Core classes for ARCH models
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
from collections.abc import Sequence
from copy import deepcopy
import datetime as dt
from functools import cached_property
from typing import Any, Callable, Optional, Union, cast
import warnings
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from pandas.util._decorators import deprecate_kwarg
from scipy.optimize import OptimizeResult
import scipy.stats as stats
from statsmodels.iolib.summary import Summary, fmt_2cols, fmt_params
from statsmodels.iolib.table import SimpleTable
from statsmodels.regression.linear_model import OLS
from statsmodels.tools.numdiff import approx_fprime, approx_hess
from statsmodels.tools.tools import add_constant
from statsmodels.tsa.tsatools import lagmat
from arch.typing import (
from arch.univariate.distribution import Distribution, Normal
from arch.univariate.volatility import ConstantVariance, VolatilityProcess
from arch.utility.array import ensure1d
from arch.utility.exceptions import (
from arch.utility.testing import WaldTestStatistic
from matplotlib.figure import Figure
except ImportError:
__all__ = [
WARNING: The optimizer did not indicate successful convergence. The message was {msg}.
See convergence_flag.
# Callback variables
_callback_info = {"iter": 0, "llf": 0.0, "count": 0, "display": 1}
def _callback(parameters: Float64Array, *args: Any) -> None:
Callback for use in optimization
parameters : ndarray
Parameter value (not used by function).
Any other arguments passed to the minimizer.
Uses global values to track iteration, iteration display frequency,
log likelihood and function count
_callback_info["iter"] += 1
disp = "Iteration: {0:>6}, Func. Count: {1:>6.3g}, Neg. LLF: {2}"
if _callback_info["iter"] % _callback_info["display"] == 0:
_callback_info["iter"], _callback_info["count"], _callback_info["llf"]
def constraint(a: Float64Array, b: Float64Array) -> list[dict[str, object]]:
Generate constraints from arrays
a : ndarray
Parameter loadings
b : ndarray
Constraint bounds
constraints : dict
Dictionary of inequality constraints, one for each row of a
Parameter constraints satisfy a.dot(parameters) - b >= 0
def factory(coeff: Float64Array, val: float) -> Callable[..., float]:
def f(params: Float64Array, *args: Any) -> float:
return np.dot(coeff, params) - val
return f
constraints = []
for i in range(a.shape[0]):
con = {"type": "ineq", "fun": factory(a[i], b[i])}
return constraints
def format_float_fixed(x: float, max_digits: int = 10, decimal: int = 4) -> str:
"""Formats a floating point number so that if it can be well expressed
in using a string with digits len, then it is converted simply, otherwise
it is expressed in scientific notation"""
# basic_format = '{:0.' + str(digits) + 'g}'
if x == 0:
return ("{:0." + str(decimal) + "f}").format(0.0)
scale = np.log10(np.abs(x))
scale = np.sign(scale) * np.ceil(np.abs(scale))
if scale > (max_digits - 2 - decimal) or scale < -(decimal - 2):
formatted = ("{0:" + str(max_digits) + "." + str(decimal) + "e}").format(x)
formatted = ("{0:" + str(max_digits) + "." + str(decimal) + "f}").format(x)
return formatted
def implicit_constant(x: Float64Array) -> bool:
Test a matrix for an implicit constant
x : ndarray
Array to be tested
constant : bool
Flag indicating whether the array has an implicit constant - whether
the array has a set of columns that adds to a constant value
nobs = x.shape[0]
rank = np.linalg.matrix_rank(np.hstack((np.ones((nobs, 1)), x)))
return rank == x.shape[1]
class ARCHModel(metaclass=ABCMeta):
Abstract base class for mean models in ARCH processes. Specifies the
conditional mean process.
All public methods that raise NotImplementedError should be overridden by
any subclass. Private methods that raise NotImplementedError are optional
to override but recommended where applicable.
def __init__(
y: Optional[ArrayLike] = None,
volatility: Optional[VolatilityProcess] = None,
distribution: Optional[Distribution] = None,
hold_back: Optional[int] = None,
rescale: Optional[bool] = None,
) -> None:
self._name = "ARCHModel"
self._is_pandas = isinstance(y, (pd.DataFrame, pd.Series))
if y is not None:
self._y_series = cast(pd.Series, ensure1d(y, "y", series=True))
self._y_series = cast(pd.Series, ensure1d(np.empty((0,)), "y", series=True))
self._y = np.ascontiguousarray(self._y_series)
if not np.all(np.isfinite(self._y)):
raise ValueError(
"NaN or inf values found in y. y must contains only finite values."
self._y_original = y
self._fit_indices: list[int] = [0, int(self._y.shape[0])]
self._fit_y = self._y
self.hold_back: Optional[int] = hold_back
self._hold_back = 0 if hold_back is None else hold_back
self.rescale: Optional[bool] = rescale
self.scale: float = 1.0
self._backcast: Union[float, Float64Array, None] = None
self._var_bounds: Optional[Float64Array] = None
if isinstance(volatility, VolatilityProcess):
self._volatility = volatility
elif volatility is None:
self._volatility = ConstantVariance()
raise TypeError("volatility must inherit from VolatilityProcess")
if isinstance(distribution, Distribution):
self._distribution = distribution
elif distribution is None:
self._distribution = Normal()
raise TypeError("distribution must inherit from Distribution")
def name(self) -> str:
"""The name of the model."""
return self._name
def constraints(self) -> tuple[Float64Array, Float64Array]:
Construct linear constraint arrays for use in non-linear optimization
a : ndarray
Number of constraints by number of parameters loading array
b : ndarray
Number of constraints array of lower bounds
Parameters satisfy a.dot(parameters) - b >= 0
return np.empty((0, self.num_params)), np.empty(0)
def bounds(self) -> list[tuple[float, float]]:
Construct bounds for parameters to use in non-linear optimization
bounds : list (2-tuple of float)
Bounds for parameters to use in estimation.
num_params = self.num_params
return [(-np.inf, np.inf)] * num_params
def y(self) -> Optional[ArrayLike]:
"""Returns the dependent variable"""
return self._y_original
def volatility(self) -> VolatilityProcess:
"""Set or gets the volatility process
Volatility processes must be a subclass of VolatilityProcess
return self._volatility
def volatility(self, value: VolatilityProcess) -> None:
if not isinstance(value, VolatilityProcess):
raise ValueError("Must subclass VolatilityProcess")
self._volatility = value
def distribution(self) -> Distribution:
"""Set or gets the error distribution
Distributions must be a subclass of Distribution
return self._distribution
def distribution(self, value: Distribution) -> None:
if not isinstance(value, Distribution):
raise ValueError("Must subclass Distribution")
self._distribution = value
def _check_scale(self, resids: Float64Array) -> None:
check = self.rescale in (None, True)
if not check:
orig_scale = scale = resids.var()
rescale = 1.0
while not 0.1 <= scale < 10000.0 and scale > 0:
if scale < 1.0:
rescale *= 10
rescale /= 10
scale = orig_scale * rescale**2
if rescale == 1.0:
if self.rescale is None:
data_scale_warning.format(orig_scale, rescale), DataScaleWarning
self.scale = rescale
def _scale_changed(self) -> None:
Called when the scale has changed. This allows the model
to update any values that are affected by the scale changes,
e.g., any logged values.
def _r2(self, params: ArrayLike1D) -> Optional[float]:
Computes the model r-square. Optional to over-ride. Must match
raise NotImplementedError("Subclasses optionally may provide.")
def _fit_no_arch_normal_errors_params(self) -> Float64Array:
Must be overridden with closed form estimator the return parameters ony
def _fit_no_arch_normal_errors(
self, cov_type: Literal["robust", "classic"] = "robust"
) -> "ARCHModelResult":
Must be overridden with closed form estimator
def _static_gaussian_loglikelihood(resids: Float64Array) -> float:
nobs = resids.shape[0]
sigma2 = resids.dot(resids) / nobs
loglikelihood = -0.5 * nobs * np.log(2 * np.pi)
loglikelihood -= 0.5 * nobs * np.log(sigma2)
loglikelihood -= 0.5 * nobs
return loglikelihood
def _fit_parameterless_model(
cov_type: Literal["robust", "classic"],
backcast: Union[float, Float64Array],
) -> "ARCHModelResult":
When models have no parameters, fill return values
results : ARCHModelResult
Model result from parameterless model
y = self._fit_y
# Fake convergence results, see GH #87
opt = OptimizeResult({"status": 0, "message": ""})
params = np.empty(0)
param_cov = np.empty((0, 0))
first_obs, last_obs = self._fit_indices
resids_final = np.full_like(self._y, np.nan)
resids_final[first_obs:last_obs] = y
var_bounds = self.volatility.variance_bounds(y)
vol = np.zeros_like(y)
self.volatility.compute_variance(params, y, vol, backcast, var_bounds)
vol = cast(Float64Array, np.sqrt(vol))
# Reshape resids vol
vol_final = np.empty_like(self._y, dtype=np.double)
vol_final[first_obs:last_obs] = vol
names = self._all_parameter_names()
r2 = self._r2(params)
fit_start, fit_stop = self._fit_indices
loglikelihood = -1.0 * self._loglikelihood(
params, vol**2 * np.ones(fit_stop - fit_start), backcast, var_bounds
assert isinstance(r2, float)
return ARCHModelResult(
def _loglikelihood(
parameters: Float64Array,
sigma2: Float64Array,
backcast: Union[float, Float64Array],
var_bounds: Float64Array,
individual: bool = False,
) -> Union[float, Float64Array]:
Computes the log-likelihood using the entire model
individual : bool, optional
neg_llf : float
Negative of model loglikelihood
# Parse parameters
_callback_info["count"] += 1
# 1. Resids
mp, vp, dp = self._parse_parameters(parameters)
resids = np.asarray(self.resids(mp), dtype=float)
# 2. Compute sigma2 using VolatilityModel
sigma2 = self.volatility.compute_variance(
vp, resids, sigma2, backcast, var_bounds
# 3. Compute log likelihood using Distribution
llf = self.distribution.loglikelihood(dp, resids, sigma2, individual)
if not individual:
_callback_info["llf"] = llf_f = -float(llf)
return llf_f
return cast(np.ndarray, -llf)
def _all_parameter_names(self) -> list[str]:
"""Returns a list containing all parameter names from the mean model,
volatility model and distribution"""
names = self.parameter_names()
return names
def _parse_parameters(
x: Union[ArrayLike1D, Sequence[float]],
) -> tuple[Float64Array, Float64Array, Float64Array]:
"""Return the parameters of each model in a tuple"""
x = np.asarray(x, dtype=float)
km, kv = int(self.num_params), int(self.volatility.num_params)
return x[:km], x[km : km + kv], x[km + kv :]
def fix(
params: Union[ArrayLike1D, Sequence[float]],
first_obs: Union[int, DateLike, None] = None,
last_obs: Union[int, DateLike, None] = None,
) -> "ARCHModelFixedResult":
Allows an ARCHModelFixedResult to be constructed from fixed parameters.
params : {ndarray, Series}
User specified parameters to use when generating the result. Must
have the correct number of parameters for a given choice of mean
model, volatility model and distribution.
first_obs : {int, str, datetime, Timestamp}
First observation to use when fixing model
last_obs : {int, str, datetime, Timestamp}
Last observation to use when fixing model
results : ARCHModelFixedResult
Object containing model results
Parameters are not checked against model-specific constraints.
v = self.volatility
self._adjust_sample(first_obs, last_obs)
resids = np.asarray(self.resids(self.starting_values()), dtype=float)
sigma2 = np.zeros_like(resids)
backcast = v.backcast(resids)
self._backcast = backcast
var_bounds = v.variance_bounds(resids)
params = ensure1d(params, "params", False)
loglikelihood = -1.0 * self._loglikelihood(params, sigma2, backcast, var_bounds)
assert isinstance(loglikelihood, float)
mp, vp, dp = self._parse_parameters(params)
resids = np.asarray(self.resids(mp), dtype=float)
vol = np.zeros_like(resids)
self.volatility.compute_variance(vp, resids, vol, backcast, var_bounds)
vol = np.asarray(np.sqrt(vol))
names = self._all_parameter_names()
# Reshape resids and vol
first_obs, last_obs = self._fit_indices
resids_final = np.full_like(self._y, np.nan, dtype=np.double)
resids_final[first_obs:last_obs] = resids
vol_final = np.empty_like(self._y, dtype=np.double)
vol_final[first_obs:last_obs] = vol
model_copy = deepcopy(self)
return ARCHModelFixedResult(
def _adjust_sample(
first_obs: Union[int, DateLike, None],
last_obs: Union[int, DateLike, None],
) -> None:
Performs sample adjustment for estimation
first_obs : {int, str, datetime, datetime64, Timestamp}
First observation to use when estimating model
last_obs : {int, str, datetime, datetime64, Timestamp}
Last observation to use when estimating model
Adjusted sample must follow Python semantics of first_obs:last_obs
def fit(
update_freq: int = 1,
disp: Union[bool, Literal["off"], Literal["final"]] = "final",
starting_values: Optional[ArrayLike1D] = None,
cov_type: Literal["robust", "classic"] = "robust",
show_warning: bool = True,
first_obs: Union[int, DateLike, None] = None,
last_obs: Union[int, DateLike, None] = None,
tol: Optional[float] = None,
options: Optional[dict[str, Any]] = None,
backcast: Union[float, Float64Array, None] = None,
) -> "ARCHModelResult":
Estimate model parameters
update_freq : int, optional
Frequency of iteration updates. Output is generated every
`update_freq` iterations. Set to 0 to disable iterative output.
disp : {bool, "off", "final"}
Either 'final' to print optimization result or 'off' to display
nothing. If using a boolean, False is "off" and True is "final"
starting_values : ndarray, optional
Array of starting values to use. If not provided, starting values
are constructed by the model components.
cov_type : str, optional
Estimation method of parameter covariance. Supported options are
'robust', which does not assume the Information Matrix Equality
holds and 'classic' which does. In the ARCH literature, 'robust'
corresponds to Bollerslev-Wooldridge covariance estimator.
show_warning : bool, optional
Flag indicating whether convergence warnings should be shown.
first_obs : {int, str, datetime, Timestamp}
First observation to use when estimating model
last_obs : {int, str, datetime, Timestamp}
Last observation to use when estimating model
tol : float, optional
Tolerance for termination.
options : dict, optional
Options to pass to `scipy.optimize.minimize`. Valid entries
include 'ftol', 'eps', 'disp', and 'maxiter'.
backcast : {float, ndarray}, optional
Value to use as backcast. Should be measure :math:`\sigma^2_0`
since model-specific non-linear transformations are applied to
value before computing the variance recursions.
results : ARCHModelResult
Object containing model results
A ConvergenceWarning is raised if SciPy's optimizer indicates
difficulty finding the optimum.
Parameters are optimized using SLSQP.
if self._y_original is None:
raise RuntimeError("Cannot estimate model without data.")
# 1. Check in ARCH or Non-normal dist. If no ARCH and normal,
# use closed form
v, d = self.volatility, self.distribution
offsets = np.array((self.num_params, v.num_params, d.num_params), dtype=int)
total_params = sum(offsets)
# Closed form is applicable when model has no parameters
# Or when distribution is normal and constant variance
has_closed_form = (
v.closed_form and d.num_params == 0 and isinstance(v, ConstantVariance)
self._adjust_sample(first_obs, last_obs)
resids = np.asarray(self.resids(self.starting_values()), dtype=float)
if self.scale != 1.0:
# Scale changed, rescale data and reset model
self._y = cast(np.ndarray, self.scale * np.asarray(self._y_original))
self._adjust_sample(first_obs, last_obs)
resids = np.asarray(self.resids(self.starting_values()), dtype=float)
if backcast is None:
backcast = v.backcast(resids)
assert backcast is not None
backcast = v.backcast_transform(backcast)
if has_closed_form:
return self._fit_no_arch_normal_errors(cov_type=cov_type)
except NotImplementedError:
assert backcast is not None
if total_params == 0:
return self._fit_parameterless_model(cov_type=cov_type, backcast=backcast)
sigma2 = np.zeros_like(resids)
self._backcast = backcast
sv_volatility = v.starting_values(resids)
self._var_bounds = var_bounds = v.variance_bounds(resids)
v.compute_variance(sv_volatility, resids, sigma2, backcast, var_bounds)
std_resids = resids / np.sqrt(sigma2)
# 2. Construct constraint matrices from all models and distribution
constraints = (
num_cons = []
for c in constraints:
assert c is not None
num_constraints = np.array(num_cons, dtype=int)
num_params = offsets.sum()
a = np.zeros((int(num_constraints.sum()), int(num_params)))
b = np.zeros(int(num_constraints.sum()))
for i, c in enumerate(constraints):
assert c is not None
r_en = num_constraints[: i + 1].sum()
c_en = offsets[: i + 1].sum()
r_st = r_en - num_constraints[i]
c_st = c_en - offsets[i]
if r_en - r_st > 0:
a[r_st:r_en, c_st:c_en] = c[0]
b[r_st:r_en] = c[1]
bounds = self.bounds()
# 3. Construct starting values from all models
sv = starting_values
if starting_values is not None:
assert sv is not None
sv = ensure1d(sv, "starting_values")
valid = sv.shape[0] == num_params
if a.shape[0] > 0:
satisfies_constraints = a.dot(sv) - b >= 0
valid = valid and satisfies_constraints.all()
for i, bound in enumerate(bounds):
valid = valid and bound[0] <= sv[i] <= bound[1]
if not valid:
warnings.warn(starting_value_warning, StartingValueWarning)
starting_values = None
if starting_values is None:
sv = np.hstack(
[self.starting_values(), sv_volatility, d.starting_values(std_resids)]
# 4. Estimate models using constrained optimization
_callback_info["count"], _callback_info["iter"] = 0, 0
if not isinstance(disp, str):
disp = bool(disp)
disp = "off" if not disp else "final"
if update_freq <= 0 or disp == "off":
_callback_info["display"] = 2**31
_callback_info["display"] = update_freq
disp_flag = True if disp == "final" else False
func = self._loglikelihood
args = (sigma2, backcast, var_bounds)
ineq_constraints = constraint(a, b)
from scipy.optimize import minimize
options = {} if options is None else options
options.setdefault("disp", disp_flag)
with warnings.catch_warnings():
"Values in x were outside bounds during a minimize step",
opt = minimize(
if show_warning:
warnings.filterwarnings("always", "", ConvergenceWarning)
warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", "", ConvergenceWarning)
if opt.status != 0 and show_warning:
convergence_warning.format(code=opt.status, string_message=opt.message),
# 5. Return results
params = opt.x
loglikelihood = -1.0 * opt.fun
mp, vp, dp = self._parse_parameters(params)
resids = np.asarray(self.resids(mp), dtype=float)
vol = np.zeros_like(resids)
self.volatility.compute_variance(vp, resids, vol, backcast, var_bounds)
vol = cast(Float64Array, np.sqrt(vol))
r2 = self._r2(mp)
except NotImplementedError:
r2 = np.nan
names = self._all_parameter_names()
# Reshape resids and vol
first_obs, last_obs = self._fit_indices
resids_final = np.empty_like(self._y, dtype=np.double)
resids_final[first_obs:last_obs] = resids
vol_final = np.empty_like(self._y, dtype=np.double)
vol_final[first_obs:last_obs] = vol
fit_start, fit_stop = self._fit_indices
model_copy = deepcopy(self)
assert isinstance(r2, float)
return ARCHModelResult(
def parameter_names(self) -> list[str]:
"""List of parameters names
names : list (str)
List of variable names for the mean model
def starting_values(self) -> Float64Array:
Returns starting values for the mean model, often the same as the
values returned from fit
sv : ndarray
Starting values
return self._fit_no_arch_normal_errors_params()
def num_params(self) -> int:
Number of parameters in the model
def simulate(
params: Union[ArrayLike1D, Sequence[float]],
nobs: int,
burn: int = 500,
initial_value: Optional[float] = None,
x: Optional[ArrayLike] = None,
initial_value_vol: Optional[float] = None,
) -> pd.DataFrame:
def resids(
params: Float64Array,
y: Optional[ArrayLike1D] = None,
regressors: Optional[ArrayLike2D] = None,
) -> ArrayLike1D:
Compute model residuals
params : ndarray
Model parameters
y : ndarray, optional
Alternative values to use when computing model residuals
regressors : ndarray, optional
Alternative regressor values to use when computing model residuals
resids : ndarray
Model residuals
def compute_param_cov(
params: Float64Array,
backcast: Union[float, Float64Array, None] = None,
robust: bool = True,
) -> Float64Array:
Computes parameter covariances using numerical derivatives.
params : ndarray
Model parameters
backcast : float
Value to use for pre-sample observations
robust : bool, optional
Flag indicating whether to use robust standard errors (True) or
classic MLE (False)
resids = np.asarray(self.resids(self.starting_values()), dtype=float)
var_bounds = self.volatility.variance_bounds(resids)
nobs = resids.shape[0]
if backcast is None and self._backcast is None:
backcast = self.volatility.backcast(resids)
self._backcast = backcast
elif backcast is None:
backcast = self._backcast
kwargs = {
"sigma2": np.zeros_like(resids),
"backcast": backcast,
"var_bounds": var_bounds,
"individual": False,
hess = approx_hess(params, self._loglikelihood, kwargs=kwargs)
hess /= nobs
inv_hess = np.linalg.inv(hess)
if robust:
kwargs["individual"] = True
scores = approx_fprime(
params, self._loglikelihood, kwargs=kwargs
) # type: np.ndarray
score_cov = np.cov(scores.T)
return inv_hess.dot(score_cov).dot(inv_hess) / nobs
return inv_hess / nobs
def forecast(
params: ArrayLike1D,
horizon: int = 1,
start: Union[int, DateLike, None] = None,
align: Literal["origin", "target"] = "origin",
method: ForecastingMethod = "analytic",
simulations: int = 1000,
rng: Optional[Callable[[Union[int, tuple[int, ...]]], Float64Array]] = None,
random_state: Optional[np.random.RandomState] = None,
reindex: bool = False,
x: Union[dict[Label, ArrayLike], ArrayLike, None] = None,
) -> "ARCHModelForecast":
Construct forecasts from estimated model
params : {ndarray, Series}
Parameters required to forecast. Must be identical in
shape to the parameters computed by fitting the model.
horizon : int, optional
Number of steps to forecast
start : {int, datetime, Timestamp, str}, optional
An integer, datetime or str indicating the first observation to
produce the forecast for. Datetimes can only be used with pandas
inputs that have a datetime index. Strings must be convertible
to a date time, such as in '1945-01-01'.
align : str, optional
Either 'origin' or 'target'. When set of 'origin', the t-th row
of forecasts contains the forecasts for t+1, t+2, ..., t+h. When
set to 'target', the t-th row contains the 1-step ahead forecast
from time t-1, the 2 step from time t-2, ..., and the h-step from
time t-h. 'target' simplified computing forecast errors since the
realization and h-step forecast are aligned.
method : {'analytic', 'simulation', 'bootstrap'}
Method to use when producing the forecast. The default is analytic.
The method only affects the variance forecast generation. Not all
volatility models support all methods. In particular, volatility
models that do not evolve in squares such as EGARCH or TARCH do not
support the 'analytic' method for horizons > 1.
simulations : int
Number of simulations to run when computing the forecast using
either simulation or bootstrap.
rng : callable, optional
Custom random number generator to use in simulation-based forecasts.
Must produce random samples using the syntax `rng(size)` where size
the 2-element tuple (simulations, horizon).
random_state : RandomState, optional
NumPy RandomState instance to use when method is 'bootstrap'
reindex : bool, optional
Whether to reindex the forecasts to have the same dimension as the series
being forecast. Prior to 4.18 this was the default. As of 4.19 this is
now optional. If not provided, a warning is raised about the future
change in the default which will occur after September 2021.
.. versionadded:: 4.19
x : {dict[label, array_like], array_like}
Values to use for exogenous regressors if any are included in the
model. Three formats are accepted:
* 2-d array-like: This format can be used when there is a single
exogenous variable. The input must have shape (nforecast, horizon)
or (nobs, horizon) where nforecast is the number of forecasting
periods and nobs is the original shape of y. For example, if a
single series of forecasts are made from the end of the sample
with a horizon of 10, then the input can be (1, 10). Alternatively,
if the original data had 1000 observations, then the input can be
(1000, 10), and only the final row is used to produce forecasts.
When using an (nobs, horizon) array, the values much be aligned
so that all values in row t are all out-of-sample at time-t.
* A dictionary of 2-d array-like: This format is identical to the
previous except that the dictionary keys must match the names of
the exog variables. Requires that the exog variables were
passed as a pandas DataFrame.
* A 3-d NumPy array (or equivalent). In this format, each panel
(0th axis) is a 2-d array that must have shape (nforecast, horizon)
or (nobs,horizon). The array x[j] corresponds to the j-th column of
the exogenous variables.
Due to the complexity required to accommodate all scenarios, please
see the example notebook that demonstrates the valid formats for
x, and discusses alignment.
.. versionadded:: 4.19
Container for forecasts. Key properties are ``mean``,
``variance`` and ``residual_variance``.
>>> import pandas as pd
>>> from arch import arch_model
>>> am = arch_model(None,mean='HAR',lags=[1,5,22],vol='Constant')
>>> sim_data = am.simulate([0.1,0.4,0.3,0.2,1.0], 250)
>>> sim_data.index = pd.date_range('2000-01-01',periods=250)
>>> am = arch_model(sim_data['data'],mean='HAR',lags=[1,5,22], vol='Constant')
>>> res = am.fit()
>>> fig = res.hedgehog_plot()
The most basic 1-step ahead forecast will return a vector with the same
length as the original data, where the t-th value will be the time-t
forecast for time t + 1. When the horizon is > 1, and when using the
default value for `align`, the forecast value in position [t, h] is the
time-t, h+1 step ahead forecast.
If model contains exogenous variables (model.x is not None), then
only 1-step ahead forecasts are available. Using horizon > 1 will
produce a warning and all columns, except the first, will be
If `align` is 'origin', forecast[t,h] contains the forecast made using
y[:t] (that is, up to but not including t) for horizon h + 1. For
example, y[100,2] contains the 3-step ahead forecast using the first
100 data points, which will correspond to the realization y[100 + 2].
If `align` is 'target', then the same forecast is in location
[102, 2], so that it is aligned with the observation to use when
evaluating, but still in the same column.
class _SummaryRepr:
"""Base class for returning summary as repr and str"""
def summary(self) -> Summary:
raise NotImplementedError("Subclasses must implement")
def __repr__(self) -> str:
out = self.__str__() + "\n"
out += self.__class__.__name__
out += f", id: {hex(id(self))}"
return out
def __str__(self) -> str:
return self.summary().as_text()
class ARCHModelFixedResult(_SummaryRepr):
Results for fixed parameters for an ARCHModel model
params : ndarray
Estimated parameters
resid : ndarray
Residuals from model. Residuals have same shape as original data and
contain nan-values in locations not used in estimation
volatility : ndarray
Conditional volatility from model
dep_var : Series
Dependent variable
names : list (str)
Model parameter names
loglikelihood : float
Loglikelihood at specified parameters
is_pandas : bool
Whether the original input was pandas
model : ARCHModel
The model object used to estimate the parameters
def __init__(
params: Float64Array,
resid: Float64Array,
volatility: Float64Array,
dep_var: pd.Series,
names: list[str],
loglikelihood: float,
is_pandas: bool,
model: ARCHModel,
) -> None:
self._params = params
self._resid = resid
self._is_pandas = is_pandas
self._model = model
self._datetime = dt.datetime.now()
self._dep_var = dep_var
self._dep_name = str(dep_var.name)
self._names = list(names)
self._loglikelihood = loglikelihood
self._nobs = self.model._fit_y.shape[0]
self._index = dep_var.index
self._volatility = volatility
def summary(self) -> Summary:
Constructs a summary of the results from a fit model.
summary : Summary instance
Object that contains tables and facilitated export to text, html or
# Summary layout
# 1. Overall information
# 2. Mean parameters
# 3. Volatility parameters
# 4. Distribution parameters
# 5. Notes
model = self.model
model_name = model.name + " - " + model.volatility.name
# Summary Header
top_left = [
("Dep. Variable:", self._dep_name),
("Mean Model:", model.name),
("Vol Model:", model.volatility.name),
("Distribution:", model.distribution.name),
("Method:", "User-specified Parameters"),
("", ""),
("Date:", self._datetime.strftime("%a, %b %d %Y")),
("Time:", self._datetime.strftime("%H:%M:%S")),
top_right = [
("R-squared:", "--"),
("Adj. R-squared:", "--"),
("Log-Likelihood:", f"{self.loglikelihood:#10.6g}"),
("AIC:", f"{self.aic:#10.6g}"),
("BIC:", f"{self.bic:#10.6g}"),
("No. Observations:", f"{self._nobs}"),
("", ""),
("", ""),
title = model_name + " Model Results"
stubs = []
vals = []
for stub, val in top_left:
table = SimpleTable(vals, txt_fmt=fmt_2cols, title=title, stubs=stubs)
# create summary table instance
smry = Summary()
# Top Table
# Parameter table
fmt = fmt_2cols
fmt["data_fmts"][1] = "%18s"
top_right = [("%-21s" % (" " + k), v) for k, v in top_right]
stubs = []
vals = []
for stub, val in top_right:
table.extend_right(SimpleTable(vals, stubs=stubs))
stubs = list(self._names)
header = ["coef"]
param_table_data = [[format_float_fixed(param, 10, 4)] for param in self.params]
mc = self.model.num_params
vc = self.model.volatility.num_params
dc = self.model.distribution.num_params
counts = (mc, vc, dc)
titles = ("Mean Model", "Volatility Model", "Distribution")
total = 0
for title, count in zip(titles, counts):
if count == 0:
table_data = param_table_data[total : total + count]
table_stubs = stubs[total : total + count]
total += count
table = SimpleTable(
extra_text = [
"Results generated with user-specified parameters.",
"Std. errors not available when the model is not estimated, ",
return smry
def model(self) -> ARCHModel:
Model instance used to produce the fit
return self._model
def loglikelihood(self) -> float:
"""Model loglikelihood"""
return self._loglikelihood
def aic(self) -> float:
"""Akaike Information Criteria
-2 * loglikelihood + 2 * num_params"""
return -2 * self.loglikelihood + 2 * self.num_params
def num_params(self) -> int:
"""Number of parameters in model"""
return len(self.params)
def bic(self) -> float:
Schwarz/Bayesian Information Criteria
-2 * loglikelihood + log(nobs) * num_params
return -2 * self.loglikelihood + np.log(self.nobs) * self.num_params
def params(self) -> pd.Series:
"""Model Parameters"""
return pd.Series(self._params, index=self._names, name="params")
def conditional_volatility(self) -> Union[Float64Array, pd.Series]:
Estimated conditional volatility
conditional_volatility : {ndarray, Series}
nobs element array containing the conditional volatility (square
root of conditional variance). The values are aligned with the
input data so that the value in the t-th position is the variance
of t-th error, which is computed using time-(t-1) information.
if self._is_pandas:
return pd.Series(self._volatility, name="cond_vol", index=self._index)
return self._volatility
def nobs(self) -> int:
Number of data points used to estimate model
return self._nobs
def resid(self) -> Union[Float64Array, pd.Series]:
Model residuals
if self._is_pandas:
return pd.Series(self._resid, name="resid", index=self._index)
return self._resid
def std_resid(self) -> Union[Float64Array, pd.Series]:
Residuals standardized by conditional volatility
std_res = self.resid / self.conditional_volatility
if isinstance(std_res, pd.Series):
std_res.name = "std_resid"
return std_res
def plot(
self, annualize: Optional[str] = None, scale: Optional[float] = None
) -> "Figure":
Plot standardized residuals and conditional volatility
annualize : str, optional
String containing frequency of data that indicates plot should
contain annualized volatility. Supported values are 'D' (daily),
'W' (weekly) and 'M' (monthly), which scale variance by 252, 52,
and 12, respectively.
scale : float, optional
Value to use when scaling returns to annualize. If scale is
provided, annualize is ignored and the value in scale is used.
fig : figure
Handle to the figure
>>> from arch import arch_model
>>> am = arch_model(None)
>>> sim_data = am.simulate([0.0, 0.01, 0.07, 0.92], 2520)
>>> am = arch_model(sim_data['data'])
>>> res = am.fit(update_freq=0, disp='off')
>>> fig = res.plot()
Produce a plot with annualized volatility
>>> fig = res.plot(annualize='D')
Override the usual scale of 252 to use 360 for an asset that trades
most days of the year
>>> fig = res.plot(scale=360)
from matplotlib.axes import Axes
from matplotlib.pyplot import figure
def _set_tight_x(axis: Axes, index: pd.Index) -> None:
axis.set_xlim(index[0], index[-1])
except ValueError:
fig = figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(2, 1, 1)
ax.plot(self._index.values, self.resid / self.conditional_volatility)
ax.set_title("Standardized Residuals")
_set_tight_x(ax, self._index)
ax = fig.add_subplot(2, 1, 2)
vol = self.conditional_volatility
title = "Annualized Conditional Volatility"
if scale is not None:
vol = vol * np.sqrt(scale)
elif annualize is not None:
scales = {"D": 252, "W": 52, "M": 12}
if annualize in scales:
vol = vol * np.sqrt(scales[annualize])
raise ValueError("annualize not recognized")
title = "Conditional Volatility"
ax.plot(self._index.values, vol)
_set_tight_x(ax, self._index)
return fig
def forecast(
params: Optional[ArrayLike1D] = None,
horizon: int = 1,
start: Union[int, DateLike, None] = None,
align: Literal["origin", "target"] = "origin",
method: ForecastingMethod = "analytic",
simulations: int = 1000,
rng: Optional[Callable[[Union[int, tuple[int, ...]]], Float64Array]] = None,
random_state: Optional[np.random.RandomState] = None,
reindex: bool = False,
x: Union[dict[Label, ArrayLike], ArrayLike, None] = None,
) -> "ARCHModelForecast":
Construct forecasts from estimated model
params : ndarray, optional
Alternative parameters to use. If not provided, the parameters
estimated when fitting the model are used. Must be identical in
shape to the parameters computed by fitting the model.
horizon : int, optional
Number of steps to forecast
start : {int, datetime, Timestamp, str}, optional
An integer, datetime or str indicating the first observation to
produce the forecast for. Datetimes can only be used with pandas
inputs that have a datetime index. Strings must be convertible
to a date time, such as in '1945-01-01'.
align : str, optional
Either 'origin' or 'target'. When set of 'origin', the t-th row
of forecasts contains the forecasts for t+1, t+2, ..., t+h. When
set to 'target', the t-th row contains the 1-step ahead forecast
from time t-1, the 2 step from time t-2, ..., and the h-step from
time t-h. 'target' simplified computing forecast errors since the
realization and h-step forecast are aligned.
method : {'analytic', 'simulation', 'bootstrap'}, optional
Method to use when producing the forecast. The default is analytic.
The method only affects the variance forecast generation. Not all
volatility models support all methods. In particular, volatility
models that do not evolve in squares such as EGARCH or TARCH do not
support the 'analytic' method for horizons > 1.
simulations : int, optional
Number of simulations to run when computing the forecast using
either simulation or bootstrap.
rng : callable, optional
Custom random number generator to use in simulation-based forecasts.
Must produce random samples using the syntax `rng(size)` where size
the 2-element tuple (simulations, horizon).
random_state : RandomState, optional
NumPy RandomState instance to use when method is 'bootstrap'
reindex : bool, optional
Whether to reindex the forecasts to have the same dimension as the series
being forecast.
.. versionchanged:: 6.2
The default has been changed to False.
x : {dict[label, array_like], array_like}
Values to use for exogenous regressors if any are included in the
model. Three formats are accepted:
* 2-d array-like: This format can be used when there is a single
exogenous variable. The input must have shape (nforecast, horizon)
or (nobs, horizon) where nforecast is the number of forecasting
periods and nobs is the original shape of y. For example, if a
single series of forecasts are made from the end of the sample
with a horizon of 10, then the input can be (1, 10). Alternatively,
if the original data had 1000 observations, then the input can be
(1000, 10), and only the final row is used to produce forecasts.
* A dictionary of 2-d array-like: This format is identical to the
previous except that the dictionary keys must match the names of
the exog variables. Requires that the exog variables were passed
as a pandas DataFrame.
* A 3-d NumPy array (or equivalent). In this format, each panel
(0th axis) is a 2-d array that must have shape (nforecast, horizon)
or (nobs,horizon). The array x[j] corresponds to the j-th column of
the exogenous variables.
Due to the complexity required to accommodate all scenarios, please
see the example notebook that demonstrates the valid formats for
.. versionadded:: 4.19
Container for forecasts. Key properties are ``mean``,
``variance`` and ``residual_variance``.
The most basic 1-step ahead forecast will return a vector with the same
length as the original data, where the t-th value will be the time-t
forecast for time t + 1. When the horizon is > 1, and when using the
default value for `align`, the forecast value in position [t, h] is the
time-t, h+1 step ahead forecast.
If model contains exogenous variables (`model.x is not None`), then
only 1-step ahead forecasts are available. Using horizon > 1 will
produce a warning and all columns, except the first, will be
If `align` is 'origin', forecast[t,h] contains the forecast made using
y[:t] (that is, up to but not including t) for horizon h + 1. For
example, y[100,2] contains the 3-step ahead forecast using the first
100 data points, which will correspond to the realization y[100 + 2].
If `align` is 'target', then the same forecast is in location
[102, 2], so that it is aligned with the observation to use when
evaluating, but still in the same column.
if params is None:
params = self._params
if (
params.size != np.array(self._params).size
or params.ndim != self._params.ndim
raise ValueError("params have incorrect dimensions")
if not isinstance(horizon, (int, np.integer)) or horizon < 1:
raise ValueError("horizon must be an integer >= 1.")
return self.model.forecast(
@deprecate_kwarg("type", "plot_type")
def hedgehog_plot(
params: Optional[ArrayLike1D] = None,
horizon: int = 10,
step: int = 10,
start: Union[int, DateLike, None] = None,
plot_type: Literal["volatility", "mean"] = "volatility",
method: ForecastingMethod = "analytic",
simulations: int = 1000,
) -> "Figure":
Plot forecasts from estimated model
params : {ndarray, Series}
Alternative parameters to use. If not provided, the parameters
computed by fitting the model are used. Must be 1-d and identical
in shape to the parameters computed by fitting the model.
horizon : int, optional
Number of steps to forecast
step : int, optional
Non-negative number of forecasts to skip between spines
start : int, datetime or str, optional
An integer, datetime or str indicating the first observation to
produce the forecast for. Datetimes can only be used with pandas
inputs that have a datetime index. Strings must be convertible
to a date time, such as in '1945-01-01'. If not provided, the start
is set to the earliest forecastable date.
plot_type : {'volatility', 'mean'}
Quantity to plot, the forecast volatility or the forecast mean
method : {'analytic', 'simulation', 'bootstrap'}
Method to use when producing the forecast. The default is analytic.
The method only affects the variance forecast generation. Not all
volatility models support all methods. In particular, volatility
models that do not evolve in squares such as EGARCH or TARCH do not
support the 'analytic' method for horizons > 1.
simulations : int
Number of simulations to run when computing the forecast using
either simulation or bootstrap.
fig : figure
Handle to the figure
>>> import pandas as pd
>>> from arch import arch_model
>>> am = arch_model(None,mean='HAR',lags=[1,5,22],vol='Constant')
>>> sim_data = am.simulate([0.1,0.4,0.3,0.2,1.0], 250)
>>> sim_data.index = pd.date_range('2000-01-01',periods=250)
>>> am = arch_model(sim_data['data'],mean='HAR',lags=[1,5,22], vol='Constant')
>>> res = am.fit()
>>> fig = res.hedgehog_plot(plot_type='mean')
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plot_mean = plot_type.lower() == "mean"
if start is None:
invalid_start = True
start = 0
while invalid_start:
forecasts = self.forecast(
invalid_start = False
except ValueError:
start += 1
forecasts = self.forecast(
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1)
use_date = isinstance(self._dep_var.index, pd.DatetimeIndex)
plot_fn = ax.plot_date if use_date else ax.plot
x_values = np.array(self._dep_var.index)
if plot_mean:
y_values = np.asarray(self._dep_var)
y_values = np.asarray(self.conditional_volatility)
plot_fn(x_values, y_values, linestyle="-", marker="")
first_obs = np.min(np.where(np.logical_not(np.isnan(forecasts.mean)))[0])
spines = []
t = forecasts.mean.shape[0]
for i in range(first_obs, t, step):
if i + horizon + 1 > x_values.shape[0]:
temp_x = x_values[i : i + horizon + 1]
if plot_mean:
spine_data = np.asarray(forecasts.mean.iloc[i], dtype=float)
spine_data = np.asarray(
np.sqrt(forecasts.variance.iloc[i]), dtype=float
temp_y = np.hstack([y_values[i], spine_data])
line = plot_fn(temp_x, temp_y, linewidth=3, linestyle="-", marker="")
color = spines[0][0].get_color()
for spine in spines[1:]:
plot_title = "Mean" if plot_mean else "Volatility"
ax.set_title(self._dep_name + " " + plot_title + " Forecast Hedgehog Plot")
return fig
def arch_lm_test(
self, lags: Optional[int] = None, standardized: bool = False
) -> WaldTestStatistic:
ARCH LM test for conditional heteroskedasticity
lags : int, optional
Number of lags to include in the model. If not specified,
standardized : bool, optional
Flag indicating to test the model residuals divided by their
conditional standard deviations. If False, directly tests the
estimated residuals.
result : WaldTestStatistic
Result of ARCH-LM test
resids = self.resid
if standardized:
resids = resids / np.asarray(self.conditional_volatility)
# GH 599: drop missing observations
resids = resids[~np.isnan(resids)]
nobs = resids.shape[0]
resid2 = resids**2
lags = (
int(np.ceil(12.0 * np.power(nobs / 100.0, 1 / 4.0)))
if lags is None
else lags
lags = max(min(resids.shape[0] // 2 - 1, lags), 1)
if resid2.shape[0] < 3:
raise ValueError("Test requires at least 3 non-nan observations")
lag, lead = lagmat(resid2, lags, "both", "sep", False)
lag = add_constant(lag)
res = OLS(lead, lag).fit()
stat = nobs * res.rsquared
test_type = "R" if not standardized else "Standardized r"
null = f"{test_type}esiduals are homoskedastic."
alt = f"{test_type}esiduals are conditionally heteroskedastic."
assert isinstance(lags, int)
return WaldTestStatistic(
stat, df=lags, null=null, alternative=alt, name="ARCH-LM Test"
class ARCHModelResult(ARCHModelFixedResult):
Results from estimation of an ARCHModel model
params : ndarray
Estimated parameters
param_cov : {ndarray, None}
Estimated variance-covariance matrix of params. If none, calls method
to compute variance from model when parameter covariance is first used
from result
r2 : float
Model R-squared
resid : ndarray
Residuals from model. Residuals have same shape as original data and
contain nan-values in locations not used in estimation
volatility : ndarray
Conditional volatility from model
cov_type : str
String describing the covariance estimator used
dep_var : Series
Dependent variable
names : list (str)
Model parameter names
loglikelihood : float
Loglikelihood at estimated parameters
is_pandas : bool
Whether the original input was pandas
optim_output : OptimizeResult
Result of log-likelihood optimization
fit_start : int
Integer index of the first observation used to fit the model
fit_stop : int
Integer index of the last observation used to fit the model using
slice notation `fit_start:fit_stop`
model : ARCHModel
The model object used to estimate the parameters
def __init__(
params: Float64Array,
param_cov: Optional[Float64Array],
r2: float,
resid: Float64Array,
volatility: Float64Array,
cov_type: str,
dep_var: pd.Series,
names: list[str],
loglikelihood: float,
is_pandas: bool,
optim_output: OptimizeResult,
fit_start: int,
fit_stop: int,
model: ARCHModel,
) -> None:
params, resid, volatility, dep_var, names, loglikelihood, is_pandas, model
self._fit_indices = (fit_start, fit_stop)
self._param_cov = param_cov
self._r2 = r2
self.cov_type: str = cov_type
self._optim_output = optim_output
def scale(self) -> float:
The scale applied to the original data before estimating the model.
If scale=1.0, the the data have not been rescaled. Otherwise, the
model parameters have been estimated on scale * y.
return self.model.scale
def conf_int(self, alpha: float = 0.05) -> pd.DataFrame:
Parameter confidence intervals
alpha : float, optional
Size (prob.) to use when constructing the confidence interval.
ci : DataFrame
Array where the ith row contains the confidence interval for the
ith parameter
cv = stats.norm.ppf(1.0 - alpha / 2.0)
se = self.std_err
params = self.params
return pd.DataFrame(
np.vstack((params - cv * se, params + cv * se)).T,
columns=["lower", "upper"],
def summary(self) -> Summary:
Constructs a summary of the results from a fit model.
summary : Summary instance
Object that contains tables and facilitated export to text, html or
# Summary layout
# 1. Overall information
# 2. Mean parameters
# 3. Volatility parameters
# 4. Distribution parameters
# 5. Notes
model = self.model
model_name = model.name + " - " + model.volatility.name
# Summary Header
top_left = [
("Dep. Variable:", self._dep_name),
("Mean Model:", model.name),
("Vol Model:", model.volatility.name),
("Distribution:", model.distribution.name),
("Method:", "Maximum Likelihood"),
("", ""),
("Date:", self._datetime.strftime("%a, %b %d %Y")),
("Time:", self._datetime.strftime("%H:%M:%S")),
top_right = [
("R-squared:", f"{self.rsquared:#8.3f}"),
("Adj. R-squared:", f"{self.rsquared_adj:#8.3f}"),
("Log-Likelihood:", f"{self.loglikelihood:#10.6g}"),
("AIC:", f"{self.aic:#10.6g}"),
("BIC:", f"{self.bic:#10.6g}"),
("No. Observations:", f"{self._nobs}"),
("Df Residuals:", f"{self.nobs - self.model.num_params}"),
("Df Model:", f"{self.model.num_params}"),
title = model_name + " Model Results"
stubs = []
vals = []
for stub, val in top_left:
table = SimpleTable(vals, txt_fmt=fmt_2cols, title=title, stubs=stubs)
# create summary table instance
smry = Summary()
# Top Table
# Parameter table
fmt = fmt_2cols
fmt["data_fmts"][1] = "%18s"
top_right = [("%-21s" % (" " + k), v) for k, v in top_right]
stubs = []
vals = []
for stub, val in top_right:
table.extend_right(SimpleTable(vals, stubs=stubs))
conf_int = np.asarray(self.conf_int())
conf_int_str = []
for c in conf_int:
+ format_float_fixed(c[0], 7, 3)
+ ","
+ format_float_fixed(c[1], 7, 3)
+ "]"
stubs = list(self._names)
header = ["coef", "std err", "t", "P>|t|", "95.0% Conf. Int."]
table_vals = (
# (0,0) is a dummy format
formats = [(10, 4), (9, 3), (9, 3), (9, 3), (0, 0)]
param_table_data = []
for pos in range(len(table_vals[0])):
row = []
for i, table_val in enumerate(table_vals):
val = table_val[pos]
if isinstance(val, (np.double, float)):
converted = format_float_fixed(val, *formats[i])
converted = val
mc = self.model.num_params
vc = self.model.volatility.num_params
dc = self.model.distribution.num_params
counts = (mc, vc, dc)
titles = ("Mean Model", "Volatility Model", "Distribution")
total = 0
for title, count in zip(titles, counts):
if count == 0:
table_data = param_table_data[total : total + count]
table_stubs = stubs[total : total + count]
total += count
table = SimpleTable(
extra_text = ["Covariance estimator: " + self.cov_type]
if self.convergence_flag:
string_message = self._optim_output.message
return smry
def param_cov(self) -> pd.DataFrame:
"""Parameter covariance"""
if self._param_cov is not None:
param_cov = self._param_cov
params = np.asarray(self.params)
if self.cov_type == "robust":
param_cov = self.model.compute_param_cov(params)
param_cov = self.model.compute_param_cov(params, robust=False)
return pd.DataFrame(param_cov, columns=self._names, index=self._names)
def rsquared(self) -> float:
return self._r2
def fit_start(self) -> int:
"""Start of sample used to estimate parameters"""
return self._fit_indices[0]
def fit_stop(self) -> int:
"""End of sample used to estimate parameters"""
return self._fit_indices[1]
def rsquared_adj(self) -> float:
Degree of freedom adjusted R-squared
return 1 - (
(1 - self.rsquared) * (self.nobs - 1) / (self.nobs - self.model.num_params)
def pvalues(self) -> pd.Series:
Array of p-values for the t-statistics
pvals = np.asarray(stats.norm.sf(np.abs(self.tvalues)) * 2, dtype=float)
return pd.Series(pvals, index=self._names, name="pvalues")
def std_err(self) -> pd.Series:
Array of parameter standard errors
se = np.asarray(np.sqrt(np.diag(self.param_cov)), dtype=float)
return pd.Series(se, index=self._names, name="std_err")
def tvalues(self) -> pd.Series:
Array of t-statistics testing the null that the coefficient are 0
tvalues = self.params / self.std_err
tvalues.name = "tvalues"
return tvalues
def convergence_flag(self) -> int:
scipy.optimize.minimize result flag
return self._optim_output.status
def optimization_result(self) -> OptimizeResult:
Information about the convergence of the loglikelihood optimization
optim_result : OptimizeResult
Result from numerical optimization of the log-likelihood.
return self._optim_output
def _align_forecast(
f: pd.DataFrame, align: Literal["origin", "target"]
) -> pd.DataFrame:
if align == "origin":
return f
elif align in ("target", "horizon"):
for i, col in enumerate(f):
f[col] = f[col].shift(i + 1)
return f
raise ValueError("Unknown alignment")
def _format_forecasts(
values: Float64Array, index: Union[list[Label], pd.Index], start_index: int
) -> pd.DataFrame:
horizon = values.shape[1]
format_str = "{0:>0" + str(int(np.ceil(np.log10(horizon + 0.5)))) + "}"
columns = ["h." + format_str.format(h + 1) for h in range(horizon)]
forecasts = pd.DataFrame(
values, index=index[start_index:], columns=columns, dtype="float"
return forecasts
class ARCHModelForecastSimulation:
Container for a simulation or bootstrap-based forecasts from an ARCH Model
def __init__(
index: Union[list[Label], pd.Index],
values: Optional[Float64Array],
residuals: Optional[Float64Array],
variances: Optional[Float64Array],
residual_variances: Optional[Float64Array],
) -> None:
self._index = pd.Index(index)
self._values = values
self._residuals = residuals
self._variances = variances
self._residual_variances = residual_variances
def index(self) -> pd.Index:
"""The index aligned to dimension 0 of the simulation paths"""
return self._index
def values(self) -> Optional[Float64Array]:
"""The values of the process"""
return self._values
def residuals(self) -> Optional[Float64Array]:
"""Simulated residuals used to produce the values"""
return self._residuals
def variances(self) -> Optional[Float64Array]:
"""Simulated variances of the values"""
return self._variances
def residual_variances(self) -> Optional[Float64Array]:
"""Simulated variance of the residuals"""
return self._residual_variances
def _reindex(
a: Optional[Float64Array], idx: Union[list[Label], pd.Index]
) -> Optional[Float64Array]:
if a is None:
return a
assert a is not None
actual = len(idx)
obs = a.shape[0]
if actual > obs:
addition = np.full((actual - obs,) + a.shape[1:], np.nan)
a = np.concatenate([addition, a])
return a
class ARCHModelForecast:
Container for forecasts from an ARCH Model
index : {list, ndarray}
mean : ndarray
variance : ndarray
residual_variance : ndarray
simulated_paths : ndarray, optional
simulated_variances : ndarray, optional
simulated_residual_variances : ndarray, optional
simulated_residuals : ndarray, optional
align : {'origin', 'target'}
def __init__(
index: Union[list[Label], pd.Index],
start_index: int,
mean: Float64Array,
variance: Float64Array,
residual_variance: Float64Array,
simulated_paths: Optional[Float64Array] = None,
simulated_variances: Optional[Float64Array] = None,
simulated_residual_variances: Optional[Float64Array] = None,
simulated_residuals: Optional[Float64Array] = None,
align: Literal["origin", "target"] = "origin",
reindex: bool = False,
) -> None:
mean_df = _format_forecasts(mean, index, start_index)
variance_df = _format_forecasts(variance, index, start_index)
residual_variance_df = _format_forecasts(residual_variance, index, start_index)
if reindex:
mean_df = mean_df.reindex(index)
variance_df = variance_df.reindex(index)
residual_variance_df = residual_variance_df.reindex(index)
self._mean = _align_forecast(mean_df, align=align)
self._variance = _align_forecast(variance_df, align=align)
self._residual_variance = _align_forecast(residual_variance_df, align=align)
if reindex:
sim_index = index
simulated_paths = _reindex(simulated_paths, index)
simulated_residuals = _reindex(simulated_residuals, index)
simulated_variances = _reindex(simulated_variances, index)
simulated_residual_variances = _reindex(simulated_residual_variances, index)
sim_index = index[start_index:]
self._sim = ARCHModelForecastSimulation(
def mean(self) -> pd.DataFrame:
"""Forecast values for the conditional mean of the process"""
return self._mean
def variance(self) -> pd.DataFrame:
"""Forecast values for the conditional variance of the process"""
return self._variance
def residual_variance(self) -> pd.DataFrame:
"""Forecast values for the conditional variance of the residuals"""
return self._residual_variance
def simulations(self) -> "ARCHModelForecastSimulation":
Detailed simulation results if using a simulation-based method
Container for simulation results
return self._sim