- class linearmodels.iv.results.OLSResults(results: dict[str, Any], model: _IVModelBase)[source]¶
Results from OLS model estimation
- Parameters:¶
([level])Confidence interval construction
([exog, endog, data, fitted, ...])In- and out-of-sample predictions
([restriction, value, formula])Test linear equality constraints using a Wald test
Estimated covariance of parameters
Parameter values from covariance estimator
Type of covariance estimator used to compute covariance
Covariance estimator used
Flag indicating whether covariance uses a small-sample adjustment
Model degree of freedom
Residual degree of freedom
Model F-statistic
Fitted values
Flag indicating the model includes a constant or equivalent
Idiosyncratic error
k-class estimator value
Method used to estimate model parameters
Residual sum of squares
Number of observations
Estimated parameters
Parameter p-vals.
Residual sum of squares
Estimated residuals
Coefficient of determination (R**2)
Sample-size adjusted coefficient of determination (R**2)
Residual variance estimator
Estimated parameter standard errors
Model estimation summary.
Total sum of squares
Parameter t-statistics
Weighted estimated residuals