Source code for linearmodels.iv.model

Instrumental variable estimators

from __future__ import annotations

from typing import Any, TypeVar, Union, cast
import warnings

from numpy import (
    all as npall,
    any as npany,
from numpy.linalg import eigvalsh, inv, matrix_rank, pinv
import pandas
from pandas import DataFrame, Series, concat
from scipy.optimize import minimize

from linearmodels.iv._utility import IVFormulaParser
from linearmodels.iv.common import f_statistic, find_constant
from linearmodels.iv.covariance import (
from import IVData, IVDataLike
from linearmodels.iv.gmm import (
from linearmodels.iv.results import IVGMMResults, IVResults, OLSResults
from linearmodels.shared.exceptions import IndexWarning, missing_warning
from linearmodels.shared.hypotheses import InvalidTestStatistic, WaldTestStatistic
from linearmodels.shared.linalg import has_constant, inv_sqrth
from linearmodels.shared.utility import DataFrameWrapper, SeriesWrapper
import linearmodels.typing

IVResultType = type[Union[IVResults, IVGMMResults, OLSResults]]

__all__ = [

    "homoskedastic": HomoskedasticCovariance,
    "unadjusted": HomoskedasticCovariance,
    "HomoskedasticCovariance": HomoskedasticCovariance,
    "homo": HomoskedasticCovariance,
    "robust": HeteroskedasticCovariance,
    "heteroskedastic": HeteroskedasticCovariance,
    "HeteroskedasticCovariance": HeteroskedasticCovariance,
    "hccm": HeteroskedasticCovariance,
    "kernel": KernelCovariance,
    "KernelCovariance": KernelCovariance,
    "one-way": ClusteredCovariance,
    "clustered": ClusteredCovariance,
    "OneWayClusteredCovariance": ClusteredCovariance,

CovarianceEstimator = TypeVar(

    "unadjusted": HomoskedasticWeightMatrix,
    "homoskedastic": HomoskedasticWeightMatrix,
    "robust": HeteroskedasticWeightMatrix,
    "heteroskedastic": HeteroskedasticWeightMatrix,
    "kernel": KernelWeightMatrix,
    "clustered": OneWayClusteredWeightMatrix,
    "one-way": OneWayClusteredWeightMatrix,

class _IVModelBase:
    Limited information ML and k-class estimation of IV models

    dependent : array_like
        Endogenous variables (nobs by 1)
    exog : array_like
        Exogenous regressors  (nobs by nexog)
    endog : array_like
        Endogenous regressors (nobs by nendog)
    instruments : array_like
        Instrumental variables (nobs by ninstr)
    weights : array_like
        Observation weights used in estimation
    fuller : float
        Fuller's alpha to modify LIML estimator. Default returns unmodified
        LIML estimator.
    kappa : float
        Parameter value for k-class estimation.  If None, computed to
        produce LIML parameter estimate.

    ``kappa`` and ``fuller`` should not be used simultaneously since Fuller's
    alpha applies an adjustment to ``kappa``, and so the same result can be
    computed using only ``kappa``. Fuller's alpha is used to adjust the
    LIML estimate of :math:`\kappa`, which is computed whenever ``kappa``
    is not provided.

    The LIML estimator is defined as

    .. math::

      \hat{\beta}_{\kappa} & =(X(I-\kappa M_{z})X)^{-1}X(I-\kappa M_{z})Y\\
      M_{z} & =I-P_{z}\\
      P_{z} & =Z(Z'Z)^{-1}Z'

    where :math:`Z` contains both the exogenous regressors and the instruments.
    :math:`\kappa` is estimated as part of the LIML estimator.

    When using Fuller's :math:`\alpha`, the value used is modified to

    .. math::


    .. todo::

      * VCV: bootstrap

    See Also

    def __init__(
        dependent: IVDataLike,
        exog: IVDataLike | None,
        endog: IVDataLike | None,
        instruments: IVDataLike | None,
        weights: IVDataLike | None = None,
        fuller: linearmodels.typing.Numeric = 0,
        kappa: linearmodels.typing.OptionalNumeric = None,
        self.dependent = IVData(dependent, var_name="dependent")
        nobs: int = self.dependent.shape[0]
        self.exog = IVData(exog, var_name="exog", nobs=nobs)
        self.endog = IVData(endog, var_name="endog", nobs=nobs)
        self.instruments = IVData(instruments, var_name="instruments", nobs=nobs)
        self._original_index = self.dependent.pandas.index
        if weights is None:
            weights = ones(self.dependent.shape)
        weights = IVData(weights).ndarray
        if npany(weights <= 0):
            raise ValueError("weights must be strictly positive.")
        weights = weights / nanmean(weights)
        self.weights = IVData(weights, var_name="weights", nobs=nobs)

        self._drop_locs = self._drop_missing()
        # dependent variable
        w = sqrt(self.weights.ndarray)
        self._y = self.dependent.ndarray
        self._wy = self._y * w
        # model regressors
        self._x = c_[self.exog.ndarray, self.endog.ndarray]
        self._wx = self._x * w
        # first-stage regressors
        self._z = c_[self.exog.ndarray, self.instruments.ndarray]
        self._wz = self._z * w

        self._has_constant = False
        self._regressor_is_exog = array(
            [True] * self.exog.shape[1] + [False] * self.endog.shape[1]
        self._columns = self.exog.cols + self.endog.cols
        self._instr_columns = self.exog.cols + self.instruments.cols
        self._index = self.dependent.rows

        if not hasattr(self, "_method"):
            self._method = "IV-LIML"
            additional = []
            if fuller != 0:
            if kappa is not None:
            if additional:
                self._method += "(" + ", ".join(additional) + ")"

        self._kappa = kappa
        self._fuller = fuller
        if kappa is not None and not isscalar(kappa):
            raise ValueError("kappa must be None or a scalar")
        if not isscalar(fuller):
            raise ValueError("fuller must be None or a scalar")
        if kappa is not None and fuller != 0:
                "kappa and fuller should not normally be used "
                "simultaneously.  Identical results can be computed "
                "using kappa only",
        if endog is None and instruments is None:
            self._method = "OLS"
        self._formula = ""

    def predict(
        exog: IVDataLike | None = None,
        endog: IVDataLike | None = None,
        data: pandas.DataFrame | None = None,
        eval_env: int = 4,
    ) -> DataFrame:
        Predict values for additional data

        params : array_like
            Model parameters (nvar by 1)
        exog : array_like
            Exogenous regressors (nobs by nexog)
        endog : array_like
            Endogenous regressors (nobs by nendog)
        data : DataFrame
            Values to use when making predictions from a model constructed
            from a formula
        eval_env : int
            Depth of use when evaluating formulas.

            Fitted values from supplied data and parameters

        The number of parameters must satisfy nvar = nexog + nendog.

        When using `exog` and `endog`, regressor matrix is constructed as
        `[exog, endog]` and so parameters must be aligned to this structure.
        The the the same structure used in model estimation.

        If `data` is not none, then `exog` and `endog` must be none.
        Predictions from models constructed using formulas can
        be computed using either `exog` and `endog`, which will treat these are
        arrays of values corresponding to the formula-processed data, or using
        `data` which will be processed using the formula used to construct the
        values corresponding to the original model specification.
        if data is not None and not self.formula:
            raise ValueError(
                "Unable to use data when the model was not " "created using a formula."
        if data is not None and (exog is not None or endog is not None):
            raise ValueError(
                "Predictions can only be constructed using one "
                "of exog/endog or data, but not both."
        if exog is not None or endog is not None:
            exog = IVData(exog).pandas
            endog = IVData(endog).pandas
        elif data is not None:
            parser = IVFormulaParser(self.formula, data, eval_env=eval_env)
            exog = parser.exog
            endog = parser.endog
            raise ValueError("exog and endog or data must be provided.")
        assert exog is not None
        assert endog is not None
        if exog.shape[0] != endog.shape[0]:
            raise ValueError("exog and endog must have the same number of rows.")
        if (exog.index != endog.index).any():
                "The indices of exog and endog do not match.  Predictions created "
                "using the index of exog.",
        exog_endog = concat([exog, endog], axis=1)
        x = asarray(exog_endog)
        params = atleast_2d(asarray(params))
        if params.shape[0] == 1:
            params = params.T
        pred = DataFrame(x @ params, index=exog_endog.index, columns=["predictions"])

        return pred

    def formula(self) -> str:
        """Formula used to create the model"""
        return self._formula

    def formula(self, value: str) -> None:
        """Formula used to create the model"""
        self._formula = value

    def _validate_inputs(self) -> None:
        x, z = self._x, self._z
        if x.shape[1] == 0:
            raise ValueError("Model must contain at least one regressor.")
        if self.instruments.shape[1] < self.endog.shape[1]:
            raise ValueError(
                "The number of instruments ({}) must be at least "
                "as large as the number of endogenous regressors"
                " ({}).".format(self.instruments.shape[1], self.endog.shape[1])
        if matrix_rank(x) < x.shape[1]:
            raise ValueError("regressors [exog endog] do not have full " "column rank")
        if matrix_rank(z) < z.shape[1]:
            raise ValueError(
                "instruments [exog instruments]  do not have " "full column rank"
        self._has_constant, self._const_loc = has_constant(x)

    def _drop_missing(self) ->
        data = (self.dependent, self.exog, self.endog, self.instruments, self.weights)
        missing = cast(
            npany(column_stack([dh.isnull for dh in data]), axis=1),
        if npany(missing):
            if npall(missing):
                raise ValueError(
                    "All observations contain missing data. "
                    "Model cannot be estimated."

        missing_warning(missing, stacklevel=4)
        return missing

    def wresids(
        self, params:
    ) ->
        Compute weighted model residuals

        params : ndarray
            Model parameters (nvar by 1)

            Weighted model residuals

        Uses weighted versions of data instead of raw data.  Identical to
        resids if all weights are unity.
        return self._wy - self._wx @ params

    def resids(
        self, params:
    ) ->
        Compute model residuals

        params : ndarray
            Model parameters (nvar by 1)

            Model residuals
        return self._y - self._x @ params

    def has_constant(self) -> bool:
        """Flag indicating the model includes a constant or equivalent"""
        return self._has_constant

    def isnull(self) ->
        """Locations of observations with missing values"""
        return self._drop_locs

    def notnull(self) ->
        """Locations of observations included in estimation"""
        return cast(, logical_not(self._drop_locs))

    def _f_statistic(
        debiased: bool,
    ) -> WaldTestStatistic | InvalidTestStatistic:
        const_loc = find_constant(self._x)
        nobs, nvar = self._x.shape
        return f_statistic(params, cov, debiased, nobs - nvar, const_loc)

    def _post_estimation(
        cov_estimator: CovarianceEstimator,
        cov_type: str,
    ) -> dict[str, Any]:
        columns = self._columns
        index = self._index
        eps = self.resids(params)
        y = self.dependent.pandas
        fitted = DataFrameWrapper(
            asarray(y) - eps, index=y.index, columns=["fitted_values"]
        weps = self.wresids(params)
        cov = cov_estimator.cov
        debiased = cov_estimator.debiased

        residual_ss = squeeze(weps.T @ weps)

        w = self.weights.ndarray
        e = self._wy
        if self.has_constant:
            e = e - sqrt(self.weights.ndarray) * average(self._y, weights=w)

        total_ss = float(squeeze(e.T @ e))
        r2 = 1 - residual_ss / total_ss

        fstat = self._f_statistic(params, cov, debiased)
        out = {
            "params": Series(params.squeeze(), columns, name="parameter"),
            "eps": SeriesWrapper(eps.squeeze(), index=index, name="residual"),
            "weps": SeriesWrapper(
                weps.squeeze(), index=index, name="weighted residual"
            "cov": DataFrame(cov, columns=columns, index=columns),
            "s2": float(squeeze(cov_estimator.s2)),
            "debiased": debiased,
            "residual_ss": float(residual_ss),
            "total_ss": float(total_ss),
            "r2": float(squeeze(r2)),
            "fstat": fstat,
            "vars": columns,
            "instruments": self._instr_columns,
            "cov_config": cov_estimator.config,
            "cov_type": cov_type,
            "method": self._method,
            "cov_estimator": cov_estimator,
            "fitted": fitted,
            "original_index": self._original_index,

        return out

class _IVLSModelBase(_IVModelBase):
    Limited information ML and k-class estimation of IV models

    dependent : array_like
        Endogenous variables (nobs by 1)
    exog : array_like
        Exogenous regressors  (nobs by nexog)
    endog : array_like
        Endogenous regressors (nobs by nendog)
    instruments : array_like
        Instrumental variables (nobs by ninstr)
    weights : array_like
        Observation weights used in estimation
    fuller : float
        Fuller's alpha to modify LIML estimator. Default returns unmodified
        LIML estimator.
    kappa : float
        Parameter value for k-class estimation.  If None, computed to
        produce LIML parameter estimate.

    ``kappa`` and ``fuller`` should not be used simultaneously since Fuller's
    alpha applies an adjustment to ``kappa``, and so the same result can be
    computed using only ``kappa``. Fuller's alpha is used to adjust the
    LIML estimate of :math:`\kappa`, which is computed whenever ``kappa``
    is not provided.

    The LIML estimator is defined as

    .. math::

      \hat{\beta}_{\kappa} & =(X(I-\kappa M_{z})X)^{-1}X(I-\kappa M_{z})Y\\
      M_{z} & =I-P_{z}\\
      P_{z} & =Z(Z'Z)^{-1}Z'

    where :math:`Z` contains both the exogenous regressors and the instruments.
    :math:`\kappa` is estimated as part of the LIML estimator.

    When using Fuller's :math:`\alpha`, the value used is modified to

    .. math::


    .. todo::

      * VCV: bootstrap

    See Also

    def __init__(
        dependent: IVDataLike,
        exog: IVDataLike | None,
        endog: IVDataLike | None,
        instruments: IVDataLike | None,
        weights: IVDataLike | None = None,
        fuller: linearmodels.typing.Numeric = 0,
        kappa: linearmodels.typing.OptionalNumeric = None,

    def estimate_parameters(
        kappa: linearmodels.typing.Numeric,
    ) ->
        Parameter estimation without error checking

        x : ndarray
            Regressor matrix (nobs by nvar)
        y : ndarray
            Regressand matrix (nobs by 1)
        z : ndarray
            Instrument matrix (nobs by ninstr)
        kappa : scalar
            Parameter value for k-class estimator

            Estimated parameters (nvar by 1)

        Exposed as a static method to facilitate estimation with other data,
        e.g., bootstrapped samples.  Performs no error checking.
        pinvz = pinv(z)
        p1 = (x.T @ x) * (1 - kappa) + kappa * ((x.T @ z) @ (pinvz @ x))
        p2 = (x.T @ y) * (1 - kappa) + kappa * ((x.T @ z) @ (pinvz @ y))
        return inv(p1) @ p2

    def _estimate_kappa(self) -> float:
        y, x, z = self._wy, self._wx, self._wz
        is_exog = self._regressor_is_exog
        e = c_[y, x[:, ~is_exog]]
        x1 = x[:, is_exog]

        ez = e - z @ (pinv(z) @ e)
        if x1.shape[1] == 0:  # No exogenous regressors
            ex1 = e
            ex1 = e - x1 @ (pinv(x1) @ e)

        vpmzv_sqinv = inv_sqrth(ez.T @ ez)
        q = vpmzv_sqinv @ (ex1.T @ ex1) @ vpmzv_sqinv
        return min(eigvalsh(q))

    def fit(
        self, *, cov_type: str = "robust", debiased: bool = False, **cov_config: Any
    ) -> OLSResults | IVResults:
        Estimate model parameters

        cov_type : str
            Name of covariance estimator to use. Supported covariance
            estimators are:

            * "unadjusted", "homoskedastic" - Classic homoskedastic inference
            * "robust", "heteroskedastic" - Heteroskedasticity robust inference
            * "kernel" - Heteroskedasticity and autocorrelation robust
            * "cluster" - One-way cluster dependent inference.
              Heteroskedasticity robust

        debiased : bool
            Flag indicating whether to debiased the covariance estimator using
            a degree of freedom adjustment.
            Additional parameters to pass to covariance estimator. The list
            of optional parameters differ according to ``cov_type``. See
            the documentation of the alternative covariance estimators for
            the complete list of available commands.

            Results container

        Additional covariance parameters depend on specific covariance used.
        The see the docstring of specific covariance estimator for a list of
        supported options. Defaults are used if no covariance configuration
        is provided.

        See also
        wy, wx, wz = self._wy, self._wx, self._wz
        kappa = self._kappa

            liml_kappa: float = self._estimate_kappa()
        except Exception as exc:
            liml_kappa = nan
            if kappa is None:
                raise ValueError(
                    "Unable to estimate kappa. This is most likely occurs if the "
                    f"instrument matrix is rank deficient. The error raised when "
                    f"computing kappa was:\n\n{exc}"
        if kappa is not None:
            est_kappa = kappa
            est_kappa = liml_kappa

        if self._fuller != 0:
            nobs, ninstr = wz.shape
            est_kappa -= self._fuller / (nobs - ninstr)

        params = self.estimate_parameters(wx, wy, wz, est_kappa)

        cov_estimator = COVARIANCE_ESTIMATORS[cov_type]
        cov_config["debiased"] = debiased
        cov_config["kappa"] = est_kappa
        cov_config_copy = {k: v for k, v in cov_config.items()}
        if "center" in cov_config_copy:
            del cov_config_copy["center"]
        cov_estimator_inst = cov_estimator(wx, wy, wz, params, **cov_config_copy)

        results = {"kappa": est_kappa, "liml_kappa": liml_kappa}
        pe = self._post_estimation(params, cov_estimator_inst, cov_type)

        if self.endog.shape[1] == 0 and self.instruments.shape[1] == 0:
            return OLSResults(results, self)
            return IVResults(results, self)

[docs] class IVLIML(_IVLSModelBase): r""" Limited information ML and k-class estimation of IV models Parameters ---------- dependent : array_like Endogenous variables (nobs by 1) exog : array_like Exogenous regressors (nobs by nexog) endog : array_like Endogenous regressors (nobs by nendog) instruments : array_like Instrumental variables (nobs by ninstr) weights : array_like Observation weights used in estimation fuller : float Fuller's alpha to modify LIML estimator. Default returns unmodified LIML estimator. kappa : float Parameter value for k-class estimation. If None, computed to produce LIML parameter estimate. Notes ----- ``kappa`` and ``fuller`` should not be used simultaneously since Fuller's alpha applies an adjustment to ``kappa``, and so the same result can be computed using only ``kappa``. Fuller's alpha is used to adjust the LIML estimate of :math:`\kappa`, which is computed whenever ``kappa`` is not provided. The LIML estimator is defined as .. math:: \hat{\beta}_{\kappa} & =(X(I-\kappa M_{z})X)^{-1}X(I-\kappa M_{z})Y\\ M_{z} & =I-P_{z}\\ P_{z} & =Z(Z'Z)^{-1}Z' where :math:`Z` contains both the exogenous regressors and the instruments. :math:`\kappa` is estimated as part of the LIML estimator. When using Fuller's :math:`\alpha`, the value used is modified to .. math:: \kappa-\alpha/(n-n_{instr}) .. todo:: * VCV: bootstrap See Also -------- IV2SLS, IVGMM, IVGMMCUE """ def __init__( self, dependent: IVDataLike, exog: IVDataLike | None, endog: IVDataLike | None, instruments: IVDataLike | None, *, weights: IVDataLike | None = None, fuller: linearmodels.typing.Numeric = 0, kappa: linearmodels.typing.OptionalNumeric = None, ): super().__init__( dependent, exog, endog, instruments, weights=weights, fuller=fuller, kappa=kappa, )
[docs] @staticmethod def from_formula( formula: str, data: pandas.DataFrame, *, weights: IVDataLike | None = None, fuller: float = 0, kappa: linearmodels.typing.OptionalNumeric = None, ) -> IVLIML: """ Parameters ---------- formula : str Formula modified for the IV syntax described in the notes section data : DataFrame DataFrame containing the variables used in the formula weights : array_like Observation weights used in estimation fuller : float Fuller's alpha to modify LIML estimator. Default returns unmodified LIML estimator. kappa : float Parameter value for k-class estimation. If not provided, computed to produce LIML parameter estimate. Returns ------- IVLIML Model instance Notes ----- The IV formula modifies the standard formula syntax to include a block of the form [endog ~ instruments] which is used to indicate the list of endogenous variables and instruments. The general structure is `dependent ~ exog [endog ~ instruments]` and it must be the case that the formula expressions constructed from blocks `dependent ~ exog endog` and `dependent ~ exog instruments` are both valid formulas. A constant must be explicitly included using '1 +' if required. Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> from linearmodels.datasets import wage >>> from linearmodels.iv import IVLIML >>> data = wage.load() >>> formula = "np.log(wage) ~ 1 + exper + exper ** 2 + brthord + [educ ~ sibs]" >>> mod = IVLIML.from_formula(formula, data) """ parser = IVFormulaParser(formula, data) dep, exog, endog, instr = mod: IVLIML = IVLIML( dep, exog, endog, instr, weights=weights, fuller=fuller, kappa=kappa ) mod.formula = formula return mod
[docs] class IV2SLS(_IVLSModelBase): r""" Estimation of IV models using two-stage least squares Parameters ---------- dependent : array_like Endogenous variables (nobs by 1) exog : array_like Exogenous regressors (nobs by nexog) endog : array_like Endogenous regressors (nobs by nendog) instruments : array_like Instrumental variables (nobs by ninstr) weights : array_like Observation weights used in estimation Notes ----- The 2SLS estimator is defined .. math:: \hat{\beta}_{2SLS} & =(X'Z(Z'Z)^{-1}Z'X)^{-1}X'Z(Z'Z)^{-1}Z'Y\\ & =(\hat{X}'\hat{X})^{-1}\hat{X}'Y\\ \hat{X} & =Z(Z'Z)^{-1}Z'X The 2SLS estimator is a special case of a k-class estimator with :math:`\kappa=1`, .. todo:: * VCV: bootstrap See Also -------- IVLIML, IVGMM, IVGMMCUE """ def __init__( self, dependent: IVDataLike, exog: IVDataLike | None, endog: IVDataLike | None, instruments: IVDataLike | None, *, weights: IVDataLike | None = None, ): self._method = "IV-2SLS" super().__init__( dependent, exog, endog, instruments, weights=weights, fuller=0, kappa=1 )
[docs] @staticmethod def from_formula( formula: str, data: pandas.DataFrame, *, weights: IVDataLike | None = None ) -> IV2SLS: """ Parameters ---------- formula : str Formula modified for the IV syntax described in the notes section data : DataFrame DataFrame containing the variables used in the formula weights : array_like Observation weights used in estimation Returns ------- IV2SLS Model instance Notes ----- The IV formula modifies the standard formula syntax to include a block of the form [endog ~ instruments] which is used to indicate the list of endogenous variables and instruments. The general structure is `dependent ~ exog [endog ~ instruments]` and it must be the case that the formula expressions constructed from blocks `dependent ~ exog endog` and `dependent ~ exog instruments` are both valid formulas. A constant must be explicitly included using "1 +" if required. Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> from linearmodels.datasets import wage >>> from linearmodels.iv import IV2SLS >>> data = wage.load() >>> formula = 'np.log(wage) ~ 1 + exper + exper ** 2 + brthord + [educ ~ sibs]' >>> mod = IV2SLS.from_formula(formula, data) """ parser = IVFormulaParser(formula, data) dep, exog, endog, instr = mod = IV2SLS(dep, exog, endog, instr, weights=weights) mod.formula = formula return mod
class _IVGMMBase(_IVModelBase): r""" Estimation of IV models using the generalized method of moments (GMM) Parameters ---------- dependent : array_like Endogenous variables (nobs by 1) exog : array_like Exogenous regressors (nobs by nexog) endog : array_like Endogenous regressors (nobs by nendog) instruments : array_like Instrumental variables (nobs by ninstr) weights : array_like Observation weights used in estimation weight_type : str Name of moment condition weight function to use in the GMM estimation **weight_config Additional keyword arguments to pass to the moment condition weight function Notes ----- Available GMM weight functions are: * "unadjusted", "homoskedastic" - Assumes moment conditions are homoskedastic * "robust", "heteroskedastic" - Allows for heteroskedasticity by not autocorrelation * "kernel" - Allows for heteroskedasticity and autocorrelation * "cluster" - Allows for one-way cluster dependence The estimator is defined as .. math:: \hat{\beta}_{gmm}=(X'ZW^{-1}Z'X)^{-1}X'ZW^{-1}Z'Y where :math:`W` is a positive definite weight matrix and :math:`Z` contains both the exogenous regressors and the instruments. .. todo:: * VCV: bootstrap See Also -------- IV2SLS, IVLIML, IVGMMCUE """ def __init__( self, dependent: IVDataLike, exog: IVDataLike | None, endog: IVDataLike | None, instruments: IVDataLike | None, *, weights: IVDataLike | None = None, weight_type: str = "robust", **weight_config: Any, ): super().__init__(dependent, exog, endog, instruments, weights=weights) self._method = "IV-GMM" weight_matrix_estimator = WEIGHT_MATRICES[weight_type] self._weight = weight_matrix_estimator(**weight_config) self._weight_type = weight_type self._weight_config = self._weight.config def _gmm_post_estimation( self, params:, weight_mat:, iters: int, ) -> dict[str, Any]: """GMM-specific post-estimation results""" instr = self._instr_columns gmm_specific = { "weight_mat": DataFrame(weight_mat, columns=instr, index=instr), "weight_type": self._weight_type, "weight_config": self._weight_type, "iterations": iters, "j_stat": self._j_statistic(params, weight_mat), } return gmm_specific def _j_statistic( self, params:, weight_mat:, ) -> WaldTestStatistic: """J stat and test""" y, x, z = self._wy, self._wx, self._wz nobs, nvar, ninstr = y.shape[0], x.shape[1], z.shape[1] eps = y - x @ params g_bar = (z * eps).mean(0) stat = float(nobs * g_bar.T @ weight_mat @ g_bar.T) null = "Expected moment conditions are equal to 0" return WaldTestStatistic(stat, null, ninstr - nvar)
[docs] class IVGMM(_IVGMMBase): r""" Estimation of IV models using the generalized method of moments (GMM) Parameters ---------- dependent : array_like Endogenous variables (nobs by 1) exog : array_like Exogenous regressors (nobs by nexog) endog : array_like Endogenous regressors (nobs by nendog) instruments : array_like Instrumental variables (nobs by ninstr) weights : array_like Observation weights used in estimation weight_type : str Name of moment condition weight function to use in the GMM estimation **weight_config Additional keyword arguments to pass to the moment condition weight function Notes ----- Available GMM weight functions are: * "unadjusted", "homoskedastic" - Assumes moment conditions are homoskedastic * "robust", "heteroskedastic" - Allows for heteroskedasticity by not autocorrelation * "kernel" - Allows for heteroskedasticity and autocorrelation * "cluster" - Allows for one-way cluster dependence The estimator is defined as .. math:: \hat{\beta}_{gmm}=(X'ZW^{-1}Z'X)^{-1}X'ZW^{-1}Z'Y where :math:`W` is a positive definite weight matrix and :math:`Z` contains both the exogenous regressors and the instruments. .. todo:: * VCV: bootstrap See Also -------- IV2SLS, IVLIML, IVGMMCUE """ def __init__( self, dependent: IVDataLike, exog: IVDataLike | None, endog: IVDataLike | None, instruments: IVDataLike | None, *, weights: IVDataLike | None = None, weight_type: str = "robust", **weight_config: Any, ): super().__init__(dependent, exog, endog, instruments, weights=weights) self._method = "IV-GMM" weight_matrix_estimator = WEIGHT_MATRICES[weight_type] self._weight = weight_matrix_estimator(**weight_config) self._weight_type = weight_type self._weight_config = self._weight.config
[docs] @staticmethod def from_formula( formula: str, data: pandas.DataFrame, *, weights: IVDataLike | None = None, weight_type: str = "robust", **weight_config: Any, ) -> IVGMM: """ Parameters ---------- formula : str Formula modified for the IV syntax described in the notes section data : DataFrame DataFrame containing the variables used in the formula weights : array_like Observation weights used in estimation weight_type : str Name of moment condition weight function to use in the GMM estimation **weight_config Additional keyword arguments to pass to the moment condition weight function Notes ----- The IV formula modifies the standard formula syntax to include a block of the form [endog ~ instruments] which is used to indicate the list of endogenous variables and instruments. The general structure is `dependent ~ exog [endog ~ instruments]` and it must be the case that the formula expressions constructed from blocks `dependent ~ exog endog` and `dependent ~ exog instruments` are both valid formulas. A constant must be explicitly included using "1 +" if required. Returns ------- IVGMM Model instance Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> from linearmodels.datasets import wage >>> from linearmodels.iv import IVGMM >>> data = wage.load() >>> formula = "np.log(wage) ~ 1 + exper + exper ** 2 + brthord + [educ ~ sibs]" >>> mod = IVGMM.from_formula(formula, data) """ mod = _gmm_model_from_formula( IVGMM, formula, data, weights, weight_type, **weight_config ) assert isinstance(mod, IVGMM) return mod
[docs] @staticmethod def estimate_parameters( x:, y:, z:, w:, ) -> """ Parameters ---------- x : ndarray Regressor matrix (nobs by nvar) y : ndarray Regressand matrix (nobs by 1) z : ndarray Instrument matrix (nobs by ninstr) w : ndarray GMM weight matrix (ninstr by ninstr) Returns ------- ndarray Estimated parameters (nvar by 1) Notes ----- Exposed as a static method to facilitate estimation with other data, e.g., bootstrapped samples. Performs no error checking. """ xpz = x.T @ z zpy = z.T @ y return inv(xpz @ w @ xpz.T) @ (xpz @ w @ zpy)
[docs] def fit( self, *, iter_limit: int = 2, tol: float = 1e-4, initial_weight: | None = None, cov_type: str = "robust", debiased: bool = False, **cov_config: Any, ) -> OLSResults | IVGMMResults: """ Estimate model parameters Parameters ---------- iter_limit : int Maximum number of iterations. Default is 2, which produces two-step efficient GMM estimates. Larger values can be used to iterate between parameter estimation and optimal weight matrix estimation until convergence. tol : float Convergence criteria. Measured as covariance normalized change in parameters across iterations where the covariance estimator is based on the first step parameter estimates. initial_weight : numpy.ndarray Initial weighting matrix to use in the first step. If not specified, uses the average outer-product of the set containing the exogenous variables and instruments. cov_type : str Name of covariance estimator to use. Available covariance functions are: * "unadjusted", "homoskedastic" - Assumes moment conditions are homoskedastic * "robust", "heteroskedastic" - Allows for heteroskedasticity but not autocorrelation * "kernel" - Allows for heteroskedasticity and autocorrelation * "cluster" - Allows for one-way cluster dependence debiased : bool Flag indicating whether to debiased the covariance estimator using a degree of freedom adjustment. **cov_config Additional parameters to pass to covariance estimator. Supported parameters depend on specific covariance structure assumed. See :class:`linearmodels.iv.gmm.IVGMMCovariance` for details on the available options. Defaults are used if no covariance configuration is provided. Returns ------- IVGMMResults Results container See also -------- linearmodels.iv.gmm.IVGMMCovariance """ wy, wx, wz = self._wy, self._wx, self._wz nobs = wy.shape[0] weight_matrix = self._weight.weight_matrix k_wz = wz.shape[1] if initial_weight is not None: initial_weight = asarray(initial_weight) if initial_weight.ndim != 2 or initial_weight.shape != (k_wz, k_wz): raise ValueError(f"initial_weight must be a {k_wz} by {k_wz} array") wmat = inv(wz.T @ wz / nobs) if initial_weight is None else initial_weight _params = params = self.estimate_parameters(wx, wy, wz, wmat) iters, norm = 1, 10 * tol + 1 vinv = eye(params.shape[0]) while iters < iter_limit and norm > tol: eps = wy - wx @ params wmat = inv(weight_matrix(wx, wz, eps)) params = self.estimate_parameters(wx, wy, wz, wmat) delta = params - _params if iters == 1: xpz = wx.T @ wz / nobs v = (xpz @ wmat @ xpz.T) / nobs vinv = inv(v) _params = params norm = float(squeeze(delta.T @ vinv @ delta)) iters += 1 cov_config["debiased"] = debiased cov_estimator = IVGMMCovariance( wx, wy, wz, params, wmat, cov_type, **cov_config ) results = self._post_estimation(params, cov_estimator, cov_type) gmm_pe = self._gmm_post_estimation(params, wmat, iters) results.update(gmm_pe) return IVGMMResults(results, self)
def _gmm_post_estimation( self, params:, weight_mat:, iters: int, ) -> dict[str, Any]: """GMM-specific post-estimation results""" instr = self._instr_columns gmm_specific = { "weight_mat": DataFrame(weight_mat, columns=instr, index=instr), "weight_type": self._weight_type, "weight_config": self._weight_type, "iterations": iters, "j_stat": self._j_statistic(params, weight_mat), } return gmm_specific
[docs] class IVGMMCUE(_IVGMMBase): r""" Estimation of IV models using continuously updating GMM Parameters ---------- dependent : array_like Endogenous variables (nobs by 1) exog : array_like Exogenous regressors (nobs by nexog) endog : array_like Endogenous regressors (nobs by nendog) instruments : array_like Instrumental variables (nobs by ninstr) weights : array_like Observation weights used in estimation weight_type : str Name of moment condition weight function to use in the GMM estimation **weight_config Additional keyword arguments to pass to the moment condition weight function Notes ----- Available weight functions are: * "unadjusted", "homoskedastic" - Assumes moment conditions are homoskedastic * "robust", "heteroskedastic" - Allows for heteroskedasticity by not autocorrelation * "kernel" - Allows for heteroskedasticity and autocorrelation * "cluster" - Allows for one-way cluster dependence In most circumstances, the ``center`` weight option should be ``True`` to avoid starting value dependence. .. math:: \hat{\beta}_{cue} & =\min_{\beta}\bar{g}(\beta)'W(\beta)^{-1}g(\beta)\\ g(\beta) & =n^{-1}\sum_{i=1}^{n}z_{i}(y_{i}-x_{i}\beta) where :math:`W(\beta)` is a weight matrix that depends on :math:`\beta` through :math:`\epsilon_i = y_i - x_i\beta`. See Also -------- IV2SLS, IVLIML, IVGMM """ def __init__( self, dependent: IVDataLike, exog: IVDataLike | None, endog: IVDataLike | None, instruments: IVDataLike | None, *, weights: IVDataLike | None = None, weight_type: str = "robust", **weight_config: Any, ) -> None: self._method = "IV-GMM-CUE" super().__init__( dependent, exog, endog, instruments, weights=weights, weight_type=weight_type, **weight_config, ) if "center" not in weight_config: weight_config["center"] = True
[docs] @staticmethod def from_formula( formula: str, data: pandas.DataFrame, *, weights: IVDataLike | None = None, weight_type: str = "robust", **weight_config: Any, ) -> IVGMMCUE: """ Parameters ---------- formula : str Formula modified for the IV syntax described in the notes section data : DataFrame DataFrame containing the variables used in the formula weights : array_like Observation weights used in estimation weight_type : str Name of moment condition weight function to use in the GMM estimation **weight_config Additional keyword arguments to pass to the moment condition weight function Returns ------- IVGMMCUE Model instance Notes ----- The IV formula modifies the standard formula syntax to include a block of the form [endog ~ instruments] which is used to indicate the list of endogenous variables and instruments. The general structure is `dependent ~ exog [endog ~ instruments]` and it must be the case that the formula expressions constructed from blocks `dependent ~ exog endog` and `dependent ~ exog instruments` are both valid formulas. A constant must be explicitly included using "1 +" if required. Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> from linearmodels.datasets import wage >>> from linearmodels.iv import IVGMMCUE >>> data = wage.load() >>> formula = "np.log(wage) ~ 1 + exper + exper ** 2 + brthord + [educ ~ sibs]" >>> mod = IVGMMCUE.from_formula(formula, data) """ mod = _gmm_model_from_formula( IVGMMCUE, formula, data, weights, weight_type, **weight_config ) assert isinstance(mod, IVGMMCUE) return mod
[docs] def j( self, params:, x:, y:, z:, ) -> float: r""" Optimization target Parameters ---------- params : ndarray Parameter vector (nvar) x : ndarray Regressor matrix (nobs by nvar) y : ndarray Regressand matrix (nobs by 1) z : ndarray Instrument matrix (nobs by ninstr) Returns ------- float GMM objective function, also known as the J statistic Notes ----- The GMM objective function is defined as .. math:: J(\beta) = \bar{g}(\beta)'W(\beta)^{-1}\bar{g}(\beta) where :math:`\bar{g}(\beta)` is the average of the moment conditions, :math:`z_i \hat{\epsilon}_i`, where :math:`\hat{\epsilon}_i = y_i - x_i\beta`. The weighting matrix is some estimator of the long-run variance of the moment conditions. Unlike tradition GMM, the weighting matrix is simultaneously computed with the moment conditions, and so has explicit dependence on :math:`\beta`. """ nobs = y.shape[0] weight_matrix = self._weight.weight_matrix eps = y - x @ params[:, None] w = inv(weight_matrix(x, z, eps)) g_bar = (z * eps).mean(0) return nobs * float(g_bar.T @ w @ g_bar.T)
[docs] def estimate_parameters( self, starting:, x:, y:, z:, display: bool = False, opt_options: dict[str, Any] | None = None, ) -> tuple[, int]: r""" Parameters ---------- starting : ndarray Starting values for the optimization x : ndarray Regressor matrix (nobs by nvar) y : ndarray Regressand matrix (nobs by 1) z : ndarray Instrument matrix (nobs by ninstr) display : bool Flag indicating whether to display iterative optimizer output opt_options : dict Dictionary containing additional keyword arguments to pass to scipy.optimize.minimize. Returns ------- ndarray Estimated parameters (nvar by 1) Notes ----- Exposed to facilitate estimation with other data, e.g., bootstrapped samples. Performs no error checking. See Also -------- scipy.optimize.minimize """ args = (x, y, z) if opt_options is None: opt_options = {} assert opt_options is not None options = {"disp": display} if "options" in opt_options: opt_options = opt_options.copy() options.update(opt_options.pop("options")) res = minimize(self.j, starting, args=args, options=options, **opt_options) return res.x[:, None], res.nit
[docs] def fit( self, *, starting: | pandas.Series | None = None, display: bool = False, cov_type: str = "robust", debiased: bool = False, opt_options: dict[str, Any] | None = None, **cov_config: Any, ) -> OLSResults | IVGMMResults: r""" Estimate model parameters Parameters ---------- starting : ndarray Starting values to use in optimization. If not provided, 2SLS estimates are used. display : bool Flag indicating whether to display optimization output cov_type : str Name of covariance estimator to use debiased : bool Flag indicating whether to debiased the covariance estimator using a degree of freedom adjustment. opt_options : dict Additional options to pass to scipy.optimize.minimize when optimizing the objective function. If not provided, defers to scipy to choose an appropriate optimizer. All minimize inputs except ``fun``, ``x0``, and ``args`` can be overridden. **cov_config Additional parameters to pass to covariance estimator. Supported parameters depend on specific covariance structure assumed. See :class:`linearmodels.iv.gmm.IVGMMCovariance` for details on the available options. Defaults are used if no covariance configuration is provided. Returns ------- IVGMMResults Results container Notes ----- Starting values are computed by IVGMM. See also -------- linearmodels.iv.gmm.IVGMMCovariance """ wy, wx, wz = self._wy, self._wx, self._wz weight_matrix = self._weight.weight_matrix if starting is None: exog = None if self.exog.shape[1] == 0 else self.exog endog = None if self.endog.shape[1] == 0 else self.endog instr = None if self.instruments.shape[1] == 0 else self.instruments res = IVGMM( self.dependent, exog, endog, instr, weights=self.weights, weight_type=self._weight_type, **self._weight_config, ).fit() starting = asarray(res.params) else: starting = asarray(starting) if len(starting) != self.exog.shape[1] + self.endog.shape[1]: raise ValueError( "starting does not have the correct number " "of values" ) params, iters = self.estimate_parameters( starting, wx, wy, wz, display, opt_options=opt_options ) eps = wy - wx @ params wmat = inv(weight_matrix(wx, wz, eps)) cov_config["debiased"] = debiased cov_estimator = IVGMMCovariance( wx, wy, wz, params, wmat, cov_type, **cov_config ) results = self._post_estimation(params, cov_estimator, cov_type) gmm_pe = self._gmm_post_estimation(params, wmat, iters) results.update(gmm_pe) return IVGMMResults(results, self)
[docs] class _OLS(IVLIML): """ Computes OLS estimates when required Private class used when model reduces to OLS. Should use the statsmodels version when neeeding a supported public API. Parameters ---------- dependent : array_like Endogenous variables (nobs by 1) exog : array_like Exogenous regressors (nobs by nexog) weights : array_like Observation weights used in estimation Notes ----- Uses IV2SLS internally by setting endog and instruments to None. Uses IVLIML with kappa=0 to estimate OLS models. See Also -------- statsmodels.regression.linear_model.OLS, statsmodels.regression.linear_model.GLS """ def __init__( self, dependent: IVDataLike, exog: IVDataLike, *, weights: IVDataLike | None = None, ): super().__init__(dependent, exog, None, None, weights=weights, kappa=0.0) self._result_container = OLSResults
def _gmm_model_from_formula( cls: type[IVGMM] | type[IVGMMCUE], formula: str, data: pandas.DataFrame, weights: IVDataLike | None, weight_type: str, **weight_config: Any, ) -> IVGMM | IVGMMCUE: """ Parameters ---------- formula : str Formula modified for the IV syntax described in the notes section data : DataFrame DataFrame containing the variables used in the formula weights : array_like Observation weights used in estimation weight_type : str Name of moment condition weight function to use in the GMM estimation **weight_config Additional keyword arguments to pass to the moment condition weight function Returns ------- {IVGMM, IVGMMCUE} Model instance """ parser = IVFormulaParser(formula, data, eval_env=3) dep, exog, endog, instr = mod = cls( dep, exog, endog, instr, weights=weights, weight_type=weight_type, **weight_config, ) mod.formula = formula return mod