User-defined Bit Generators

Most bit generators use Cython to wrap an implementation in C. While this method leads to best case performance, it is necessarily involved. UserBitGenerator allows bit generators to be written in Python (slow) or numba (fast) or for existing PRNGs to be wrapped. The bit generator can then be used with a Generator. See the demonstration notebook for examples.

class randomgen.wrapper.UserBitGenerator
UserBitGenerator(next_raw, bits=64, next_64=None, next_32=None,

next_double=None, state=None, state_getter=None, state_setter=None)

Construct a bit generator from Python functions

next_raw : callable

A callable that returns either 64 or 32 random bits. It must accept a single input which is a void pointer to a memory address.

bits : {32, 64}, default 64

The number of bits output by the next_raw callable. Must be either 32 or 64.

next_64 : callable, default None

A callable with the same signature as as next_raw that always return 64 bits. If not provided, this function is constructed using next_raw.

next_32 : callable, default None

A callable with the same signature as as next_raw that always return 32 bits. If not provided, this function is constructed using next_raw.

next_double : callable, default None

A callable with the same signature as as next_raw that always return a random double in [0,1). If not provided, this function is constructed using next_raw.

state : ctypes pointer, default None

A ctypes pointer to pass into the next functions. In most cases this should be None, in which case the null pointer is passed.

state_getter : callable, default None

A callable that returns the state of the bit generator. If not provided, getting the state property will raise NotImplementedError.

state_setter : callable, default None

A callable that sets the state of the bit generator. Must take a single input. If not provided, getting the state property will raise NotImplementedError.


A generator that rotates across 4 values from

>>> import numpy as np
>>> rv = np.array([ 7713239619832409074, 17318243661941184039,
...                14412717025735663865, 521015634160378615, 0],
...                dtype=np.uint64)
>>> def next_raw(voidp):
...     idx = int(rv[-1] % 4)
...     out = rv[idx]
...     rv[-1] += 1
...     return int(out)
>>> bg = UserBitGenerator(next_raw)

See the documentation for a more realistic example.

From Low-level Objects

from_cfunc(next_raw, next_64, next_32, ...)

from_cfunc(next_raw, next_64, next_32, next_double, state,

from_ctypes(next_raw, next_64, next_32, ...)

from_ctypes(next_raw, next_64, next_32, next_double, state,



Get or set the state



CFFI interface


ctypes interface


random_raw([size, output])

Return randoms as generated by the underlying BitGenerator