
classmethod IV3SLS.multivariate_iv(dependent: ndarray | DataArray | DataFrame | Series, exog: ndarray | DataArray | DataFrame | Series | None = None, endog: ndarray | DataArray | DataFrame | Series | None = None, instruments: ndarray | DataArray | DataFrame | Series | None = None) IV3SLS[source]

Interface for specification of multivariate IV models

dependent: ndarray | DataArray | DataFrame | Series

nobs by ndep array of dependent variables

exog: ndarray | DataArray | DataFrame | Series | None = None

nobs by nexog array of exogenous regressors common to all models

endog: ndarray | DataArray | DataFrame | Series | None = None

nobs by nendog array of endogenous regressors common to all models

instruments: ndarray | DataArray | DataFrame | Series | None = None

nobs by ninstr array of instruments to use in all equations


model – Model instance

Return type:



At least one of exog or endog must be provided.

Utility function to simplify the construction of multivariate IV models which all use the same regressors and instruments. Constructs the dictionary of equations from the variables using the common exogenous, endogenous and instrumental variables.