Source code for linearmodels.panel.model

from __future__ import annotations

from linearmodels.compat.formulaic import monkey_patch_materializers

from import Mapping
from typing import Any, NamedTuple, Union, cast

from formulaic.formula import Formula
from formulaic.model_spec import NAAction
from formulaic.parser.algos.tokenize import tokenize
from formulaic.utils.context import capture_context
import numpy as np
from pandas import Categorical, DataFrame, Index, MultiIndex, Series, get_dummies
from scipy.linalg import lstsq as sp_lstsq
from scipy.sparse import csc_matrix, diags
from scipy.sparse.linalg import lsmr

from linearmodels.panel.covariance import (
from import PanelData, PanelDataLike
from linearmodels.panel.results import (
from linearmodels.panel.utility import (
from linearmodels.shared.exceptions import (
from linearmodels.shared.hypotheses import (
from linearmodels.shared.linalg import has_constant
from linearmodels.shared.typed_getters import get_panel_data_like
from linearmodels.shared.utility import AttrDict, ensure_unique_column, panel_to_frame
from linearmodels.typing import (

# Monkey patch parsers if needed, remove once formulaic updated

CovarianceEstimator = Union[

CovarianceEstimatorType = Union[

def _lstsq(
    x: Float64Array, y: Float64Array, rcond: float | None = None
) -> tuple[Float64Array, Float64Array, int, Float64Array]:
    if rcond is None:
        eps = np.finfo(np.float64).eps
        cond = float(max(x.shape) * eps)
        cond = rcond
    return sp_lstsq(x, y, cond=cond, lapack_driver="gelsy")

def panel_structure_stats(ids: IntArray, name: str) -> Series:
    bc = np.bincount(ids)
    bc = bc[bc > 0]
    index = ["mean", "median", "max", "min", "total"]
    out = [bc.mean(), np.median(bc), bc.max(), bc.min(), bc.shape[0]]
    return Series(out, index=index, name=name)

class FInfo(NamedTuple):
    sel: BoolArray
    name: str
    invalid_test_stat: InvalidTestStatistic | None
    is_invalid: bool

def _deferred_f(
    params: Series, cov: DataFrame, debiased: bool, df_resid: int, f_info: FInfo
) -> InvalidTestStatistic | WaldTestStatistic:
    if f_info.is_invalid:
        assert f_info.invalid_test_stat is not None
        return f_info.invalid_test_stat
    sel = f_info.sel
    name =
    test_params = np.asarray(params)[sel]
    test_cov = np.asarray(cov)[sel][:, sel]
    test_stat = test_params.T @ np.linalg.inv(test_cov) @ test_params
    test_stat = float(test_stat)
    df = int(sel.sum())
    null = "All parameters ex. constant are zero"

    if debiased:
        wald = WaldTestStatistic(test_stat / df, null, df, df_resid, name=name)
        wald = WaldTestStatistic(test_stat, null, df, name=name)
    return wald

class PanelFormulaParser:
    Parse formulas for OLS and IV models

    formula : str
        String formula object.
    data : DataFrame
        Frame containing values for variables used in formula
    context : int
        Stack depth to use when evaluating formulas

    The general structure of a formula is `dep ~ exog`

    def __init__(
        formula: str,
        data: PanelDataLike,
        eval_env: int = 2,
        context: Mapping[str, Any] | None = None,
    ) -> None:
        self._formula = formula
        self._data = PanelData(data, convert_dummies=False, copy=False)
        self._na_action = NAAction("ignore")
        self._eval_env = eval_env
        if not context:
            self._context = capture_context(eval_env)
            self._context = context
        self._dependent = self._exog = None

    def _parse(self) -> None:
        parts = self._formula.split("~")
        parts[1] = " 0 + " + parts[1]
        cln_formula = "~".join(parts)
        rm_list = []
        effects = {"EntityEffects": False, "FixedEffects": False, "TimeEffects": False}
        tokens = tokenize(cln_formula)
        for token in tokens:
            _token = str(token)
            if _token in effects:
                effects[_token] = True
        if effects["EntityEffects"] and effects["FixedEffects"]:
            raise ValueError("Cannot use both FixedEffects and EntityEffects")
        self._entity_effect = effects["EntityEffects"] or effects["FixedEffects"]
        self._time_effect = effects["TimeEffects"]
        for effect in effects:
            if effects[effect]:
                loc = cln_formula.find(effect)
                start = cln_formula.rfind("+", 0, loc)
                end = loc + len(effect)
                cln_formula = cln_formula[:start] + cln_formula[end:]
        self._lhs, self._rhs = map(lambda s: "0 + " + s.strip(), cln_formula.split("~"))

    def entity_effect(self) -> bool:
        """Formula contains entity effect"""
        return self._entity_effect

    def time_effect(self) -> bool:
        """Formula contains time effect"""
        return self._time_effect

    def eval_env(self) -> int:
        """Set or get the eval env depth"""
        return self._eval_env

    def eval_env(self, value: int) -> None:
        self._context = capture_context(value)
        self._eval_env = value

    def context(self) -> Mapping[str, Any]:
        """Get the context used in the parser"""
        return self._context

    def context(self, value: Mapping[str, Any]) -> None:
        """Get the context used in the parser"""
        self._context = value

    def data(self) -> tuple[DataFrame, DataFrame]:
        """Returns a tuple containing the dependent, exog, endog"""
        out = self.dependent, self.exog
        return out

    def dependent(self) -> DataFrame:
        """DataFrame containing the dependent variable"""
        return DataFrame(

    def exog(self) -> DataFrame:
        """DataFrame containing the exogenous variables"""
        return DataFrame(

class AmbiguityError(Exception):

__all__ = [

# Likely
# TODO: Formal test of other outputs
# Future
# TODO: Bootstrap covariance
# TODO: Possibly add AIC/BIC
# TODO: ML Estimation of RE model
# TODO: Defer estimation of 3 R2 values -- slow

exog does not have the correct number of columns. Saw {x_shape}, expected
{params_shape}. This can happen since exog is converted to a PanelData object
before computing the fitted value. The best practice is to pass a DataFrame
with a 2-level MultiIndex containing the entity- and time-ids."""

class _PanelModelBase:
    Base class for all panel models

    dependent : array_like
        Dependent (left-hand-side) variable (time by entity)
    exog : array_like
        Exogenous or right-hand-side variables (variable by time by entity).
    weights : array_like
        Weights to use in estimation.  Assumes residual variance is
        proportional to inverse of weight to that the residual time
        the weight should be homoskedastic.
    check_rank : bool
        Flag indicating whether to perform a rank check on the exogenous
        variables to ensure that the model is identified. Skipping this
        check can reduce the time required to validate a model specification.
        Results may be numerically unstable if this check is skipped and
        the matrix is not full rank.

    def __init__(
        dependent: PanelDataLike,
        exog: PanelDataLike,
        weights: PanelDataLike | None = None,
        check_rank: bool = True,
    ) -> None:
        self.dependent = PanelData(dependent, "Dep")
        self.exog = PanelData(exog, "Exog")
        self._original_shape = self.dependent.shape
        self._constant = False
        self._formula: str | None = None
        self._is_weighted = True
        self._name = self.__class__.__name__
        self.weights = self._adapt_weights(weights)
        self._not_null = np.ones(self.dependent.values2d.shape[0], dtype=bool)
        self._cov_estimators = CovarianceManager(
        self._original_index = self.dependent.index.copy()
        self._constant_index: int | None = None
        self._check_rank = bool(check_rank)
        self._singleton_index: BoolArray | None = None

    def __str__(self) -> str:
        out = "{name} \nNum exog: {num_exog}, Constant: {has_constant}"
        return out.format(

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        return self.__str__() + "\nid: " + str(hex(id(self)))

    def reformat_clusters(self, clusters: IntArray | PanelDataLike) -> PanelData:
        Reformat cluster variables

        clusters : array_like
            Values to use for variance clustering

            Original data with matching axis and observation dropped where
            missing in the model data.

        This is exposed for testing and is not normally needed for estimation
        clusters_pd = PanelData(clusters, var_name="cov.cluster", convert_dummies=False)
        if clusters_pd.shape[1:] != self._original_shape[1:]:
            raise ValueError(
                "clusters must have the same number of entities "
                "and time periods as the model data."
        return clusters_pd.copy()

    def _info(self) -> tuple[Series, Series, DataFrame | None]:
        """Information about panel structure"""

        entity_info = panel_structure_stats(
            self.dependent.entity_ids.squeeze(), "Observations per entity"
        time_info = panel_structure_stats(
            self.dependent.time_ids.squeeze(), "Observations per time period"
        other_info = None

        return entity_info, time_info, other_info

    def _adapt_weights(self, weights: PanelDataLike | None) -> PanelData:
        """Check and transform weights depending on size"""
        if weights is None:
            self._is_weighted = False
            frame = self.dependent.dataframe.copy()
            frame.iloc[:, :] = 1
            # TODO: Remove once pandas typing fixed
            frame.columns = Index(["weight"])
            return PanelData(frame)

        frame = DataFrame(columns=self.dependent.entities, index=self.dependent.time)
        nobs, nentity = self.exog.nobs, self.exog.nentity

        if weights.ndim == 3 or weights.shape == (nobs, nentity):
            return PanelData(weights)

        if isinstance(weights, np.ndarray):
            weights = cast(Float64Array, np.squeeze(weights))
        if weights.shape[0] == nobs and nobs == nentity:
            raise AmbiguityError(
                "Unable to distinguish nobs form nentity since they are "
                "equal. You must use an 2-d array to avoid ambiguity."
        if (
            isinstance(weights, (Series, DataFrame))
            and isinstance(weights.index, MultiIndex)
            and weights.shape[0] == self.dependent.dataframe.shape[0]
            frame = DataFrame(weights)
        elif weights.shape[0] == nobs:
            weights_arr = np.asarray(weights)[:, None]
            weights_arr = weights_arr @ np.ones((1, nentity))

            frame.iloc[:, :] = weights_arr
        elif weights.shape[0] == nentity:
            weights_arr = np.asarray(weights)[None, :]
            weights_arr = np.ones((nobs, 1)) @ weights_arr
            frame.iloc[:, :] = weights_arr
        elif weights.shape[0] == nentity * nobs:
            frame = self.dependent.dataframe.copy()
            frame.iloc[:, :] = np.asarray(weights)[:, None]
            raise ValueError("Weights do not have a supported shape.")
        return PanelData(frame)

    def _check_exog_rank(self) -> int:
        if not self._check_rank:
            return self.exog.shape[1]
        x = cast(Float64Array, self.exog.values2d)
        _, _, rank_of_x, _ = _lstsq(x, np.ones(x.shape[0]))
        if rank_of_x < x.shape[1]:
            raise ValueError(
                "exog does not have full column rank. If you wish to proceed with "
                "model estimation irrespective of the numerical accuracy of "
                "coefficient estimates, you can set check_rank=False."
        return rank_of_x

    def _validate_data(self) -> None:
        """Check input shape and remove missing"""
        y = self._y = cast(Float64Array, self.dependent.values2d)
        x = self._x = cast(Float64Array, self.exog.values2d)
        w = self._w = cast(Float64Array, self.weights.values2d)
        if y.shape[0] != x.shape[0]:
            raise ValueError(
                "dependent and exog must have the same number of "
                "observations. The number of observations in dependent "
                f"is {y.shape[0]}, and the number of observations in exog "
                f"is {x.shape[0]}."
        if y.shape[0] != w.shape[0]:
            raise ValueError(
                "weights must have the same number of " "observations as dependent."

        all_missing = np.any(np.isnan(y), axis=1) & np.all(np.isnan(x), axis=1)
        missing = (
            np.any(np.isnan(y), axis=1)
            | np.any(np.isnan(x), axis=1)
            | np.any(np.isnan(w), axis=1)

        missing_warning(np.asarray(all_missing ^ missing), stacklevel=4)
        if np.any(missing):

            x = cast(Float64Array, self.exog.values2d)
            self._not_null = np.asarray(~missing)

        w_df = self.weights.dataframe
        if np.any(np.asarray(w_df) <= 0):
            raise ValueError("weights must be strictly positive.")
        w_df = w_df / w_df.mean()
        self.weights = PanelData(w_df)
        rank_of_x = self._check_exog_rank()
        self._constant, self._constant_index = has_constant(x, rank_of_x)

    def formula(self) -> str | None:
        """Formula used to construct the model"""
        return self._formula

    def formula(self, value: str | None) -> None:
        self._formula = value

    def has_constant(self) -> bool:
        """Flag indicating the model a constant or implicit constant"""
        return self._constant

    def _f_statistic(
        weps: Float64Array,
        y: Float64Array,
        x: Float64Array,
        root_w: Float64Array,
        df_resid: int,
    ) -> WaldTestStatistic | InvalidTestStatistic:
        """Compute model F-statistic"""
        weps_const = y
        num_df = x.shape[1]
        name = "Model F-statistic (homoskedastic)"
        if self.has_constant:
            if num_df == 1:
                return InvalidTestStatistic("Model contains only a constant", name=name)

            num_df -= 1
            weps_const = cast(
                y - float(np.squeeze((root_w.T @ y) / (root_w.T @ root_w))),

        resid_ss = float(np.squeeze(weps.T @ weps))
        num = float(np.squeeze(weps_const.T @ weps_const - resid_ss))
        denom = resid_ss
        denom_df = df_resid
        stat = float((num / num_df) / (denom / denom_df)) if denom > 0.0 else 0.0
        return WaldTestStatistic(
            null="All parameters ex. constant are zero",

    def _f_statistic_robust(
        params: Float64Array,
    ) -> FInfo:
        """Compute Wald test that all parameters are 0, ex. constant"""
        sel = np.ones(params.shape[0], dtype=bool)
        name = "Model F-statistic (robust)"

        if self.has_constant:
            if len(sel) == 1:
                return FInfo(
                    InvalidTestStatistic("Model contains only a constant", name=name),
            assert isinstance(self._constant_index, int)
            sel[self._constant_index] = False

        return FInfo(sel, name, None, False)

    def _prepare_between(self) -> tuple[Float64Array, Float64Array, Float64Array]:
        """Prepare values for between estimation of R2"""
        weights = self.weights if self._is_weighted else None
        y = np.asarray(self.dependent.mean("entity", weights=weights))
        x = np.asarray(self.exog.mean("entity", weights=weights))
        # Weight transformation
        wcount, wmean = self.weights.count("entity"), self.weights.mean("entity")
        wsum = wcount * wmean
        w = np.asarray(wsum)
        w = w / w.mean()

        return y, x, w

    def _rsquared_corr(self, params: Float64Array) -> tuple[float, float, float]:
        """Correlation-based measures of R2"""
        # Overall
        y = self.dependent.values2d
        x = self.exog.values2d
        xb = x @ params
        r2o = 0.0
        if y.std() > 0 and xb.std() > 0:
            r2o = np.corrcoef(y.T, (x @ params).T)[0, 1]
        # Between
        y = np.asarray(self.dependent.mean("entity"))
        x = np.asarray(self.exog.mean("entity"))
        xb = x @ params
        r2b = 0.0
        if y.std() > 0 and xb.std() > 0:
            r2b = np.corrcoef(y.T, (x @ params).T)[0, 1]

        # Within
        y = self.dependent.demean("entity", return_panel=False)
        x = self.exog.demean("entity", return_panel=False)
        xb = x @ params
        r2w = 0.0
        if y.std() > 0 and xb.std() > 0:
            r2w = np.corrcoef(y.T, xb.T)[0, 1]

        return r2o**2, r2w**2, r2b**2

    def _rsquared(
        self, params: Float64Array, reweight: bool = False
    ) -> tuple[float, float, float]:
        """Compute alternative measures of R2"""
        if self.has_constant and self.exog.nvar == 1:
            # Constant only fast track
            return 0.0, 0.0, 0.0

        # R2 - Between
        y, x, w = self._prepare_between()
        if np.all(self.weights.values2d == 1.0) and not reweight:
            w = root_w = np.ones_like(w)
            root_w = cast(Float64Array, np.sqrt(w))
        wx = root_w * x
        wy = root_w * y
        weps = wy - wx @ params
        residual_ss = float(np.squeeze(weps.T @ weps))
        e = y
        if self.has_constant:
            e = y - (w * y).sum() / w.sum()

        total_ss = float(np.squeeze(w.T @ (e**2)))
        r2b = 1 - residual_ss / total_ss if total_ss > 0.0 else 0.0

        # R2 - Overall
        y = self.dependent.values2d
        x = self.exog.values2d
        w = self.weights.values2d
        root_w = cast(Float64Array, np.sqrt(w))
        wx = root_w * x
        wy = root_w * y
        weps = wy - wx @ params
        residual_ss = float(np.squeeze(weps.T @ weps))
        mu = (w * y).sum() / w.sum() if self.has_constant else 0
        we = wy - root_w * mu
        total_ss = float(np.squeeze(we.T @ we))
        r2o = 1 - residual_ss / total_ss if total_ss > 0.0 else 0.0

        # R2 - Within
        weights = self.weights if self._is_weighted else None
        wy = cast(
            self.dependent.demean("entity", weights=weights, return_panel=False),
        wx = cast(
            self.exog.demean("entity", weights=weights, return_panel=False),
        assert isinstance(wy, np.ndarray)
        assert isinstance(wx, np.ndarray)
        weps = wy - wx @ params
        residual_ss = float(np.squeeze(weps.T @ weps))
        total_ss = float(np.squeeze(wy.T @ wy))
        if self.dependent.nobs == 1 or (self.exog.nvar == 1 and self.has_constant):
            r2w = 0.0
            r2w = 1.0 - residual_ss / total_ss if total_ss > 0.0 else 0.0

        return r2o, r2w, r2b

    def _postestimation(
        params: Float64Array,
        cov: CovarianceEstimator,
        debiased: bool,
        df_resid: int,
        weps: Float64Array,
        y: Float64Array,
        x: Float64Array,
        root_w: Float64Array,
    ) -> AttrDict:
        """Common post-estimation values"""
        f_info = self._f_statistic_robust(params)
        f_stat = self._f_statistic(weps, y, x, root_w, df_resid)
        r2o, r2w, r2b = self._rsquared(params)
        c2o, c2w, c2b = self._rsquared_corr(params)
        f_pooled = InapplicableTestStatistic(
            reason="Model has no effects", name="Pooled F-stat"
        entity_info, time_info, other_info = self._info()
        nobs = weps.shape[0]
        sigma2 = float(np.squeeze(weps.T @ weps) / nobs)
        if sigma2 > 0.0:
            loglik = -0.5 * nobs * (np.log(2 * np.pi) + np.log(sigma2) + 1)
            loglik = np.nan

        res = AttrDict(
        return res

    def not_null(self) -> BoolArray:
        """Locations of non-missing observations"""
        return self._not_null

    def _setup_clusters(
        cov_config: Mapping[str, bool | float | str | IntArray | DataFrame | PanelData],
    ) -> dict[str, bool | float | str | IntArray | DataFrame | PanelData]:
        cov_config_upd = dict(cov_config)
        cluster_types = ("clusters", "cluster_entity", "cluster_time")
        common = set(cov_config.keys()).intersection(cluster_types)
        if not common:
            return cov_config_upd

        cov_config_upd = {k: v for k, v in cov_config.items()}

        clusters = get_panel_data_like(cov_config, "clusters")
        clusters_frame: DataFrame | None = None
        if clusters is not None:
            formatted_clusters = self.reformat_clusters(clusters)
            for col in formatted_clusters.dataframe:
                cat = Categorical(formatted_clusters.dataframe[col])
                # TODO: Bug in pandas-stubs
                formatted_clusters.dataframe[col] =
                )  # type: ignore
            clusters_frame = formatted_clusters.dataframe

        cluster_entity = bool(cov_config_upd.pop("cluster_entity", False))
        if cluster_entity:
            group_ids_arr = self.dependent.entity_ids.squeeze()
            name = "cov.cluster.entity"
            group_ids = Series(group_ids_arr, index=self.dependent.index, name=name)
            if clusters_frame is not None:
                clusters_frame[name] = group_ids
                clusters_frame = DataFrame(group_ids)

        cluster_time = bool(cov_config_upd.pop("cluster_time", False))
        if cluster_time:
            group_ids_arr = self.dependent.time_ids.squeeze()
            name = "cov.cluster.time"
            group_ids = Series(group_ids_arr, index=self.dependent.index, name=name)
            if clusters_frame is not None:
                clusters_frame[name] = group_ids
                clusters_frame = DataFrame(group_ids)
        if self._singleton_index is not None and clusters_frame is not None:
            clusters_frame = clusters_frame.loc[~self._singleton_index]

        if clusters_frame is not None:
            cov_config_upd["clusters"] = np.asarray(clusters_frame)

        return cov_config_upd

    def predict(
        params: ArrayLike,
        exog: PanelDataLike | None = None,
        data: PanelDataLike | None = None,
        eval_env: int = 1,
        context: Mapping[str, Any] | None = None,
    ) -> DataFrame:
        Predict values for additional data

        params : array_like
            Model parameters (nvar by 1)
        exog : array_like
            Exogenous regressors (nobs by nvar)
        data : DataFrame
            Values to use when making predictions from a model constructed
            from a formula
        context : int
            Depth of use when evaluating formulas.

            Fitted values from supplied data and parameters

        If `data` is not None, then `exog` must be None.
        Predictions from models constructed using formulas can
        be computed using either `exog`, which will treat these are
        arrays of values corresponding to the formula-processed data, or using
        `data` which will be processed using the formula used to construct the
        values corresponding to the original model specification.
        if data is not None and self.formula is None:
            raise ValueError(
                "Unable to use data when the model was not " "created using a formula."
        if data is not None and exog is not None:
            raise ValueError(
                "Predictions can only be constructed using one "
                "of exog or data, but not both."
        if exog is not None:
            exog = PanelData(exog).dataframe
            assert self._formula is not None
            assert data is not None
            if context is None:
                context = capture_context(eval_env)
            parser = PanelFormulaParser(self._formula, data, context=context)
            exog = parser.exog
        x = exog.values
        params = np.atleast_2d(np.asarray(params))
        if params.shape[0] == 1:
            params = params.T
        if x.shape[1] != params.shape[0]:
            raise ValueError(
                    x_shape=x.shape[1], params_shape=params.shape[0]

        pred = DataFrame(x @ params, index=exog.index, columns=["predictions"])

        return pred

[docs] class PooledOLS(_PanelModelBase): r""" Pooled coefficient estimator for panel data Parameters ---------- dependent : array_like Dependent (left-hand-side) variable (time by entity) exog : array_like Exogenous or right-hand-side variables (variable by time by entity). weights : array_like Weights to use in estimation. Assumes residual variance is proportional to inverse of weight to that the residual time the weight should be homoskedastic. check_rank : bool Flag indicating whether to perform a rank check on the exogenous variables to ensure that the model is identified. Skipping this check can reduce the time required to validate a model specification. Results may be numerically unstable if this check is skipped and the matrix is not full rank. Notes ----- The model is given by .. math:: y_{it}=\beta^{\prime}x_{it}+\epsilon_{it} """ def __init__( self, dependent: PanelDataLike, exog: PanelDataLike, *, weights: PanelDataLike | None = None, check_rank: bool = True, ) -> None: super().__init__(dependent, exog, weights=weights, check_rank=check_rank)
[docs] @classmethod def from_formula( cls, formula: str, data: PanelDataLike, *, weights: PanelDataLike | None = None, check_rank: bool = True, ) -> PooledOLS: """ Create a model from a formula Parameters ---------- formula : str Formula to transform into model. Conforms to formulaic formula rules. data : array_like Data structure that can be coerced into a PanelData. In most cases, this should be a multi-index DataFrame where the level 0 index contains the entities and the level 1 contains the time. weights: array_like Weights to use in estimation. Assumes residual variance is proportional to inverse of weight to that the residual times the weight should be homoskedastic. check_rank : bool Flag indicating whether to perform a rank check on the exogenous variables to ensure that the model is identified. Skipping this check can reduce the time required to validate a model specification. Results may be numerically unstable if this check is skipped and the matrix is not full rank. Returns ------- PooledOLS Model specified using the formula Notes ----- Unlike standard formula syntax, it is necessary to explicitly include a constant using the constant indicator (1) Examples -------- >>> from linearmodels import PooledOLS >>> from linearmodels.panel import generate_panel_data >>> panel_data = generate_panel_data() >>> mod = PooledOLS.from_formula("y ~ 1 + x1", >>> res = """ parser = PanelFormulaParser(formula, data, context=capture_context(1)) dependent, exog = mod = cls(dependent, exog, weights=weights, check_rank=check_rank) mod.formula = formula return mod
[docs] def fit( self, *, cov_type: str = "unadjusted", debiased: bool = True, **cov_config: bool | float | str | IntArray | DataFrame | PanelData, ) -> PanelResults: """ Estimate model parameters Parameters ---------- cov_type : str Name of covariance estimator. See Notes. debiased : bool Flag indicating whether to debiased the covariance estimator using a degree of freedom adjustment. **cov_config Additional covariance-specific options. See Notes. Returns ------- PanelResults Estimation results Examples -------- >>> from linearmodels import PooledOLS >>> mod = PooledOLS(y, x) >>> res ="clustered", cluster_entity=True) Notes ----- Four covariance estimators are supported: * "unadjusted", "homoskedastic" - Assume residual are homoskedastic * "robust", "heteroskedastic" - Control for heteroskedasticity using White's estimator * "clustered` - One- or two-way clustering. Configuration options are: * ``clusters`` - Input containing 1 or 2 variables. Clusters should be integer values, although other types will be coerced to integer values by treating as categorical variables * ``cluster_entity`` - Boolean flag indicating to use entity clusters * ``cluster_time`` - Boolean indicating to use time clusters * "kernel" - Driscoll-Kraay HAC estimator. Configurations options are: * ``kernel`` - One of the supported kernels (bartlett, parzen, qs). Default is Bartlett's kernel, which is produces a covariance estimator similar to the Newey-West covariance estimator. * ``bandwidth`` - Bandwidth to use when computing the kernel. If not provided, a naive default is used. """ y = self.dependent.values2d x = self.exog.values2d w = self.weights.values2d root_w = cast(Float64Array, np.sqrt(w)) wx = root_w * x wy = root_w * y params = _lstsq(wx, wy, rcond=None)[0] nobs = y.shape[0] df_model = x.shape[1] df_resid = nobs - df_model cov_config = self._setup_clusters(cov_config) extra_df = 0 if "extra_df" in cov_config: cov_config = cov_config.copy() _extra_df = cov_config.pop("extra_df") assert isinstance(_extra_df, (str, int)) extra_df = int(_extra_df) cov = setup_covariance_estimator( self._cov_estimators, cov_type, wy, wx, params, self.dependent.entity_ids, self.dependent.time_ids, debiased=debiased, extra_df=extra_df, **cov_config, ) weps = wy - wx @ params index = self.dependent.index fitted = DataFrame(x @ params, index, ["fitted_values"]) effects = DataFrame( np.full_like(np.asarray(fitted), np.nan), index, ["estimated_effects"] ) eps = y - fitted.values idiosyncratic = DataFrame(eps, index, ["idiosyncratic"]) residual_ss = float(np.squeeze(weps.T @ weps)) e = y if self._constant: e = e - (w * y).sum() / w.sum() total_ss = float(np.squeeze(w.T @ (e**2))) r2 = 1 - residual_ss / total_ss res = self._postestimation( params, cov, debiased, df_resid, weps, wy, wx, root_w ) res.update( dict( df_resid=df_resid, df_model=df_model, nobs=y.shape[0], residual_ss=residual_ss, total_ss=total_ss, r2=r2, wresids=weps, resids=eps, index=self.dependent.index, fitted=fitted, effects=effects, idiosyncratic=idiosyncratic, ) ) return PanelResults(res)
[docs] def predict( self, params: ArrayLike, *, exog: PanelDataLike | None = None, data: PanelDataLike | None = None, eval_env: int = 1, context: Mapping[str, Any] | None = None, ) -> DataFrame: """ Predict values for additional data Parameters ---------- params : array_like Model parameters (nvar by 1) exog : array_like Exogenous regressors (nobs by nvar) data : DataFrame Values to use when making predictions from a model constructed from a formula context : int Depth to use when evaluating formulas. Returns ------- DataFrame Fitted values from supplied data and parameters Notes ----- If `data` is not None, then `exog` must be None. Predictions from models constructed using formulas can be computed using either `exog`, which will treat these are arrays of values corresponding to the formula-processed data, or using `data` which will be processed using the formula used to construct the values corresponding to the original model specification. """ if data is not None and self.formula is None: raise ValueError( "Unable to use data when the model was not " "created using a formula." ) if data is not None and exog is not None: raise ValueError( "Predictions can only be constructed using one " "of exog or data, but not both." ) if exog is not None: exog = PanelData(exog).dataframe else: assert self._formula is not None assert data is not None if context is None: context = capture_context(eval_env) parser = PanelFormulaParser(self._formula, data, context=context) exog = parser.exog x = exog.values params = np.atleast_2d(np.asarray(params)) if params.shape[0] == 1: params = params.T if x.shape[1] != params.shape[0]: raise ValueError( EXOG_PREDICT_MSG.format( x_shape=x.shape[1], params_shape=params.shape[0] ) ) pred = DataFrame(x @ params, index=exog.index, columns=["predictions"]) return pred
[docs] class PanelOLS(_PanelModelBase): r""" One- and two-way fixed effects estimator for panel data Parameters ---------- dependent : array_like Dependent (left-hand-side) variable (time by entity). exog : array_like Exogenous or right-hand-side variables (variable by time by entity). weights : array_like Weights to use in estimation. Assumes residual variance is proportional to inverse of weight to that the residual time the weight should be homoskedastic. entity_effects : bool Flag whether to include entity (fixed) effects in the model time_effects : bool Flag whether to include time effects in the model other_effects : array_like Category codes to use for any effects that are not entity or time effects. Each variable is treated as an effect. singletons : bool Flag indicating whether to drop singleton observation drop_absorbed : bool Flag indicating whether to drop absorbed variables check_rank : bool Flag indicating whether to perform a rank check on the exogenous variables to ensure that the model is identified. Skipping this check can reduce the time required to validate a model specification. Results may be numerically unstable if this check is skipped and the matrix is not full rank. Notes ----- Many models can be estimated. The most common included entity effects and can be described .. math:: y_{it} = \alpha_i + \beta^{\prime}x_{it} + \epsilon_{it} where :math:`\alpha_i` is included if ``entity_effects=True``. Time effect are also supported, which leads to a model of the form .. math:: y_{it}= \gamma_t + \beta^{\prime}x_{it} + \epsilon_{it} where :math:`\gamma_i` is included if ``time_effects=True``. Both effects can be simultaneously used, .. math:: y_{it}=\alpha_i + \gamma_t + \beta^{\prime}x_{it} + \epsilon_{it} Additionally , arbitrary effects can be specified using categorical variables. If both ``entity_effect`` and ``time_effects`` are ``False``, and no other effects are included, the model reduces to :class:`PooledOLS`. Model supports at most 2 effects. These can be entity-time, entity-other, time-other or 2 other. """ def __init__( self, dependent: PanelDataLike, exog: PanelDataLike, *, weights: PanelDataLike | None = None, entity_effects: bool = False, time_effects: bool = False, other_effects: PanelDataLike | None = None, singletons: bool = True, drop_absorbed: bool = False, check_rank: bool = True, ) -> None: super().__init__(dependent, exog, weights=weights, check_rank=check_rank) self._entity_effects = entity_effects self._time_effects = time_effects self._other_effect_cats: PanelData | None = None self._singletons = singletons self._other_effects = self._validate_effects(other_effects) self._has_effect = entity_effects or time_effects or self.other_effects self._drop_absorbed = drop_absorbed self._singleton_index = None self._drop_singletons() def _collect_effects(self) -> NumericArray: if not self._has_effect: return np.empty((self.dependent.shape[0], 0)) effects = [] if self.entity_effects: effects.append(np.asarray(self.dependent.entity_ids).squeeze()) if self.time_effects: effects.append(np.asarray(self.dependent.time_ids).squeeze()) if self.other_effects: assert self._other_effect_cats is not None other = self._other_effect_cats.dataframe for col in other: effects.append(np.asarray(other[col]).squeeze()) return np.column_stack(effects) def _drop_singletons(self) -> None: if self._singletons or not self._has_effect: return effects = self._collect_effects() retain = in_2core_graph(effects) if np.all(retain): return import warnings as warn nobs = retain.shape[0] ndropped = nobs - retain.sum() warn.warn( f"{ndropped} singleton observations dropped", SingletonWarning, stacklevel=3, ) drop = ~retain self._singleton_index = cast(BoolArray, drop) self.dependent.drop(drop) self.exog.drop(drop) self.weights.drop(drop) if self.other_effects: assert self._other_effect_cats is not None self._other_effect_cats.drop(drop) # Reverify exog matrix self._check_exog_rank() def __str__(self) -> str: out = super().__str__() additional = ( "\nEntity Effects: {ee}, Time Effects: {te}, Num Other Effects: {oe}" ) oe = 0 if self.other_effects: assert self._other_effect_cats is not None oe = self._other_effect_cats.nvar additional = additional.format( ee=self.entity_effects, te=self.time_effects, oe=oe ) out += additional return out def _validate_effects(self, effects: PanelDataLike | None) -> bool: """Check model effects""" if effects is None: return False effects = PanelData(effects, var_name="OtherEffect", convert_dummies=False) if effects.shape[1:] != self._original_shape[1:]: raise ValueError( "other_effects must have the same number of " "entities and time periods as dependent." ) num_effects = effects.nvar if num_effects + self.entity_effects + self.time_effects > 2: raise ValueError("At most two effects supported.") cats = {} effects_frame = effects.dataframe for col in effects_frame: cat = Categorical(effects_frame[col]) # TODO: Bug in pandas-stube # cats[col] = # type: ignore cats_df = DataFrame(cats, index=effects_frame.index) cats_df = cats_df[effects_frame.columns] other_effects = PanelData(cats_df) other_effects.drop(~self.not_null) self._other_effect_cats = other_effects cats_array = other_effects.values2d nested = False nesting_effect = "" if cats_array.shape[1] == 2: nested = self._is_effect_nested(cats_array[:, [0]], cats_array[:, [1]]) nested |= self._is_effect_nested(cats_array[:, [1]], cats_array[:, [0]]) nesting_effect = "other effects" elif self.entity_effects: nested = self._is_effect_nested( cats_array[:, [0]], self.dependent.entity_ids ) nested |= self._is_effect_nested( self.dependent.entity_ids, cats_array[:, [0]] ) nesting_effect = "entity effects" elif self.time_effects: nested = self._is_effect_nested(cats_array[:, [0]], self.dependent.time_ids) nested |= self._is_effect_nested( self.dependent.time_ids, cats_array[:, [0]] ) nesting_effect = "time effects" if nested: raise ValueError( "Included other effects nest or are nested " "by {effect}".format(effect=nesting_effect) ) return True @property def entity_effects(self) -> bool: """Flag indicating whether entity effects are included""" return self._entity_effects @property def time_effects(self) -> bool: """Flag indicating whether time effects are included""" return self._time_effects @property def other_effects(self) -> bool: """Flag indicating whether other (generic) effects are included""" return self._other_effects
[docs] @classmethod def from_formula( cls, formula: str, data: PanelDataLike, *, weights: PanelDataLike | None = None, other_effects: PanelDataLike | None = None, singletons: bool = True, drop_absorbed: bool = False, check_rank: bool = True, ) -> PanelOLS: """ Create a model from a formula Parameters ---------- formula : str Formula to transform into model. Conforms to formulaic formula rules with two special variable names, EntityEffects and TimeEffects which can be used to specify that the model should contain an entity effect or a time effect, respectively. See Examples. data : array_like Data structure that can be coerced into a PanelData. In most cases, this should be a multi-index DataFrame where the level 0 index contains the entities and the level 1 contains the time. weights: array_like Weights to use in estimation. Assumes residual variance is proportional to inverse of weight to that the residual time the weight should be homoskedastic. other_effects : array_like Category codes to use for any effects that are not entity or time effects. Each variable is treated as an effect. singletons : bool Flag indicating whether to drop singleton observation drop_absorbed : bool Flag indicating whether to drop absorbed variables check_rank : bool Flag indicating whether to perform a rank check on the exogenous variables to ensure that the model is identified. Skipping this check can reduce the time required to validate a model specification. Results may be numerically unstable if this check is skipped and the matrix is not full rank. Returns ------- PanelOLS Model specified using the formula Examples -------- >>> from linearmodels import PanelOLS >>> from linearmodels.panel import generate_panel_data >>> panel_data = generate_panel_data() >>> mod = PanelOLS.from_formula("y ~ 1 + x1 + EntityEffects", >>> res ="clustered", cluster_entity=True) """ parser = PanelFormulaParser(formula, data, context=capture_context(1)) entity_effect = parser.entity_effect time_effect = parser.time_effect dependent, exog = mod = cls( dependent, exog, entity_effects=entity_effect, time_effects=time_effect, weights=weights, other_effects=other_effects, singletons=singletons, drop_absorbed=drop_absorbed, check_rank=check_rank, ) mod.formula = formula return mod
def _lsmr_path( self, ) -> tuple[Float64Array, Float64Array, Float64Array, Float64Array, Float64Array]: """Sparse implementation, works for all scenarios""" y = cast(Float64Array, self.dependent.values2d) x = cast(Float64Array, self.exog.values2d) w = cast(Float64Array, self.weights.values2d) root_w = np.sqrt(w) wybar = root_w * (w.T @ y / w.sum()) wy = root_w * y wx = root_w * x if not self._has_effect: y_effect, x_effect = np.zeros_like(wy), np.zeros_like(wx) return wy, wx, wybar, y_effect, x_effect wy_gm = wybar wx_gm = root_w * (w.T @ x / w.sum()) root_w_sparse = csc_matrix(root_w) cats_l: list[IntArray | Float64Array] = [] if self.entity_effects: cats_l.append(self.dependent.entity_ids) if self.time_effects: cats_l.append(self.dependent.time_ids) if self.other_effects: assert self._other_effect_cats is not None cats_l.append(self._other_effect_cats.values2d) cats = np.concatenate(cats_l, 1) wd, cond = dummy_matrix(cats, precondition=True) assert isinstance(wd, csc_matrix) if self._is_weighted: wd = wd.multiply(root_w_sparse) wx_mean_l = [] for i in range(x.shape[1]): cond_mean = lsmr(wd, wx[:, i], atol=1e-8, btol=1e-8)[0] cond_mean /= cond wx_mean_l.append(cond_mean) wx_mean = np.column_stack(wx_mean_l) wy_mean = lsmr(wd, wy, atol=1e-8, btol=1e-8)[0] wy_mean /= cond wy_mean = wy_mean[:, None] wx_mean = csc_matrix(wx_mean) wy_mean = csc_matrix(wy_mean) # Purge fitted, weighted values sp_cond = diags(cond, format="csc") wx = wx - (wd @ sp_cond @ wx_mean).A wy = wy - (wd @ sp_cond @ wy_mean).A if self.has_constant: wy += wy_gm wx += wx_gm else: wybar = 0 y_effects = y - wy / root_w x_effects = x - wx / root_w return wy, wx, wybar, y_effects, x_effects def _slow_path( self, ) -> tuple[Float64Array, Float64Array, Float64Array, Float64Array, Float64Array]: """Frisch-Waugh-Lovell implementation, works for all scenarios""" w = cast(Float64Array, self.weights.values2d) root_w = np.sqrt(w) y = root_w * cast(Float64Array, self.dependent.values2d) x = root_w * cast(Float64Array, self.exog.values2d) if not self._has_effect: ybar = root_w @ _lstsq(root_w, y, rcond=None)[0] y_effect, x_effect = np.zeros_like(y), np.zeros_like(x) return y, x, ybar, y_effect, x_effect drop_first = self._constant d_l = [] if self.entity_effects: d_l.append(self.dependent.dummies("entity", drop_first=drop_first).values) drop_first = True if self.time_effects: d_l.append(self.dependent.dummies("time", drop_first=drop_first).values) drop_first = True if self.other_effects: assert self._other_effect_cats is not None oe = self._other_effect_cats.dataframe for c in oe: dummies = get_dummies(oe[c], drop_first=drop_first).astype(np.float64) d_l.append(dummies.values) drop_first = True d = np.column_stack(d_l) wd = root_w * d if self.has_constant: wd -= root_w * (w.T @ d / w.sum()) z = np.ones_like(root_w) d -= z * (z.T @ d / z.sum()) x_mean = _lstsq(wd, x, rcond=None)[0] y_mean = _lstsq(wd, y, rcond=None)[0] # Save fitted unweighted effects to use in eps calculation x_effects = d @ x_mean y_effects = d @ y_mean # Purge fitted, weighted values x = x - wd @ x_mean y = y - wd @ y_mean ybar = root_w @ _lstsq(root_w, y, rcond=None)[0] return y, x, ybar, y_effects, x_effects def _choose_twoway_algo(self) -> bool: if not (self.entity_effects and self.time_effects): return False nentity, nobs = self.dependent.nentity, self.dependent.nobs nreg = min(nentity, nobs) if nreg < self.exog.shape[1]: return False # MiB reg_size = 8 * nentity * nobs * nreg // 2**20 low_memory = reg_size > 2**10 if low_memory: import warnings warnings.warn( "Using low-memory algorithm to estimate two-way model. Explicitly set " "low_memory=True to silence this message. Set low_memory=False to use " "the standard algorithm that creates dummy variables for the smaller " "of the number of entities or number of time periods.", MemoryWarning, stacklevel=3, ) return low_memory def _fast_path( self, low_memory: bool ) -> tuple[Float64Array, Float64Array, Float64Array]: """Dummy-variable free estimation without weights""" _y = self.dependent.values2d _x = self.exog.values2d ybar = np.asarray(_y.mean(0)) if not self._has_effect: return _y, _x, ybar y_gm = ybar x_gm = _x.mean(0) y = self.dependent x = self.exog if self.other_effects: assert self._other_effect_cats is not None groups = self._other_effect_cats if self.entity_effects or self.time_effects: groups = groups.copy() if self.entity_effects: effect = self.dependent.entity_ids else: effect = self.dependent.time_ids col = ensure_unique_column("additional.effect", groups.dataframe) groups.dataframe[col] = effect y = cast(PanelData, y.general_demean(groups)) x = cast(PanelData, x.general_demean(groups)) elif self.entity_effects and self.time_effects: y = cast(PanelData, y.demean("both", low_memory=low_memory)) x = cast(PanelData, x.demean("both", low_memory=low_memory)) elif self.entity_effects: y = cast(PanelData, y.demean("entity")) x = cast(PanelData, x.demean("entity")) else: # self.time_effects y = cast(PanelData, y.demean("time")) x = cast(PanelData, x.demean("time")) y_arr = y.values2d x_arr = x.values2d if self.has_constant: y_arr = y_arr + y_gm x_arr = x_arr + x_gm else: ybar = np.asarray(0.0) return y_arr, x_arr, ybar def _weighted_fast_path( self, low_memory: bool ) -> tuple[Float64Array, Float64Array, Float64Array, Float64Array, Float64Array]: """Dummy-variable free estimation with weights""" y_arr = self.dependent.values2d x_arr = self.exog.values2d w = self.weights.values2d root_w = cast(Float64Array, np.sqrt(w)) wybar = root_w * (w.T @ y_arr / w.sum()) if not self._has_effect: wy_arr = root_w * self.dependent.values2d wx_arr = root_w * self.exog.values2d y_effect, x_effect = np.zeros_like(wy_arr), np.zeros_like(wx_arr) return wy_arr, wx_arr, wybar, y_effect, x_effect wy_gm = wybar wx_gm = root_w * (w.T @ x_arr / w.sum()) y = self.dependent x = self.exog if self.other_effects: assert self._other_effect_cats is not None groups = self._other_effect_cats if self.entity_effects or self.time_effects: groups = groups.copy() if self.entity_effects: effect = self.dependent.entity_ids else: effect = self.dependent.time_ids col = ensure_unique_column("additional.effect", groups.dataframe) groups.dataframe[col] = effect wy = y.general_demean(groups, weights=self.weights) wx = x.general_demean(groups, weights=self.weights) elif self.entity_effects and self.time_effects: wy = cast( PanelData, y.demean("both", weights=self.weights, low_memory=low_memory) ) wx = cast( PanelData, x.demean("both", weights=self.weights, low_memory=low_memory) ) elif self.entity_effects: wy = cast(PanelData, y.demean("entity", weights=self.weights)) wx = cast(PanelData, x.demean("entity", weights=self.weights)) else: # self.time_effects wy = cast(PanelData, y.demean("time", weights=self.weights)) wx = cast(PanelData, x.demean("time", weights=self.weights)) wy_arr = wy.values2d wx_arr = wx.values2d if self.has_constant: wy_arr += wy_gm wx_arr += wx_gm else: wybar = 0 wy_effects = y.values2d - wy_arr / root_w wx_effects = x.values2d - wx_arr / root_w return wy_arr, wx_arr, wybar, wy_effects, wx_effects def _info(self) -> tuple[Series, Series, DataFrame | None]: """Information about model effects and panel structure""" entity_info, time_info, other_info = super()._info() if self.other_effects: other_info_values: list[Series] = [] assert self._other_effect_cats is not None oe = self._other_effect_cats.dataframe for c in oe: name = "Observations per group (" + str(c) + ")" other_info_values.append( panel_structure_stats(oe[c].values.astype(np.int32), name) ) other_info = DataFrame(other_info_values) return entity_info, time_info, other_info @staticmethod def _is_effect_nested(effects: NumericArray, clusters: NumericArray) -> bool: """Determine whether an effect is nested by the covariance clusters""" is_nested = np.zeros(effects.shape[1], dtype=bool) for i, e in enumerate(effects.T): e = (e - e.min()).astype(np.int64) e_count = len(np.unique(e)) for c in clusters.T: c = (c - c.min()).astype(np.int64) cmax = c.max() ec = e * (cmax + 1) + c is_nested[i] = len(np.unique(ec)) == e_count return bool(np.all(is_nested)) def _determine_df_adjustment( self, cov_type: str, **cov_config: bool | float | str | IntArray | DataFrame | PanelData, ) -> bool: if cov_type != "clustered" or not self._has_effect: return True num_effects = self.entity_effects + self.time_effects if self.other_effects: assert self._other_effect_cats is not None num_effects += self._other_effect_cats.shape[1] clusters = cov_config.get("clusters", None) if clusters is None: # No clusters return True effects = self._collect_effects() if num_effects == 1: return not self._is_effect_nested(effects, cast(IntArray, clusters)) return True # Default case for 2-way -- not completely clear
[docs] def fit( self, *, use_lsdv: bool = False, use_lsmr: bool = False, low_memory: bool | None = None, cov_type: str = "unadjusted", debiased: bool = True, auto_df: bool = True, count_effects: bool = True, **cov_config: bool | float | str | IntArray | DataFrame | PanelData, ) -> PanelEffectsResults: """ Estimate model parameters Parameters ---------- use_lsdv : bool Flag indicating to use the Least Squares Dummy Variable estimator to eliminate effects. The default value uses only means and does note require constructing dummy variables for each effect. use_lsmr : bool Flag indicating to use LSDV with the Sparse Equations and Least Squares estimator to eliminate the fixed effects. low_memory : {bool, None} Flag indicating whether to use a low-memory algorithm when a model contains two-way fixed effects. If `None`, the choice is taken automatically, and the low memory algorithm is used if the required dummy variable array is both larger than then array of regressors in the model and requires more than 1 GiB . cov_type : str Name of covariance estimator. See Notes. debiased : bool Flag indicating whether to debiased the covariance estimator using a degree of freedom adjustment. auto_df : bool Flag indicating that the treatment of estimated effects in degree of freedom adjustment is automatically handled. This is useful since clustered standard errors that are clustered using the same variable as an effect do not require degree of freedom correction while other estimators such as the unadjusted covariance do. count_effects : bool Flag indicating that the covariance estimator should be adjusted to account for the estimation of effects in the model. Only used if ``auto_df=False``. **cov_config Additional covariance-specific options. See Notes. Returns ------- PanelEffectsResults Estimation results Examples -------- >>> from linearmodels import PanelOLS >>> mod = PanelOLS(y, x, entity_effects=True) >>> res ="clustered", cluster_entity=True) Notes ----- Three covariance estimators are supported: * "unadjusted", "homoskedastic" - Assume residual are homoskedastic * "robust", "heteroskedastic" - Control for heteroskedasticity using White's estimator * "clustered` - One- or two-way clustering. Configuration options are: * ``clusters`` - Input containing 1 or 2 variables. Clusters should be integer valued, although other types will be coerced to integer values by treating as categorical variables * ``cluster_entity`` - Boolean flag indicating to use entity clusters * ``cluster_time`` - Boolean indicating to use time clusters * "kernel" - Driscoll-Kraay HAC estimator. Configurations options are: * ``kernel`` - One of the supported kernels (bartlett, parzen, qs). Default is Bartlett's kernel, which is produces a covariance estimator similar to the Newey-West covariance estimator. * ``bandwidth`` - Bandwidth to use when computing the kernel. If not provided, a naive default is used. """ weighted = np.any(self.weights.values2d != 1.0) if use_lsmr: y, x, ybar, y_effects, x_effects = self._lsmr_path() elif use_lsdv: y, x, ybar, y_effects, x_effects = self._slow_path() else: low_memory = ( self._choose_twoway_algo() if low_memory is None else low_memory ) if not weighted: y, x, ybar = self._fast_path(low_memory=low_memory) y_effects = np.array([0.0]) x_effects = np.zeros(x.shape) else: y, x, ybar, y_effects, x_effects = self._weighted_fast_path( low_memory=low_memory ) neffects = 0 drop_first = self.has_constant if self.entity_effects: neffects += self.dependent.nentity - drop_first drop_first = True if self.time_effects: neffects += self.dependent.nobs - drop_first drop_first = True if self.other_effects: assert self._other_effect_cats is not None oe = self._other_effect_cats.dataframe for c in oe: neffects += oe[c].nunique() - drop_first drop_first = True if self.entity_effects or self.time_effects or self.other_effects: if not self._drop_absorbed: check_absorbed(x, [str(var) for var in self.exog.vars]) else: # TODO: Need to special case the constant here when determining which # to retain since we always want to retain the constant if present retain = not_absorbed(x, self._constant, self._constant_index) if not retain: raise ValueError( "All columns in exog have been fully absorbed by the included" " effects. This model cannot be estimated." ) if len(retain) != x.shape[1]: drop = set(range(x.shape[1])).difference(retain) dropped = ", ".join([str(self.exog.vars[i]) for i in drop]) import warnings warnings.warn( absorbing_warn_msg.format(absorbed_variables=dropped), AbsorbingEffectWarning, stacklevel=2, ) x = x[:, retain] # Update constant index loc if self._constant: assert isinstance(self._constant_index, int) self._constant_index = int( np.squeeze( np.argwhere(np.array(retain) == self._constant_index) ) ) # Adjust exog self.exog = PanelData(self.exog.dataframe.iloc[:, retain]) x_effects = x_effects[:, retain] params = _lstsq(x, y, rcond=None)[0] nobs = self.dependent.dataframe.shape[0] df_model = x.shape[1] + neffects df_resid = nobs - df_model # Check clusters if singletons were removed cov_config = self._setup_clusters(cov_config) if auto_df: count_effects = self._determine_df_adjustment(cov_type, **cov_config) extra_df = neffects if count_effects else 0 cov = setup_covariance_estimator( self._cov_estimators, cov_type, y, x, params, self.dependent.entity_ids, self.dependent.time_ids, debiased=debiased, extra_df=extra_df, **cov_config, ) weps = y - x @ params eps = weps _y = self.dependent.values2d _x = self.exog.values2d if weighted: eps = (_y - y_effects) - (_x - x_effects) @ params if self.has_constant: # Correction since y_effects and x_effects @ params add mean w = self.weights.values2d eps -= (w * eps).sum() / w.sum() index = self.dependent.index fitted = DataFrame(_x @ params, index, ["fitted_values"]) idiosyncratic = DataFrame(eps, index, ["idiosyncratic"]) eps_effects = _y - fitted.values sigma2_tot = float(np.squeeze(eps_effects.T @ eps_effects) / nobs) sigma2_eps = float(np.squeeze(eps.T @ eps) / nobs) sigma2_effects = sigma2_tot - sigma2_eps rho = sigma2_effects / sigma2_tot if sigma2_tot > 0.0 else 0.0 resid_ss = float(np.squeeze(weps.T @ weps)) if self.has_constant: mu = ybar else: mu = np.array([0.0]) total_ss = float(np.squeeze((y - mu).T @ (y - mu))) r2 = 1 - resid_ss / total_ss if total_ss > 0.0 else 0.0 root_w = cast(Float64Array, np.sqrt(self.weights.values2d)) y_ex = root_w * self.dependent.values2d mu_ex = 0 if ( self.has_constant or self.entity_effects or self.time_effects or self.other_effects ): mu_ex = root_w * ((root_w.T @ y_ex) / (root_w.T @ root_w)) total_ss_ex_effect = float(np.squeeze((y_ex - mu_ex).T @ (y_ex - mu_ex))) r2_ex_effects = ( 1 - resid_ss / total_ss_ex_effect if total_ss_ex_effect > 0.0 else 0.0 ) res = self._postestimation(params, cov, debiased, df_resid, weps, y, x, root_w) ###################################### # Pooled f-stat ###################################### if self.entity_effects or self.time_effects or self.other_effects: wy, wx = root_w * self.dependent.values2d, root_w * self.exog.values2d df_num, df_denom = (df_model - wx.shape[1]), df_resid if not self.has_constant: # Correction for when models does not have explicit constant wy -= root_w * _lstsq(root_w, wy, rcond=None)[0] wx -= root_w * _lstsq(root_w, wx, rcond=None)[0] df_num -= 1 weps_pooled = wy - wx @ _lstsq(wx, wy, rcond=None)[0] resid_ss_pooled = float(np.squeeze(weps_pooled.T @ weps_pooled)) num = (resid_ss_pooled - resid_ss) / df_num denom = resid_ss / df_denom stat = num / denom f_pooled = WaldTestStatistic( stat, "Effects are zero", df_num, df_denom=df_denom, name="Pooled F-statistic", ) res.update(f_pooled=f_pooled) effects = DataFrame( eps_effects - eps, columns=["estimated_effects"], index=self.dependent.index, ) else: effects = DataFrame( np.zeros_like(eps), columns=["estimated_effects"], index=self.dependent.index, ) res.update( dict( df_resid=df_resid, df_model=df_model, nobs=y.shape[0], residual_ss=resid_ss, total_ss=total_ss, wresids=weps, resids=eps, r2=r2, entity_effects=self.entity_effects, time_effects=self.time_effects, other_effects=self.other_effects, sigma2_eps=sigma2_eps, sigma2_effects=sigma2_effects, rho=rho, r2_ex_effects=r2_ex_effects, effects=effects, fitted=fitted, idiosyncratic=idiosyncratic, ) ) return PanelEffectsResults(res)
[docs] class BetweenOLS(_PanelModelBase): r""" Between estimator for panel data Parameters ---------- dependent : array_like Dependent (left-hand-side) variable (time by entity) exog : array_like Exogenous or right-hand-side variables (variable by time by entity). weights : array_like Weights to use in estimation. Assumes residual variance is proportional to inverse of weight to that the residual time the weight should be homoskedastic. Notes ----- The model is given by .. math:: \bar{y}_{i}= \beta^{\prime}\bar{x}_{i}+\bar{\epsilon}_{i} where :math:`\bar{z}` is the time-average. """ def __init__( self, dependent: PanelDataLike, exog: PanelDataLike, *, weights: PanelDataLike | None = None, check_rank: bool = True, ) -> None: super().__init__(dependent, exog, weights=weights, check_rank=check_rank) self._cov_estimators = CovarianceManager( self.__class__.__name__, HomoskedasticCovariance, HeteroskedasticCovariance, ClusteredCovariance, ) def _setup_clusters( self, cov_config: Mapping[str, bool | float | str | IntArray | DataFrame | PanelData], ) -> dict[str, bool | float | str | IntArray | DataFrame | PanelData]: """Return covariance estimator reformat clusters""" cov_config_upd = dict(cov_config) if "clusters" not in cov_config: return cov_config_upd clusters = cov_config.get("clusters", None) if clusters is not None: cluster_data = cast(Union[IntArray, DataFrame, PanelData], clusters) clusters_panel = self.reformat_clusters(cluster_data) cluster_max = np.nanmax(clusters_panel.values3d, axis=1) delta = cluster_max - np.nanmin(clusters_panel.values3d, axis=1) if np.any(delta != 0): raise ValueError("clusters must not vary within an entity") index = clusters_panel.panel.minor_axis reindex = clusters_panel.entities clusters_frame = DataFrame( cluster_max.T, index=index, columns=clusters_panel.vars ) # TODO: Bug in pandas-stubs prevents using Hashable | None clusters_frame = clusters_frame.loc[reindex].astype( np.int64 ) # type: ignore cov_config_upd["clusters"] = clusters_frame return cov_config_upd
[docs] def fit( self, *, reweight: bool = False, cov_type: str = "unadjusted", debiased: bool = True, **cov_config: bool | float | str | IntArray | DataFrame | PanelData, ) -> PanelResults: """ Estimate model parameters Parameters ---------- reweight : bool Flag indicating to reweight observations if the input data is unbalanced using a WLS estimator. If weights are provided, these are accounted for when reweighting. Has no effect on balanced data. cov_type : str Name of covariance estimator. See Notes. debiased : bool Flag indicating whether to debiased the covariance estimator using a degree of freedom adjustment. **cov_config Additional covariance-specific options. See Notes. Returns ------- PanelResults Estimation results Examples -------- >>> from linearmodels import BetweenOLS >>> mod = BetweenOLS(y, x) >>> res ='robust') Notes ----- Three covariance estimators are supported: * "unadjusted", "homoskedastic" - Assume residual are homoskedastic * "robust", "heteroskedastic" - Control for heteroskedasticity using White's estimator * "clustered` - One- or two-way clustering. Configuration options are: * ``clusters`` - Input containing 1 or 2 variables. Clusters should be integer values, although other types will be coerced to integer values by treating as categorical variables When using a clustered covariance estimator, all cluster ids must be identical within an entity. """ y, x, w = self._prepare_between() if np.all(self.weights.values2d == 1.0) and not reweight: w = root_w = np.ones_like(y) else: root_w = cast(Float64Array, np.sqrt(w)) wx = root_w * x wy = root_w * y params = _lstsq(wx, wy, rcond=None)[0] df_resid = y.shape[0] - x.shape[1] df_model = (x.shape[1],) nobs = y.shape[0] cov_config = self._setup_clusters(cov_config) extra_df = 0 if "extra_df" in cov_config: cov_config = cov_config.copy() _extra_df = cov_config.pop("extra_df") assert isinstance(_extra_df, (str, int)) extra_df = int(_extra_df) cov = setup_covariance_estimator( self._cov_estimators, cov_type, wy, wx, params, self.dependent.entity_ids, self.dependent.time_ids, debiased=debiased, extra_df=extra_df, **cov_config, ) weps = wy - wx @ params index = self.dependent.index fitted = DataFrame(self.exog.values2d @ params, index, ["fitted_values"]) eps = y - x @ params effects = DataFrame(eps, self.dependent.entities, ["estimated_effects"]) idx = cast(MultiIndex, fitted.index) entities = idx.levels[0][[0]] effects = effects.loc[entities] effects.index = idx dep = self.dependent.dataframe fitted = fitted.reindex(dep.index) effects = effects.reindex(dep.index) idiosyncratic = DataFrame( np.asarray(dep) - np.asarray(fitted) - np.asarray(effects), dep.index, ["idiosyncratic"], ) residual_ss = float(np.squeeze(weps.T @ weps)) e = y if self._constant: e = y - (w * y).sum() / w.sum() total_ss = float(np.squeeze(w.T @ (e**2))) r2 = 1 - residual_ss / total_ss res = self._postestimation( params, cov, debiased, df_resid, weps, wy, wx, root_w ) res.update( dict( df_resid=df_resid, df_model=df_model, nobs=nobs, residual_ss=residual_ss, total_ss=total_ss, r2=r2, wresids=weps, resids=eps, index=self.dependent.entities, fitted=fitted, effects=effects, idiosyncratic=idiosyncratic, ) ) return PanelResults(res)
[docs] @classmethod def from_formula( cls, formula: str, data: PanelDataLike, *, weights: PanelDataLike | None = None, check_rank: bool = True, ) -> BetweenOLS: """ Create a model from a formula Parameters ---------- formula : str Formula to transform into model. Conforms to formulaic formula rules. data : array_like Data structure that can be coerced into a PanelData. In most cases, this should be a multi-index DataFrame where the level 0 index contains the entities and the level 1 contains the time. weights: array_like Weights to use in estimation. Assumes residual variance is proportional to inverse of weight to that the residual times the weight should be homoskedastic. check_rank : bool Flag indicating whether to perform a rank check on the exogenous variables to ensure that the model is identified. Skipping this check can reduce the time required to validate a model specification. Results may be numerically unstable if this check is skipped and the matrix is not full rank. Returns ------- BetweenOLS Model specified using the formula Notes ----- Unlike standard formula syntax, it is necessary to explicitly include a constant using the constant indicator (1) Examples -------- >>> from linearmodels import BetweenOLS >>> from linearmodels.panel import generate_panel_data >>> panel_data = generate_panel_data() >>> mod = BetweenOLS.from_formula("y ~ 1 + x1", >>> res = """ parser = PanelFormulaParser(formula, data, context=capture_context(1)) dependent, exog = mod = cls(dependent, exog, weights=weights, check_rank=check_rank) mod.formula = formula return mod
[docs] class FirstDifferenceOLS(_PanelModelBase): r""" First difference model for panel data Parameters ---------- dependent : array_like Dependent (left-hand-side) variable (time by entity) exog : array_like Exogenous or right-hand-side variables (variable by time by entity). weights : array_like Weights to use in estimation. Assumes residual variance is proportional to inverse of weight to that the residual time the weight should be homoskedastic. Notes ----- The model is given by .. math:: \Delta y_{it}=\beta^{\prime}\Delta x_{it}+\Delta\epsilon_{it} """ def __init__( self, dependent: PanelDataLike, exog: PanelDataLike, *, weights: PanelDataLike | None = None, check_rank: bool = True, ): super().__init__(dependent, exog, weights=weights, check_rank=check_rank) if self._constant: raise ValueError( "Constants are not allowed in first difference regressions." ) if self.dependent.nobs < 2: raise ValueError("Panel must have at least 2 time periods") def _setup_clusters( self, cov_config: Mapping[str, bool | float | str | IntArray | DataFrame | PanelData], ) -> dict[str, bool | float | str | IntArray | DataFrame | PanelData]: cov_config_upd = dict(cov_config).copy() cluster_types = ("clusters", "cluster_entity") common = set(cov_config.keys()).intersection(cluster_types) if not common: return cov_config_upd clusters = cov_config.get("clusters", None) clusters_frame: DataFrame | None = None if clusters is not None: cluster_data = cast(Union[IntArray, DataFrame, PanelData], clusters) clusters_panel = self.reformat_clusters(cluster_data) fd = clusters_panel.first_difference() fd_array = fd.values2d if np.any(fd_array.flat[np.isfinite(fd_array.flat)] != 0): raise ValueError( "clusters must be identical for values used " "to compute the first difference" ) clusters_frame = clusters_panel.dataframe.copy() cluster_entity = cov_config_upd.pop("cluster_entity", False) if cluster_entity: group_ids = self.dependent.entity_ids.squeeze() name = "cov.cluster.entity" group_ids_s = Series(group_ids, index=self.dependent.index, name=name) if clusters_frame is not None: clusters_frame[name] = group_ids_s else: clusters_frame = DataFrame(group_ids_s) assert clusters_frame is not None cluster_data = PanelData(clusters_frame) values = cluster_data.values3d[:, 1:] cluster_frame = panel_to_frame( values, cluster_data.panel.items, cluster_data.panel.major_axis[1:], cluster_data.panel.minor_axis, True, ) cluster_frame = PanelData(cluster_frame).dataframe cluster_frame = cluster_frame.loc[self.dependent.first_difference().index] cluster_frame = cluster_frame.astype(np.int64) cov_config_upd["clusters"] = ( cluster_frame.values if cluster_frame is not None else None ) return cov_config_upd
[docs] def fit( self, *, cov_type: str = "unadjusted", debiased: bool = True, **cov_config: bool | float | str | IntArray | DataFrame | PanelData, ) -> PanelResults: """ Estimate model parameters Parameters ---------- cov_type : str Name of covariance estimator. See Notes. debiased : bool Flag indicating whether to debiased the covariance estimator using a degree of freedom adjustment. **cov_config Additional covariance-specific options. See Notes. Returns ------- PanelResults Estimation results Examples -------- >>> from linearmodels import FirstDifferenceOLS >>> mod = FirstDifferenceOLS(y, x) >>> robust ="robust") >>> clustered ="clustered", cluster_entity=True) Notes ----- Three covariance estimators are supported: * "unadjusted", "homoskedastic" - Assume residual are homoskedastic * "robust", "heteroskedastic" - Control for heteroskedasticity using White's estimator * "clustered` - White's. Configuration options are: * ``clusters`` - Input containing 1 or 2 variables. Clusters should be integer values, although other types will be coerced to integer values by treating as categorical variables * ``cluster_entity`` - Boolean flag indicating to use entity clusters * "kernel" - Driscoll-Kraay HAC estimator. Configurations options are: * ``kernel`` - One of the supported kernels (bartlett, parzen, qs). Default is Bartlett's kernel, which is produces a covariance estimator similar to the Newey-West covariance estimator. * ``bandwidth`` - Bandwidth to use when computing the kernel. If not provided, a naive default is used. When using a clustered covariance estimator, all cluster ids must be identical within a first difference. In most scenarios, this requires ids to be identical within an entity. """ y_fd = self.dependent.first_difference() time_ids = y_fd.time_ids entity_ids = y_fd.entity_ids index = y_fd.index y = cast(Float64Array, y_fd.values2d) x = cast(Float64Array, self.exog.first_difference().values2d) if np.all(self.weights.values2d == 1.0): w = root_w = np.ones_like(y) else: w = cast(Float64Array, 1.0 / self.weights.values3d) w = w[:, :-1] + w[:, 1:] w = cast(Float64Array, 1.0 / w) w_frame = panel_to_frame( w, self.weights.panel.items, self.weights.panel.major_axis[1:], self.weights.panel.minor_axis, True, ) w_frame = w_frame.reindex(self.weights.index).dropna(how="any") index = cast(MultiIndex, w_frame.index) w = np.require(w_frame, requirements="W") w /= w.mean() root_w = cast(Float64Array, np.sqrt(w)) wx = root_w * x wy = root_w * y params = _lstsq(wx, wy, rcond=None)[0] df_resid = y.shape[0] - x.shape[1] cov_config = self._setup_clusters(cov_config) extra_df = 0 if "extra_df" in cov_config: cov_config = cov_config.copy() _extra_df = cov_config.pop("extra_df") assert isinstance(_extra_df, (str, int)) extra_df = int(_extra_df) cov = setup_covariance_estimator( self._cov_estimators, cov_type, wy, wx, params, entity_ids, time_ids, debiased=debiased, extra_df=extra_df, **cov_config, ) weps = wy - wx @ params fitted = DataFrame( self.exog.values2d @ params, self.dependent.index, ["fitted_values"] ) idiosyncratic = DataFrame( self.dependent.values2d - fitted.values, self.dependent.index, ["idiosyncratic"], ) effects = DataFrame( np.full_like(np.asarray(fitted), np.nan), self.dependent.index, ["estimated_effects"], ) eps = y - x @ params residual_ss = float(np.squeeze(weps.T @ weps)) total_ss = float(np.squeeze(w.T @ (y**2))) r2 = 1 - residual_ss / total_ss res = self._postestimation( params, cov, debiased, df_resid, weps, wy, wx, root_w ) res.update( dict( df_resid=df_resid, df_model=x.shape[1], nobs=y.shape[0], residual_ss=residual_ss, total_ss=total_ss, r2=r2, resids=eps, wresids=weps, index=index, fitted=fitted, effects=effects, idiosyncratic=idiosyncratic, ) ) return PanelResults(res)
[docs] @classmethod def from_formula( cls, formula: str, data: PanelDataLike, *, weights: PanelDataLike | None = None, check_rank: bool = True, ) -> FirstDifferenceOLS: """ Create a model from a formula Parameters ---------- formula : str Formula to transform into model. Conforms to formulaic formula rules. data : array_like Data structure that can be coerced into a PanelData. In most cases, this should be a multi-index DataFrame where the level 0 index contains the entities and the level 1 contains the time. weights: array_like Weights to use in estimation. Assumes residual variance is proportional to inverse of weight to that the residual times the weight should be homoskedastic. check_rank : bool Flag indicating whether to perform a rank check on the exogenous variables to ensure that the model is identified. Skipping this check can reduce the time required to validate a model specification. Results may be numerically unstable if this check is skipped and the matrix is not full rank. Returns ------- FirstDifferenceOLS Model specified using the formula Notes ----- Unlike standard formula syntax, it is necessary to explicitly include a constant using the constant indicator (1) Examples -------- >>> from linearmodels import FirstDifferenceOLS >>> from linearmodels.panel import generate_panel_data >>> panel_data = generate_panel_data() >>> mod = FirstDifferenceOLS.from_formula("y ~ x1", >>> res = """ parser = PanelFormulaParser(formula, data, context=capture_context(1)) dependent, exog = mod = cls(dependent, exog, weights=weights, check_rank=check_rank) mod.formula = formula return mod
[docs] class RandomEffects(_PanelModelBase): r""" One-way Random Effects model for panel data Parameters ---------- dependent : array_like Dependent (left-hand-side) variable (time by entity) exog : array_like Exogenous or right-hand-side variables (variable by time by entity). weights : array_like Weights to use in estimation. Assumes residual variance is proportional to inverse of weight to that the residual time the weight should be homoskedastic. Notes ----- The model is given by .. math:: y_{it} = \beta^{\prime}x_{it} + u_i + \epsilon_{it} where :math:`u_i` is a shock that is independent of :math:`x_{it}` but common to all entities i. """ def __init__( self, dependent: PanelDataLike, exog: PanelDataLike, *, weights: PanelDataLike | None = None, check_rank: bool = True, ) -> None: super().__init__(dependent, exog, weights=weights, check_rank=check_rank)
[docs] @classmethod def from_formula( cls, formula: str, data: PanelDataLike, *, weights: PanelDataLike | None = None, check_rank: bool = True, ) -> RandomEffects: """ Create a model from a formula Parameters ---------- formula : str Formula to transform into model. Conforms to formulaic formula rules. data : array_like Data structure that can be coerced into a PanelData. In most cases, this should be a multi-index DataFrame where the level 0 index contains the entities and the level 1 contains the time. weights: array_like Weights to use in estimation. Assumes residual variance is proportional to inverse of weight to that the residual times the weight should be homoskedastic. check_rank : bool Flag indicating whether to perform a rank check on the exogenous variables to ensure that the model is identified. Skipping this check can reduce the time required to validate a model specification. Results may be numerically unstable if this check is skipped and the matrix is not full rank. Returns ------- RandomEffects Model specified using the formula Notes ----- Unlike standard formula syntax, it is necessary to explicitly include a constant using the constant indicator (1) Examples -------- >>> from linearmodels import RandomEffects >>> from linearmodels.panel import generate_panel_data >>> panel_data = generate_panel_data() >>> mod = RandomEffects.from_formula("y ~ 1 + x1", >>> res = """ parser = PanelFormulaParser(formula, data, context=capture_context(1)) dependent, exog = mod = cls(dependent, exog, weights=weights, check_rank=check_rank) mod.formula = formula return mod
[docs] def fit( self, *, small_sample: bool = False, cov_type: str = "unadjusted", debiased: bool = True, **cov_config: bool | float | str | IntArray | DataFrame | PanelData, ) -> RandomEffectsResults: """ Estimate model parameters Parameters ---------- small_sample : bool Apply a small-sample correction to the estimate of the variance of the random effect. cov_type : str Name of covariance estimator (see notes). Default is "unadjusted". debiased : bool Flag indicating whether to debiased the covariance estimator using a degree of freedom adjustment. **cov_config Additional covariance-specific options. See Notes. Returns ------- RandomEffectsResults Estimation results Examples -------- >>> from linearmodels import RandomEffects >>> mod = RandomEffects(y, x) >>> res ="clustered", cluster_entity=True) Notes ----- Four covariance estimators are supported: * "unadjusted", "homoskedastic" - Assume residual are homoskedastic * "robust", "heteroskedastic" - Control for heteroskedasticity using White's estimator * "clustered` - One- or two-way clustering. Configuration options are: * ``clusters`` - Input containing 1 or 2 variables. Clusters should be integer values, although other types will be coerced to integer values by treating as categorical variables * ``cluster_entity`` - Boolean flag indicating to use entity clusters * ``cluster_time`` - Boolean indicating to use time clusters * "kernel" - Driscoll-Kraay HAC estimator. Configurations options are: * ``kernel`` - One of the supported kernels (bartlett, parzen, qs). Default is Bartlett's kernel, which is produces a covariance estimator similar to the Newey-West covariance estimator. * ``bandwidth`` - Bandwidth to use when computing the kernel. If not provided, a naive default is used. """ w = self.weights.values2d root_w = cast(Float64Array, np.sqrt(w)) demeaned_dep = self.dependent.demean("entity", weights=self.weights) demeaned_exog = self.exog.demean("entity", weights=self.weights) assert isinstance(demeaned_dep, PanelData) assert isinstance(demeaned_exog, PanelData) y = demeaned_dep.values2d x = demeaned_exog.values2d if self.has_constant: w_sum = w.sum() y_gm = (w * self.dependent.values2d).sum(0) / w_sum x_gm = (w * self.exog.values2d).sum(0) / w_sum y += root_w * y_gm x += root_w * x_gm params = _lstsq(x, y, rcond=None)[0] weps = y - x @ params wybar = self.dependent.mean("entity", weights=self.weights) wxbar = self.exog.mean("entity", weights=self.weights) params = _lstsq(np.asarray(wxbar), np.asarray(wybar), rcond=None)[0] wu = np.asarray(wybar) - np.asarray(wxbar) @ params nobs = weps.shape[0] neffects = wu.shape[0] nvar = x.shape[1] sigma2_e = float(np.squeeze(weps.T @ weps)) / (nobs - nvar - neffects + 1) ssr = float(np.squeeze(wu.T @ wu)) t = np.asarray(self.dependent.count("entity")) unbalanced = np.ptp(t) != 0 if small_sample and unbalanced: ssr = float(np.squeeze((t * wu).T @ wu)) wx_df = cast(DataFrame, root_w * self.exog.dataframe) means = wx_df.groupby(level=0).transform("mean").values denom = means.T @ means sums = wx_df.groupby(level=0).sum().values num = sums.T @ sums tr = np.trace(np.linalg.inv(denom) @ num) sigma2_u = max(0, (ssr - (neffects - nvar) * sigma2_e) / (nobs - tr)) else: t_bar = neffects / ((1.0 / t).sum()) sigma2_u = max(0, ssr / (neffects - nvar) - sigma2_e / t_bar) rho = sigma2_u / (sigma2_u + sigma2_e) theta = 1.0 - np.sqrt(sigma2_e / (t * sigma2_u + sigma2_e)) theta_out = DataFrame(theta, columns=["theta"], index=wybar.index) wy: Float64Array = np.asarray(root_w * self.dependent.values2d, dtype=float) wx: Float64Array = np.asarray(root_w * self.exog.values2d, dtype=float) index = self.dependent.index reindex = index.levels[0][[0]] wybar = (theta * wybar).loc[reindex] wxbar = (theta * wxbar).loc[reindex] wy -= wybar.values wx -= wxbar.values params = _lstsq(wx, wy, rcond=None)[0] df_resid = wy.shape[0] - wx.shape[1] cov_config = self._setup_clusters(cov_config) extra_df = 0 if "extra_df" in cov_config: cov_config = cov_config.copy() _extra_df = cov_config.pop("extra_df") assert isinstance(_extra_df, (str, int)) extra_df = int(_extra_df) cov = setup_covariance_estimator( self._cov_estimators, cov_type, wy, np.asarray(wx), params, self.dependent.entity_ids, self.dependent.time_ids, debiased=debiased, extra_df=extra_df, **cov_config, ) weps = wy - wx @ params eps = weps / root_w index = self.dependent.index fitted = DataFrame(self.exog.values2d @ params, index, ["fitted_values"]) effects = DataFrame( self.dependent.values2d - np.asarray(fitted) - eps, index, ["estimated_effects"], ) idiosyncratic = DataFrame(eps, index, ["idiosyncratic"]) residual_ss = float(np.squeeze(weps.T @ weps)) wmu: float | Float64Array = 0.0 if self.has_constant: wmu = root_w * _lstsq(root_w, wy, rcond=None)[0] wy_demeaned = wy - wmu total_ss = float(np.squeeze(wy_demeaned.T @ wy_demeaned)) r2 = 1 - residual_ss / total_ss res = self._postestimation( params, cov, debiased, df_resid, weps, wy, wx, root_w ) res.update( dict( df_resid=df_resid, df_model=x.shape[1], nobs=y.shape[0], residual_ss=residual_ss, total_ss=total_ss, r2=r2, resids=eps, wresids=weps, index=index, sigma2_eps=sigma2_e, sigma2_effects=sigma2_u, rho=rho, theta=theta_out, fitted=fitted, effects=effects, idiosyncratic=idiosyncratic, ) ) return RandomEffectsResults(res)
[docs] class FamaMacBeth(_PanelModelBase): r""" Pooled coefficient estimator for panel data Parameters ---------- dependent : array_like Dependent (left-hand-side) variable (time by entity) exog : array_like Exogenous or right-hand-side variables (variable by time by entity). weights : array_like Weights to use in estimation. Assumes residual variance is proportional to inverse of weight to that the residual time the weight should be homoskedastic. Notes ----- The model is given by .. math:: y_{it}=\beta^{\prime}x_{it}+\epsilon_{it} The Fama-MacBeth estimator is computed by performing T regressions, one for each time period using all available entity observations. Denote the estimate of the model parameters as :math:`\hat{\beta}_t`. The reported estimator is then .. math:: \hat{\beta} = T^{-1}\sum_{t=1}^T \hat{\beta}_t While the model does not explicitly include time-effects, the implementation based on regressing all observation in a single time period is "as-if" time effects are included. Parameter inference is made using the set of T parameter estimates with either the standard covariance estimator or a kernel-based covariance, depending on ``cov_type``. """ def __init__( self, dependent: PanelDataLike, exog: PanelDataLike, *, weights: PanelDataLike | None = None, check_rank: bool = True, ): super().__init__(dependent, exog, weights=weights, check_rank=check_rank) self._validate_blocks() def _validate_blocks(self) -> None: x = self._x root_w = np.sqrt(self._w) wx = root_w * x exog = self.exog.dataframe wx_df = DataFrame( wx[self._not_null], index=exog.notnull().index, columns=exog.columns ) def validate_block(ex: Float64Array | DataFrame) -> bool: _ex = np.asarray(ex, dtype=float) def _mr(ex: Float64Array) -> int: """lstsq based matrix_rank""" return _lstsq(ex, np.ones(ex.shape[0]))[2] return _ex.shape[0] >= _ex.shape[1] and _mr(_ex) == _ex.shape[1] valid_blocks = wx_df.groupby(level=1).apply(validate_block) if not valid_blocks.any(): err = ( "Model cannot be estimated. All blocks of time-series observations " "are rank deficient, and so it is not possible to estimate any" "cross-sectional regressions." ) raise ValueError(err) if valid_blocks.sum() < exog.shape[1]: import warnings warnings.warn( "The number of time-series observation available to estimate " "cross-sectional\nregressions, {}, is less than the number of " "parameters in the model. Parameter\ninference is not " "available.".format(valid_blocks.sum()), InferenceUnavailableWarning, stacklevel=3, ) elif valid_blocks.sum() < valid_blocks.shape[0]: import warnings warnings.warn( "{} of the time-series regressions cannot be estimated due to " "deficient rank.".format(valid_blocks.shape[0] - valid_blocks.sum()), MissingValueWarning, stacklevel=3, )
[docs] def fit( self, cov_type: str = "unadjusted", debiased: bool = True, bandwidth: float | None = None, kernel: str | None = None, ) -> FamaMacBethResults: """ Estimate model parameters Parameters ---------- cov_type : str Name of covariance estimator (see notes). Default is "unadjusted". debiased : bool Flag indicating whether to debiased the covariance estimator using a degree of freedom adjustment. bandwidth : float The bandwidth to use when cov_type is "kernel". If None, it is automatically computed. kernel : str The kernel to use. None chooses the default kernel. Returns ------- PanelResults Estimation results Examples -------- >>> from linearmodels import FamaMacBeth >>> mod = FamaMacBeth(y, x) >>> res ="kernel", kernel="Parzen") Notes ----- Two covariance estimators are supported: * "unadjusted", "homoskedastic", "robust", "heteroskedastic" use the standard covariance estimator of the T parameter estimates. * "kernel" is a HAC estimator. Configurations options are: """ y = cast(Float64Array, self._y) x = cast(Float64Array, self._x) root_w = cast(Float64Array, np.sqrt(self._w)) wy = cast(Float64Array, root_w * y) wx = cast(Float64Array, root_w * x) dep = self.dependent.dataframe exog = self.exog.dataframe index = self.dependent.index wy_df = DataFrame(wy[self._not_null], index=index, columns=dep.columns) wx_df = DataFrame( wx[self._not_null], index=exog.notnull().index, columns=exog.columns ) yx = DataFrame( np.c_[wy_df.values, wx_df.values], columns=list(wy_df.columns) + list(wx_df.columns), index=wy_df.index, ) has_constant = self.has_constant def single(z: DataFrame) -> Series: exog = z.iloc[:, 1:].values cols = list(z.columns) + ["r2", "adv_r2"] if exog.shape[0] < exog.shape[1]: return Series([np.nan] * (len(z.columns) + 2), index=cols) dep = z.iloc[:, :1].values params, _, rank, _ = _lstsq(exog, dep) nexog = exog.shape[1] if rank != nexog: return Series([np.nan] * (len(z.columns) + 2), index=cols) err = dep - exog @ params sse = float(np.squeeze(err.T @ err)) if has_constant: dep_demean = dep - dep.mean() tss = float(np.squeeze(dep_demean.T @ dep_demean)) else: tss = float(np.squeeze(dep.T @ dep)) r2 = 1 - sse / tss nobs = exog.shape[0] if nobs - nexog > 0: adj_r2 = 1 - (sse / (nobs - nexog)) / (tss / (nobs - int(has_constant))) else: adj_r2 = np.nan return Series(np.r_[np.nan, params.ravel(), r2, adj_r2], index=cols) all_params = yx.groupby(level=1).apply(single) avg_r2 = np.nanmean(all_params.iloc[:, -2]) avg_adj_r2_values = all_params.iloc[:, -1] if np.any(np.isfinite(avg_adj_r2_values)): avg_adj_r2 = np.nanmean(avg_adj_r2_values) else: avg_adj_r2 = np.nan all_params = all_params.iloc[:, 1:-2] params = np.asarray(all_params.mean(axis=0).values[:, None], dtype=float) wy = np.asarray(wy_df) wx = np.asarray(wx_df) index = self.dependent.index fitted = DataFrame(self.exog.values2d @ params, index, ["fitted_values"]) effects = DataFrame(np.full(fitted.shape, np.nan), index, ["estimated_effects"]) idiosyncratic = DataFrame( self.dependent.values2d - fitted.values, index, ["idiosyncratic"] ) eps = self.dependent.values2d - fitted.values weps = wy - wx @ params w = self.weights.values2d root_w = cast(Float64Array, np.sqrt(w)) # residual_ss = float(np.squeeze(weps.T @ weps)) y = e = self.dependent.values2d if self.has_constant: e = y - (w * y).sum() / w.sum() total_ss = float(np.squeeze(w.T @ (e**2))) r2 = 1 - residual_ss / total_ss if cov_type not in ( "robust", "unadjusted", "homoskedastic", "heteroskedastic", "kernel", ): raise ValueError("Unknown cov_type") bandwidth = 0.0 if cov_type != "kernel" else bandwidth cov = FamaMacBethCovariance( wy, wx, params, all_params, debiased=debiased, kernel=kernel, bandwidth=bandwidth, ) df_resid = wy.shape[0] - params.shape[0] res = self._postestimation( params, cov, debiased, df_resid, weps, wy, wx, root_w ) index = self.dependent.index res.update( dict( df_resid=df_resid, df_model=x.shape[1], nobs=y.shape[0], residual_ss=residual_ss, total_ss=total_ss, r2=r2, resids=eps, wresids=weps, index=index, fitted=fitted, effects=effects, idiosyncratic=idiosyncratic, all_params=all_params, avg_r2=avg_r2, avg_adj_r2=avg_adj_r2, ) ) return FamaMacBethResults(res)
[docs] @classmethod def from_formula( cls, formula: str, data: PanelDataLike, *, weights: PanelDataLike | None = None, check_rank: bool = True, ) -> FamaMacBeth: """ Create a model from a formula Parameters ---------- formula : str Formula to transform into model. Conforms to formulaic formula rules. data : array_like Data structure that can be coerced into a PanelData. In most cases, this should be a multi-index DataFrame where the level 0 index contains the entities and the level 1 contains the time. weights: array_like Weights to use in estimation. Assumes residual variance is proportional to inverse of weight to that the residual times the weight should be homoskedastic. check_rank : bool Flag indicating whether to perform a rank check on the exogenous variables to ensure that the model is identified. Skipping this check can reduce the time required to validate a model specification. Results may be numerically unstable if this check is skipped and the matrix is not full rank. Returns ------- FamaMacBeth Model specified using the formula Notes ----- Unlike standard formula syntax, it is necessary to explicitly include a constant using the constant indicator (1) Examples -------- >>> from linearmodels import FamaMacBeth >>> from linearmodels.panel import generate_panel_data >>> panel_data = generate_panel_data() >>> mod = FamaMacBeth.from_formula("y ~ 1 + x1", >>> res = """ parser = PanelFormulaParser(formula, data, context=capture_context(1)) dependent, exog = mod = cls(dependent, exog, weights=weights, check_rank=check_rank) mod.formula = formula return mod