Source code for arch.univariate.distribution

Distributions to use in ARCH models.  All distributions must inherit from
:class:`Distribution` and provide the same methods with the same inputs.

from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
from import Sequence
from typing import Callable, Optional, Union
import warnings

from numpy import (
from numpy.random import Generator, RandomState, default_rng
from scipy.special import comb, gamma, gammainc, gammaincc, gammaln
import scipy.stats as stats

from arch.typing import ArrayLike, ArrayLike1D, Float64Array
from arch.utility.array import AbstractDocStringInheritor, ensure1d

__all__ = ["Distribution", "Normal", "StudentsT", "SkewStudent", "GeneralizedError"]

[docs] class Distribution(metaclass=ABCMeta): """ Template for subclassing only """ def __init__( self, random_state: Optional[RandomState] = None, *, seed: Union[int, RandomState, Generator, None] = None, ) -> None: self._name = "Distribution" self.num_params: int = 0 self._parameters: Optional[Float64Array] = None if random_state is not None: if seed is not None: raise ValueError( "seed cannot be simultaneously used with random_state. Use " "seed to future proof your code." ) if not isinstance(random_state, RandomState): raise TypeError( "random_state must contain a RandomState instance when not None." ) warnings.warn( "random_state is deprecated and will be removed in a future update. " "Use seed instead.", FutureWarning, ) _seed: Union[int, RandomState, Generator, None] = random_state else: _seed = seed if _seed is None: self._generator: Union[Generator, RandomState] = default_rng() elif isinstance(_seed, (int, integer)): self._generator = default_rng(_seed) elif isinstance(_seed, (RandomState, Generator)): self._generator = _seed else: raise TypeError( "seed must by a NumPy Generator or RandomState or int, if not None." ) @property def name(self) -> str: """The name of the distribution""" return self._name def _check_constraints( self, parameters: Union[Sequence[float], ArrayLike1D, None] ) -> Float64Array: bounds = self.bounds(empty(0)) if parameters is not None: params = asarray(ensure1d(parameters, "parameters", False)) nparams = len(params) else: nparams = 0 params = empty(0) if nparams != len(bounds): raise ValueError(f"parameters must have {len(bounds)} elements") if len(bounds) == 0: return empty(0) for p, n, b in zip(params,, bounds): if not (b[0] <= p <= b[1]): raise ValueError( f"{n} does not satisfy the bounds requirement of " f"({b[0]}, {b[1]})" ) return asarray(params) @property def generator(self) -> Union[RandomState, Generator]: """The NumPy Generator or RandomState attached to the distribution""" return self._generator @property def random_state(self) -> Union[RandomState, Generator]: """ The NumPy RandomState attached to the distribution .. deprecated:: 5.0 random_state is deprecated. Use generator instead. """ warnings.warn( "random_state is deprecated and will be removed in a future " "update. Use generator instead.", FutureWarning, ) return self._generator @abstractmethod def _simulator(self, size: Union[int, tuple[int, ...]]) -> Float64Array: """ Simulate i.i.d. draws from the distribution Parameters ---------- size : int or tuple Shape of the draws from the distribution Returns ------- rvs : ndarray Simulated pseudo random variables Notes ----- Must call `simulate` before using `_simulator` """
[docs] @abstractmethod def simulate( self, parameters: Union[int, float, Sequence[Union[float, int]], ArrayLike1D] ) -> Callable[[Union[int, tuple[int, ...]]], Float64Array]: """ Simulates i.i.d. draws from the distribution Parameters ---------- parameters : ndarray Distribution parameters Returns ------- simulator : callable Callable that take a single output size argument and returns i.i.d. draws from the distribution """
[docs] @abstractmethod def constraints(self) -> tuple[Float64Array, Float64Array]: """ Construct arrays to use in constrained optimization. Returns ------- A : ndarray Constraint loadings b : ndarray Constraint values Notes ----- Parameters satisfy the constraints >= 0 """
[docs] @abstractmethod def bounds(self, resids: Float64Array) -> list[tuple[float, float]]: """ Parameter bounds for use in optimization. Parameters ---------- resids : ndarray Residuals to use when computing the bounds Returns ------- bounds : list List containing a single tuple with (lower, upper) bounds """
[docs] @abstractmethod def loglikelihood( self, parameters: Union[Sequence[float], ArrayLike1D], resids: ArrayLike, sigma2: ArrayLike, individual: bool = False, ) -> Union[float, Float64Array]: """ Loglikelihood evaluation. Parameters ---------- parameters : ndarray Distribution shape parameters resids : ndarray nobs array of model residuals sigma2 : ndarray nobs array of conditional variances individual : bool, optional Flag indicating whether to return the vector of individual log likelihoods (True) or the sum (False) Notes ----- Returns the loglikelihood where resids are the "data", and parameters and sigma2 are inputs. """
[docs] @abstractmethod def starting_values(self, std_resid: Float64Array) -> Float64Array: """ Construct starting values for use in optimization. Parameters ---------- std_resid : ndarray Estimated standardized residuals to use in computing starting values for the shape parameter Returns ------- sv : ndarray The estimated shape parameters for the distribution Notes ----- Size of sv depends on the distribution """
[docs] @abstractmethod def parameter_names(self) -> list[str]: """ Names of distribution shape parameters Returns ------- names : list (str) Parameter names """
[docs] @abstractmethod def ppf( self, pits: Union[float, Sequence[float], ArrayLike1D], parameters: Union[Sequence[float], ArrayLike1D, None] = None, ) -> Union[float, Float64Array]: """ Inverse cumulative density function (ICDF) Parameters ---------- pits : {float, ndarray} Probability-integral-transformed values in the interval (0, 1). parameters : ndarray, optional Distribution parameters. Use ``None`` for parameterless distributions. Returns ------- i : {float, ndarray} Inverse CDF values """
[docs] @abstractmethod def cdf( self, resids: Union[Sequence[float], ArrayLike1D], parameters: Union[Sequence[float], ArrayLike1D, None] = None, ) -> Float64Array: """ Cumulative distribution function Parameters ---------- resids : ndarray Values at which to evaluate the cdf parameters : ndarray Distribution parameters. Use ``None`` for parameterless distributions. Returns ------- f : ndarray CDF values """
[docs] @abstractmethod def moment( self, n: int, parameters: Union[Sequence[float], ArrayLike1D, None] = None ) -> float: """ Moment of order n Parameters ---------- n : int Order of moment parameters : ndarray, optional Distribution parameters. Use None for parameterless distributions. Returns ------- float Calculated moment """
[docs] @abstractmethod def partial_moment( self, n: int, z: float = 0.0, parameters: Union[Sequence[float], ArrayLike1D, None] = None, ) -> float: r""" Order n lower partial moment from -inf to z Parameters ---------- n : int Order of partial moment z : float, optional Upper bound for partial moment integral parameters : ndarray, optional Distribution parameters. Use None for parameterless distributions. Returns ------- float Partial moment References ---------- .. [1] Winkler et al. (1972) "The Determination of Partial Moments" *Management Science* Vol. 19 No. 3 Notes ----- The order n lower partial moment to z is .. math:: \int_{-\infty}^{z}x^{n}f(x)dx See [1]_ for more details. """
def __str__(self) -> str: return self._description() def __repr__(self) -> str: return self.__str__() + ", id: " + hex(id(self)) + "" def _description(self) -> str: return + " distribution"
[docs] class Normal(Distribution, metaclass=AbstractDocStringInheritor): """ Standard normal distribution for use with ARCH models Parameters ---------- random_state : RandomState, optional .. deprecated:: 5.0 random_state is deprecated. Use seed instead. seed : {int, Generator, RandomState}, optional Random number generator instance or int to use. Set to ensure reproducibility. If using an int, the argument is passed to ``np.random.default_rng``. If not provided, ``default_rng`` is used with system-provided entropy. """ def __init__( self, random_state: Optional[RandomState] = None, *, seed: Union[None, int, RandomState, Generator] = None, ) -> None: super().__init__(random_state=random_state, seed=seed) self._name = "Normal"
[docs] def constraints(self) -> tuple[Float64Array, Float64Array]: return empty(0), empty(0)
[docs] def bounds(self, resids: Float64Array) -> list[tuple[float, float]]: return []
[docs] def loglikelihood( self, parameters: Union[Sequence[float], ArrayLike1D], resids: ArrayLike, sigma2: ArrayLike, individual: bool = False, ) -> Union[float, Float64Array]: r"""Computes the log-likelihood of assuming residuals are normally distributed, conditional on the variance Parameters ---------- parameters : ndarray The normal likelihood has no shape parameters. Empty since the standard normal has no shape parameters. resids : ndarray The residuals to use in the log-likelihood calculation sigma2 : ndarray Conditional variances of resids individual : bool, optional Flag indicating whether to return the vector of individual log likelihoods (True) or the sum (False) Returns ------- ll : float The log-likelihood Notes ----- The log-likelihood of a single data point x is .. math:: \ln f\left(x\right)=-\frac{1}{2}\left(\ln2\pi+\ln\sigma^{2} +\frac{x^{2}}{\sigma^{2}}\right) """ lls = -0.5 * (log(2 * pi) + log(sigma2) + resids**2.0 / sigma2) if individual: return lls else: return sum(lls)
[docs] def starting_values(self, std_resid: Float64Array) -> Float64Array: return empty(0)
def _simulator(self, size: Union[int, tuple[int, ...]]) -> Float64Array: return self._generator.standard_normal(size)
[docs] def simulate( self, parameters: Union[int, float, Sequence[Union[float, int]], ArrayLike1D] ) -> Callable[[Union[int, tuple[int, ...]]], Float64Array]: return self._simulator
[docs] def parameter_names(self) -> list[str]: return []
[docs] def cdf( self, resids: Union[Sequence[float], ArrayLike1D], parameters: Union[Sequence[float], ArrayLike1D, None] = None, ) -> Float64Array: self._check_constraints(parameters) return stats.norm.cdf(asarray(resids))
[docs] def ppf( self, pits: Union[float, Sequence[float], ArrayLike1D], parameters: Union[Sequence[float], ArrayLike1D, None] = None, ) -> Float64Array: self._check_constraints(parameters) scalar = isscalar(pits) if scalar: pits = array([pits]) else: pits = asarray(pits) ppf = stats.norm.ppf(pits) if scalar: return ppf[0] else: return ppf
[docs] def moment( self, n: int, parameters: Union[Sequence[float], ArrayLike1D, None] = None ) -> float: if n < 0: return nan return stats.norm.moment(n)
[docs] def partial_moment( self, n: int, z: float = 0.0, parameters: Union[Sequence[float], ArrayLike1D, None] = None, ) -> float: if n < 0: return nan elif n == 0: return stats.norm.cdf(z) elif n == 1: return -stats.norm.pdf(z) else: return -(z ** (n - 1)) * stats.norm.pdf(z) + (n - 1) * self.partial_moment( n - 2, z, parameters )
[docs] class StudentsT(Distribution, metaclass=AbstractDocStringInheritor): """ Standardized Student's distribution for use with ARCH models Parameters ---------- random_state : RandomState, optional .. deprecated:: 5.0 random_state is deprecated. Use seed instead. seed : {int, Generator, RandomState}, optional Random number generator instance or int to use. Set to ensure reproducibility. If using an int, the argument is passed to ``np.random.default_rng``. If not provided, ``default_rng`` is used with system-provided entropy. """ def __init__( self, random_state: Optional[RandomState] = None, *, seed: Union[None, int, RandomState, Generator] = None, ) -> None: super().__init__(random_state=random_state, seed=seed) self._name = "Standardized Student's t" self.num_params: int = 1
[docs] def constraints(self) -> tuple[Float64Array, Float64Array]: return array([[1], [-1]]), array([2.05, -500.0])
[docs] def bounds(self, resids: Float64Array) -> list[tuple[float, float]]: return [(2.05, 500.0)]
[docs] def loglikelihood( self, parameters: Union[Sequence[float], ArrayLike1D], resids: ArrayLike, sigma2: ArrayLike, individual: bool = False, ) -> Union[float, Float64Array]: r"""Computes the log-likelihood of assuming residuals are have a standardized (to have unit variance) Student's t distribution, conditional on the variance. Parameters ---------- parameters : ndarray Shape parameter of the t distribution resids : ndarray The residuals to use in the log-likelihood calculation sigma2 : ndarray Conditional variances of resids individual : bool, optional Flag indicating whether to return the vector of individual log likelihoods (True) or the sum (False) Returns ------- ll : float The log-likelihood Notes ----- The log-likelihood of a single data point x is .. math:: \ln\Gamma\left(\frac{\nu+1}{2}\right) -\ln\Gamma\left(\frac{\nu}{2}\right) -\frac{1}{2}\ln(\pi\left(\nu-2\right)\sigma^{2}) -\frac{\nu+1}{2}\ln(1+x^{2}/(\sigma^{2}(\nu-2))) where :math:`\Gamma` is the gamma function. """ nu = parameters[0] lls = gammaln((nu + 1) / 2) - gammaln(nu / 2) - log(pi * (nu - 2)) / 2 lls -= 0.5 * (log(sigma2)) lls -= ((nu + 1) / 2) * (log(1 + (resids**2.0) / (sigma2 * (nu - 2)))) if individual: return lls else: return sum(lls)
[docs] def starting_values(self, std_resid: Float64Array) -> Float64Array: """ Construct starting values for use in optimization. Parameters ---------- std_resid : ndarray Estimated standardized residuals to use in computing starting values for the shape parameter Returns ------- sv : ndarray Array containing starting valuer for shape parameter Notes ----- Uses relationship between kurtosis and degree of freedom parameter to produce a moment-based estimator for the starting values. """ k = stats.kurtosis(std_resid, fisher=False) sv = max((4.0 * k - 6.0) / (k - 3.0) if k > 3.75 else 12.0, 4.0) return array([sv])
def _simulator(self, size: Union[int, tuple[int, ...]]) -> Float64Array: assert self._parameters is not None parameters = self._parameters std_dev = sqrt(parameters[0] / (parameters[0] - 2)) return self._generator.standard_t(self._parameters[0], size=size) / std_dev
[docs] def simulate( self, parameters: Union[int, float, Sequence[Union[float, int]], ArrayLike1D] ) -> Callable[[Union[int, tuple[int, ...]]], Float64Array]: parameters = ensure1d(parameters, "parameters", False) if parameters[0] <= 2.0: raise ValueError("The shape parameter must be larger than 2") self._parameters = asarray(parameters, dtype=float) return self._simulator
[docs] def parameter_names(self) -> list[str]: return ["nu"]
[docs] def cdf( self, resids: Union[Sequence[float], ArrayLike1D], parameters: Union[Sequence[float], ArrayLike1D, None] = None, ) -> Float64Array: parameters = self._check_constraints(parameters) nu = parameters[0] var = nu / (nu - 2) return stats.t(nu, scale=1.0 / sqrt(var)).cdf(asarray(resids))
[docs] def ppf( self, pits: Union[float, Sequence[float], ArrayLike1D], parameters: Union[Sequence[float], ArrayLike1D, None] = None, ) -> Float64Array: parameters = self._check_constraints(parameters) pits = asarray(pits, dtype=float) nu = parameters[0] var = nu / (nu - 2) return stats.t(nu, scale=1.0 / sqrt(var)).ppf(pits)
[docs] def moment( self, n: int, parameters: Union[Sequence[float], ArrayLike1D, None] = None ) -> float: if n < 0: return nan parameters = self._check_constraints(parameters) nu = parameters[0] var = nu / (nu - 2) return stats.t.moment(n, nu, scale=1.0 / sqrt(var))
[docs] def partial_moment( self, n: int, z: float = 0.0, parameters: Union[Sequence[float], ArrayLike1D, None] = None, ) -> float: parameters = self._check_constraints(parameters) nu = parameters[0] var = nu / (nu - 2) scale = 1.0 / sqrt(var) moment = (scale**n) * self._ord_t_partial_moment(n, z / scale, nu) return moment
@staticmethod def _ord_t_partial_moment(n: int, z: float, nu: float) -> float: r""" Partial moments for ordinary parameterization of Students t df=nu Parameters ---------- n : int Order of partial moment z : float Upper bound for partial moment integral nu : float Degrees of freedom Returns ------- float Calculated moment References ---------- .. [1] Winkler et al. (1972) "The Determination of Partial Moments" *Management Science* Vol. 19 No. 3 Notes ----- The order n lower partial moment to z is .. math:: \int_{-\infty}^{z}x^{n}f(x)dx See [1]_ for more details. """ if n < 0 or n >= nu: return nan elif n == 0: moment = stats.t.cdf(z, nu) elif n == 1: c = gamma(0.5 * (nu + 1)) / (sqrt(nu * pi) * gamma(0.5 * nu)) e = 0.5 * (nu + 1) moment = (0.5 * (c * nu) / (1 - e)) * ((1 + (z**2) / nu) ** (1 - e)) else: t1 = (z ** (n - 1)) * (nu + z**2) * stats.t.pdf(z, nu) t2 = (n - 1) * nu * StudentsT._ord_t_partial_moment(n - 2, z, nu) moment = (1 / (n - nu)) * (t1 - t2) return moment
[docs] class SkewStudent(Distribution, metaclass=AbstractDocStringInheritor): r""" Standardized Skewed Student's distribution for use with ARCH models Parameters ---------- random_state : RandomState, optional .. deprecated:: 5.0 random_state is deprecated. Use seed instead. seed : {int, Generator, RandomState}, optional Random number generator instance or int to use. Set to ensure reproducibility. If using an int, the argument is passed to ``np.random.default_rng``. If not provided, ``default_rng`` is used with system-provided entropy. Notes ----- The Standardized Skewed Student's distribution ([1]_) takes two parameters, :math:`\eta` and :math:`\lambda`. :math:`\eta` controls the tail shape and is similar to the shape parameter in a Standardized Student's t. :math:`\lambda` controls the skewness. When :math:`\lambda=0` the distribution is identical to a standardized Student's t. References ---------- .. [1] Hansen, B. E. (1994). Autoregressive conditional density estimation. *International Economic Review*, 35(3), 705–730. <> """ def __init__( self, random_state: Optional[RandomState] = None, *, seed: Union[None, int, RandomState, Generator] = None, ) -> None: super().__init__(random_state=random_state, seed=seed) self._name = "Standardized Skew Student's t" self.num_params: int = 2
[docs] def constraints(self) -> tuple[Float64Array, Float64Array]: return array([[1, 0], [-1, 0], [0, 1], [0, -1]]), array([2.05, -300.0, -1, -1])
[docs] def bounds(self, resids: Float64Array) -> list[tuple[float, float]]: return [(2.05, 300.0), (-1, 1)]
[docs] def loglikelihood( self, parameters: Union[Sequence[float], ArrayLike1D], resids: ArrayLike, sigma2: ArrayLike, individual: bool = False, ) -> Float64Array: r""" Computes the log-likelihood of assuming residuals are have a standardized (to have unit variance) Skew Student's t distribution, conditional on the variance. Parameters ---------- parameters : ndarray Shape parameter of the skew-t distribution resids : ndarray The residuals to use in the log-likelihood calculation sigma2 : ndarray Conditional variances of resids individual : bool, optional Flag indicating whether to return the vector of individual log likelihoods (True) or the sum (False) Returns ------- ll : float The log-likelihood Notes ----- The log-likelihood of a single data point x is .. math:: \ln\left[\frac{bc}{\sigma}\left(1+\frac{1}{\eta-2} \left(\frac{a+bx/\sigma} {1+sgn(x/\sigma+a/b)\lambda}\right)^{2}\right) ^{-\left(\eta+1\right)/2}\right], where :math:`2<\eta<\infty`, and :math:`-1<\lambda<1`. The constants :math:`a`, :math:`b`, and :math:`c` are given by .. math:: a=4\lambda c\frac{\eta-2}{\eta-1}, \quad b^{2}=1+3\lambda^{2}-a^{2}, \quad c=\frac{\Gamma\left(\frac{\eta+1}{2}\right)} {\sqrt{\pi\left(\eta-2\right)} \Gamma\left(\frac{\eta}{2}\right)}, and :math:`\Gamma` is the gamma function. """ parameters = asarray(parameters, dtype=float) eta, lam = parameters const_c = self.__const_c(parameters) const_a = self.__const_a(parameters) const_b = self.__const_b(parameters) resids = resids / sigma2**0.5 lls = log(const_b) + const_c - log(sigma2) / 2 if abs(lam) >= 1.0: lam = sign(lam) * (1.0 - 1e-6) llf_resid = ( (const_b * resids + const_a) / (1 + sign(resids + const_a / const_b) * lam) ) ** 2 lls -= (eta + 1) / 2 * log(1 + llf_resid / (eta - 2)) if individual: return lls else: return sum(lls)
[docs] def starting_values(self, std_resid: Float64Array) -> Float64Array: """ Construct starting values for use in optimization. Parameters ---------- std_resid : ndarray Estimated standardized residuals to use in computing starting values for the shape parameter Returns ------- sv : ndarray Array containing starting valuer for shape parameter Notes ----- Uses relationship between kurtosis and degree of freedom parameter to produce a moment-based estimator for the starting values. """ k = stats.kurtosis(std_resid, fisher=False) sv = max((4.0 * k - 6.0) / (k - 3.0) if k > 3.75 else 12.0, 4.0) return array([sv, 0.0])
def _simulator(self, size: Union[int, tuple[int, ...]]) -> Float64Array: # No need to normalize since it is already done in parameterization assert self._parameters is not None if isinstance(self._generator, Generator): uniforms = self._generator.random(size=size) else: uniforms = self._generator.random_sample(size=size) ppf = self.ppf(uniforms, self._parameters) assert isinstance(ppf, ndarray) return ppf
[docs] def simulate( self, parameters: Union[int, float, Sequence[Union[float, int]], ArrayLike1D] ) -> Callable[[Union[int, tuple[int, ...]]], Float64Array]: parameters = ensure1d(parameters, "parameters", False) if parameters[0] <= 2.0: raise ValueError("The shape parameter must be larger than 2") if abs(parameters[1]) > 1.0: raise ValueError( "The skew parameter must be smaller than 1 in absolute value" ) self._parameters = asarray(parameters, dtype=float) return self._simulator
[docs] def parameter_names(self) -> list[str]: return ["eta", "lambda"]
def __const_a(self, parameters: Union[Float64Array, Sequence[float]]) -> float: """ Compute a constant. Parameters ---------- parameters : ndarray Shape parameters of the skew-t distribution Returns ------- a : float Constant used in the distribution """ eta, lam = parameters c = self.__const_c(parameters) return float(4 * lam * exp(c) * (eta - 2) / (eta - 1)) def __const_b(self, parameters: Union[Float64Array, Sequence[float]]) -> float: """ Compute b constant. Parameters ---------- parameters : ndarray Shape parameters of the skew-t distribution Returns ------- b : float Constant used in the distribution """ lam = float(parameters[1]) a = self.__const_a(parameters) return (1 + 3 * lam**2 - a**2) ** 0.5 @staticmethod def __const_c(parameters: Union[Float64Array, Sequence[float]]) -> float: """ Compute c constant. Parameters ---------- parameters : ndarray Shape parameters of the skew-t distribution Returns ------- c : float Log of the constant used in loglikelihood """ eta = parameters[0] # return gamma((eta+1)/2) / ((pi*(eta-2))**.5 * gamma(eta/2)) return float( gammaln((eta + 1) / 2) - gammaln(eta / 2) - log(pi * (eta - 2)) / 2 )
[docs] def cdf( self, resids: Union[Sequence[float], ArrayLike1D], parameters: Union[Sequence[float], ArrayLike1D, None] = None, ) -> Float64Array: parameters = self._check_constraints(parameters) scalar = isscalar(resids) if scalar: resids = array([resids]) resids = asarray(resids, dtype=float) eta, lam = parameters a = self.__const_a(parameters) b = self.__const_b(parameters) var = eta / (eta - 2) y1 = (b * resids + a) / (1 - lam) * sqrt(var) y2 = (b * resids + a) / (1 + lam) * sqrt(var) tcdf = stats.t(eta).cdf resids = asarray(resids) p = (1 - lam) * tcdf(y1) * (resids < (-a / b)) p += (resids >= (-a / b)) * ((1 - lam) / 2 + (1 + lam) * (tcdf(y2) - 0.5)) if scalar: p = p[0] return p
[docs] def ppf( self, pits: Union[float, Sequence[float], ArrayLike1D], parameters: Union[Sequence[float], ArrayLike1D, None] = None, ) -> Union[float, Float64Array]: parameters = self._check_constraints(parameters) scalar = isscalar(pits) if scalar: pits = array([pits]) pits = asarray(pits, dtype=float) eta, lam = parameters a = self.__const_a(parameters) b = self.__const_b(parameters) cond = pits < (1 - lam) / 2 icdf1 = stats.t.ppf(pits[cond] / (1 - lam), eta) icdf2 = stats.t.ppf(0.5 + (pits[~cond] - (1 - lam) / 2) / (1 + lam), eta) icdf = -999.99 * ones_like(pits) assert isinstance(icdf, ndarray) icdf[cond] = icdf1 icdf[~cond] = icdf2 icdf = icdf * (1 + sign(pits - (1 - lam) / 2) * lam) * (1 - 2 / eta) ** 0.5 - a icdf = icdf / b if scalar: return float(icdf[0]) assert isinstance(icdf, ndarray) return icdf
[docs] def moment( self, n: int, parameters: Union[Sequence[float], ArrayLike1D, None] = None ) -> float: parameters = self._check_constraints(parameters) eta, lam = parameters if n < 0 or n >= eta: return nan a = self.__const_a(parameters) b = self.__const_b(parameters) loc = -a / b lscale = sqrt(1 - 2 / eta) * (1 - lam) / b rscale = sqrt(1 - 2 / eta) * (1 + lam) / b moment = 0.0 for k in range(n + 1): # binomial expansion around loc # 0->inf right partial moment for ordinary t(eta) r_pmom = ( 0.5 * (gamma(0.5 * (k + 1)) * gamma(0.5 * (eta - k)) * eta ** (0.5 * k)) / (sqrt(pi) * gamma(0.5 * eta)) ) l_pmom = ((-1) ** k) * r_pmom lhs = (1 - lam) * (lscale**k) * (loc ** (n - k)) * l_pmom rhs = (1 + lam) * (rscale**k) * (loc ** (n - k)) * r_pmom moment += comb(n, k) * (lhs + rhs) return moment
[docs] def partial_moment( self, n: int, z: float = 0.0, parameters: Union[Sequence[float], ArrayLike1D, None] = None, ) -> float: parameters = self._check_constraints(parameters) eta, lam = parameters if n < 0 or n >= eta: return nan a = self.__const_a(parameters) b = self.__const_b(parameters) loc = -a / b lscale = sqrt(1 - 2 / eta) * (1 - lam) / b rscale = sqrt(1 - 2 / eta) * (1 + lam) / b moment = 0.0 for k in range(n + 1): # binomial expansion around loc lbound = min(z, loc) lhs = ( (1 - lam) * (loc ** (n - k)) * (lscale**k) * StudentsT._ord_t_partial_moment(k, z=(lbound - loc) / lscale, nu=eta) ) if z > loc: rhs = ( (1 + lam) * (loc ** (n - k)) * (rscale**k) * ( StudentsT._ord_t_partial_moment(k, z=(z - loc) / rscale, nu=eta) - StudentsT._ord_t_partial_moment(k, z=0.0, nu=eta) ) ) else: rhs = 0.0 moment += comb(n, k) * (lhs + rhs) return moment
[docs] class GeneralizedError(Distribution, metaclass=AbstractDocStringInheritor): """ Generalized Error distribution for use with ARCH models Parameters ---------- random_state : RandomState, optional .. deprecated:: 5.0 random_state is deprecated. Use seed instead. seed : {int, Generator, RandomState}, optional Random number generator instance or int to use. Set to ensure reproducibility. If using an int, the argument is passed to ``np.random.default_rng``. If not provided, ``default_rng`` is used with system-provided entropy. """ def __init__( self, random_state: Optional[RandomState] = None, *, seed: Union[None, int, RandomState, Generator] = None, ) -> None: super().__init__(random_state=random_state, seed=seed) self._name = "Generalized Error Distribution" self.num_params: int = 1
[docs] def constraints(self) -> tuple[Float64Array, Float64Array]: return array([[1], [-1]]), array([1.01, -500.0])
[docs] def bounds(self, resids: Float64Array) -> list[tuple[float, float]]: return [(1.01, 500.0)]
[docs] def loglikelihood( self, parameters: Union[Sequence[float], ArrayLike1D], resids: ArrayLike, sigma2: ArrayLike, individual: bool = False, ) -> Float64Array: r""" Computes the log-likelihood of assuming residuals are have a Generalized Error Distribution, conditional on the variance. Parameters ---------- parameters : ndarray Shape parameter of the GED distribution resids : ndarray The residuals to use in the log-likelihood calculation sigma2 : ndarray Conditional variances of resids individual : bool, optional Flag indicating whether to return the vector of individual log likelihoods (True) or the sum (False) Returns ------- ll : float The log-likelihood Notes ----- The log-likelihood of a single data point x is .. math:: \ln\nu-\ln c-\ln\Gamma(\frac{1}{\nu})-(1+\frac{1}{\nu})\ln2 -\frac{1}{2}\ln\sigma^{2} -\frac{1}{2}\left|\frac{x}{c\sigma}\right|^{\nu} where :math:`\Gamma` is the gamma function and :math:`\ln c` is .. math:: \ln c=\frac{1}{2}\left(\frac{-2}{\nu}\ln2+\ln\Gamma(\frac{1}{\nu}) -\ln\Gamma(\frac{3}{\nu})\right). """ nu = parameters[0] log_c = 0.5 * (-2 / nu * log(2) + gammaln(1 / nu) - gammaln(3 / nu)) c = exp(log_c) lls = log(nu) - log_c - gammaln(1 / nu) - (1 + 1 / nu) * log(2) lls -= 0.5 * log(sigma2) lls -= 0.5 * abs(resids / (sqrt(sigma2) * c)) ** nu if individual: return lls else: return sum(lls)
[docs] def starting_values(self, std_resid: Float64Array) -> Float64Array: """ Construct starting values for use in optimization. Parameters ---------- std_resid : ndarray Estimated standardized residuals to use in computing starting values for the shape parameter Returns ------- sv : ndarray Array containing starting valuer for shape parameter Notes ----- Defaults to 1.5 which is implies heavier tails than a normal """ return array([1.5])
def _simulator(self, size: Union[int, tuple[int, ...]]) -> Float64Array: assert self._parameters is not None parameters = self._parameters nu = parameters[0] randoms = self._generator.standard_gamma(1 / nu, size) ** (1.0 / nu) if isinstance(self._generator, Generator): random_ints = self._generator.integers(0, 2, size, dtype=int64) else: random_ints = self._generator.randint(0, 2, size, dtype=int64) randoms *= 2.0 * random_ints - 1.0 scale = sqrt(gamma(3.0 / nu) / gamma(1.0 / nu)) return randoms / scale
[docs] def simulate( self, parameters: Union[int, float, Sequence[Union[float, int]], ArrayLike1D] ) -> Callable[[Union[int, tuple[int, ...]]], Float64Array]: parameters = ensure1d(parameters, "parameters", False) if parameters[0] <= 1.0: raise ValueError("The shape parameter must be larger than 1") self._parameters = asarray(parameters, dtype=float) return self._simulator
[docs] def parameter_names(self) -> list[str]: return ["nu"]
[docs] def ppf( self, pits: Union[float, Sequence[float], ArrayLike1D], parameters: Union[Sequence[float], ArrayLike1D, None] = None, ) -> Float64Array: parameters = self._check_constraints(parameters) pits = asarray(pits, dtype=float) nu = parameters[0] var = stats.gennorm(nu).var() return stats.gennorm(nu, scale=1.0 / sqrt(var)).ppf(pits)
[docs] def cdf( self, resids: Union[Sequence[float], ArrayLike1D], parameters: Union[Sequence[float], ArrayLike1D, None] = None, ) -> Float64Array: parameters = self._check_constraints(parameters) nu = parameters[0] var = stats.gennorm(nu).var() resids = asarray(resids, dtype=float) return stats.gennorm(nu, scale=1.0 / sqrt(var)).cdf(resids)
[docs] def moment( self, n: int, parameters: Union[Sequence[float], ArrayLike1D, None] = None ) -> float: if n < 0: return nan parameters = self._check_constraints(parameters) nu = parameters[0] var = stats.gennorm(nu).var() return stats.gennorm.moment(n, nu, scale=1.0 / sqrt(var))
[docs] def partial_moment( self, n: int, z: float = 0.0, parameters: Union[Sequence[float], ArrayLike1D, None] = None, ) -> float: parameters = self._check_constraints(parameters) nu = parameters[0] scale = 1.0 / sqrt(stats.gennorm(nu).var()) moment = (scale**n) * self._ord_gennorm_partial_moment(n, z / scale, nu) return moment
@staticmethod def _ord_gennorm_partial_moment(n: int, z: int, beta: float) -> float: r""" Partial moment for ordinary generalized normal parameterization. Parameters ---------- n : int Order of partial moment z : float Upper bound for partial moment integral beta : float Parameter of generalized normal Returns ------- float Partial moment Notes ----- The standard parameterization follows: .. math:: f(x)=\frac{\beta}{2\Gamma(\beta^{-1})}\text{exp}\left(-|x|^{\beta}\right) """ if n < 0: return nan w = 0.5 * beta / gamma(1 / beta) # integral over (-inf, min(z,0)) lz = abs(min(z, 0)) ** beta lterm = ( w * ((-1) ** n) * (1 / beta) * gamma((n + 1) / beta) * gammaincc((n + 1) / beta, lz) ) # remaining integral rz = max(0, z) ** beta rterm = w * (1 / beta) * gamma((n + 1) / beta) * gammainc((n + 1) / beta, rz) moment = lterm + rterm return moment