Compute simulated values # Upper always re-centers upper_mean = self._loss_diff.mean(0) consistent_mean = upper_mean.copy() consistent_mean[np.logical_not(self._valid_columns)] = 0.0 lower_mean = upper_mean.copy() # Lower does not re-center those that are worse lower_mean[lower_mean < 0] = 0.0 means = [lower_mean, consistent_mean, upper_mean] simulated_vals = np.zeros((self.k, self.reps, 3)) for i, bs_data in enumerate(self.bootstrap.bootstrap(self.reps)): pos_arg, kw_arg = bs_data loss_diff_star = pos_arg[0] for j, mean in enumerate(means): simulated_vals[:, i, j] = loss_diff_star.mean(0) - mean self._simulated_vals = np.array(simulated_vals) def _compute_variance(self) -> None: """ Estimates the variance of the loss differentials Returns ------- var : ndarray Array containing the variances of each loss differential """ ld = self._loss_diff demeaned = ld - ld.mean(axis=0) if self.nested: # Use bootstrap to estimate variances bs = self.bootstrap.clone(demeaned) means = bs.apply(lambda x: x.mean(0), reps=self.reps) variances = self.t * means.var(axis=0) else: t = self.t p = 1.0 / self.block_size variances = np.sum(demeaned ** 2, 0) / t for i in range(1, t): kappa = ((1.0 - (i / t)) * ((1 - p) ** i)) + ( (i / t) * ((1 - p) ** (t - i)) ) variances += ( 2 * kappa * np.sum(demeaned[: (t - i), :] * demeaned[i:, :], 0) / t ) self._loss_diff_var = variances def _check_column_validity(self) -> NDArray: """ Checks whether the loss from the model is too low relative to its mean to be asymptotically relevant. Returns ------- valid : ndarray Boolean array indicating columns relevant for consistent p-value calculation """ t, variances = self.t, self._loss_diff_var mean_loss_diff = self._loss_diff.mean(0) threshold = -1.0 * np.sqrt((variances / t) * 2 * np.log(np.log(t))) return mean_loss_diff >= threshold @property def pvalues(self) -> pd.Series: """ P-values corresponding to the lower, consistent and upper p-values. Returns ------- pvals : Series Three p-values corresponding to the lower bound, the consistent estimator, and the upper bound. """ self._check_compute() return pd.Series(list(self._pvalues.values()), index=list(self._pvalues.keys()))
[docs] def critical_values(self, pvalue: float = 0.05) -> pd.Series: """ Returns data-dependent critical values Parameters ---------- pvalue : float, optional P-value in (0,1) to use when computing the critical values. Returns ------- crit_vals : Series Series containing critical values for the lower, consistent and upper methodologies """ self._check_compute() if not (0.0 < pvalue < 1.0): raise ValueError("pvalue must be in (0,1)") # Subset if needed assert self._simulated_vals is not None simulated_values = self._simulated_vals[self._selector, :, :] max_simulated_values = np.max(simulated_values, axis=0) crit_vals = np.percentile(max_simulated_values, 100.0 * (1 - pvalue), axis=0) return pd.Series(crit_vals, index=list(self._pvalues.keys()))
[docs] def better_models( self, pvalue: float = 0.05, pvalue_type: str = "consistent" ) -> Union[NDArray, List[Hashable]]: """ Returns set of models rejected as being equal-or-worse than the benchmark Parameters ---------- pvalue : float, optional P-value in (0,1) to use when computing superior models pvalue_type : str, optional String in 'lower', 'consistent', or 'upper' indicating which critical value to use. Returns ------- indices : list List of column names or indices of the superior models. Column names are returned if models is a DataFrame. Notes ----- List of superior models returned is always with respect to the initial set of models, even when using subset(). """ self._check_compute() if pvalue_type not in self._pvalues: raise ValueError("Unknown pvalue type") crit_val = self.critical_values(pvalue=pvalue)[pvalue_type] better_models = self._loss_diff.mean(0) > crit_val better_models = np.logical_and(better_models, self._selector) if isinstance(self.models, pd.DataFrame): return list(self.models.columns[better_models]) else: return np.argwhere(better_models).flatten()
def _check_compute(self) -> None: if self._pvalues: return msg = "compute must be called before pvalues are available." raise RuntimeError(msg)
class RealityCheck(SPA): # Shallow clone of SPA pass