Distributions to use in ARCH models. All distributions must inherit from
:class:`Distribution` and provide the same methods with the same inputs.
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
from collections.abc import Sequence
from typing import Callable, Optional, Union
import warnings
from numpy import (
from numpy.random import Generator, RandomState, default_rng
from scipy.special import comb, gamma, gammainc, gammaincc, gammaln
import scipy.stats as stats
from arch.typing import ArrayLike, ArrayLike1D, Float64Array
from arch.utility.array import AbstractDocStringInheritor, ensure1d
__all__ = ["Distribution", "Normal", "StudentsT", "SkewStudent", "GeneralizedError"]
class Distribution(metaclass=ABCMeta):
Template for subclassing only
def __init__(
random_state: Optional[RandomState] = None,
seed: Union[int, RandomState, Generator, None] = None,
) -> None:
self._name = "Distribution"
self.num_params: int = 0
self._parameters: Optional[Float64Array] = None
if random_state is not None:
if seed is not None:
raise ValueError(
"seed cannot be simultaneously used with random_state. Use "
"seed to future proof your code."
if not isinstance(random_state, RandomState):
raise TypeError(
"random_state must contain a RandomState instance when not None."
"random_state is deprecated and will be removed in a future update. "
"Use seed instead.",
_seed: Union[int, RandomState, Generator, None] = random_state
_seed = seed
if _seed is None:
self._generator: Union[Generator, RandomState] = default_rng()
elif isinstance(_seed, (int, integer)):
self._generator = default_rng(_seed)
elif isinstance(_seed, (RandomState, Generator)):
self._generator = _seed
raise TypeError(
"seed must by a NumPy Generator or RandomState or int, if not None."
def name(self) -> str:
"""The name of the distribution"""
return self._name
def _check_constraints(
self, parameters: Union[Sequence[float], ArrayLike1D, None]
) -> Float64Array:
bounds = self.bounds(empty(0))
if parameters is not None:
params = asarray(ensure1d(parameters, "parameters", False))
nparams = len(params)
nparams = 0
params = empty(0)
if nparams != len(bounds):
raise ValueError(f"parameters must have {len(bounds)} elements")
if len(bounds) == 0:
return empty(0)
for p, n, b in zip(params, self.name, bounds):
if not (b[0] <= p <= b[1]):
raise ValueError(
f"{n} does not satisfy the bounds requirement of "
f"({b[0]}, {b[1]})"
return asarray(params)
def generator(self) -> Union[RandomState, Generator]:
"""The NumPy Generator or RandomState attached to the distribution"""
return self._generator
def random_state(self) -> Union[RandomState, Generator]:
The NumPy RandomState attached to the distribution
.. deprecated:: 5.0
random_state is deprecated. Use generator instead.
"random_state is deprecated and will be removed in a future "
"update. Use generator instead.",
return self._generator
def _simulator(self, size: Union[int, tuple[int, ...]]) -> Float64Array:
Simulate i.i.d. draws from the distribution
size : int or tuple
Shape of the draws from the distribution
rvs : ndarray
Simulated pseudo random variables
Must call `simulate` before using `_simulator`
def simulate(
self, parameters: Union[int, float, Sequence[Union[float, int]], ArrayLike1D]
) -> Callable[[Union[int, tuple[int, ...]]], Float64Array]:
Simulates i.i.d. draws from the distribution
parameters : ndarray
Distribution parameters
simulator : callable
Callable that take a single output size argument and returns i.i.d.
draws from the distribution
def constraints(self) -> tuple[Float64Array, Float64Array]:
Construct arrays to use in constrained optimization.
A : ndarray
Constraint loadings
b : ndarray
Constraint values
Parameters satisfy the constraints A.dot(parameters)-b >= 0
def bounds(self, resids: Float64Array) -> list[tuple[float, float]]:
Parameter bounds for use in optimization.
resids : ndarray
Residuals to use when computing the bounds
bounds : list
List containing a single tuple with (lower, upper) bounds
def loglikelihood(
parameters: Union[Sequence[float], ArrayLike1D],
resids: ArrayLike,
sigma2: ArrayLike,
individual: bool = False,
) -> Union[float, Float64Array]:
Loglikelihood evaluation.
parameters : ndarray
Distribution shape parameters
resids : ndarray
nobs array of model residuals
sigma2 : ndarray
nobs array of conditional variances
individual : bool, optional
Flag indicating whether to return the vector of individual log
likelihoods (True) or the sum (False)
Returns the loglikelihood where resids are the "data",
and parameters and sigma2 are inputs.
def starting_values(self, std_resid: Float64Array) -> Float64Array:
Construct starting values for use in optimization.
std_resid : ndarray
Estimated standardized residuals to use in computing starting
values for the shape parameter
sv : ndarray
The estimated shape parameters for the distribution
Size of sv depends on the distribution
def parameter_names(self) -> list[str]:
Names of distribution shape parameters
names : list (str)
Parameter names
def ppf(
pits: Union[float, Sequence[float], ArrayLike1D],
parameters: Union[Sequence[float], ArrayLike1D, None] = None,
) -> Union[float, Float64Array]:
Inverse cumulative density function (ICDF)
pits : {float, ndarray}
Probability-integral-transformed values in the interval (0, 1).
parameters : ndarray, optional
Distribution parameters. Use ``None`` for parameterless
i : {float, ndarray}
Inverse CDF values
def cdf(
resids: Union[Sequence[float], ArrayLike1D],
parameters: Union[Sequence[float], ArrayLike1D, None] = None,
) -> Float64Array:
Cumulative distribution function
resids : ndarray
Values at which to evaluate the cdf
parameters : ndarray
Distribution parameters. Use ``None`` for parameterless
f : ndarray
CDF values
def moment(
self, n: int, parameters: Union[Sequence[float], ArrayLike1D, None] = None
) -> float:
Moment of order n
n : int
Order of moment
parameters : ndarray, optional
Distribution parameters. Use None for parameterless distributions.
Calculated moment
def partial_moment(
n: int,
z: float = 0.0,
parameters: Union[Sequence[float], ArrayLike1D, None] = None,
) -> float:
Order n lower partial moment from -inf to z
n : int
Order of partial moment
z : float, optional
Upper bound for partial moment integral
parameters : ndarray, optional
Distribution parameters. Use None for parameterless distributions.
Partial moment
.. [1] Winkler et al. (1972) "The Determination of Partial Moments"
*Management Science* Vol. 19 No. 3
The order n lower partial moment to z is
.. math::
See [1]_ for more details.
def __str__(self) -> str:
return self._description()
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return self.__str__() + ", id: " + hex(id(self)) + ""
def _description(self) -> str:
return self.name + " distribution"
class Normal(Distribution, metaclass=AbstractDocStringInheritor):
Standard normal distribution for use with ARCH models
random_state : RandomState, optional
.. deprecated:: 5.0
random_state is deprecated. Use seed instead.
seed : {int, Generator, RandomState}, optional
Random number generator instance or int to use. Set to ensure
reproducibility. If using an int, the argument is passed to
``np.random.default_rng``. If not provided, ``default_rng``
is used with system-provided entropy.
def __init__(
random_state: Optional[RandomState] = None,
seed: Union[None, int, RandomState, Generator] = None,
) -> None:
super().__init__(random_state=random_state, seed=seed)
self._name = "Normal"
def constraints(self) -> tuple[Float64Array, Float64Array]:
return empty(0), empty(0)
def bounds(self, resids: Float64Array) -> list[tuple[float, float]]:
return []
def loglikelihood(
parameters: Union[Sequence[float], ArrayLike1D],
resids: ArrayLike,
sigma2: ArrayLike,
individual: bool = False,
) -> Union[float, Float64Array]:
r"""Computes the log-likelihood of assuming residuals are normally
distributed, conditional on the variance
parameters : ndarray
The normal likelihood has no shape parameters. Empty since the
standard normal has no shape parameters.
resids : ndarray
The residuals to use in the log-likelihood calculation
sigma2 : ndarray
Conditional variances of resids
individual : bool, optional
Flag indicating whether to return the vector of individual log
likelihoods (True) or the sum (False)
ll : float
The log-likelihood
The log-likelihood of a single data point x is
.. math::
\ln f\left(x\right)=-\frac{1}{2}\left(\ln2\pi+\ln\sigma^{2}
lls = -0.5 * (log(2 * pi) + log(sigma2) + resids**2.0 / sigma2)
if individual:
return lls
return sum(lls)
def starting_values(self, std_resid: Float64Array) -> Float64Array:
return empty(0)
def _simulator(self, size: Union[int, tuple[int, ...]]) -> Float64Array:
return self._generator.standard_normal(size)
def simulate(
self, parameters: Union[int, float, Sequence[Union[float, int]], ArrayLike1D]
) -> Callable[[Union[int, tuple[int, ...]]], Float64Array]:
return self._simulator
def parameter_names(self) -> list[str]:
return []
def cdf(
resids: Union[Sequence[float], ArrayLike1D],
parameters: Union[Sequence[float], ArrayLike1D, None] = None,
) -> Float64Array:
return stats.norm.cdf(asarray(resids))
def ppf(
pits: Union[float, Sequence[float], ArrayLike1D],
parameters: Union[Sequence[float], ArrayLike1D, None] = None,
) -> Float64Array:
scalar = isscalar(pits)
if scalar:
pits = array([pits])
pits = asarray(pits)
ppf = stats.norm.ppf(pits)
if scalar:
return ppf[0]
return ppf
def moment(
self, n: int, parameters: Union[Sequence[float], ArrayLike1D, None] = None
) -> float:
if n < 0:
return nan
return stats.norm.moment(n)
def partial_moment(
n: int,
z: float = 0.0,
parameters: Union[Sequence[float], ArrayLike1D, None] = None,
) -> float:
if n < 0:
return nan
elif n == 0:
return stats.norm.cdf(z)
elif n == 1:
return -stats.norm.pdf(z)
return -(z ** (n - 1)) * stats.norm.pdf(z) + (n - 1) * self.partial_moment(
n - 2, z, parameters
class StudentsT(Distribution, metaclass=AbstractDocStringInheritor):
Standardized Student's distribution for use with ARCH models
random_state : RandomState, optional
.. deprecated:: 5.0
random_state is deprecated. Use seed instead.
seed : {int, Generator, RandomState}, optional
Random number generator instance or int to use. Set to ensure
reproducibility. If using an int, the argument is passed to
``np.random.default_rng``. If not provided, ``default_rng``
is used with system-provided entropy.
def __init__(
random_state: Optional[RandomState] = None,
seed: Union[None, int, RandomState, Generator] = None,
) -> None:
super().__init__(random_state=random_state, seed=seed)
self._name = "Standardized Student's t"
self.num_params: int = 1
def constraints(self) -> tuple[Float64Array, Float64Array]:
return array([[1], [-1]]), array([2.05, -500.0])
def bounds(self, resids: Float64Array) -> list[tuple[float, float]]:
return [(2.05, 500.0)]
def loglikelihood(
parameters: Union[Sequence[float], ArrayLike1D],
resids: ArrayLike,
sigma2: ArrayLike,
individual: bool = False,
) -> Union[float, Float64Array]:
r"""Computes the log-likelihood of assuming residuals are have a
standardized (to have unit variance) Student's t distribution,
conditional on the variance.
parameters : ndarray
Shape parameter of the t distribution
resids : ndarray
The residuals to use in the log-likelihood calculation
sigma2 : ndarray
Conditional variances of resids
individual : bool, optional
Flag indicating whether to return the vector of individual log
likelihoods (True) or the sum (False)
ll : float
The log-likelihood
The log-likelihood of a single data point x is
.. math::
where :math:`\Gamma` is the gamma function.
nu = parameters[0]
lls = gammaln((nu + 1) / 2) - gammaln(nu / 2) - log(pi * (nu - 2)) / 2
lls -= 0.5 * (log(sigma2))
lls -= ((nu + 1) / 2) * (log(1 + (resids**2.0) / (sigma2 * (nu - 2))))
if individual:
return lls
return sum(lls)
def starting_values(self, std_resid: Float64Array) -> Float64Array:
Construct starting values for use in optimization.
std_resid : ndarray
Estimated standardized residuals to use in computing starting
values for the shape parameter
sv : ndarray
Array containing starting valuer for shape parameter
Uses relationship between kurtosis and degree of freedom parameter to
produce a moment-based estimator for the starting values.
k = stats.kurtosis(std_resid, fisher=False)
sv = max((4.0 * k - 6.0) / (k - 3.0) if k > 3.75 else 12.0, 4.0)
return array([sv])
def _simulator(self, size: Union[int, tuple[int, ...]]) -> Float64Array:
assert self._parameters is not None
parameters = self._parameters
std_dev = sqrt(parameters[0] / (parameters[0] - 2))
return self._generator.standard_t(self._parameters[0], size=size) / std_dev
def simulate(
self, parameters: Union[int, float, Sequence[Union[float, int]], ArrayLike1D]
) -> Callable[[Union[int, tuple[int, ...]]], Float64Array]:
parameters = ensure1d(parameters, "parameters", False)
if parameters[0] <= 2.0:
raise ValueError("The shape parameter must be larger than 2")
self._parameters = asarray(parameters, dtype=float)
return self._simulator
def parameter_names(self) -> list[str]:
return ["nu"]
def cdf(
resids: Union[Sequence[float], ArrayLike1D],
parameters: Union[Sequence[float], ArrayLike1D, None] = None,
) -> Float64Array:
parameters = self._check_constraints(parameters)
nu = parameters[0]
var = nu / (nu - 2)
return stats.t(nu, scale=1.0 / sqrt(var)).cdf(asarray(resids))
def ppf(
pits: Union[float, Sequence[float], ArrayLike1D],
parameters: Union[Sequence[float], ArrayLike1D, None] = None,
) -> Float64Array:
parameters = self._check_constraints(parameters)
pits = asarray(pits, dtype=float)
nu = parameters[0]
var = nu / (nu - 2)
return stats.t(nu, scale=1.0 / sqrt(var)).ppf(pits)
def moment(
self, n: int, parameters: Union[Sequence[float], ArrayLike1D, None] = None
) -> float:
if n < 0:
return nan
parameters = self._check_constraints(parameters)
nu = parameters[0]
var = nu / (nu - 2)
return stats.t.moment(n, nu, scale=1.0 / sqrt(var))
def partial_moment(
n: int,
z: float = 0.0,
parameters: Union[Sequence[float], ArrayLike1D, None] = None,
) -> float:
parameters = self._check_constraints(parameters)
nu = parameters[0]
var = nu / (nu - 2)
scale = 1.0 / sqrt(var)
moment = (scale**n) * self._ord_t_partial_moment(n, z / scale, nu)
return moment
def _ord_t_partial_moment(n: int, z: float, nu: float) -> float:
Partial moments for ordinary parameterization of Students t df=nu
n : int
Order of partial moment
z : float
Upper bound for partial moment integral
nu : float
Degrees of freedom
Calculated moment
.. [1] Winkler et al. (1972) "The Determination of Partial Moments"
*Management Science* Vol. 19 No. 3
The order n lower partial moment to z is
.. math::
See [1]_ for more details.
if n < 0 or n >= nu:
return nan
elif n == 0:
moment = stats.t.cdf(z, nu)
elif n == 1:
c = gamma(0.5 * (nu + 1)) / (sqrt(nu * pi) * gamma(0.5 * nu))
e = 0.5 * (nu + 1)
moment = (0.5 * (c * nu) / (1 - e)) * ((1 + (z**2) / nu) ** (1 - e))
t1 = (z ** (n - 1)) * (nu + z**2) * stats.t.pdf(z, nu)
t2 = (n - 1) * nu * StudentsT._ord_t_partial_moment(n - 2, z, nu)
moment = (1 / (n - nu)) * (t1 - t2)
return moment
class SkewStudent(Distribution, metaclass=AbstractDocStringInheritor):
Standardized Skewed Student's distribution for use with ARCH models
random_state : RandomState, optional
.. deprecated:: 5.0
random_state is deprecated. Use seed instead.
seed : {int, Generator, RandomState}, optional
Random number generator instance or int to use. Set to ensure
reproducibility. If using an int, the argument is passed to
``np.random.default_rng``. If not provided, ``default_rng``
is used with system-provided entropy.
The Standardized Skewed Student's distribution ([1]_) takes two parameters,
:math:`\eta` and :math:`\lambda`. :math:`\eta` controls the tail shape
and is similar to the shape parameter in a Standardized Student's t.
:math:`\lambda` controls the skewness. When :math:`\lambda=0` the
distribution is identical to a standardized Student's t.
.. [1] Hansen, B. E. (1994). Autoregressive conditional density estimation.
*International Economic Review*, 35(3), 705–730.
def __init__(
random_state: Optional[RandomState] = None,
seed: Union[None, int, RandomState, Generator] = None,
) -> None:
super().__init__(random_state=random_state, seed=seed)
self._name = "Standardized Skew Student's t"
self.num_params: int = 2
def constraints(self) -> tuple[Float64Array, Float64Array]:
return array([[1, 0], [-1, 0], [0, 1], [0, -1]]), array([2.05, -300.0, -1, -1])
def bounds(self, resids: Float64Array) -> list[tuple[float, float]]:
return [(2.05, 300.0), (-1, 1)]
def loglikelihood(
parameters: Union[Sequence[float], ArrayLike1D],
resids: ArrayLike,
sigma2: ArrayLike,
individual: bool = False,
) -> Float64Array:
Computes the log-likelihood of assuming residuals are have a
standardized (to have unit variance) Skew Student's t distribution,
conditional on the variance.
parameters : ndarray
Shape parameter of the skew-t distribution
resids : ndarray
The residuals to use in the log-likelihood calculation
sigma2 : ndarray
Conditional variances of resids
individual : bool, optional
Flag indicating whether to return the vector of individual log
likelihoods (True) or the sum (False)
ll : float
The log-likelihood
The log-likelihood of a single data point x is
.. math::
where :math:`2<\eta<\infty`, and :math:`-1<\lambda<1`.
The constants :math:`a`, :math:`b`, and :math:`c` are given by
.. math::
a=4\lambda c\frac{\eta-2}{\eta-1},
\quad b^{2}=1+3\lambda^{2}-a^{2},
\quad c=\frac{\Gamma\left(\frac{\eta+1}{2}\right)}
and :math:`\Gamma` is the gamma function.
parameters = asarray(parameters, dtype=float)
eta, lam = parameters
const_c = self.__const_c(parameters)
const_a = self.__const_a(parameters)
const_b = self.__const_b(parameters)
resids = resids / sigma2**0.5
lls = log(const_b) + const_c - log(sigma2) / 2
if abs(lam) >= 1.0:
lam = sign(lam) * (1.0 - 1e-6)
llf_resid = (
(const_b * resids + const_a) / (1 + sign(resids + const_a / const_b) * lam)
) ** 2
lls -= (eta + 1) / 2 * log(1 + llf_resid / (eta - 2))
if individual:
return lls
return sum(lls)
def starting_values(self, std_resid: Float64Array) -> Float64Array:
Construct starting values for use in optimization.
std_resid : ndarray
Estimated standardized residuals to use in computing starting
values for the shape parameter
sv : ndarray
Array containing starting valuer for shape parameter
Uses relationship between kurtosis and degree of freedom parameter to
produce a moment-based estimator for the starting values.
k = stats.kurtosis(std_resid, fisher=False)
sv = max((4.0 * k - 6.0) / (k - 3.0) if k > 3.75 else 12.0, 4.0)
return array([sv, 0.0])
def _simulator(self, size: Union[int, tuple[int, ...]]) -> Float64Array:
# No need to normalize since it is already done in parameterization
assert self._parameters is not None
if isinstance(self._generator, Generator):
uniforms = self._generator.random(size=size)
uniforms = self._generator.random_sample(size=size)
ppf = self.ppf(uniforms, self._parameters)
assert isinstance(ppf, ndarray)
return ppf
def simulate(
self, parameters: Union[int, float, Sequence[Union[float, int]], ArrayLike1D]
) -> Callable[[Union[int, tuple[int, ...]]], Float64Array]:
parameters = ensure1d(parameters, "parameters", False)
if parameters[0] <= 2.0:
raise ValueError("The shape parameter must be larger than 2")
if abs(parameters[1]) > 1.0:
raise ValueError(
"The skew parameter must be smaller than 1 in absolute value"
self._parameters = asarray(parameters, dtype=float)
return self._simulator
def parameter_names(self) -> list[str]:
return ["eta", "lambda"]
def __const_a(self, parameters: Union[Float64Array, Sequence[float]]) -> float:
Compute a constant.
parameters : ndarray
Shape parameters of the skew-t distribution
a : float
Constant used in the distribution
eta, lam = parameters
c = self.__const_c(parameters)
return float(4 * lam * exp(c) * (eta - 2) / (eta - 1))
def __const_b(self, parameters: Union[Float64Array, Sequence[float]]) -> float:
Compute b constant.
parameters : ndarray
Shape parameters of the skew-t distribution
b : float
Constant used in the distribution
lam = float(parameters[1])
a = self.__const_a(parameters)
return (1 + 3 * lam**2 - a**2) ** 0.5
def __const_c(parameters: Union[Float64Array, Sequence[float]]) -> float:
Compute c constant.
parameters : ndarray
Shape parameters of the skew-t distribution
c : float
Log of the constant used in loglikelihood
eta = parameters[0]
# return gamma((eta+1)/2) / ((pi*(eta-2))**.5 * gamma(eta/2))
return float(
gammaln((eta + 1) / 2) - gammaln(eta / 2) - log(pi * (eta - 2)) / 2
def cdf(
resids: Union[Sequence[float], ArrayLike1D],
parameters: Union[Sequence[float], ArrayLike1D, None] = None,
) -> Float64Array:
parameters = self._check_constraints(parameters)
scalar = isscalar(resids)
if scalar:
resids = array([resids])
resids = asarray(resids, dtype=float)
eta, lam = parameters
a = self.__const_a(parameters)
b = self.__const_b(parameters)
var = eta / (eta - 2)
y1 = (b * resids + a) / (1 - lam) * sqrt(var)
y2 = (b * resids + a) / (1 + lam) * sqrt(var)
tcdf = stats.t(eta).cdf
resids = asarray(resids)
p = (1 - lam) * tcdf(y1) * (resids < (-a / b))
p += (resids >= (-a / b)) * ((1 - lam) / 2 + (1 + lam) * (tcdf(y2) - 0.5))
if scalar:
p = p[0]
return p
def ppf(
pits: Union[float, Sequence[float], ArrayLike1D],
parameters: Union[Sequence[float], ArrayLike1D, None] = None,
) -> Union[float, Float64Array]:
parameters = self._check_constraints(parameters)
scalar = isscalar(pits)
if scalar:
pits = array([pits])
pits = asarray(pits, dtype=float)
eta, lam = parameters
a = self.__const_a(parameters)
b = self.__const_b(parameters)
cond = pits < (1 - lam) / 2
icdf1 = stats.t.ppf(pits[cond] / (1 - lam), eta)
icdf2 = stats.t.ppf(0.5 + (pits[~cond] - (1 - lam) / 2) / (1 + lam), eta)
icdf = -999.99 * ones_like(pits)
assert isinstance(icdf, ndarray)
icdf[cond] = icdf1
icdf[~cond] = icdf2
icdf = icdf * (1 + sign(pits - (1 - lam) / 2) * lam) * (1 - 2 / eta) ** 0.5 - a
icdf = icdf / b
if scalar:
return float(icdf[0])
assert isinstance(icdf, ndarray)
return icdf
def moment(
self, n: int, parameters: Union[Sequence[float], ArrayLike1D, None] = None
) -> float:
parameters = self._check_constraints(parameters)
eta, lam = parameters
if n < 0 or n >= eta:
return nan
a = self.__const_a(parameters)
b = self.__const_b(parameters)
loc = -a / b
lscale = sqrt(1 - 2 / eta) * (1 - lam) / b
rscale = sqrt(1 - 2 / eta) * (1 + lam) / b
moment = 0.0
for k in range(n + 1): # binomial expansion around loc
# 0->inf right partial moment for ordinary t(eta)
r_pmom = (
* (gamma(0.5 * (k + 1)) * gamma(0.5 * (eta - k)) * eta ** (0.5 * k))
/ (sqrt(pi) * gamma(0.5 * eta))
l_pmom = ((-1) ** k) * r_pmom
lhs = (1 - lam) * (lscale**k) * (loc ** (n - k)) * l_pmom
rhs = (1 + lam) * (rscale**k) * (loc ** (n - k)) * r_pmom
moment += comb(n, k) * (lhs + rhs)
return moment
def partial_moment(
n: int,
z: float = 0.0,
parameters: Union[Sequence[float], ArrayLike1D, None] = None,
) -> float:
parameters = self._check_constraints(parameters)
eta, lam = parameters
if n < 0 or n >= eta:
return nan
a = self.__const_a(parameters)
b = self.__const_b(parameters)
loc = -a / b
lscale = sqrt(1 - 2 / eta) * (1 - lam) / b
rscale = sqrt(1 - 2 / eta) * (1 + lam) / b
moment = 0.0
for k in range(n + 1): # binomial expansion around loc
lbound = min(z, loc)
lhs = (
(1 - lam)
* (loc ** (n - k))
* (lscale**k)
* StudentsT._ord_t_partial_moment(k, z=(lbound - loc) / lscale, nu=eta)
if z > loc:
rhs = (
(1 + lam)
* (loc ** (n - k))
* (rscale**k)
* (
StudentsT._ord_t_partial_moment(k, z=(z - loc) / rscale, nu=eta)
- StudentsT._ord_t_partial_moment(k, z=0.0, nu=eta)
rhs = 0.0
moment += comb(n, k) * (lhs + rhs)
return moment
class GeneralizedError(Distribution, metaclass=AbstractDocStringInheritor):
Generalized Error distribution for use with ARCH models
random_state : RandomState, optional
.. deprecated:: 5.0
random_state is deprecated. Use seed instead.
seed : {int, Generator, RandomState}, optional
Random number generator instance or int to use. Set to ensure
reproducibility. If using an int, the argument is passed to
``np.random.default_rng``. If not provided, ``default_rng``
is used with system-provided entropy.
def __init__(
random_state: Optional[RandomState] = None,
seed: Union[None, int, RandomState, Generator] = None,
) -> None:
super().__init__(random_state=random_state, seed=seed)
self._name = "Generalized Error Distribution"
self.num_params: int = 1
def constraints(self) -> tuple[Float64Array, Float64Array]:
return array([[1], [-1]]), array([1.01, -500.0])
def bounds(self, resids: Float64Array) -> list[tuple[float, float]]:
return [(1.01, 500.0)]
def loglikelihood(
parameters: Union[Sequence[float], ArrayLike1D],
resids: ArrayLike,
sigma2: ArrayLike,
individual: bool = False,
) -> Float64Array:
Computes the log-likelihood of assuming residuals are have a
Generalized Error Distribution, conditional on the variance.
parameters : ndarray
Shape parameter of the GED distribution
resids : ndarray
The residuals to use in the log-likelihood calculation
sigma2 : ndarray
Conditional variances of resids
individual : bool, optional
Flag indicating whether to return the vector of individual log
likelihoods (True) or the sum (False)
ll : float
The log-likelihood
The log-likelihood of a single data point x is
.. math::
\ln\nu-\ln c-\ln\Gamma(\frac{1}{\nu})-(1+\frac{1}{\nu})\ln2
where :math:`\Gamma` is the gamma function and :math:`\ln c` is
.. math::
\ln c=\frac{1}{2}\left(\frac{-2}{\nu}\ln2+\ln\Gamma(\frac{1}{\nu})
nu = parameters[0]
log_c = 0.5 * (-2 / nu * log(2) + gammaln(1 / nu) - gammaln(3 / nu))
c = exp(log_c)
lls = log(nu) - log_c - gammaln(1 / nu) - (1 + 1 / nu) * log(2)
lls -= 0.5 * log(sigma2)
lls -= 0.5 * abs(resids / (sqrt(sigma2) * c)) ** nu
if individual:
return lls
return sum(lls)
def starting_values(self, std_resid: Float64Array) -> Float64Array:
Construct starting values for use in optimization.
std_resid : ndarray
Estimated standardized residuals to use in computing starting
values for the shape parameter
sv : ndarray
Array containing starting valuer for shape parameter
Defaults to 1.5 which is implies heavier tails than a normal
return array([1.5])
def _simulator(self, size: Union[int, tuple[int, ...]]) -> Float64Array:
assert self._parameters is not None
parameters = self._parameters
nu = parameters[0]
randoms = self._generator.standard_gamma(1 / nu, size) ** (1.0 / nu)
if isinstance(self._generator, Generator):
random_ints = self._generator.integers(0, 2, size, dtype=int64)
random_ints = self._generator.randint(0, 2, size, dtype=int64)
randoms *= 2.0 * random_ints - 1.0
scale = sqrt(gamma(3.0 / nu) / gamma(1.0 / nu))
return randoms / scale
def simulate(
self, parameters: Union[int, float, Sequence[Union[float, int]], ArrayLike1D]
) -> Callable[[Union[int, tuple[int, ...]]], Float64Array]:
parameters = ensure1d(parameters, "parameters", False)
if parameters[0] <= 1.0:
raise ValueError("The shape parameter must be larger than 1")
self._parameters = asarray(parameters, dtype=float)
return self._simulator
def parameter_names(self) -> list[str]:
return ["nu"]
def ppf(
pits: Union[float, Sequence[float], ArrayLike1D],
parameters: Union[Sequence[float], ArrayLike1D, None] = None,
) -> Float64Array:
parameters = self._check_constraints(parameters)
pits = asarray(pits, dtype=float)
nu = parameters[0]
var = stats.gennorm(nu).var()
return stats.gennorm(nu, scale=1.0 / sqrt(var)).ppf(pits)
def cdf(
resids: Union[Sequence[float], ArrayLike1D],
parameters: Union[Sequence[float], ArrayLike1D, None] = None,
) -> Float64Array:
parameters = self._check_constraints(parameters)
nu = parameters[0]
var = stats.gennorm(nu).var()
resids = asarray(resids, dtype=float)
return stats.gennorm(nu, scale=1.0 / sqrt(var)).cdf(resids)
def moment(
self, n: int, parameters: Union[Sequence[float], ArrayLike1D, None] = None
) -> float:
if n < 0:
return nan
parameters = self._check_constraints(parameters)
nu = parameters[0]
var = stats.gennorm(nu).var()
return stats.gennorm.moment(n, nu, scale=1.0 / sqrt(var))
def partial_moment(
n: int,
z: float = 0.0,
parameters: Union[Sequence[float], ArrayLike1D, None] = None,
) -> float:
parameters = self._check_constraints(parameters)
nu = parameters[0]
scale = 1.0 / sqrt(stats.gennorm(nu).var())
moment = (scale**n) * self._ord_gennorm_partial_moment(n, z / scale, nu)
return moment
def _ord_gennorm_partial_moment(n: int, z: int, beta: float) -> float:
Partial moment for ordinary generalized normal parameterization.
n : int
Order of partial moment
z : float
Upper bound for partial moment integral
beta : float
Parameter of generalized normal
Partial moment
The standard parameterization follows:
.. math::
if n < 0:
return nan
w = 0.5 * beta / gamma(1 / beta)
# integral over (-inf, min(z,0))
lz = abs(min(z, 0)) ** beta
lterm = (
* ((-1) ** n)
* (1 / beta)
* gamma((n + 1) / beta)
* gammaincc((n + 1) / beta, lz)
# remaining integral
rz = max(0, z) ** beta
rterm = w * (1 / beta) * gamma((n + 1) / beta) * gammainc((n + 1) / beta, rz)
moment = lterm + rterm
return moment