
class linearmodels.iv.model.IVLIML(dependent: IVData | ndarray | DataArray | DataFrame | Series, exog: IVData | ndarray | DataArray | DataFrame | Series | None, endog: IVData | ndarray | DataArray | DataFrame | Series | None, instruments: IVData | ndarray | DataArray | DataFrame | Series | None, *, weights: IVData | ndarray | DataArray | DataFrame | Series | None = None, fuller: int | float = 0, kappa: int | float | None = None)[source]

Limited information ML and k-class estimation of IV models

dependent: IVData | ndarray | DataArray | DataFrame | Series

Endogenous variables (nobs by 1)

exog: IVData | ndarray | DataArray | DataFrame | Series | None

Exogenous regressors (nobs by nexog)

endog: IVData | ndarray | DataArray | DataFrame | Series | None

Endogenous regressors (nobs by nendog)

instruments: IVData | ndarray | DataArray | DataFrame | Series | None

Instrumental variables (nobs by ninstr)

weights: IVData | ndarray | DataArray | DataFrame | Series | None = None

Observation weights used in estimation

fuller: int | float = 0

Fuller’s alpha to modify LIML estimator. Default returns unmodified LIML estimator.

kappa: int | float | None = None

Parameter value for k-class estimation. If None, computed to produce LIML parameter estimate.


kappa and fuller should not be used simultaneously since Fuller’s alpha applies an adjustment to kappa, and so the same result can be computed using only kappa. Fuller’s alpha is used to adjust the LIML estimate of \(\kappa\), which is computed whenever kappa is not provided.

The LIML estimator is defined as

\[\begin{split}\hat{\beta}_{\kappa} & =(X(I-\kappa M_{z})X)^{-1}X(I-\kappa M_{z})Y\\ M_{z} & =I-P_{z}\\ P_{z} & =Z(Z'Z)^{-1}Z'\end{split}\]

where \(Z\) contains both the exogenous regressors and the instruments. \(\kappa\) is estimated as part of the LIML estimator.

When using Fuller’s \(\alpha\), the value used is modified to



  • VCV: bootstrap


estimate_parameters(x, y, z, kappa)

Parameter estimation without error checking

fit(*[, cov_type, debiased])

Estimate model parameters

from_formula(formula, data, *[, weights, ...])

predict(params, *[, exog, endog, data, eval_env])

Predict values for additional data


Compute model residuals


Compute weighted model residuals



Formula used to create the model


Flag indicating the model includes a constant or equivalent


Locations of observations with missing values


Locations of observations included in estimation