- class linearmodels.panel.results.PanelEffectsResults(res: AttrDict)[source]¶
Results container for panel data models that include effects
([level])Confidence interval construction
([exog, data, fitted, effects, ...])In- and out-of-sample predictions
([restriction, value, formula])Test linear equality constraints using a Wald test
Between Coefficient of determination using squared correlation
Overall coefficient of determination using squared correlation
Within coefficient of determination using squared correlation
Estimated covariance of parameters
Model degree of freedom
Residual degree of freedom
Statistics on observations per entity
Estimated effects
Test that included effects are jointly zero.
Joint test of significance for non-constant regressors
Joint test of significance for non-constant regressors
Fitted values
Idiosyncratic error
List of effects included in the model
Log-likelihood of model
Residual sum of squares
Model name
Number of observations used to estimate the model
Statistics on observations per group for other effects
Estimated parameters
Parameter p-vals.
Residual sum of squares
Model residuals
Model Coefficient of determination
Between Coefficient of determination
Model Coefficient of determination including fit of included effects
Overall coefficient of determination
Within coefficient of determination
Residual variance estimator
Estimated parameter standard errors
Model estimation summary.
Statistics on observations per time interval
Total sum of squares
Parameter t-statistics
Decomposition of total variance into effects and residuals
Weighted model residuals